コード例 #1
ファイル: pygraphviz.py プロジェクト: kfly89/pm4py-core
def apply(bpmn_graph, parameters=None):
    Layouts a BPMN graph (inserting the positions of the nodes and the layouting of the edges)

        BPMN graph
        Parameters of the algorithm

        BPMN graph with layout information
    if parameters is None:
        parameters = {}

        import pygraphviz
    except ImportError:
        raise ImportError('missing pygraphviz: ',

    nodes = bpmn_graph.get_nodes()
    flows = bpmn_graph.get_flows()
    graph = bpmn_graph.get_graph()

    # convert nx graph to pygraphviz graph
    A = pygraphviz.AGraph(name=bpmn_graph.get_name(), strict=True, directed=True, rankdir="LR")

    graph_nodes, graph_edges = get_sorted_nodes_edges(bpmn_graph)

    for n in graph_nodes:

    for tup in graph_edges:
        A.add_edge(tup[0], tup[1])

    # use built-in layout function from pygraphviz

    focus = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.FOCUS, parameters, 0.42)
    scaling_fact_x = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.SCALING_FACT_X, parameters, 320.0) * focus
    scaling_fact_y = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.SCALING_FACT_Y, parameters, 150.0) * focus
    task_wh = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.TASK_WH, parameters, 60)

    # add node positions to BPMN nodes
    for n in graph_nodes:
        node = pygraphviz.Node(A, n)
        xs = node.attr["pos"].split(',')
        node_pos = tuple(float(x) for x in xs)
        # width = round(100.0 * float(node.attr["width"]) / 7.0)
        if isinstance(n, BPMN.Task):
            this_width = min(round(2 * task_wh), round(2 * (len(n.get_name()) + 7) * task_wh / 22.0))

    # stretch BPMN a bit, cause y coordinates are ususally pretty small compared to x
    max_node_x = max(node.get_x() for node in nodes)
    max_node_y = max(node.get_y() for node in nodes)
    different_x = len(set(node.get_x() for node in nodes))
    different_y = len(set(node.get_y() for node in nodes))

    stretch_fact_x = scaling_fact_x * different_x / max_node_x
    stretch_fact_y = scaling_fact_y * different_y / max_node_y

    for node in nodes:
        node.set_x(round(node.get_x() * stretch_fact_x))
        node.set_y(round(node.get_y() * stretch_fact_y))

    outgoing_edges = dict()
    ingoing_edges = dict()
    sources_dict = dict()
    targets_dict = dict()

    for flow in flows:
        source = flow.get_source()
        target = flow.get_target()

        x_src = source.get_x()
        x_trg = target.get_x()
        y_src = source.get_y()
        y_trg = target.get_y()

        sources_dict[(x_src, y_src)] = source
        targets_dict[(x_trg, y_trg)] = target

        diff_x = abs(x_trg - x_src)
        diff_y = abs(y_src - y_trg)

        if not (x_src, y_src) in outgoing_edges:
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)] = {}
        outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(x_trg, y_trg)] = {EndpointDirection.RIGHT: 0.0, EndpointDirection.LEFT: 0.0,
                                                          EndpointDirection.TOP: 0.0, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM: 0.0}
        if not (x_trg, y_trg) in ingoing_edges:
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)] = {}
        ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(x_src, y_src)] = {EndpointDirection.RIGHT: 0.0, EndpointDirection.LEFT: 0.0,
                                                         EndpointDirection.TOP: 0.0, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM: 0.0}

        if x_trg > x_src:
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(x_trg, y_trg)][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y)
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(x_src, y_src)][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y)
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(x_trg, y_trg)][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y)
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(x_src, y_src)][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y)

        if y_src > y_trg:
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(x_trg, y_trg)][EndpointDirection.TOP] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y)
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(x_src, y_src)][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y)
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(x_trg, y_trg)][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y)
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(x_src, y_src)][EndpointDirection.TOP] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y)

