def make_NPDU(self,msg_pmt): if pmt.is_blob(msg_pmt): blob = msg_pmt #print "is blob" elif pmt.is_pair(msg_pmt): blob = pmt.cdr(msg_pmt) #print "is pair" else: print "Formato desconocido" return # Toma Pmt pair a numpyarray y luego a list data_np = pmt.to_python(blob) #numpy.ndarray apdu = data_np.tolist() #python list Src_Ieee = self.SrcIeeeN # la dir del USRP de 64 bit puede ser cualquiera global Seq_Num Seq_Num[0] = Seq_Num[0] +1 if Seq_Num[0] > 254: Seq_Num[0] = 0 Radio = [0x1E] # Saltos Max del mensaje Src_Add = self.SrcAddN # Puede ser cualquiera Dst_Add = [0xFF,0xFF] # Coordinador 00 00 / #broadcast FF FF FC_N = [0x08,0x10] # Frame Control LSB-MSB NPDU = FC_N + Dst_Add + Src_Add + Radio + Seq_Num + Src_Ieee + apdu # Crea PMT vacio send_pmt = pmt.make_u8vector(len(NPDU), ord(' ')) # Copia Caracteres a u8vector: for i in range(len(NPDU)): pmt.u8vector_set(send_pmt, i, NPDU[i]) # Envia mensaje: self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('out'), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, send_pmt))
def msg_handler(self, m): if not pmt.is_pair(m): return meta = if not pmt.is_dict(meta): return blockstart = pmt.to_long( pmt.dict_ref(meta, pmt.intern('blockstart'), pmt.from_long(-1024))) blockend = pmt.to_long( pmt.dict_ref(meta, pmt.intern('blockend'), pmt.from_long(-1024))) if blockstart == -1024 or blockend == -1024: return rel_cfreq = pmt.to_double( pmt.dict_ref(meta, pmt.intern('rel_cfreq'), pmt.from_double(-1.0))) rel_bw = pmt.to_double( pmt.dict_ref(meta, pmt.intern('rel_bw'), pmt.from_double(-1.0))) if rel_cfreq < 0.0 or rel_bw < 0.0: return blockleft = int(self.normwidth * (rel_cfreq - rel_bw / 2.0)) blockright = int( numpy.ceil(self.normwidth * (rel_cfreq + rel_bw / 2.0))) #print('new msg: {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format(blockstart, blockend, rel_cfreq, rel_bw, blockleft, blockright)) self.msg_puffer += [(blockstart, blockend, blockleft, blockright)]
def handle_pdu(self, pdu): if not pmt.is_pair(pdu): return meta = pmt.to_python( or {} bits = pmt.to_python(pmt.cdr(pdu)) if meta.get('packed', False): bits = numpy.unpackbits(bytearray(bits)) try: output = self.format_output(meta, bits) if self.stdout: print output if self.fp: self.fp.write(output) self.fp.write('\n') if self.flush: self.fp.flush() except IndexError as e: print >> sys.stderr, "gr-reveng: IndexError: Ran out of bits?" print >> sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc(e) except ValueError as e: print >> sys.stderr, "gr-reveng: TypeError: Something casted wrong!" print >> sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc(e) except IOError as e: print >> sys.stderr, "gr-reveng: IOError: Unable to write to file, closing" try: self.fp.close() except (OSError, IOError): pass self.fp = None except StandardError as e: print >> sys.stderr, "gr-reveng: %s: Something went horribly wrong!" % type(e) print >> sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc(e)
def deframe_MSJ(self, msg_pmt): if pmt.is_blob(msg_pmt): blob = msg_pmt #print "is blob" elif pmt.is_pair(msg_pmt): blob = pmt.cdr(msg_pmt) #print "is pair" else: print "Formato desconocido" return data_np = pmt.to_python(blob) #numpy.ndarray data_py = data_np.tolist() #python list #print "Paquete",data_py,data_py.__class__ index = 8 del data_py[: index] # FC (1), DesEP(1),Cluster(2),Profile(2),SourEP(1),Counter(1) #print "DEPACKED-->",data_py # Crea un PMT vacio: send_pmt = pmt.make_u8vector(len(data_py), ord(' ')) # Copy all characters to the u8vector: for i in range(len(data_py)): pmt.u8vector_set(send_pmt, i, data_py[i]) # Send the message: self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('out'), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, send_pmt))
