class Geography(ApiModel): """Geography model.""" __tablename__ = 'geography' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) label_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) order = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True) subheading_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) type = db.Column(db.String) code = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) label = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=label_id) subheading = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=subheading_id) # TODO (2017-08-29 jkp): Include country backref? Maybe? Delete if a lot of # time has passed and no need for this feature def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize instance of model. Does a few things: (1) Updates instance based on mapping from API query parameter names to model field names, and (2) calls super init. """ self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'label', 'label_id') self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'subheading', 'subheading_id') super(Geography, self).__init__(**kwargs) @staticmethod def none_json(jns=False): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. All values in this dictionary are set to none, serving the cases where no data is found or needs to be supplied. Args: jns (bool): If true, namespaces all dictionary keys with prefixed table name. Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ result = {'id': None, 'label': None} if jns: result = ApiModel.namespace(result, 'geography') return result def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of this object.""" return '<Geography "{}">'.format(self.label.english)
class Translation(db.Model): """Translation model.""" __tablename__ = 'translation' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) english_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) language_code = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) translation = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False) languages_info = { 'english': { 'code': 'en', 'label': 'English', 'active': True, 'string_records': 'english' }, 'french': { 'code': 'fr', 'label': 'French', 'active': True, 'string_records': 'To be implemented.' } } def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize instance of model. Does a few things: (1) Gets english code if it is already supplied and creates a record in EnglishString. This happens when inserting a record for UI data. Otherwise, gets the english code and (2) Calls super init. """ self.prune_ignored_fields(kwargs) if kwargs.get('english_code'): english = EnglishString.insert_or_update( kwargs['english'], kwargs['english_code'].lower()) kwargs.pop('english_code') else: english = EnglishString.query.filter_by(english=kwargs['english'])\ .first() try: kwargs['english_id'] = except AttributeError: new_record = EnglishString.insert_unique(kwargs['english']) kwargs['english_id'] = kwargs.pop('english') super(Translation, self).__init__(**kwargs) @staticmethod def prune_ignored_fields(kwargs): """Prune ignored fields. Args: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments. """ from pma_api.models.api_base import prune_ignored_fields prune_ignored_fields(kwargs) @staticmethod def languages(): """Languages list.""" languages = { v['code']: v['label'] for _, v in Translation.languages_info.items() } return languages def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of this object.""" if len(self.translation) < 20: preview = '{}...'.format(self.translation[:17]) else: preview = self.translation return '<Translation ({}) "{}">'.format(self.language_code, preview)
class Indicator(ApiModel): """Indicator model.""" __tablename__ = 'indicator' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) code = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) label_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) order = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True) type = db.Column(db.String) definition_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) level1_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) level2_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) domain_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) # TODO: (jkp 2017-08-29) Should this be a translated string? # Needs: Nothing? denominator = db.Column(db.String) measurement_type = db.Column(db.String) is_favorite = db.Column(db.Boolean) favorite_order = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True) label = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=label_id) definition = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=definition_id) level1 = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=level1_id) level2 = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=level2_id) domain = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=domain_id) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize instance of model. Does a few things: (1) Updates instance based on mapping from API query parameter names to model field names, (2) Reformats any empty strings, and (3) Calls super init. """ kwargs['is_favorite'] = bool(kwargs['is_favorite']) self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'level1', 'level1_id') self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'level2', 'level2_id') self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'domain', 'domain_id') self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'definition', 'definition_id') self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'label', 'label_id') super(Indicator, self).