def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION rotates specimen coordinate dec, inc data to geographic coordinates using the azimuth and plunge of the X direction INPUT FORMAT declination inclination azimuth plunge SYNTAX [-h][-i][-f FILE] [< filename ] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i for interactive data entry -f FILE command line entry of file name -F OFILE, specify output file, default is standard output OUTPUT: declination inclination """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-F' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-F') ofile = sys.argv[ind + 1] out = open(ofile, 'w') print ofile, ' opened for output' else: ofile = "" if '-i' in sys.argv: # interactive flag while 1: try: Dec = float(raw_input("Declination: <cntrl-D> to quit ")) except EOFError: print "\n Good-bye\n" sys.exit() Inc = float(raw_input("Inclination: ")) Az = float(raw_input("Azimuth: ")) Pl = float(raw_input("Plunge: ")) print '%7.1f %7.1f' % (pmag.dogeo(Dec, Inc, Az, Pl)) elif '-f' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-f') file = sys.argv[ind + 1] data = numpy.loadtxt(file) else: data = numpy.loadtxt( sys.stdin, dtype=numpy.float) # read in the data from the datafile D, I = pmag.dogeo_V(data) for k in range(len(D)): if ofile == "": print '%7.1f %7.1f' % (D[k], I[k]) else: out.write('%7.1f %7.1f\n' % (D[k], I[k]))
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION rotates specimen coordinate dec, inc data to geographic coordinates using the azimuth and plunge of the X direction INPUT FORMAT declination inclination azimuth plunge SYNTAX [-h][-i][-f FILE] [< filename ] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -i for interactive data entry -f FILE command line entry of file name -F OFILE, specify output file, default is standard output OUTPUT: declination inclination """ if '-h' in sys.argv: print main.__doc__ sys.exit() if '-F' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-F') ofile=sys.argv[ind+1] out=open(ofile,'w') print ofile, ' opened for output' else: ofile="" if '-i' in sys.argv: # interactive flag while 1: try: Dec=float(raw_input("Declination: <cntrl-D> to quit ")) except EOFError: print "\n Good-bye\n" sys.exit() Inc=float(raw_input("Inclination: ")) Az=float(raw_input("Azimuth: ")) Pl=float(raw_input("Plunge: ")) print '%7.1f %7.1f'%(pmag.dogeo(Dec,Inc,Az,Pl)) elif '-f' in sys.argv: ind=sys.argv.index('-f') file=sys.argv[ind+1] data=numpy.loadtxt(file) else: data=numpy.loadtxt(sys.stdin,dtype=numpy.float) # read in the data from the datafile D,I=pmag.dogeo_V(data) for k in range(len(D)): if ofile=="": print '%7.1f %7.1f'%(D[k],I[k]) else: out.write('%7.1f %7.1f\n'%(D[k],I[k]))
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION reads in magic_measurements formatted file, makes plots of remanence decay during demagnetization experiments. Reads in prior interpretations saved in a pmag_specimens formatted file [and allows re-interpretations of best-fit lines and planes and saves (revised or new) interpretations in a pmag_specimens file. interpretations are saved in the coordinate system used. Also allows judicious editting of measurements to eliminate "bad" measurements. These are marked as such in the magic_measurements input file. they are NOT deleted, just ignored. ] Bracketed part not yet implemented SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f MEASFILE: sets measurements format input file, default: measurements.txt -fsp SPECFILE: sets specimens format file with prior interpreations, default: specimens.txt -fsa SAMPFILE: sets samples format file sample=>site information, default: samples.txt -fsi SITEFILE: sets sites format file with site=>location informationprior interpreations, default: samples.txt -Fp PLTFILE: sets filename for saved plot, default is name_type.fmt (where type is zijd, eqarea or decay curve) -crd [s,g,t]: sets coordinate system, g=geographic, t=tilt adjusted, default: specimen coordinate system -spc SPEC plots single specimen SPEC, saves plot with specified format with optional -dir settings and quits -dir [L,P,F][beg][end]: sets calculation type for principal component analysis, default is none beg: starting step for PCA calculation end: ending step for PCA calculation [L,P,F]: calculation type for line, plane or fisher mean must be used with -spc option -fmt FMT: set format of saved plot [png,svg,jpg] -A: suppresses averaging of replicate measurements, default is to average -sav: saves all plots without review SCREEN OUTPUT: Specimen, N, a95, StepMin, StepMax, Dec, Inc, calculation type """ # initialize some variables doave, e, b = 1, 0, 0 # average replicates, initial end and beginning step intlist = ['magn_moment', 'magn_volume', 'magn_mass', 'magnitude'] plots, coord = 0, 's' noorient = 0 version_num = pmag.get_version() verbose = pmagplotlib.verbose calculation_type, fmt = "", "svg" user, spec_keys, locname = "", [], '' geo, tilt, ask = 0, 0, 0 PriorRecs = [] # empty list for prior interpretations backup = 0 specimen = "" # can skip everything and just plot one specimen with bounds e,b if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() dir_path = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-WD", default_val=os.getcwd()) meas_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-f", default_val="measurements.txt") spec_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsp", default_val="specimens.txt") samp_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsa", default_val="samples.txt") site_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsi", default_val="sites.txt") #meas_file = os.path.join(dir_path, meas_file) #spec_file = os.path.join(dir_path, spec_file) #samp_file = os.path.join(dir_path, samp_file) #site_file = os.path.join(dir_path, site_file) plot_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-Fp", default_val="") crd = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-crd", default_val="s") if crd == "s": coord = "-1" elif crd == "t": coord = "100" else: coord = "0" fmt = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fmt", "svg") specimen = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-spc", default_val="") beg_pca, end_pca = "", "" if '-dir' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-dir') direction_type = sys.argv[ind + 1] beg_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 2]) end_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 3]) if direction_type == 'L': calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' if direction_type == 'P': calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' if direction_type == 'F': calculation_type = 'DE-FM' if '-A' in sys.argv: doave = 0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plots, verbose = 1, 0 # first_save = 1 fnames = { 'measurements': meas_file, 'specimens': spec_file, 'samples': samp_file, 'sites': site_file } contribution = nb.Contribution( dir_path, custom_filenames=fnames, read_tables=['measurements', 'specimens', 'samples', 'sites']) # # import specimens specimen_cols = [ 'analysts', 'aniso_ftest', 'aniso_ftest12', 'aniso_ftest23', 'aniso_s', 'aniso_s_mean', 'aniso_s_n_measurements', 'aniso_s_sigma', 'aniso_s_unit', 'aniso_tilt_correction', 