コード例 #1
ファイル: scan_directory.py プロジェクト: xgrg/pluricent
def check_pushzone(pzdir, destdir):
    ''' Checks that every file/folder in pzdir is identified by the hierarchy
    and that they are not already existing in destdir.
    No control on the database entries in this function.
    Returns two lists of items marked as unknown and already existing'''

    from pluricent import checkbase as cb
    cl = cb.CloudyCheckbase(pzdir)
    import os
    import os.path as osp
    unknown = []
    already_existing = []

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pzdir):
        for f in files:
            fp = osp.join(root, f)
            print fp
            res = cb.parsefilepath(fp, cl.patterns)
            if res is None:
               datatype, att = res
               att['database'] = destdir
               fp = cb.getfilepath(datatype, att, cl.patterns)
               if osp.exists(fp):

    return unknown, already_existing
コード例 #2
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: xgrg/pluricent
def test_respect_hierarchy(destdir):
    ''' Checks that every file/folder in pzdir is identified by the hierarchy
    Returns True if the unknown list is empty'''
    from pluricent import checkbase as cb
    cl = cb.CloudyCheckbase(destdir)
    import os
    import os.path as osp
    unknown = []
    scanned = 0

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(destdir):
        for f in files:
            fp = osp.join(root, f)
            scanned += 1
            print fp
            res = cb.parsefilepath(fp, cl.patterns)
            if res is None:

    print 'unknown', unknown
    print 'scanned items :', scanned

    # Exceptions
    exceptions = ['pluricent.db']
    exceptions = [osp.join(destdir, e) for e in exceptions]
    nb_excep = 0
    for e in exceptions:
        if e in unknown:
            nb_excep += 1
    print 'exceptions :', nb_excep
    return len(unknown) == 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: xgrg/pluricent
def test_respect_hierarchy(destdir):
    ''' Checks that every file/folder in pzdir is identified by the hierarchy
    Returns True if the unknown list is empty'''
    from pluricent import checkbase as cb
    cl = cb.CloudyCheckbase(destdir)
    import os
    import os.path as osp
    unknown = []
    scanned = 0

    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(destdir):
        for f in files:
            fp = osp.join(root, f)
            scanned += 1
            print fp
            res = cb.parsefilepath(fp, cl.patterns)
            if res is None:

    print 'unknown', unknown
    print 'scanned items :', scanned

    # Exceptions
    exceptions = ['pluricent.db']
    exceptions = [osp.join(destdir, e) for e in exceptions]
    nb_excep = 0
    for e in exceptions:
       if e in unknown:
          nb_excep += 1
    print 'exceptions :', nb_excep
    return len(unknown) == 0
コード例 #4
ファイル: scan_directory.py プロジェクト: xgrg/pluricent
def push_to_repo(pzdir, destdir):
    ''' This functions is only to push images (provided studies and subjects
    have been already previously created'''
    unknown, already_existing = check_pushzone(pzdir, destdir)
    from pluricent import checkbase as cb
    import os
    import os.path as osp
    import pluricent as pl
    from pluricent.web import settings

    cl = cb.CloudyCheckbase(pzdir)
    if len(unknown) == 0 and len(already_existing) == 0:
       print 'pushzone ok'
       for root, dirs, files in os.walk(pzdir):
          for f in files:
             fp = osp.join(root, f)
             res = cb.parsefilepath(fp, cl.patterns)
             datatype, att = res
             study_dir = osp.split(att['database'])[-1]
             att['database'] = osp.join(destdir, study_dir)
             fp2 = cb.getfilepath(datatype, att, cl.patterns)
             print 'cp %s %s'%(fp, fp2)
             s = pl.create_session(settings.DATABASE)
             print '...checking directory %s already referring to a study'%study_dir
             study = [e for e in pl.studies(s) if study_dir == pl.study_dir(s, e)][0]
             studies_dir = [pl.study_dir(s, e) for e in pl.studies(s)]
             assert(study_dir in studies_dir)
             print '=> yes (%s)'%study

             print '...checking %s already exists in %s'%(att['subject'], study)
             subjects = pl.subjects(s, study)
             assert(att['subject'] in subjects)
             print '=> yes'

             print '...checking that the image %s is not already existing'%fp[len(pzdir)+1:]
             t1images = pl.t1images(s, study)

             print '...creating action'

             print '...copying file'
             print '...adding entry in database'

       print 'pushzone errors'
       print 'unknown', unknown
       print 'already_existing', already_existing
コード例 #5
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: xgrg/pluricent
def test_matching_t1images():
    ''' Checks if T1 images entries in the database are matching with
    existing files in the repository'''
    from pluricent import checkbase as cb
    import os.path as osp
    db = global_settings()['database']
    p = pl.Pluricent(db)
    destdir = osp.dirname(db)

    cl = cb.CloudyCheckbase(destdir)
    import os
    import os.path as osp
    unknown = []
    scanned = 0
    print destdir

    raw_files = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(destdir):
        for f in files:
            scanned += 1
            fp = osp.join(root, f)
            res = cb.parsefilepath(fp, cl.patterns)
            if not res is None:
                datatype, att = res
                if datatype == 'raw':

    raw_entries = [e.path for e in p.t1images()]