    # normalization
    outgoing_edges0 = deepcopy(outgoing_edges)
    ingoing_edges0 = deepcopy(ingoing_edges)

    for p1 in outgoing_edges:
        sum_right = 0.0
        sum_left = 0.0
        sum_top = 0.0
        sum_bottom = 0.0
        for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
            sum_right += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]
            sum_left += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]
            sum_top += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]
            sum_bottom += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]
        if p1 in ingoing_edges:
            for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
                sum_right += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]
                sum_left += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]
                sum_top += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]
                sum_bottom += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]
        for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
            if sum_right > 0:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][
                                                                      EndpointDirection.RIGHT] ** 2 / sum_right
            if sum_left > 0:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][
                                                                     EndpointDirection.LEFT] ** 2 / sum_left
            if sum_top > 0:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][
                                                                    EndpointDirection.TOP] ** 2 / sum_top
            if sum_bottom > 0:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][
                                                                       EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] ** 2 / sum_bottom
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        sum_right = 0.0
        sum_left = 0.0
        sum_top = 0.0
        sum_bottom = 0.0
        for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
            sum_right += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]
            sum_left += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]
            sum_top += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]
            sum_bottom += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]
        if p1 in outgoing_edges:
            for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
                sum_right += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]
                sum_left += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]
                sum_top += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]
                sum_bottom += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]
        for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
            if sum_right > 0:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = ingoing_edges[p1][p2][
                                                                     EndpointDirection.RIGHT] ** 2 / sum_right
            if sum_left > 0:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = ingoing_edges[p1][p2][
                                                                    EndpointDirection.LEFT] ** 2 / sum_left
            if sum_top > 0:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] = ingoing_edges[p1][p2][
                                                                   EndpointDirection.TOP] ** 2 / sum_top
            if sum_bottom > 0:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = ingoing_edges[p1][p2][
                                                                      EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] ** 2 / sum_bottom

    # keep best direction
    for p1 in outgoing_edges:
        for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
            vals = sorted([(x, y) for x, y in outgoing_edges[p1][p2].items()], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
            outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = vals[0][0]
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
            vals = sorted([(x, y) for x, y in ingoing_edges[p1][p2].items()], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
            ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = vals[0][0]

    total_counter = dict()
    partial_counter = dict()
    for p1 in outgoing_edges:
        if p1 not in total_counter:
            total_counter[p1] = Counter()
        for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
            dir = outgoing_edges[p1][p2]
            total_counter[p1][dir] += 1
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        if p1 not in total_counter:
            total_counter[p1] = Counter()
        for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
            dir = ingoing_edges[p1][p2]
            total_counter[p1][dir] += 1

    outgoing_edges_dirs = deepcopy(outgoing_edges)
    ingoing_edges_dirs = deepcopy(ingoing_edges)

    # decide exiting/entering point for edges
    for p1 in outgoing_edges:
        node = sources_dict[p1]
        if p1 not in partial_counter:
            partial_counter[p1] = Counter()
        sorted_outgoing_edges = sorted(outgoing_edges[p1], key=lambda x: x, reverse=False)
        for p2 in sorted_outgoing_edges:
            dir = outgoing_edges[p1][p2]
            partial_counter[p1][dir] += 1
            if dir == EndpointDirection.RIGHT:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_right_edge_coord(node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.LEFT:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_left_edge_coord(node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.TOP:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_top_edge_coord(node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.BOTTOM:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_bottom_edge_coord(node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        node = targets_dict[p1]
        if p1 not in partial_counter:
            partial_counter[p1] = Counter()
        sorted_ingoing_edges = sorted(ingoing_edges[p1], key=lambda x: x, reverse=False)
        for p2 in sorted_ingoing_edges:
            dir = ingoing_edges[p1][p2]
            partial_counter[p1][dir] += 1
            if dir == EndpointDirection.RIGHT:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_right_edge_coord(node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.LEFT:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_left_edge_coord(node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.TOP:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_top_edge_coord(node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.BOTTOM:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_bottom_edge_coord(node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])

    # order the left-entering ingoing edges better
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        vals = [(x, y) for x, y in ingoing_edges[p1].items() if y[0] == p1[0]]
        if len(vals) > 1:
            vals_x = [x[0] for x in vals]
            vals_y = [x[1] for x in vals]
            vals_x = sorted(vals_x)
            vals_y = sorted(vals_y)
            for i in range(len(vals_x)):
                ingoing_edges[p1][vals_x[i]] = vals_y[i]