'aniso_type', 'aniso_v1', 'aniso_v2', 'aniso_v3', 'citations', 'description', 'dir_alpha95', 'dir_comp', 'dir_dec', 'dir_inc', 'dir_mad_free', 'dir_n_measurements', 'dir_tilt_correction', 'experiments', 'geologic_classes', 'geologic_types', 'hyst_bc', 'hyst_bcr', 'hyst_mr_moment', 'hyst_ms_moment', 'int_abs', 'int_b', 'int_b_beta', 'int_b_sigma', 'int_corr', 'int_dang', 'int_drats', 'int_f', 'int_fvds', 'int_gamma', 'int_mad_free', 'int_md', 'int_n_measurements', 'int_n_ptrm', 'int_q', 'int_rsc', 'int_treat_dc_field', 'lithologies', 'meas_step_max', 'meas_step_min', 'meas_step_unit', 'method_codes', 'sample', 'software_packages', 'specimen' ] if 'specimens' in contribution.tables: # contribution.propagate_name_down('sample','measurements') spec_container = contribution.tables['specimens'] prior_spec_data = spec_container.get_records_for_code( 'LP-DIR', strict_match=False ) # look up all prior directional interpretations # # tie sample names to measurement data # else: spec_container, prior_spec_data = None, [] # # import samples for orientation info # if 'samples' in contribution.tables: # contribution.propagate_name_down('site','measurements') contribution.propagate_cols( col_names=['azimuth', 'dip', 'orientation_flag'], target_df_name='measurements', source_df_name='samples') # # define figure numbers for equal area, zijderveld, # and intensity vs. demagnetiztion step respectively # ZED = {} ZED['eqarea'], ZED['zijd'], ZED['demag'] = 1, 2, 3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['eqarea'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['zijd'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['demag'], 6, 6) # save_pca=0 angle, direction_type, setangle = "", "", 0 # create measurement dataframe # meas_container = contribution.tables['measurements'] meas_data = meas_container.df # meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'LT-NO|LT-AF-Z|LT-T-Z|LT-M-Z') == True] # fish out steps for plotting meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'AN|ARM|LP-TRM|LP-PI-ARM') == False] # strip out unwanted experiments intensity_types = [ col_name for col_name in meas_data.columns if col_name in intlist ] # plot first intensity method found - normalized to initial value anyway - # doesn't matter which used int_key = intensity_types[0] # get all the non-null intensity records of the same type meas_data = meas_data[meas_data[int_key].notnull()] if 'flag' not in meas_data.columns: meas_data['flag'] = 'g' # set the default flag to good # need to treat LP-NO specially for af data, treatment should be zero, # otherwise 273. meas_data['treatment'] = meas_data['treat_ac_field'].where( cond=meas_data['treat_ac_field'] != '0', other=meas_data['treat_temp']) meas_data['ZI'] = 1 # initialize these to one meas_data['instrument_codes'] = "" # initialize these to blank # for unusual case of microwave power.... if 'treat_mw_power' in meas_data.columns: meas_data.loc[ meas_data.treat_mw_power != 0, 'treatment'] = meas_data.treat_mw_power * meas_data.treat_mw_time # # get list of unique specimen names from measurement data # # this is a list of all the specimen names specimen_names = meas_data.specimen.unique() specimen_names = specimen_names.tolist() specimen_names.sort() # # set up new DataFrame for this sessions specimen interpretations # data_container = nb.MagicDataFrame(dtype='specimens', columns=specimen_cols) # this is for interpretations from this session current_spec_data = data_container.df locname = 'LookItUp' if specimen == "": k = 0 else: k = specimen_names.index(specimen) # let's look at the data now while k < len(specimen_names): # set the current specimen for plotting this_specimen = specimen_names[k] if verbose and this_specimen != "": print(this_specimen, k + 1, 'out of ', len(specimen_names)) if setangle == 0: angle = "" this_specimen_measurements = meas_data[ meas_data['specimen'].str.contains( this_specimen) == True] # fish out this specimen this_specimen_measurements = this_specimen_measurements[ this_specimen_measurements['flag'].str.contains( 'g') == True] # fish out this specimen if len(this_specimen_measurements) != 0: # if there are measurements # # set up datablock [[treatment,dec, inc, int, direction_type],[....]] # # # figure out the method codes # units, methods, title = "", "", this_specimen # this is a list of all the specimen method codes` meas_meths = this_specimen_measurements.method_codes.unique() tr = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.treatment).tolist() if set(tr) == set([0]): k += 1 continue for m in meas_meths: if 'LT-AF-Z' in m: units = 'T' # units include tesla tr[0] = 0 if 'LT-T-Z' in m: units = units + ":K" # units include kelvin if 'LT-M-Z' in m: units = units + ':J' # units include joules tr[0] = 0 units = units.strip(':') # strip off extra colons if 'LP-' in m: methods = methods + ":" + m decs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_dec).tolist() incs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_inc).tolist() # # fix the coordinate system # if coord != '-1': # need to transform coordinates to geographic azimuths = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.azimuth ).tolist() # get the azimuths # get the azimuths dips = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dip).tolist() dirs = [decs, incs, azimuths, dips] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_geo = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dogeo_V(dirs_geo) if coord == '100': # need to do tilt correction too bed_dip_dirs = pd.to_numeric( this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip_dir).tolist( ) # get the azimuths bed_dips = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip ).tolist() # get the azimuths dirs = [decs, incs, bed_dip_dirs, bed_dips] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_tilt = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dotilt_V(dirs_tilt) title = title + '_t' else: title = title + '_g' if angle == "": angle = decs[0] ints = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements[int_key]).tolist() ZI = this_specimen_measurements.ZI.tolist() flags = this_specimen_measurements.flag.tolist() codes = this_specimen_measurements.instrument_codes.tolist() datalist = [tr, decs, incs, ints, ZI, flags, codes] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists datablock = list(map(list, list(zip(*datalist)))) pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED, datablock, angle, title, units) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) # # collect info for current_specimen_interpretation dictionary # if beg_pca == "" and len(prior_spec_data) != 0: # # find prior interpretation # prior_specimen_interpretations = prior_spec_data[ prior_spec_data['specimen'].str.contains( this_specimen) == True] beg_pcas = pd.to_numeric(prior_specimen_interpretations. meas_step_min.values).tolist() end_pcas = pd.to_numeric(prior_specimen_interpretations. meas_step_max.values).tolist() spec_methods = prior_specimen_interpretations.method_codes.tolist( ) # step through all prior interpretations and plot them for ind in range(len(beg_pcas)): spec_meths = spec_methods[ind].split(':') for m in spec_meths: if 'DE-BFL' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' # best