    # comparing raw_files and raw_entries
    matching = True
    for f in raw_files:
        if not f in raw_entries:
            print f, 'missing from raw_entries'
            matching = False
    for f in raw_entries:
        if not f in raw_files:
            print f, 'missing from raw_files'
            matching = False

    print 'items in %s :'%destdir, scanned
    print 'entries in db:', len(raw_entries)
    return matching
コード例 #6
ファイル: tests.py プロジェクト: xgrg/pluricent
def test_matching_t1images():
    ''' Checks if T1 images entries in the database are matching with
    existing files in the repository'''
    from pluricent import checkbase as cb
    import os.path as osp
    db = global_settings()['database']
    p = pl.Pluricent(db)
    destdir = osp.dirname(db)

    cl = cb.CloudyCheckbase(destdir)
    import os
    import os.path as osp
    unknown = []
    scanned = 0
    print destdir

    raw_files = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(destdir):
        for f in files:
            scanned += 1
            fp = osp.join(root, f)
            res = cb.parsefilepath(fp, cl.patterns)
            if not res is None:
                datatype, att = res
                if datatype == 'raw':
                    raw_files.append(fp[len(destdir) + 1:])

    raw_entries = [e.path for e in p.t1images()]

    # comparing raw_files and raw_entries
    matching = True
    for f in raw_files:
        if not f in raw_entries:
            print f, 'missing from raw_entries'
            matching = False
    for f in raw_entries:
        if not f in raw_files:
            print f, 'missing from raw_files'
            matching = False

    print 'items in %s :' % destdir, scanned
    print 'entries in db:', len(raw_entries)
    return matching
コード例 #7
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: xgrg/pluricent
    def populate_from_directory(self, rootdir, answer_yes=False):
        '''directory should be the root dir containing multiple studies'''
        unknown = []
        import os
        import os.path as osp
        from pluricent import checkbase as cb
        from pluricent import tests
        rootdir = osp.abspath(rootdir)
        dirlist = [
            e for e in os.listdir(rootdir)
            if osp.isdir(osp.join(rootdir, e)) and not e in ['.', '..']
        filelist = [
            e for e in os.listdir(rootdir) if osp.isfile(osp.join(rootdir, e))
        if not filelist == ['pluricent.db']:
            raise EXception(
                '%s should contain only pluricent.db and study folder (contains %s)'
                % (rootdir, filelist))
        actions = []

        # Then, go for the browsing
        for each in dirlist:
            studydir = osp.join(rootdir, each)
            print 'processing %s' % studydir
            assert (tests.test_respect_hierarchy(studydir))
            cl = cb.CloudyCheckbase(studydir)

            # first look for dataset_description.json and add study
            fp = cb.getfilepath('dataset_description', {'database': studydir},
            if not osp.exists(fp):
                print fp, 'is missing'
            import json
            studyname = json.load(open(fp))['name']
                'add_study', {
                    'name': studyname,
                    'directory': studydir[len(rootdir) + 1:],
                    'description_file': fp[len(osp.dirname(fp)) + 1:]
            print 'study %s (%s)' % (studyname, studydir)

            for s in [
                    e for e in os.listdir(studydir)
                    if osp.isdir(osp.join(studydir, e))
                    ['add_subject', {
                        'subjects': [s],
                        'study': studyname

            for root, dirs, files in os.walk(studydir):
                for f in files:
                    fp = osp.join(root, f)
                    res = cb.parsefilepath(fp, cl.patterns)
                    if not res is None:
                        datatype, att = res
                        if datatype == 'raw':
                                'add_image', {
                                    'path': fp[len(rootdir) + 1:],
                                    'study': studyname,
                                    'subject': att['subject']
                        elif datatype in ['left_greywhite', 'right_greywhite', 'nobias', 'spm_nobias', 'split', 'brainmask', \
                              'left_white', 'right_white', 'left_hemi', 'right_hemi', 'left_sulci', 'right_sulci', 'spm_nobias',\
                              'spm_greymap', 'spm_whitemap', 'spm_csfmap', 'spm_greymap_warped', 'spm_whitemap_warped',\
                              'spm_csfmap_warped', 'spm_greymap_modulated', 'spm_whitemap_modulated', 'spm_csfmap_modulated']:
                            t1image = cb.getfilepath('raw', att, cl.patterns)
                            software = 'spm8' if datatype.startswith(
                                'spm') else 'morphologist'
                                'add_processing', {
                                    'path': fp[len(rootdir) + 1:],
                                    'inputfp': t1image[len(rootdir) + 1:],
                                    'datatype': datatype,
                                    'software': software
                        elif datatype == 'measurements':
                                'add_measurements', {
                                    'csvfile': fp[len(rootdir) + 1:],
                                    'study': studyname

        print actions
        print len(actions), 'actions to make'
        ans = answer_yes or raw_input('proceed ? y/n') == 'y'
        if ans:
            print 'warning: erasing database contents'
            ans = answer_yes or raw_input('proceed ? y/n') == 'y'
            if ans:
