def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Applies series of assumed flattening factor and "unsquishes" inclinations assuming tangent function. Finds flattening factor that gives elongation/inclination pair consistent with TK03. Finds bootstrap confidence bounds SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i allows interactive input of file name -f FILE specify input file name -nb N specify number of bootstraps - the more the better, but slower!, default is 1000 -fmt [svg,png,eps,pdf..] change plot format, default is svg INPUT dec/inc pairs, delimited with space or tabs OUTPUT four plots: 1) equal area plot of original directions 2) Elongation/inclination pairs as a function of f, data plus 25 bootstrap samples 3) Cumulative distribution of bootstrapped optimal inclinations plus uncertainties. Estimate from original data set plotted as solid line 4) Orientation of principle direction through unflattening NOTE: If distribution does not have a solution, plot labeled: Pathological. Some bootstrap samples may have valid solutions and those are plotted in the CDFs and E/I plot. """ fmt,nb='svg',1000 if '-i' in sys.argv: file=raw_input("Enter file name for processing: ") elif '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') file=sys.argv[ind+1] else: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-nb' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-nb') nb=int(sys.argv[ind+1]) if '-fmt' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-fmt') fmt=sys.argv[ind+1] data=numpy.loadtxt(file) upper,lower=int(round(.975*nb)),int(round(.025*nb)) E,I=[],[] PLTS={'eq':1,'ei':2,'cdf':3,'v2':4} pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['eq'],6,6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['ei'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['cdf'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['v2'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plotEQ(PLTS['eq'],data,'Data') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(PLTS) ppars=pmag.doprinc(data) Io=ppars['inc'] n=ppars["N"] Es,Is,Fs,V2s=find_f(data) Inc,Elong=Is[-1],Es[-1] pmagplotlib.plotEI(PLTS['ei'],Es,Is,Fs[-1]) pmagplotlib.plotV2s(PLTS['v2'],V2s,Is,Fs[-1]) b=0 print "Bootstrapping.... be patient" while b<nb: bdata=pmag.pseudo(data) Es,Is,Fs,V2s=find_f(bdata) if b<25: pmagplotlib.plotEI(PLTS['ei'],Es,Is,Fs[-1]) if Es[-1]!=0: ppars=pmag.doprinc(bdata) I.append(abs(Is[-1])) E.append(Es[-1]) b+=1 if b%25==0:print b,' out of ',nb I.sort() E.sort() Eexp=[] for i in I: Eexp.append(EI(i)) if Inc==0: title= 'Pathological Distribution: '+'[%7.1f, %7.1f]' %(I[lower],I[upper]) else: title= '%7.1f [%7.1f, %7.1f]' %( Inc, I[lower],I[upper]) pmagplotlib.plotEI(PLTS['ei'],Eexp,I,1) pmagplotlib.plotCDF(PLTS['cdf'],I,'Inclinations','r',title) pmagplotlib.plotVs(PLTS['cdf'],[I[lower],I[upper]],'b','--') pmagplotlib.plotVs(PLTS['cdf'],[Inc],'g','-') pmagplotlib.plotVs(PLTS['cdf'],[Io],'k','-') pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(PLTS) print "Io Inc I_lower, I_upper, Elon, E_lower, E_upper" print '%7.1f %s %7.1f _ %7.1f ^ %7.1f: %6.4f _ %6.4f ^ %6.4f' %(Io, " => ", Inc, I[lower],I[upper], Elong, E[lower],E[upper]) ans= raw_input("S[a]ve plots - <return> to quit: ") if ans!='a': print "\n Good bye\n" sys.exit() files={} files['eq']='findEI_eq.'+fmt files['ei']='findEI_ei.'+fmt files['cdf']='findEI_cdf.'+fmt files['v2']='findEI_v2.'+fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(PLTS,files)