fit line if 'DE-BFP' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' # best fit plane if 'DE-FM' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-FM' # fisher mean if 'DE-BFL-A' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL-A' # anchored best fit line start, end = tr.index(beg_pcas[ind]), tr.index( end_pcas[ind] ) # getting the starting and ending points # calculate direction/plane mpars = pmag.domean(datablock, start, end, calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # put it on the plot pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) else: start, end = int(beg_pca), int(end_pca) # calculate direction/plane mpars = pmag.domean(datablock, start, end, calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # put it on the plot pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if plots == 1 or specimen != "": if plot_file == "": basename = title else: basename = plot_file files = {} for key in list(ZED.keys()): files[key] = basename + '_' + key + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED, files) if specimen != "": sys.exit() if verbose: recnum = 0 for plotrec in datablock: if units == 'T': print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "K": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "J": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0], ' J', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if 'K' in units and 'T' in units: if plotrec[0] >= 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if plotrec[0] < 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) recnum += 1 # we have a current interpretation elif mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # # create a new specimen record for the interpreation for this # specimen this_specimen_interpretation = { col: "" for col in specimen_cols } # this_specimen_interpretation["analysts"]=user this_specimen_interpretation['software_packages'] = version_num this_specimen_interpretation['specimen'] = this_specimen this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = calculation_type this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_unit"] = units this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"] = tr[start] this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"] = tr[end] this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dec']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_inc']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dang']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"] = '%i' % ( mpars['specimen_n']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_tilt_correction"] = coord methods = methods.replace(" ", "") if "T" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-AF" if "K" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-T" if "J" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-M" this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = methods.strip( ':') this_specimen_interpretation[ "experiments"] = this_specimen_measurements.experiment.unique( )[0] # # print some stuff # if calculation_type != 'DE-FM': this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_mad']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '' if verbose: if units == 'K': print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) - 273, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif units == 'T': print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) - 273 print( '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), min, max, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_alpha95']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '' if verbose: if 'K' in units: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurments"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) - 273, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_alpha95"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) - 273 print('%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % ( this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] ), min, max, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_alpha95"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) if verbose: saveit = input("Save this interpretation? [y]/n \n") # START HERE # # if len(current_spec_data)==0: # no interpretations yet for this session # print "no current interpretation" # beg_pca,end_pca="","" # calculation_type="" # get the ones that meet the current coordinate system else: print("no data") if verbose: input('Ready for next specimen ') k += 1
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION reads in magic_measurements formatted file, makes plots of remanence decay during demagnetization experiments. Reads in prior interpretations saved in a pmag_specimens formatted file [and allows re-interpretations of best-fit lines and planes and saves (revised or new) interpretations in a pmag_specimens file. interpretations are saved in the coordinate system used. Also allows judicious editting of measurements to eliminate "bad" measurements. These are marked as such in the magic_measurements input file. they are NOT deleted, just ignored. ] Bracketed part not yet implemented SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f MEASFILE: sets measurements format input file, default: measurements.txt -fsp SPECFILE: sets specimens format file with prior interpreations, default: specimens.txt -fsa SAMPFILE: sets samples format file sample=>site information, default: samples.txt -fsi SITEFILE: sets sites format file with site=>location informationprior interpreations, default: samples.txt -Fp PLTFILE: sets filename for saved plot, default is name_type.fmt (where type is zijd, eqarea or decay curve) -crd [s,g,t]: sets coordinate system, g=geographic, t=tilt adjusted, default: specimen coordinate system -spc SPEC plots single specimen SPEC, saves plot with specified format with optional -dir settings and quits -dir [L,P,F][beg][end]: sets calculation type for principal component analysis, default is none beg: starting step for PCA calculation end: ending step for PCA calculation [L,P,F]: calculation type for line, plane or fisher mean must be used with -spc option -fmt FMT: set format of saved plot [png,svg,jpg] -A: suppresses averaging of replicate measurements, default is to average -sav: saves all plots without review SCREEN OUTPUT: Specimen, N, a95, StepMin, StepMax, Dec, Inc, calculation type """ # initialize some variables doave, e, b = 1, 0, 0 # average replicates, initial end and beginning step intlist = ['magn_moment', 'magn_volume', 'magn_mass', 'magnitude'] plots, coord = 0, 's' noorient = 0 version_num = pmag.get_version() verbose = pmagplotlib.verbose calculation_type, fmt = "", "svg" user, spec_keys, locname = "", [], '' geo, tilt, ask = 0, 0, 0 PriorRecs = [] # empty list for prior interpretations backup = 0 specimen = "" # can skip everything and just plot one specimen with bounds e,b if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() dir_path = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-WD", default_val=os.getcwd()) meas_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys( "-f", default_val="measurements.txt") spec_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys( "-fsp", default_val="specimens.txt") samp_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsa", default_val="samples.txt") site_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fsi", default_val="sites.txt") #meas_file = os.path.join(dir_path, meas_file) #spec_file = os.path.join(dir_path, spec_file) #samp_file = os.path.join(dir_path, samp_file) #site_file = os.path.join(dir_path, site_file) plot_file = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-Fp", default_val="") crd = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-crd", default_val="s") if crd == "s": coord = "-1" elif crd == "t": coord = "100" else: coord = "0" fmt = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-fmt", "svg") specimen = pmag.get_named_arg_from_sys("-spc", default_val="") beg_pca, end_pca = "", "" if '-dir' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-dir') direction_type = sys.argv[ind + 1] beg_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 2]) end_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 3]) if direction_type == 'L': calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' if direction_type == 'P': calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' if direction_type == 'F': calculation_type = 'DE-FM' if '-A' in sys.argv: doave = 0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plots, verbose = 1, 0 # first_save = 1 fnames = {'measurements': meas_file, 'specimens': spec_file, 'samples': samp_file, 'sites': site_file} contribution = nb.Contribution(dir_path, custom_filenames=fnames, read_tables=[ 'measurements', 'specimens', 'samples', 'sites']) # # import specimens specimen_cols = ['analysts', 'aniso_ftest', 'aniso_ftest12', 'aniso_ftest23', 'aniso_s', 'aniso_s_mean', 'aniso_s_n_measurements', 'aniso_s_sigma', 'aniso_s_unit', 'aniso_tilt_correction', 'aniso_type', 'aniso_v1', 'aniso_v2', 'aniso_v3', 'citations', 'description', 'dir_alpha95', 'dir_comp', 'dir_dec', 'dir_inc', 'dir_mad_free', 'dir_n_measurements', 'dir_tilt_correction', 'experiments', 'geologic_classes', 'geologic_types', 'hyst_bc', 'hyst_bcr', 'hyst_mr_moment', 'hyst_ms_moment', 'int_abs', 'int_b', 'int_b_beta', 'int_b_sigma', 'int_corr', 'int_dang', 'int_drats', 'int_f', 'int_fvds', 'int_gamma', 'int_mad_free', 'int_md', 'int_n_measurements', 'int_n_ptrm', 'int_q', 'int_rsc', 'int_treat_dc_field', 'lithologies', 'meas_step_max', 'meas_step_min', 'meas_step_unit', 'method_codes', 'sample', 'software_packages', 'specimen'] if 'specimens' in contribution.tables: # contribution.propagate_name_down('sample','measurements') spec_container = contribution.tables['specimens'] if 'method_codes' not in spec_container.df.columns: spec_container.df['method_codes'] = None prior_spec_data = spec_container.get_records_for_code( 'LP-DIR', strict_match=False) # look up all prior directional interpretations # # tie sample names to measurement data # else: spec_container, prior_spec_data = None, [] # # import samples for orientation info # if ('samples' in contribution.tables) and ('specimens' in contribution.tables): # contribution.propagate_name_down('site','measurements') contribution.propagate_cols(col_names=[ 'azimuth', 'dip', 'orientation_quality'], target_df_name='measurements', source_df_name='samples') # # define figure numbers for equal area, zijderveld, # and intensity vs. demagnetiztion step respectively # ZED = {} ZED['eqarea'], ZED['zijd'], ZED['demag'] = 1, 2, 3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['eqarea'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['zijd'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['demag'], 6, 6) # save_pca=0 angle, direction_type, setangle = "", "", 0 # create measurement dataframe # meas_container = contribution.tables['measurements'] meas_data = meas_container.df # meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'LT-NO|LT-AF-Z|LT-T-Z|LT-M-Z') == True] # fish out steps for plotting meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'AN|ARM|LP-TRM|LP-PI-ARM') == False] # strip out unwanted experiments intensity_types = [ col_name for col_name in meas_data.columns if col_name in intlist] intensity_types = [ col_name for col_name in intensity_types if any(meas_data[col_name])] if not len(intensity_types): print('-W- No intensity columns found') return # plot first non-empty intensity method found - normalized to initial value anyway - # doesn't matter which used int_key = intensity_types[0] # get all the non-null intensity records of the same type meas_data = meas_data[meas_data[int_key].notnull()] if 'flag' not in meas_data.columns: meas_data['flag'] = 'g' # set the default flag to good # need to treat LP-NO specially for af data, treatment should be zero, # otherwise 273. meas_data['treatment'] = meas_data['treat_ac_field'].where( cond=meas_data['treat_ac_field'] != 0, other=meas_data['treat_temp']) meas_data['ZI'] = 1 # initialize these to one meas_data['instrument_codes'] = "" # initialize these to blank # for unusual case of microwave power.... if 'treat_mw_power' in meas_data.columns: meas_data.loc[ (meas_data.treat_mw_power != 0) & (meas_data.treat_mw_power) & (meas_data.treat_mw_time), 'treatment'] = meas_data.treat_mw_power * meas_data.treat_mw_time # # get list of unique specimen names from measurement data # # this is a list of all the specimen names specimen_names = meas_data.specimen.unique() specimen_names = specimen_names.tolist() specimen_names.sort() # # set up new DataFrame for this sessions specimen interpretations # data_container = nb.MagicDataFrame( dtype='specimens', columns=specimen_cols) # this is for interpretations from this session current_spec_data = data_container.df locname = 'LookItUp' if specimen == "": k = 0 else: k = specimen_names.index(specimen) # let's look at the data now while k < len(specimen_names): mpars = None # set the current specimen for plotting this_specimen = specimen_names[k] # reset beginning/end pca if plotting more than one specimen if not specimen: beg_pca, end_pca = "", "" if verbose and this_specimen != "": print(this_specimen, k + 1, 'out of ', len(specimen_names)) if setangle == 0: angle = "" this_specimen_measurements = meas_data[meas_data['specimen'].str.contains( this_specimen) == True] # fish out this specimen this_specimen_measurements = this_specimen_measurements[this_specimen_measurements['flag'].str.contains( 'g') == True] # fish out this specimen if len(this_specimen_measurements) != 0: # if there are measurements # # set up datablock [[treatment,dec, inc, int, direction_type],[....]] # # # figure out the method codes # units, methods, title = "", "", this_specimen # this is a list of all the specimen method codes` meas_meths = this_specimen_measurements.method_codes.unique() tr = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.treatment).tolist() if set(tr) == set([0]): k += 1 continue for m in meas_meths: if 'LT-AF-Z' in m: units = 'T' # units include tesla tr[0] = 0 if 'LT-T-Z' in m: units = units + ":K" # units include kelvin if 'LT-M-Z' in m: units = units + ':J' # units include joules tr[0] = 0 units = units.strip(':') # strip off extra colons if 'LP-' in m: methods = methods + ":" + m decs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_dec).tolist() incs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_inc).tolist() # # fix