    # set waypoints for edges
    for flow in flows:
        source = flow.get_source()
        target = flow.get_target()


        x_src = source.get_x()
        x_trg = target.get_x()
        y_src = source.get_y()
        y_trg = target.get_y()
        p1 = (x_src, y_src)
        p2 = (x_trg, y_trg)

        source_x = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][0]
        source_y = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][1]
        target_x = ingoing_edges[p2][p1][0]
        target_y = ingoing_edges[p2][p1][1]
        dir_source = outgoing_edges_dirs[p1][p2]
        dir_target = ingoing_edges_dirs[p2][p1]

        middle_x = (source_x + target_x) / 2.0
        middle_y = (source_y + target_y) / 2.0

        flow.add_waypoint((source_x, source_y))
        if dir_source in [EndpointDirection.LEFT, EndpointDirection.RIGHT]:
            if dir_target in [EndpointDirection.LEFT, EndpointDirection.RIGHT]:
                flow.add_waypoint((middle_x, source_y))
                flow.add_waypoint((middle_x, target_y))
            elif dir_target in [EndpointDirection.TOP, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]:
                flow.add_waypoint((target_x, source_y))
        elif dir_source in [EndpointDirection.TOP, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]:
            if dir_target in [EndpointDirection.TOP, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]:
                flow.add_waypoint((source_x, middle_y))
                flow.add_waypoint((target_x, middle_y))
            elif dir_target in [EndpointDirection.LEFT, EndpointDirection.RIGHT]:
                flow.add_waypoint((source_x, target_y))

        flow.add_waypoint((target_x, target_y))

    return bpmn_graph
コード例 #2
ファイル: classic.py プロジェクト: pm4py/pm4py-core
def apply(bpmn_graph: BPMN,
          parameters: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None) -> graphviz.Digraph:
    Visualize a BPMN graph

        BPMN graph
        Parameters of the visualization, including:
         - Parameters.FORMAT: the format of the visualization
         - Parameters.RANKDIR: the direction of the representation (default: LR)

        Graphviz representation
    if parameters is None:
        parameters = {}

    from pm4py.objects.bpmn.obj import BPMN
    from pm4py.objects.bpmn.util.sorting import get_sorted_nodes_edges

    image_format = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.FORMAT, parameters,
    rankdir = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.RANKDIR, parameters, "LR")
    font_size = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.FONT_SIZE, parameters,
    font_size = str(font_size)
    bgcolor = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.BGCOLOR, parameters,

    filename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gv')
    viz = Digraph("",
                  graph_attr={'bgcolor': bgcolor})
    viz.graph_attr['rankdir'] = rankdir

    nodes, edges = get_sorted_nodes_edges(bpmn_graph)

    for n in nodes:
        n_id = str(id(n))
        if isinstance(n, BPMN.Task):
            viz.node(n_id, shape="box", label=n.get_name(), fontsize=font_size)
        elif isinstance(n, BPMN.StartEvent):
        elif isinstance(n, BPMN.EndEvent):
        elif isinstance(n, BPMN.ParallelGateway):
            viz.node(n_id, label="+", shape="diamond", fontsize=font_size)
        elif isinstance(n, BPMN.ExclusiveGateway):
            viz.node(n_id, label="X", shape="diamond", fontsize=font_size)
        elif isinstance(n, BPMN.InclusiveGateway):
            viz.node(n_id, label="O", shape="diamond", fontsize=font_size)
            viz.node(n_id, label="", shape="circle", fontsize=font_size)

    for e in edges:
        n_id_1 = str(id(e[0]))
        n_id_2 = str(id(e[1]))

        viz.edge(n_id_1, n_id_2)


    viz.format = image_format

    return viz
コード例 #3
ファイル: graphviz.py プロジェクト: pm4py/pm4py-core
def apply(bpmn_graph, parameters=None):
    Layouts a BPMN graph (inserting the positions of the nodes and the layouting of the edges)

        BPMN graph
        Parameters of the algorithm

        BPMN graph with layout information
    from graphviz import Digraph
    from pm4py.visualization.common import save as gsave

    if parameters is None:
        parameters = {}

    nodes = bpmn_graph.get_nodes()
    flows = bpmn_graph.get_flows()

    filename_gv = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gv')
    filename_svg = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg')
    viz = Digraph(bpmn_graph.get_name(),
    viz.format = "svg"
    viz.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR'

    graph_nodes, graph_edges = get_sorted_nodes_edges(bpmn_graph)

    nodes_dict = {}
    inv_nodes_dict = {}
    for n in graph_nodes:
        node_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "")
        nodes_dict[n] = node_uuid
        inv_nodes_dict[node_uuid] = n
        viz.node(node_uuid, label=" ", shape="box")

    for tup in graph_edges:
        viz.edge(nodes_dict[tup[0]], nodes_dict[tup[1]])

    gsave.save(viz, filename_svg.name)

    nodes_pos = {}

    content = open(filename_svg.name, "r").read()
    viz_nodes = content.split("class=\"node\">")[1:]
    for node in viz_nodes:
        this_id = node.split("<title>")[1].split("</title>")[0]
        points = node.split("points=\"")[1].split("\"")[0]
        nodes_pos[inv_nodes_dict[this_id]] = points

    task_wh = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.TASK_WH, parameters, 60)