def main(): """ NAME [command line options] DESCRIPTION Finds bootstrap confidence bounds on Elongation and Inclination data SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f FILE specifies input file -p do parametric bootstrap INPUT dec/inc pairs OUTPUT makes a plot of the E/I pair and bootstrapped confidence bounds along with the E/I trend predicted by the TK03 field model prints out: Io (mean inclination), I_lower and I_upper are 95% confidence bounds on inclination Eo (elongation), E_lower and E_upper are 95% confidence bounds on elongation Edec,Einc are the elongation direction """ par=0 if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') file=open(sys.argv[ind+1],'rU') if '-p' in sys.argv: par=1 rseed,nb,data=10,5000,[] upper,lower=int(round(.975*nb)),int(round(.025*nb)) Es,Is=[],[] PLTS={'eq':1,'ei':2} pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['eq'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['ei'],5,5) # poly_tab= [ 3.07448925e-06, -3.49555831e-04, -1.46990847e-02, 2.90905483e+00] poly_new= [ 3.15976125e-06, -3.52459817e-04, -1.46641090e-02, 2.89538539e+00] # poly_cp88= [ 5.34558576e-06, -7.70922659e-04, 5.18529685e-03, 2.90941351e+00] # poly_qc96= [ 7.08210133e-06, -8.79536536e-04, 1.09625547e-03, 2.92513660e+00] # poly_cj98=[ 6.56675431e-06, -7.91823539e-04, -1.08211350e-03, 2.80557710e+00] # poly_tk03_g20= [ 4.96757685e-06, -6.02256097e-04, -5.96103272e-03, 2.84227449e+00] # poly_tk03_g30= [ 7.82525963e-06, -1.39781724e-03, 4.47187092e-02, 2.54637535e+00] # poly_gr99_g=[ 1.24362063e-07, -1.69383384e-04, -4.24479223e-03, 2.59257437e+00] # poly_gr99_e=[ 1.26348154e-07, 2.01691452e-04, -4.99142308e-02, 3.69461060e+00] E_EI,E_tab,E_new,E_cp88,E_cj98,E_qc96,E_tk03_g20=[],[],[],[],[],[],[] E_tk03_g30,E_gr99_g,E_gr99_e=[],[],[] I2=range(0,90,5) for inc in I2: E_new.append(EI(inc,poly_new)) # use the polynomial from Tauxe et al. (2008) pmagplotlib.plotEI(PLTS['ei'],E_new,I2,1) if '-f' in sys.argv: random.seed(rseed) for line in file.readlines(): rec=line.split() dec=float(rec[0]) inc=float(rec[1]) if par==1: if len(rec)==4: N=(int(rec[2])) # append n K=float(rec[3]) # append k rec=[dec,inc,N,K] data.append(rec) else: rec=[dec,inc] data.append(rec) pmagplotlib.plotEQ(PLTS['eq'],data,'Data') ppars=pmag.doprinc(data) n=ppars["N"] Io=ppars['inc'] Edec=ppars['Edir'][0] Einc=ppars['Edir'][1] Eo=(ppars['tau2']/ppars['tau3']) b=0 print 'doing bootstrap - be patient' while b<nb: bdata=[] for j in range(n): boot=random.randint(0,n-1) random.jumpahead(rseed) if par==1: DIs=[] D,I,N,K=data[boot][0],data[boot][1],data[boot][2],data[boot][3] for k in range(N): dec,inc=pmag.fshdev(K) drot,irot=pmag.dodirot(dec,inc,D,I) DIs.append([drot,irot]) fpars=pmag.fisher_mean(DIs) bdata.append([fpars['dec'],fpars['inc'],1.]) # replace data[boot] with parametric dec,inc else: bdata.append(data[boot]) ppars=pmag.doprinc(bdata) Is.append(ppars['inc']) Es.append(ppars['tau2']/ppars['tau3']) b+=1 if b%100==0:print b Is.sort() Es.sort() x,std=pmag.gausspars(Es) stderr=std/math.sqrt(len(data)) pmagplotlib.plotX(PLTS['ei'],Io,Eo,Is[lower],Is[upper],Es[lower],Es[upper],'b-') # pmagplotlib.plotX(PLTS['ei'],Io,Eo,Is[lower],Is[upper],Eo-stderr,Eo+stderr,'b-') print 'Io, Eo, I_lower, I_upper, E_lower, E_upper, Edec, Einc' print '%7.1f %4.2f %7.1f %7.1f %4.2f %4.2f %7.1f %7.1f' %(Io,Eo,Is[lower],Is[upper],Es[lower],Es[upper], Edec,Einc) # print '%7.1f %4.2f %7.1f %7.1f %4.2f %4.2f' %(Io,Eo,Is[lower],Is[upper],Eo-stderr,Eo+stderr) pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(PLTS) files,fmt={},'svg' for key in PLTS.keys(): files[key]=key+'.'