the coordinate system # if coord != '-1': # need to transform coordinates to geographic azimuths = pd.to_numeric( this_specimen_measurements.azimuth).tolist() # get the azimuths # get the azimuths dips = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dip).tolist() dirs = [decs, incs, azimuths, dips] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_geo = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dogeo_V(dirs_geo) if coord == '100': # need to do tilt correction too bed_dip_dirs = pd.to_numeric( this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip_dir).tolist() # get the azimuths bed_dips = pd.to_numeric( this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip).tolist() # get the azimuths dirs = [decs, incs, bed_dip_dirs, bed_dips] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_tilt = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dotilt_V(dirs_tilt) title = title + '_t' else: title = title + '_g' if angle == "": angle = decs[0] ints = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements[int_key]).tolist() ZI = this_specimen_measurements.ZI.tolist() flags = this_specimen_measurements.flag.tolist() codes = this_specimen_measurements.instrument_codes.tolist() datalist = [tr, decs, incs, ints, ZI, flags, codes] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists datablock = list(map(list, list(zip(*datalist)))) pmagplotlib.plotZED(ZED, datablock, angle, title, units) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) # # collect info for current_specimen_interpretation dictionary # # # find prior interpretation # prior_specimen_interpretations = prior_spec_data[prior_spec_data['specimen'].str.contains(this_specimen) == True] if (beg_pca == "") and (len(prior_specimen_interpretations) != 0): if len(prior_specimen_interpretations)>0: beg_pcas = pd.to_numeric( prior_specimen_interpretations.meas_step_min.values).tolist() end_pcas = pd.to_numeric( prior_specimen_interpretations.meas_step_max.values).tolist() spec_methods = prior_specimen_interpretations.method_codes.tolist() # step through all prior interpretations and plot them for ind in range(len(beg_pcas)): spec_meths = spec_methods[ind].split(':') for m in spec_meths: if 'DE-BFL' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' # best fit line if 'DE-BFP' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' # best fit plane if 'DE-FM' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-FM' # fisher mean if 'DE-BFL-A' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL-A' # anchored best fit line start, end = tr.index(beg_pcas[ind]), tr.index( end_pcas[ind]) # getting the starting and ending points # calculate direction/plane mpars = pmag.domean( datablock, start, end, calculation_type) if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # put it on the plot pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) else: try: start, end = int(beg_pca), int(end_pca) except ValueError: beg_pca = 0 end_pca = len(datablock) - 1 start, end = int(beg_pca), int(end_pca) # calculate direction/plane try: mpars = pmag.domean(datablock, start, end, calculation_type) except Exception as ex: print('-I- Problem with {}'.format(this_specimen)) print(' ', ex) print(' Skipping') k += 1 continue if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # put it on the plot pmagplotlib.plotDir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) if verbose: pmagplotlib.drawFIGS(ZED) if plots == 1 or specimen != "": if plot_file == "": basename = title else: basename = plot_file files = {} for key in list(ZED.keys()): files[key] = basename + '_' + key + '.' + fmt pmagplotlib.saveP(ZED, files) if specimen != "": sys.exit() if verbose: recnum = 0 for plotrec in datablock: if units == 'T': print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "K": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "J": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0], ' J', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if 'K' in units and 'T' in units: if plotrec[0] >= 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if plotrec[0] < 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % ( plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) recnum += 1 # we have a current interpretation elif mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # # create a new specimen record for the interpreation for this # specimen this_specimen_interpretation = { col: "" for col in specimen_cols} # this_specimen_interpretation["analysts"]=user this_specimen_interpretation['software_packages'] = version_num this_specimen_interpretation['specimen'] = this_specimen this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = calculation_type this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_unit"] = units this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"] = tr[start] this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"] = tr[end] this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dec']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_inc']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dang']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"] = '%i' % ( mpars['specimen_n']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_tilt_correction"] = coord methods = methods.replace(" ", "") if "T" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-AF" if "K" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-T" if "J" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-M" this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = methods.strip( ':') this_specimen_interpretation["experiments"] = this_specimen_measurements.experiment.unique()[ 0] # # print some stuff # if calculation_type != 'DE-FM': this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_mad']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '' if verbose: if units == 'K': print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif units == 'T': print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) - 273 print('%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), min, max, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_alpha95']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '' if verbose: if 'K' in units: print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurments"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units: print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float( this_specimen_interpretation['meas_step_max']) - 273 print('%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"]), min, max, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print('%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) if verbose: saveit = input("Save this interpretation? [y]/n \n") # START HERE # # if len(current_spec_data)==0: # no interpretations yet for this session # print "no current interpretation" # beg_pca,end_pca="","" # calculation_type="" # get the ones that meet the current coordinate system else: print("no data") if verbose: res = input(' <return> for next specimen, [q]uit ') if res == 'q': return k += 1