__init__(**kwargs) def full_json(self, lang=None, jns=False, endpoint=None): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. This response contains fields of 1 or more related model(s) which are included along with fields for this model. Args: lang (str): The language, if specified. jns (bool): If true, namespaces all dictionary keys with prefixed table name, e.g. endpoint (str): If supplied, provides URL for entity in response. Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ result = { 'id': self.code, 'order': self.order, 'type': self.type, 'denominator': self.denominator, 'measurementType': self.measurement_type, 'isFavorite': self.is_favorite, 'favoriteOrder': self.favorite_order } label_str = self.label.to_string(lang) defn_str = self.definition.to_string(lang) level1_str = self.level1.to_string(lang) level2_str = self.level2.to_string(lang) domain_str = self.domain.to_string(lang) result['label'] = label_str result['definition'] = defn_str result['level1'] = level1_str result['level2'] = level2_str result['domain'] = domain_str if endpoint is not None: result['url'] = url_for(endpoint, code=self.code, _external=True) if jns: result = self.namespace(result, 'indicator') return result def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of this object.""" return '<Indicator "{}">'.format(self.code) def datalab_init_json(self): """Datalab init json: Indicator.""" to_return = { 'id': self.code, '': self.label.code, '': self.definition.code, 'type': self.type } return to_return
class Country(ApiModel): """Country model.""" __tablename__ = 'country' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) label_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) order = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True) subregion = db.Column(db.String) region = db.Column(db.String) code = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) label = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=label_id) api_schema = { # size_min & size_max currently unused. 'fields': { 'id': { 'restrictions': { 'type': str, 'size_min': 1, 'size_max': None, 'queryable': True }, }, 'label': { 'restrictions': { 'type': str, 'size_min': 1, 'size_max': None, 'queryable': True } }, 'order': { 'restrictions': { 'type': int, 'size_min': 1, 'size_max': None, 'queryable': False } }, 'region': { 'restrictions': { 'type': str, 'size_min': 1, 'size_max': None, 'queryable': True } }, 'subregion': { 'restrictions': { 'type': str, 'size_min': 1, 'size_max': None, 'queryable': True } } } } # def __init__(self, label_id, order, ): def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize instance of model. Does a few things: (1) Updates instance based on mapping from API query parameter names to model field names, and (2) calls super init. Example Usage: new_country = Country( label_id='Burkina Faso', order='1', subregion='West Africa', region='Africa', code='BF' ) """ self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'label', 'label_id') super(Country, self).__init__(**kwargs) @staticmethod def validate_param_types(request_args): """Validate query parameter types. Args: request_args (ImmutableMultiDict): API query parameters. Returns bool: True if valid param types, else false. """ # TODO: (jef 2017-08-29) Support other types?: lists, dict. # Needs: Nothing? flds = Country.api_schema['fields'] typed_params = { key: { 'value': val, 'type': None if val == '' else int if val.isdigit() else float if '.' in val and val.replace('.', '', 1).isdigit() else bool if val.lower() in ('false', 'true') else str } for key, val in request_args.items() } if False in [ val['type'] == flds[key]['restrictions']['type'] for key, val in typed_params.items() if key in flds if flds[key]['restrictions']['queryable'] ]: return False return True # TODO: (jef 2017-08-29) Insert violation in error message for methods: # validate_keys(), validate_queryable(), validate_types(). # Needs: Validation to be decided on. @staticmethod def validate_keys(request_args): """Validate whether query parameters passed even exist to be queried. Args: request_args (ImmutableMultiDict): API query parameters. Returns: tuple: (bool: Validity, str: Error message) """ msg = 'One or more invalid query parameter was passed.' flds = Country.api_schema['fields'] if True in [key not in flds for key in request_args]: return False, msg return True, '' @staticmethod def validate_queryable(request_args): """Validate whether query parameters are allowed to be queried. Args: request_args (ImmutableMultiDict): API query parameters. Returns: tuple: (bool: Validity, str: Error message) """ flds = Country.api_schema['fields'] if True