+fmt ans=raw_input(" S[a]ve to save plot, [q]uit without saving: ") if ans=="a": pmagplotlib.saveP(PLTS,files)
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION Applies assumed flattening factor and "unsquishes" inclinations assuming tangent function. Finds flattening factor that gives elongation/inclination pair consistent with TK03. Finds bootstrap confidence bounds SYNTAX [-h][-i] [-f FILE] INPUT dec/inc pairs OUTPUT three plots: 1) equal area plot of original directions 2) Elongation/inclination pairs as a function of f, data plus 25 bootstrap samples 3) Cumulative distribution of bootstrapped optimal inclinations plus uncertainties. Estimate from original data set plotted as solid line """ if '-i' in sys.argv: file=raw_input("Enter file name for processing: ") f=open(file,'rU') elif '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') file=sys.argv[ind+1] f=open(file,'rU') else: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() rseed,nb,data=10,5000,[] upper,lower=int(round(.975*nb)),int(round(.025*nb)) E,I=[],[] PLTS={'eq':1,'ei':2,'cdf':3,'v2':4} pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['eq'],6,6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['ei'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['cdf'],5,5) pmagplotlib.plot_init(PLTS['v2'],5,5) random.seed(rseed) for line in f.readlines(): rec=line.split() dec=float(rec[0]) inc=float(rec[1]) rec=[dec,inc,1.] data.append(rec) pmagplotlib.plotEQ(PLTS['eq'],data,'Data') ppars=pmag.doprinc(data) Io=ppars['inc'] n=ppars["N"] Es,Is,Fs,V2s=find_f(data) Inc,Elong=Is[-1],Es[-1] pmagplotlib.plotEI(PLTS['ei'],Es,Is,Fs[-1]) pmagplotlib.plotV2s(PLTS['v2'],V2s,Is,Fs[-1]) b=0 print "Bootstrapping.... be patient" while b<nb: bdata=[] for j in range(n): boot=random.randint(0,n-1) random.jumpahead(rseed) bdata.append(data[boot]) Es,Is,Fs,V2s=find_f(bdata) if b<25: pmagplotlib.plotEI(PLTS['ei'],Es,Is,Fs[-1]) if Es[-1]!=0: ppars=pmag.doprinc(bdata) I.append(abs(Is[-1])) E.append(Es[-1]) b+=1 if b%25==0:print b,' out of ',nb I.sort() E.sort() Eexp=[] for i in I: Eexp.append(EI(i)) title= '%7.1f [%7.1f, %7.1f]' %( Inc, I[lower],I[upper]) pmagplotlib.plotEI(PLTS['ei'],Eexp,I,1) pmagplotlib.plotCDF(PLTS['cdf'],I,'Inclinations','r',title) pmagplotlib.plotVs(PLTS['cdf'],[I[lower],I[upper]],'b','--') pmagplotlib.plotVs(PLTS['cdf'],[Inc],'g','-') pmagplotlib.plotVs(PLTS['cdf'],[Io],'k','-') print "Io Inc I_lower, I_upper, Elon, E_lower, E_upper" print '%7.1f %s %7.1f _ %7.1f ^ %7.1f: %6.4f _ %6.4f ^ %6.4f' %(Io, " => ", Inc, I[lower],I[upper], Elong, E[lower],E[upper]) try: raw_input("Return to save plots - <return> to quit: ") except EOFError: print "\n Good bye\n" sys.exit() files={} files['eq']='findEI_eq.svg' files['ei']='findEI_ei.svg' files['cdf']='findEI_cdf.svg' files['v2']='findEI_v2.svg' pmagplotlib.saveP(PLTS,files)