def main(): """ NAME DESCRIPTION reads in magic_measurements formatted file, makes plots of remanence decay during demagnetization experiments. Reads in prior interpretations saved in a pmag_specimens formatted file [and allows re-interpretations of best-fit lines and planes and saves (revised or new) interpretations in a pmag_specimens file. interpretations are saved in the coordinate system used. Also allows judicious editting of measurements to eliminate "bad" measurements. These are marked as such in the magic_measurements input file. they are NOT deleted, just ignored. ] Bracketed part not yet implemented SYNTAX [command line options] OPTIONS -h prints help message and quits -f MEASFILE: sets measurements format input file, default: measurements.txt -fsp SPECFILE: sets specimens format file with prior interpreations, default: specimens.txt -fsa SAMPFILE: sets samples format file sample=>site information, default: samples.txt -fsi SITEFILE: sets sites format file with site=>location informationprior interpreations, default: samples.txt -Fp PLTFILE: sets filename for saved plot, default is name_type.fmt (where type is zijd, eqarea or decay curve) -crd [s,g,t]: sets coordinate system, g=geographic, t=tilt adjusted, default: specimen coordinate system -spc SPEC plots single specimen SPEC, saves plot with specified format with optional -dir settings and quits -dir [L,P,F][beg][end]: sets calculation type for principal component analysis, default is none beg: starting step for PCA calculation end: ending step for PCA calculation [L,P,F]: calculation type for line, plane or fisher mean must be used with -spc option -fmt FMT: set format of saved plot [png,svg,jpg] -A: suppresses averaging of replicate measurements, default is to average -sav: saves all plots without review SCREEN OUTPUT: Specimen, N, a95, StepMin, StepMax, Dec, Inc, calculation type """ # initialize some variables doave, e, b = 1, 0, 0 # average replicates, initial end and beginning step intlist = ['magn_moment', 'magn_volume', 'magn_mass', 'magnitude'] plots, coord = 0, 's' noorient = 0 version_num = pmag.get_version() verbose = pmagplotlib.verbose calculation_type, fmt = "", "svg" spec_keys = [] geo, tilt, ask = 0, 0, 0 PriorRecs = [] # empty list for prior interpretations backup = 0 specimen = "" # can skip everything and just plot one specimen with bounds e,b if '-h' in sys.argv: print(main.__doc__) sys.exit() dir_path = pmag.get_named_arg("-WD", default_val=os.getcwd()) meas_file = pmag.get_named_arg("-f", default_val="measurements.txt") spec_file = pmag.get_named_arg("-fsp", default_val="specimens.txt") samp_file = pmag.get_named_arg("-fsa", default_val="samples.txt") site_file = pmag.get_named_arg("-fsi", default_val="sites.txt") #meas_file = os.path.join(dir_path, meas_file) #spec_file = os.path.join(dir_path, spec_file) #samp_file = os.path.join(dir_path, samp_file) #site_file = os.path.join(dir_path, site_file) plot_file = pmag.get_named_arg("-Fp", default_val="") crd = pmag.get_named_arg("-crd", default_val="s") if crd == "s": coord = "-1" elif crd == "t": coord = "100" else: coord = "0" saved_coord = coord fmt = pmag.get_named_arg("-fmt", "svg") specimen = pmag.get_named_arg("-spc", default_val="") #if specimen: # just save plot and exit # plots, verbose = 1, 0 beg_pca, end_pca = "", "" if '-dir' in sys.argv: ind = sys.argv.index('-dir') direction_type = sys.argv[ind + 1] beg_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 2]) end_pca = int(sys.argv[ind + 3]) if direction_type == 'L': calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' if direction_type == 'P': calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' if direction_type == 'F': calculation_type = 'DE-FM' if '-A' in sys.argv: doave = 0 if '-sav' in sys.argv: plots, verbose = 1, 0 # first_save = 1 fnames = { 'measurements': meas_file, 'specimens': spec_file, 'samples': samp_file, 'sites': site_file } contribution = cb.Contribution( dir_path, custom_filenames=fnames, read_tables=['measurements', 'specimens', 'samples', 'sites']) # # import specimens if 'measurements' not in contribution.tables: print('-W- No measurements table found in your working directory') return specimen_cols = [ 'analysts', 'aniso_ftest', 'aniso_ftest12', 'aniso_ftest23', 'aniso_s', 'aniso_s_mean', 'aniso_s_n_measurements', 'aniso_s_sigma', 'aniso_s_unit', 'aniso_tilt_correction', 'aniso_type', 'aniso_v1', 'aniso_v2', 'aniso_v3', 'citations', 'description', 'dir_alpha95', 'dir_comp', 'dir_dec', 'dir_inc', 'dir_mad_free', 'dir_n_measurements', 'dir_tilt_correction', 'experiments', 'geologic_classes', 'geologic_types', 'hyst_bc', 'hyst_bcr', 'hyst_mr_moment', 'hyst_ms_moment', 'int_abs', 'int_b', 'int_b_beta', 'int_b_sigma', 'int_corr', 'int_dang', 'int_drats', 'int_f', 'int_fvds', 'int_gamma', 'int_mad_free', 'int_md', 'int_n_measurements', 'int_n_ptrm', 'int_q', 'int_rsc', 'int_treat_dc_field', 'lithologies', 'meas_step_max', 'meas_step_min', 'meas_step_unit', 'method_codes', 'sample', 'software_packages', 'specimen' ] if 'specimens' in contribution.tables: contribution.propagate_name_down('sample', 'measurements') # add location/site info to measurements table for naming plots if pmagplotlib.isServer: contribution.propagate_name_down('site', 'measurements') contribution.propagate_name_down('location', 'measurements') spec_container = contribution.tables['specimens'] if 'method_codes' not in spec_container.df.columns: spec_container.df['method_codes'] = None prior_spec_data = spec_container.get_records_for_code( 'LP-DIR', strict_match=False ) # look up all prior directional interpretations # # tie sample names to measurement data # else: spec_container, prior_spec_data = None, [] # # import samples for orientation info # if 'samples' in contribution.tables: samp_container = contribution.tables['samples'] samps = samp_container.df samp_data = samps.to_dict( 'records' ) # convert to list of dictionaries for use with get_orient else: samp_data = [] #if ('samples' in contribution.tables) and ('specimens' in contribution.tables): # # contribution.propagate_name_down('site','measurements') # contribution.propagate_cols(col_names=[ # 'azimuth', 'dip', 'orientation_quality','bed_dip','bed_dip_direction'], target_df_name='measurements', source_df_name='samples') ## # define figure numbers for equal area, zijderveld, # and intensity vs. demagnetiztion step respectively # ZED = {} ZED['eqarea'], ZED['zijd'], ZED['demag'] = 1, 2, 3 pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['eqarea'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['zijd'], 6, 6) pmagplotlib.plot_init(ZED['demag'], 6, 6) # save_pca=0 angle, direction_type, setangle = "", "", 0 # create measurement dataframe # meas_container = contribution.tables['measurements'] meas_data = meas_container.df # meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'LT-NO|LT-AF-Z|LT-T-Z|LT-M-Z') == True] # fish out steps for plotting meas_data = meas_data[meas_data['method_codes'].str.contains( 'AN|ARM|LP-TRM|LP-PI-ARM') == False] # strip out unwanted experiments intensity_types = [ col_name for col_name in meas_data.columns if col_name in intlist ] intensity_types = [ col_name for col_name in intensity_types if any(meas_data[col_name]) ] if not len(intensity_types): print('-W- No intensity columns found') return # plot first