    # add node positions to BPMN nodes
    for n in graph_nodes:
        node_pos = nodes_pos[n].split(" ")[0].split(",")

        pos_x = float(node_pos[0])
        pos_y = float(node_pos[1])
        if isinstance(n, BPMN.Task):
            this_width = min(
                round(2 * task_wh),
                round(2 * (len(n.get_name()) + 7) * task_wh / 22.0))

    max_x = max(1, max(abs(node.get_x()) for node in nodes))
    max_y = max(1, max(abs(node.get_y()) for node in nodes))
    different_x = len(set(node.get_x() for node in nodes))
    different_y = len(set(node.get_y() for node in nodes))

    stretch_fact_x = 1.25 * 1920.0 / max_x
    stretch_fact_y = 1080.0 / max_y

    for node in nodes:
        node.set_x(round(node.get_x() * stretch_fact_x))
        node.set_y(round(node.get_y() * stretch_fact_y))

    outgoing_edges = dict()
    ingoing_edges = dict()
    sources_dict = dict()
    targets_dict = dict()

    for flow in flows:
        source = flow.get_source()
        target = flow.get_target()

        x_src = source.get_x()
        x_trg = target.get_x()
        y_src = source.get_y()
        y_trg = target.get_y()

        sources_dict[(x_src, y_src)] = source
        targets_dict[(x_trg, y_trg)] = target

        diff_x = abs(x_trg - x_src)
        diff_y = abs(y_src - y_trg)

        if not (x_src, y_src) in outgoing_edges:
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)] = {}
        outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(x_trg, y_trg)] = {
            EndpointDirection.RIGHT: 0.0,
            EndpointDirection.LEFT: 0.0,
            EndpointDirection.TOP: 0.0,
            EndpointDirection.BOTTOM: 0.0
        if not (x_trg, y_trg) in ingoing_edges:
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)] = {}
        ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(x_src, y_src)] = {
            EndpointDirection.RIGHT: 0.0,
            EndpointDirection.LEFT: 0.0,
            EndpointDirection.TOP: 0.0,
            EndpointDirection.BOTTOM: 0.0

        if x_trg > x_src:
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(
                y_trg)][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y)
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(
                y_src)][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y)
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(
                y_trg)][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y)
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(
                y_src)][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y)

        if y_src > y_trg:
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(
                y_trg)][EndpointDirection.TOP] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y)
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(
                y_src)][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y)
            outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(
                y_trg)][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y)
            ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(
                y_src)][EndpointDirection.TOP] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y)

    # normalization
    outgoing_edges0 = deepcopy(outgoing_edges)
    ingoing_edges0 = deepcopy(ingoing_edges)

    for p1 in outgoing_edges:
        sum_right = 0.0
        sum_left = 0.0
        sum_top = 0.0
        sum_bottom = 0.0
        for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
            sum_right += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]
            sum_left += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]
            sum_top += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]
            sum_bottom += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]
        if p1 in ingoing_edges:
            for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
                sum_right += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]
                sum_left += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]
                sum_top += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]
                sum_bottom += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]
        for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
            if sum_right > 0:
                    EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][
                        EndpointDirection.RIGHT]**2 / sum_right
            if sum_left > 0:
                    EndpointDirection.LEFT] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][
                        EndpointDirection.LEFT]**2 / sum_left
            if sum_top > 0:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] = outgoing_edges[
                    p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]**2 / sum_top
            if sum_bottom > 0:
                    EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][
                        EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]**2 / sum_bottom
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        sum_right = 0.0
        sum_left = 0.0
        sum_top = 0.0
        sum_bottom = 0.0
        for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
            sum_right += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]
            sum_left += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]
            sum_top += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]
            sum_bottom += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]
        if p1 in outgoing_edges:
            for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
                sum_right += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]
                sum_left += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]
                sum_top += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]
                sum_bottom += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]
        for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
            if sum_right > 0:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = ingoing_edges[
                    p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]**2 / sum_right
            if sum_left > 0:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = ingoing_edges[
                    p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]**2 / sum_left
            if sum_top > 0:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] = ingoing_edges[
                    p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]**2 / sum_top
            if sum_bottom > 0:
                    EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = ingoing_edges[p1][p2][
                        EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]**2 / sum_bottom