in [ not flds[key]['restrictions']['queryable'] for key in request_args if key in flds ]: return False, 'One or more query params passed is not queryable.' return True, '' @staticmethod def validate_types(request_args): """Validate whether query parameter types are correct. Args: request_args (ImmutableMultiDict): API query parameters. Returns: tuple: (bool: Validity, str: Error message) """ if not Country.validate_param_types(request_args): return False, 'One or more types for query parameters was invalid.' return True, '' @staticmethod def validate_query(request_args): """Validate query. Args: request_args (ImmutableMultiDict): API query parameters. Returns: bool: True if valid query, else false. lit: List of error message strings. """ # TODO: (jef 2017-08.29) Decide on letting the user know if the query # was invalid, either in its own response or at the top along with # results if we choose to return results when part of the query was # invalid. Needs: Validation to be decided on. validation_funcs = [ Country.validate_keys, Country.validate_queryable, Country.validate_types ] validities = [func(request_args) for func in validation_funcs] return \ False if False in [status for status, _ in validities] else True, \ list(filter(None, [messages for _, messages in validities])) def url_for(self): """Supply URL for resource entity. Returns: dict: Dict of key 'url' and value of URL for resource entity. """ return { 'url': url_for('api.get_country', code=self.code, _external=True) } def full_json(self, lang=None, jns=False): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. Args: lang (str): The language, if specified. jns (bool): If true, namespaces all dictionary keys with prefixed table name. Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ result = { 'id': self.code, 'order': self.order, 'subregion': self.subregion, 'region': self.region, } # TODO: (jkp 2017-08-29) is it possble that label is null? # Needs: Nothing. label = self.label.to_string(lang) result['label'] = label if jns: result = self.namespace(result, 'country') return result def to_json(self, lang=None): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. Contains URL for resource entity. Args: lang (str): The language, if specified. Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ json_obj = { 'url': url_for('api.get_country', code=self.code, _external=True), 'order': self.order, 'subregion': self.subregion, 'region': self.region, 'countryCode': self.code } if lang is None or lang.lower() == 'en': json_obj['label'] = self.label.english else: lang = lang.lower() translations = self.label.translations gen = iter(t for t in translations if t.language_code == lang) translation = next(gen, None) if translation: json_obj['label'] = translation.translation else: json_obj['label'] = url_for('api.get_text', code=self.label.code, _external=True) return json_obj def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of this object.""" return '<Country "{}">'.format(self.code)
class Survey(ApiModel): """Survey model.""" __tablename__ = 'survey' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) label_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), nullable=False) order = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True) type = db.Column(db.String) year = db.Column(db.Integer) round = db.Column(db.Integer) start_date = db.Column(db.DateTime) end_date = db.Column(db.DateTime) code = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) pma_code = db.Column(db.String) country_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) geography_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) partner_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) label = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=label_id) country = db.relationship('Country') geography = db.relationship('Geography') partner = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=partner_id) def url_for(self): """Supply URL for resource entity. Returns: dict: Dict of key 'url' and value of URL for resource entity. """ return { 'url': url_for('api.get_survey', code=self.pma_code, _external=True) } def full_json(self, lang=None, jns=False): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. This response contains fields of 1 or more related model(s) which are included along with fields for this model. Args: lang (str): The language, if specified. jns (bool): If true, namespaces all dictionary keys with prefixed table name. Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ result = { 'order': self.order, 'type': self.type, 'year': self.year, 'round': self.round, 'start_date':, 'end_date':, 'id': self.code, 'pma_code': self.pma_code, } if jns: result = self.namespace(result, 'survey') country_json =, jns=True) result.update(country_json) return result def datalab_init_json(self, reduced: bool = True): """Datalab init json: Survey Args: reduced (bool): Return more information if true """ to_return = { 'id': self.code, '': self.partner.code, '': self.label.code, } if not reduced: to_return.update({ '': self.geography.subheading.code, '': }) return to_return def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize instance of model. Does a few things: (1) Removes unnecessary fields, (2) Converts API query parameters to model field name equivalents, (3) Inserts new values into the EnglishString translation table if not present, and (4) calls super init. Raises: AttributeError: If valid ID is not found for Country. """ self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'label', 'label_id') self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'partner', 'partner_id') self.update_kwargs_date(kwargs, 'start_date', '%m-%Y') self.update_kwargs_date(kwargs, 'end_date', '%m-%Y') self.set_kwargs_id(kwargs, 'country_code', 'country_id', Country, required=True) self.set_kwargs_id(kwargs, 'geography_code', 'geography_id', Geography, required=False) super(Survey, self).__init__(**kwargs) def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of this object.""" return '<Survey "{}">'.format(self.code)
class Data(ApiModel): """Data model.""" __tablename__ = 'datum' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) code = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) value = db.Column(db.Float, nullable=False) lower_ci = db.Column(db.Float) upper_ci = db.Column(db.Float) level_ci = db.Column(db.Float) precision = db.Column(db.Integer) is_total = db.Column(db.Boolean) denom_w = db.Column(db.Float) denom_uw = db.Column(db.Float) survey_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) indicator_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) char1_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) char2_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) geo_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) survey = db.relationship('Survey', foreign_keys=survey_id) indicator = db.relationship('Indicator', foreign_keys=indicator_id) char1 = db.relationship('Characteristic', foreign_keys=char1_id) char2 = db.relationship('Characteristic', foreign_keys=char2_id) geo = db.relationship('Geography', foreign_keys=geo_id) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize instance of model. Does a few things: (1) Updates instance based on mapping from API query parameter names to model field names, (2) Reformats any empty strings, (3) Sets a randomly generated code string, and (4) Calls super init. """ kwargs_copy = copy(kwargs) if kwargs: kwargs['is_total'] = bool(kwargs['is_total']) self.set_kwargs_id(kwargs, 'survey_code', 'survey_id', Survey) try: self.set_kwargs_id(kwargs, 'indicator_code', 'indicator_id', Indicator) self.set_kwargs_id(kwargs, 'char1_code', 'char1_id', Characteristic, False) self.set_kwargs_id(kwargs, 'char2_code', 'char2_id', Characteristic, False) self.empty_to_none(kwargs) except KeyError as err: msg = """ {} Error occured while trying to store the following data: {} """.format( str(err), ', '.join([ '{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in kwargs_copy.items() ])) raise KeyError(msg) kwargs['code'] = next64() super(Data, self).__init__(**kwargs) def full_json(self, lang=None, jns=False): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. This response contains fields of 1 or more related model(s) which are included along with fields for this model. Args: lang (str): The language, if specified. jns (bool): If true, namespaces all dictionary keys with prefixed table name. Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ result = { 'id': self.code, 'value': self.value, 'lowerCi': self.lower_ci, 'upperCi': self.upper_ci, 'levelCi': self.level_ci, 'precision': self.precision, 'isTotal': self.is_total, 'denominatorWeighted': self.denom_w, 'denominatorUnweighted': self.denom_uw, } if jns: result = self.namespace(result, 'data') survey_json = self.survey.full_json(lang=lang, jns=True) indicator_json = self.indicator.full_json(lang=lang, jns=True) if self.char1 is not None: char1_json = self.char1.full_json(lang, jns=True, index=1) else: char1_json = Characteristic.none_json(jns=True, index=1) if self.char2 is not None: char2_json = self.char2.full_json(lang, jns=True, index=2) else: char2_json = Characteristic.none_json(jns=True, index=2) if self.geo is not None: geo_json = self.geo.full_json(lang, jns=True) else: geo_json = Geography.none_json(jns=True) result.update(survey_json) result.update(indicator_json) result.update(char1_json) result.update(char2_json) result.update(geo_json) return result def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of this object.""" return '<Data "{}">'.format(self.code)
