def save(gviz: Digraph, output_file_path: str): """ Save the diagram Parameters ----------- gviz GraphViz diagram output_file_path Path where the GraphViz output should be saved """, output_file_path)
def matplotlib_view(gviz): """ Views the diagram using Matplotlib Parameters --------------- gviz Graphviz """ from pm4py.visualization.common import save import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.image as mpimg file_name = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.png') file_name.close(), img = mpimg.imread( plt.imshow(img)
def apply(bpmn_graph, parameters=None): """ Layouts a BPMN graph (inserting the positions of the nodes and the layouting of the edges) Parameters ------------- bpmn_graph BPMN graph parameters Parameters of the algorithm Returns ------------- bpmn_graph BPMN graph with layout information """ from graphviz import Digraph from pm4py.visualization.common import save as gsave if parameters is None: parameters = {} nodes = bpmn_graph.get_nodes() flows = bpmn_graph.get_flows() filename_gv = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.gv') filename_gv.close() filename_svg = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.svg') filename_svg.close() viz = Digraph(bpmn_graph.get_name(),, engine='dot') viz.format = "svg" viz.graph_attr['rankdir'] = 'LR' graph_nodes, graph_edges = get_sorted_nodes_edges(bpmn_graph) nodes_dict = {} inv_nodes_dict = {} for n in graph_nodes: node_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace("-", "") nodes_dict[n] = node_uuid inv_nodes_dict[node_uuid] = n viz.node(node_uuid, label=" ", shape="box") for tup in graph_edges: viz.edge(nodes_dict[tup[0]], nodes_dict[tup[1]]), nodes_pos = {} content = open(, "r").read() viz_nodes = content.split("class=\"node\">")[1:] for node in viz_nodes: this_id = node.split("<title>")[1].split("</title>")[0] points = node.split("points=\"")[1].split("\"")[0] nodes_pos[inv_nodes_dict[this_id]] = points task_wh = exec_utils.get_param_value(Parameters.TASK_WH, parameters, 60) # add node positions to BPMN nodes for n in graph_nodes: node_pos = nodes_pos[n].split(" ")[0].split(",") pos_x = float(node_pos[0]) pos_y = float(node_pos[1]) n.set_x(pos_x) n.set_y(pos_y) n.set_height(task_wh) if isinstance(n, BPMN.Task): this_width = min( round(2 * task_wh), round(2 * (len(n.get_name()) + 7) * task_wh / 22.0)) n.set_width(this_width) else: n.set_width(task_wh) max_x = max(1, max(abs(node.get_x()) for node in nodes)) max_y = max(1, max(abs(node.get_y()) for node in nodes)) different_x = len(set(node.get_x() for node in nodes)) different_y = len(set(node.get_y() for node in nodes)) stretch_fact_x = 1.25 * 1920.0 / max_x stretch_fact_y = 1080.0 / max_y for node in nodes: node.set_x(round(node.get_x() * stretch_fact_x)) node.set_y(round(node.get_y() * stretch_fact_y)) outgoing_edges = dict() ingoing_edges = dict() sources_dict = dict() targets_dict = dict() for flow in flows: source = flow.get_source() target = flow.get_target() x_src = source.get_x() x_trg = target.get_x() y_src = source.get_y() y_trg = target.get_y() sources_dict[(x_src, y_src)] = source targets_dict[(x_trg, y_trg)] = target diff_x = abs(x_trg - x_src) diff_y = abs(y_src - y_trg) if not (x_src, y_src) in outgoing_edges: outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)] = {} outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][(x_trg, y_trg)] = { EndpointDirection.RIGHT: 0.0, EndpointDirection.LEFT: 0.0, EndpointDirection.TOP: 0.0, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM: 0.0 } if not (x_trg, y_trg) in ingoing_edges: ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)] = {} ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][(x_src, y_src)] = { EndpointDirection.RIGHT: 0.0, EndpointDirection.LEFT: 0.0, EndpointDirection.TOP: 0.0, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM: 0.0 } if x_trg > x_src: outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][( x_trg, y_trg)][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y) ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][( x_src, y_src)][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y) else: outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][( x_trg, y_trg)][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y) ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][( x_src, y_src)][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = diff_x / (diff_x + diff_y) if y_src > y_trg: outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][( x_trg, y_trg)][EndpointDirection.TOP] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y) ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][( x_src, y_src)][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y) else: outgoing_edges[(x_src, y_src)][( x_trg, y_trg)][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y) ingoing_edges[(x_trg, y_trg)][( x_src, y_src)][EndpointDirection.TOP] = diff_y / (diff_x + diff_y) # normalization outgoing_edges0 = deepcopy(outgoing_edges) ingoing_edges0 = deepcopy(ingoing_edges) for p1 in outgoing_edges: sum_right = 0.0 sum_left = 0.0 sum_top = 0.0 sum_bottom = 0.0 for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]: sum_right += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] sum_left += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT] sum_top += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] sum_bottom += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] if p1 in ingoing_edges: for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]: sum_right += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] sum_left += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT] sum_top += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] sum_bottom += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]: if sum_right > 0: outgoing_edges[p1][p2][ EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][ EndpointDirection.RIGHT]**2 / sum_right if sum_left > 0: outgoing_edges[p1][p2][ EndpointDirection.LEFT] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][ EndpointDirection.LEFT]**2 / sum_left if sum_top > 0: outgoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] = outgoing_edges[ p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]**2 / sum_top if sum_bottom > 0: outgoing_edges[p1][p2][ EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][ EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]**2 / sum_bottom for p1 in ingoing_edges: sum_right = 0.0 sum_left = 0.0 sum_top = 0.0 sum_bottom = 0.0 for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]: sum_right += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] sum_left += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT] sum_top += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] sum_bottom += ingoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] if p1 in outgoing_edges: for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]: sum_right += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] sum_left += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT] sum_top += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] sum_bottom += outgoing_edges0[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]: if sum_right > 0: ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT] = ingoing_edges[ p1][p2][EndpointDirection.RIGHT]**2 / sum_right if sum_left > 0: ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT] = ingoing_edges[ p1][p2][EndpointDirection.LEFT]**2 / sum_left if sum_top > 0: ingoing_edges[p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP] = ingoing_edges[ p1][p2][EndpointDirection.TOP]**2 / sum_top if sum_bottom > 0: ingoing_edges[p1][p2][ EndpointDirection.BOTTOM] = ingoing_edges[p1][p2][ EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]**2 / sum_bottom # keep best direction for p1 in outgoing_edges: for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]: vals = sorted([(x, y) for x, y in outgoing_edges[p1][p2].items()], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = vals[0][0] for p1 in ingoing_edges: for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]: vals = sorted([(x, y) for x, y in ingoing_edges[p1][p2].items()], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = vals[0][0] total_counter = dict() partial_counter = dict() for p1 in outgoing_edges: if p1 not in total_counter: total_counter[p1] = Counter() for p2 in outgoing_edges[p1]: dir = outgoing_edges[p1][p2] total_counter[p1][dir] += 1 for p1 in ingoing_edges: if p1 not in total_counter: total_counter[p1] = Counter() for p2 in ingoing_edges[p1]: dir = ingoing_edges[p1][p2] total_counter[p1][dir] += 1 outgoing_edges_dirs = deepcopy(outgoing_edges) ingoing_edges_dirs = deepcopy(ingoing_edges) # decide exiting/entering point for edges for p1 in outgoing_edges: node = sources_dict[p1] if p1 not in partial_counter: partial_counter[p1] = Counter() sorted_outgoing_edges = sorted(outgoing_edges[p1], key=lambda x: x, reverse=False) for p2 in sorted_outgoing_edges: dir = outgoing_edges[p1][p2] partial_counter[p1][dir] += 1 if dir == EndpointDirection.RIGHT: outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_right_edge_coord( node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1]) elif dir == EndpointDirection.LEFT: outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_left_edge_coord( node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1]) elif dir == EndpointDirection.TOP: outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_top_edge_coord( node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1]) elif dir == EndpointDirection.BOTTOM: outgoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_bottom_edge_coord( node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1]) for p1 in ingoing_edges: node = targets_dict[p1] if p1 not in partial_counter: partial_counter[p1] = Counter() sorted_ingoing_edges = sorted(ingoing_edges[p1], key=lambda x: x, reverse=False) for p2 in sorted_ingoing_edges: dir = ingoing_edges[p1][p2] partial_counter[p1][dir] += 1 if dir == EndpointDirection.RIGHT: ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_right_edge_coord( node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1]) elif dir == EndpointDirection.LEFT: ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_left_edge_coord( node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1]) elif dir == EndpointDirection.TOP: ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_top_edge_coord( node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1]) elif dir == EndpointDirection.BOTTOM: ingoing_edges[p1][p2] = get_bottom_edge_coord( node, p1, partial_counter[p1], total_counter[p1]) # order the left-entering ingoing edges better for p1 in ingoing_edges: vals = [(x, y) for x, y in ingoing_edges[p1].items() if y[0] == p1[0]] if len(vals) > 1: vals_x = [x[0] for x in vals] vals_y = [x[1] for x in vals] vals_x = sorted(vals_x) vals_y = sorted(vals_y) for i in range(len(vals_x)): ingoing_edges[p1][vals_x[i]] = vals_y[i] # set waypoints for edges for flow in flows: source = flow.get_source() target = flow.get_target() flow.del_waypoints() x_src = source.get_x() x_trg = target.get_x() y_src = source.get_y() y_trg = target.get_y() p1 = (x_src, y_src) p2 = (x_trg, y_trg) source_x = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][0] source_y = outgoing_edges[p1][p2][1] target_x = ingoing_edges[p2][p1][0] target_y = ingoing_edges[p2][p1][1] dir_source = outgoing_edges_dirs[p1][p2] dir_target = ingoing_edges_dirs[p2][p1] middle_x = (source_x + target_x) / 2.0 middle_y = (source_y + target_y) / 2.0 flow.add_waypoint((source_x, source_y)) if dir_source in [EndpointDirection.LEFT, EndpointDirection.RIGHT]: if dir_target in [EndpointDirection.LEFT, EndpointDirection.RIGHT]: flow.add_waypoint((middle_x, source_y)) flow.add_waypoint((middle_x, target_y)) elif dir_target in [ EndpointDirection.TOP, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM ]: flow.add_waypoint((target_x, source_y)) elif dir_source in [EndpointDirection.TOP, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]: if dir_target in [EndpointDirection.TOP, EndpointDirection.BOTTOM]: flow.add_waypoint((source_x, middle_y)) flow.add_waypoint((target_x, middle_y)) elif dir_target in [ EndpointDirection.LEFT, EndpointDirection.RIGHT ]: flow.add_waypoint((source_x, target_y)) flow.add_waypoint((target_x, target_y)) return bpmn_graph