    # keep best direction
    for p1 in outgoing_edges:
        for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
            vals = sorted([(x, y) for x, y in outgoing_edges[p1][p2].items()],
                          key=lambda x: x[1],
            outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = vals[0][0]
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
            vals = sorted([(x, y) for x, y in ingoing_edges[p1][p2].items()],
                          key=lambda x: x[1],
            ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = vals[0][0]

    total_counter = dict()
    partial_counter = dict()
    for p1 in outgoing_edges:
        if p1 not in total_counter:
            total_counter[p1] = Counter()
        for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]:
            dir = outgoing_edges[p1][p2]
            total_counter[p1][dir] += 1
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        if p1 not in total_counter:
            total_counter[p1] = Counter()
        for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]:
            dir = ingoing_edges[p1][p2]
            total_counter[p1][dir] += 1

    outgoing_edges_dirs = deepcopy(outgoing_edges)
    ingoing_edges_dirs = deepcopy(ingoing_edges)

    # decide exiting/entering point for edges
    for p1 in outgoing_edges:
        node = sources_dict[p1]
        if p1 not in partial_counter:
            partial_counter[p1] = Counter()
        sorted_outgoing_edges = sorted(outgoing_edges[p1],
                                       key=lambda x: x,
        for p2 in sorted_outgoing_edges:
            dir = outgoing_edges[p1][p2]
            partial_counter[p1][dir] += 1
            if dir == EndpointDirection.RIGHT:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_right_edge_coord(
                    node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.LEFT:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_left_edge_coord(
                    node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.TOP:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_top_edge_coord(
                    node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.BOTTOM:
                outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_bottom_edge_coord(
                    node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        node = targets_dict[p1]
        if p1 not in partial_counter:
            partial_counter[p1] = Counter()
        sorted_ingoing_edges = sorted(ingoing_edges[p1],
                                      key=lambda x: x,
        for p2 in sorted_ingoing_edges:
            dir = ingoing_edges[p1][p2]
            partial_counter[p1][dir] += 1
            if dir == EndpointDirection.RIGHT:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_right_edge_coord(
                    node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.LEFT:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_left_edge_coord(
                    node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.TOP:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_top_edge_coord(
                    node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])
            elif dir == EndpointDirection.BOTTOM:
                ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_bottom_edge_coord(
                    node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1])

    # order the left-entering ingoing edges better
    for p1 in ingoing_edges:
        vals = [(x, y) for x, y in ingoing_edges[p1].items() if y[0] == p1[0]]
        if len(vals) > 1:
            vals_x = [x[0] for x in vals]
            vals_y = [x[1] for x in vals]
            vals_x = sorted(vals_x)
            vals_y = sorted(vals_y)
            for i in range(len(vals_x)):
                ingoing_edges[p1][vals_x[i]] = vals_y[i]

    # set waypoints for edges
    for flow in flows:
        source = flow.get_source()
        target = flow.get_target()


        x_src = source.get_x()
        x_trg = target.get_x()
        y_src = source.get_y()
        y_trg = target.get_y()
        p1 = (x_src, y_src)
        p2 = (x_trg, y_trg)

        source_x = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][0]
        source_y = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][1]
        target_x = ingoing_edges[p2][p1][0]
        target_y = ingoing_edges[p2][p1][1]
        dir_source = outgoing_edges_dirs[p1][p2]
        dir_target = ingoing_edges_dirs[p2][p1]

        middle_x = (source_x + target_x) / 2.0
        middle_y = (source_y + target_y) / 2.0

        flow.add_waypoint((source_x, source_y))
        if dir_source in [EndpointDirection.LEFT, EndpointDirection.RIGHT]:
            if dir_target in [EndpointDirection.LEFT, EndpointDirection.RIGHT]:
                flow.add_waypoint((middle_x, source_y))
                flow.add_waypoint((middle_x, target_y))
            elif dir_target in [
                    EndpointDirection.TOP, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM
                flow.add_waypoint((target_x, source_y))
        elif dir_source in [EndpointDirection.TOP, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]:
            if dir_target in [EndpointDirection.TOP, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]:
                flow.add_waypoint((source_x, middle_y))
                flow.add_waypoint((target_x, middle_y))
            elif dir_target in [
                    EndpointDirection.LEFT, EndpointDirection.RIGHT
                flow.add_waypoint((source_x, target_y))

        flow.add_waypoint((target_x, target_y))

    return bpmn_graph