class Characteristic(ApiModel): """Characteristic model.""" __tablename__ = 'characteristic' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) code = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) label_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) order = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True) char_grp_id = \ db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) char_grp = db.relationship('CharacteristicGroup') label = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=label_id) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize instance of model. Does a few things: (1) Removes unnecessary fields, (2) Converts API query parameters to model field name equivalents, (3) Inserts new values into the EnglishString translation table if not present, and (4) calls super init. Raises: AttributeError: If valid ID is not found for CharacteristicGroup. """ self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'label', 'label_id') self.set_kwargs_id(kwargs, 'char_grp_code', 'char_grp_id', CharacteristicGroup) super(Characteristic, self).__init__(**kwargs) def full_json(self, lang=None, jns=False, index=None): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. This response contains fields of 1 or more related model(s) which are included along with fields for this model. Args: lang (str): The language, if specified. jns (bool): If true, namespaces all dictionary keys with prefixed table name. index (int): Field index for fields that have multiple instances of itself, e.g. "characteristic1", "characteristic2". Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ result = { 'id': self.code, 'order': self.order, 'label': self.label.to_string(lang) } if jns: result = self.namespace(result, 'char', index=index) char_grp_json = \ self.char_grp.full_json(lang=lang, jns=True, index=index) result.update(char_grp_json) return result def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of this object.""" return '<Characteristic "{}">'.format(self.code) def datalab_init_json(self): """Datalab init json: Characteristic.""" to_return = { 'id': self.code, '': self.label.code, 'order': self.order, } return to_return @staticmethod def none_json(jns=False, index=None): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. All values in this dictionary are set to none, serving the cases where no data is found or needs to be supplied. This response contains fields of 1 or more related model(s) which are included along with fields for this model. Args: jns (bool): If true, namespaces all dictionary keys with prefixed table name. index (int): Field index for fields that have multiple instances of itself, e.g. "characteristic1", "characteristic2". Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ result = { 'id': None, 'order': None, 'label': None, } if jns: result = ApiModel.namespace(result, 'char', index=index) char_grp_json = \ CharacteristicGroup.none_json(jns=True, index=index) result.update(char_grp_json) return result
class CharacteristicGroup(ApiModel): """CharacteristicGroup model.""" __tablename__ = 'characteristic_group' id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True) code = db.Column(db.String, unique=True) label_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) definition_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) order = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True) category_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) label = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=label_id) definition = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=definition_id) category = db.relationship('EnglishString', foreign_keys=category_id) def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initialize instance of model. Does a few things: (1) Removes unnecessary fields, (2) Converts API query parameters to model field name equivalents, (3) Inserts new values into the EnglishString translation table if not present, and (4) calls super init. """ self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'label', 'label_id') self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'definition', 'definition_id') self.update_kwargs_english(kwargs, 'category', 'category_id') super(CharacteristicGroup, self).__init__(**kwargs) def full_json(self, lang=None, jns=False, index=None): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. Args: lang (str): The language, if specified. jns (bool): If true, namespaces all dictionary keys with prefixed table name. index (int): Field index for fields that have multiple instances of itself, e.g. "characteristic1", "characteristic2". Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ result = { 'id': self.code, 'label': self.label.to_string(lang), 'definition': self.definition.to_string(lang) } if jns: result = self.namespace(result, 'charGrp', index=index) return result def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of this object.""" return '<CharacteristicGroup "{}">'.format(self.code) @staticmethod def none_json(jns=False, index=None): """Return dictionary ready to convert to JSON as response. All values in this dictionary are set to none, serving the cases where no data is found or needs to be supplied. Args: jns (bool): If true, namespaces all dictionary keys with prefixed table name. index (int): Field index for fields that have multiple instances of itself, e.g. "characteristic1", "characteristic2". Returns: dict: API response ready to be JSONified. """ result = {'id': None, 'label': None, 'definition': None} if jns: result = ApiModel.namespace(result, 'charGrp', index=index) return result def datalab_init_json(self): """Datalab init json: CharacteristicGroup.""" to_return = { 'id': self.code, '': self.label.code, '': self.definition.code, } return to_return