non-empty intensity method found - normalized to initial value anyway - # doesn't matter which used int_key = intensity_types[0] # get all the non-null intensity records of the same type meas_data = meas_data[meas_data[int_key].notnull()] if 'quality' not in meas_data.columns: meas_data['quality'] = 'g' # set the default flag to good # need to treat LP-NO specially for af data, treatment should be zero, # otherwise 273. #meas_data['treatment'] = meas_data['treat_ac_field'].where( # cond=meas_data['treat_ac_field'] != 0, other=meas_data['treat_temp']) meas_data['treatment'] = meas_data['treat_ac_field'].where( cond=meas_data['treat_ac_field'].astype(bool), other=meas_data['treat_temp']) meas_data['ZI'] = 1 # initialize these to one meas_data['instrument_codes'] = "" # initialize these to blank # for unusual case of microwave power.... if 'treat_mw_power' in meas_data.columns: meas_data.loc[ (meas_data.treat_mw_power != 0) & (meas_data.treat_mw_power) & (meas_data.treat_mw_time), 'treatment'] = meas_data.treat_mw_power * meas_data.treat_mw_time # # get list of unique specimen names from measurement data # # this is a list of all the specimen names specimen_names = meas_data.specimen.unique() specimen_names = specimen_names.tolist() specimen_names.sort() # # set up new DataFrame for this sessions specimen interpretations # data_container = cb.MagicDataFrame(dtype='specimens', columns=specimen_cols) # this is for interpretations from this session current_spec_data = data_container.df if specimen == "": k = 0 else: k = specimen_names.index(specimen) # let's look at the data now while k < len(specimen_names): mpars = {"specimen_direction_type": "Error"} # set the current specimen for plotting this_specimen = specimen_names[k] # reset beginning/end pca if plotting more than one specimen if not specimen: beg_pca, end_pca = "", "" if verbose and this_specimen != "": print(this_specimen, k + 1, 'out of ', len(specimen_names)) if setangle == 0: angle = "" this_specimen_measurements = meas_data[ meas_data['specimen'].str.contains(this_specimen).astype( bool)] # fish out this specimen this_specimen_measurements = this_specimen_measurements[ -this_specimen_measurements['quality'].str.contains('b').astype( bool)] # remove bad measurements if len(this_specimen_measurements) != 0: # if there are measurements meas_list = this_specimen_measurements.to_dict( 'records') # get a list of dictionaries this_sample = "" if coord != '-1' and 'sample' in meas_list[0].keys( ): # look up sample name this_sample = pmag.get_dictitem(meas_list, 'specimen', this_specimen, 'T') if len(this_sample) > 0: this_sample = this_sample[0]['sample'] # # set up datablock [[treatment,dec, inc, int, direction_type],[....]] # # # figure out the method codes # units, methods, title = "", "", this_specimen if pmagplotlib.isServer: try: loc = this_specimen_measurements.loc[:, 'location'].values[0] except: loc = "" try: site = this_specimen_measurements.loc[:, 'site'].values[0] except: site = "" try: samp = this_specimen_measurements.loc[:, 'sample'].values[0] except: samp = "" title = "LO:_{}_SI:_{}_SA:_{}_SP:_{}_".format( loc, site, samp, this_specimen) # this is a list of all the specimen method codes meas_meths = this_specimen_measurements.method_codes.unique() tr = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.treatment).tolist() if any(cb.is_null(treat, False) for treat in tr): print( '-W- Missing required values in measurements.treatment for {}, skipping' .format(this_specimen)) if specimen: return k += 1 continue if set(tr) == set([0]): print( '-W- Missing required values in measurements.treatment for {}, skipping' .format(this_specimen)) if specimen: return k += 1 continue for m in meas_meths: if 'LT-AF-Z' in m and 'T' not in units: units = 'T' # units include tesla tr[0] = 0 if 'LT-T-Z' in m and 'K' not in units: units = units + ":K" # units include kelvin if 'LT-M-Z' in m and 'J' not in units: units = units + ':J' # units include joules tr[0] = 0 units = units.strip(':') # strip off extra colons if 'LP-' in m: methods = methods + ":" + m decs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_dec).tolist() incs = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dir_inc).tolist() # # fix the coordinate system # # revert to original coordinate system coord = saved_coord if coord != '-1': # need to transform coordinates to geographic # get the azimuth or_info, az_type = pmag.get_orient(samp_data, this_sample, data_model=3) if 'azimuth' in or_info.keys() and cb.not_null( or_info['azimuth']): #azimuths = pd.to_numeric( # this_specimen_measurements.azimuth).tolist() #dips = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements.dip).tolist() azimuths = len(decs) * [or_info['azimuth']] dips = len(decs) * [or_info['dip']] # if azimuth/dip is missing, plot using specimen coordinates instead else: azimuths, dips = [], [] if any([cb.is_null(az) for az in azimuths if az != 0]): coord = '-1' print("-W- Couldn't find azimuth and dip for {}".format( this_specimen)) print(" Plotting with specimen coordinates instead") elif any([cb.is_null(dip) for dip in dips if dip != 0]): coord = '-1' print("-W- Couldn't find azimuth and dip for {}".format( this_specimen)) print(" Plotting with specimen coordinates instead") else: coord = saved_coord # if azimuth and dip were found, continue with geographic coordinates if coord != "-1" and len(azimuths) > 0: dirs = [decs, incs, azimuths, dips] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_geo = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dogeo_V(dirs_geo) if coord == '100' and 'bed_dip_direction' in or_info.keys( ) and or_info[ 'bed_dip_direction'] != "": # need to do tilt correction too bed_dip_dirs = len(decs) * [ or_info['bed_dip_direction'] ] bed_dips = len(decs) * [or_info['bed_dip']] #bed_dip_dirs = pd.to_numeric( # this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip_direction).tolist() # get the azimuths #bed_dips = pd.to_numeric( # this_specimen_measurements.bed_dip).tolist() # get the azimuths dirs = [decs, incs, bed_dip_dirs, bed_dips] ## this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists dirs_tilt = np.array(list(map(list, list(zip(*dirs))))) decs, incs = pmag.dotilt_V(dirs_tilt) if pmagplotlib.isServer: title = title + "CO:_t_" else: title = title + '_t' else: if pmagplotlib.isServer: title = title + "CO:_g_" else: title = title + '_g' if angle == "": angle = decs[0] ints = pd.to_numeric(this_specimen_measurements[int_key]).tolist() ZI = this_specimen_measurements.ZI.tolist() flags = this_specimen_measurements.quality.tolist() codes = this_specimen_measurements.instrument_codes.tolist() datalist = [tr, decs, incs, ints, ZI, flags, codes] # this transposes the columns and rows of the list of lists datablock = list(map(list, list(zip(*datalist)))) pmagplotlib.plot_zed(ZED, datablock, angle, title, units) if verbose and not set_env.IS_WIN: pmagplotlib.draw_figs(ZED) # # collect info for current_specimen_interpretation dictionary # # # find prior interpretation # prior_specimen_interpretations = [] if len(prior_spec_data): prior_specimen_interpretations = prior_spec_data[ prior_spec_data['specimen'].str.contains( this_specimen) == True] if (beg_pca == "") and (len(prior_specimen_interpretations) != 0): if len(prior_specimen_interpretations) > 0: beg_pcas = pd.to_numeric(prior_specimen_interpretations. meas_step_min.values).tolist() end_pcas = pd.to_numeric(prior_specimen_interpretations. meas_step_max.values).tolist() spec_methods = prior_specimen_interpretations.method_codes.tolist( ) # step through all prior interpretations and plot them for ind in range(len(beg_pcas)): spec_meths = spec_methods[ind].split(':') for m in spec_meths: if 'DE-BFL' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL' # best fit line if 'DE-BFP' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFP' # best fit plane if 'DE-FM' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-FM' # fisher mean if 'DE-BFL-A' in m: calculation_type = 'DE-BFL-A' # anchored best fit line if len(beg_pcas) != 0: try: # getting the starting and ending points start, end = tr.index(beg_pcas[ind]), tr.index( end_pcas[ind]) mpars = pmag.domean(datablock, start, end, calculation_type) except ValueError: print( '-W- Specimen record contains invalid start/stop bounds:' ) mpars['specimen_direction_type'] = "Error" # calculate direction/plane if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # put it on the plot pmagplotlib.plot_dir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) if verbose and not set_env.IS_WIN: pmagplotlib.draw_figs(ZED) ### SKIP if no prior interpretation - this section should not be used: # else: # try: # start, end = int(beg_pca), int(end_pca) # except ValueError: # beg_pca = 0 # end_pca = len(datablock) - 1 # start, end = int(beg_pca), int(end_pca) # # # calculate direction/plane # try: # mpars = pmag.domean(datablock, start, end, calculation_type) # except Exception as ex: # print('-I- Problem with {}'.format(this_specimen)) # print(' ', ex) # print(' Skipping') # continue # k += 1 # if mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # # put it on the plot # pmagplotlib.plot_dir(ZED, mpars, datablock, angle) # if verbose: # pmagplotlib.draw_figs(ZED) if plots == 1 or specimen != "": if plot_file == "": basename = title else: basename = plot_file files = {} for key in list(ZED.keys()): files[key] = basename + '_' + key + '.' + fmt if pmagplotlib.isServer: files[key] = basename + "TY:_{}_.".format(key) + fmt pmagplotlib.save_plots(ZED, files) if specimen != "": sys.exit() if verbose: recnum = 0 for plotrec in datablock: if units == 'T': print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "K": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if units == "J": print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0], ' J', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if 'K' in units and 'T' in units: if plotrec[0] >= 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] - 273, ' C', plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) if plotrec[0] < 1.: print('%s: %i %7.1f %s %8.3e %7.1f %7.1f %s' % (plotrec[5], recnum, plotrec[0] * 1e3, " mT", plotrec[3], plotrec[1], plotrec[2], plotrec[6])) recnum += 1 # we have a current interpretation elif mpars["specimen_direction_type"] != "Error": # # create a new specimen record for the interpreation for this # specimen this_specimen_interpretation = { col: "" for col in specimen_cols } # this_specimen_interpretation["analysts"]=user this_specimen_interpretation['software_packages'] = version_num this_specimen_interpretation['specimen'] = this_specimen this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = calculation_type this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_unit"] = units this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_min"] = tr[start] this_specimen_interpretation["meas_step_max"] = tr[end] this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dec']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_inc']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_dang']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_n_measurements"] = '%i' % ( mpars['specimen_n']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_tilt_correction"] = coord methods = methods.replace(" ", "") if "T" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-AF" if "K" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-T" if "J" in units: methods = methods + ":LP-DIR-M" this_specimen_interpretation["method_codes"] = methods.strip( ':') this_specimen_interpretation[ "experiments"] = this_specimen_measurements.experiment.unique( )[0] # # print some stuff # if calculation_type != 'DE-FM': this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_mad']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '' if verbose: if units == 'K': print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) - 273, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif units == 'T': print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) - 273 print( '%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), min, max, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] = '%7.1f' % ( mpars['specimen_alpha95']) this_specimen_interpretation["dir_mad_free"] = '' if verbose: if 'K' in units: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurments"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_mad_free"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) - 273, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) - 273, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_alpha95"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dang"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]) * 1e3, float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]) * 1e3, float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) elif 'T' in units and 'K' in units: if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) < 1.0: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) * 1e3 else: min = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_min']) - 273 if float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) < 1.0: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) * 1e3 else: max = float(this_specimen_interpretation[ 'meas_step_max']) - 273 print('%s %i %7.1f %i %i %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % ( this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_alpha95"] ), min, max, float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) else: print( '%s %i %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %7.1f %s \n' % (this_specimen_interpretation["specimen"], int(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_n_measurements"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "dir_alpha95"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_min"]), float(this_specimen_interpretation[ "meas_step_max"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_dec"]), float( this_specimen_interpretation["dir_inc"]), calculation_type)) if verbose: saveit = input("Save this interpretation? [y]/n \n") else: print("no data", this_specimen) if verbose: pmagplotlib.draw_figs(ZED) #res = input(' <return> for next specimen, [q]uit ') res = input("S[a]ve plots, [q]uit, or <return> to continue ") if res == 'a': files = { plot_type: this_specimen + "_" + plot_type + "." + fmt for plot_type in ZED } pmagplotlib.save_plots(ZED, files) print("") if res == 'q': return k += 1