def make_MPDU(self, msg_pmt): if pmt.is_blob(msg_pmt): blob = msg_pmt # print "is blob" elif pmt.is_pair(msg_pmt): blob = pmt.cdr(msg_pmt) # print "is pair" else: print "Formato desconocido" return # Toma Pmt pair a numpyarray y luego a list data_np = pmt.to_python(blob) # numpy.ndarray npdu = data_np.tolist() # python list Src_Add = self.SrcAddM # Dir 16 bit id de la red Dst_Add = [0xFF, 0xFF] # Coordinador 00 00 / #broadcast FF FF Pan_Id = self.PanId # PanID que estabece el coordinador LSB -MSB global Seq_M Seq_M[0] = Seq_M[0] + 1 if Seq_M[0] > 254: Seq_M[0] = 0 FC_M = [0x41, 0x88] # Frame control Mac LSB-MSB to_fcs = FC_M + Seq_M + Pan_Id + Dst_Add + Src_Add + npdu s_to_fcs = struct.pack("B" * len(to_fcs), *to_fcs) # Convierte List a String a = self.crc16(s_to_fcs) # Calcula FCS FCS = [a & 0xFF, (a >> 8) & 0xFF] MPDU = FC_M + Seq_M + Pan_Id + Dst_Add + Src_Add + npdu + FCS send_pmt = pmt.make_u8vector(len(MPDU), ord(" ")) # Crea PMT vacio for i in range(len(MPDU)): pmt.u8vector_set(send_pmt, i, MPDU[i]) # Copia Caracteres a u8vector: # Envia mensaje: self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("out"), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, send_pmt))
def _handleInput(self, msg): # Check message type. if not pmt.is_pair(msg): line = "Invalid input data type detected, must be a pair (car=pmt.NIL, cdr=pmt.init_u8vector([...]))." logger.error(line) print(line) return # Unpack data bytes. value = pmt.cdr(msg) if not pmt.is_u8vector(value): line = "Invalid value type, must be a u8vector (cdr=%s)." % str(value) logger.error(line) print(line) return octets = pmt.to_python(value) line = "Input: {}".format(",".join(["0x{:02x}".format(bi) for bi in octets])) logger.debug(line) # Encode bitSeq = octetsToBits(octets) # Forward message. self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("pkt"), msg)
def handler(self, msg): # is pair() will pass both dictionaries and pairs if not pmt.is_pair(msg): return try: # will fail if msg is not a dictionary or pdu fpmt = pmt.dict_ref(msg, self.filename_tag, pmt.PMT_NIL) except: return if pmt.equal(fpmt, pmt.PMT_NIL): return fname = pmt.symbol_to_string(fpmt) print "received file {}".format(fname) with self.mutex: self.file_queue.append(fname) if self.copy: self.copy_queue.append(fname) if len(self.file_queue) > self.nfiles_max: oldest = self.file_queue.popleft() self.delete(oldest)
def deframe_APDU(self, msg_pmt): if pmt.is_blob(msg_pmt): blob = msg_pmt # print "is blob" elif pmt.is_pair(msg_pmt): blob = pmt.cdr(msg_pmt) # print "is pair" else: print "Formato desconocido" return data_np = pmt.to_python(blob) # numpy.ndarray data_py = data_np.tolist() # python list # print "Paquete",data_py,data_py.__class__ if data_py[2:4] == [0xFF, 0xFF]: index = 16 else: index = 24 del data_py[:index] # FC(2),Dst_Add(2),Src_Add(2),Radio(1),Sec_N(1),X->Dst_IEEE(8), Src_IEEE(8) # print "DEPACKED-->",data_py # Crea un PMT vacio: send_pmt = pmt.make_u8vector(len(data_py), ord(" ")) # Copy all characters to the u8vector: for i in range(len(data_py)): pmt.u8vector_set(send_pmt, i, data_py[i]) # Send the message: self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("out"), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, send_pmt))
def deframe_APDU(self, msg_pmt): if pmt.is_blob(msg_pmt): blob = msg_pmt #print "is blob" elif pmt.is_pair(msg_pmt): blob = pmt.cdr(msg_pmt) #print "is pair" else: print "Formato desconocido" return data_np = pmt.to_python(blob) #numpy.ndarray data_py = data_np.tolist() #python list #print "Paquete",data_py,data_py.__class__ if data_py[2:4] == [0xFF, 0xFF]: index = 16 else: index = 24 del data_py[: index] # FC(2),Dst_Add(2),Src_Add(2),Radio(1),Sec_N(1),X->Dst_IEEE(8), Src_IEEE(8) #print "DEPACKED-->",data_py # Crea un PMT vacio: send_pmt = pmt.make_u8vector(len(data_py), ord(' ')) # Copy all characters to the u8vector: for i in range(len(data_py)): pmt.u8vector_set(send_pmt, i, data_py[i]) # Send the message: self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('out'), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, send_pmt))
def handle_pdu(self, pdu): if not pmt.is_pair(pdu): return meta = pmt.to_python( or {} data = pmt.to_python(pmt.cdr(pdu)) if meta.get('packed', False): bytez = str(bytearray(data)) else: bytez = numpy.packbits(bytearray(data)) ch_num = meta.get('name') ts = meta.get('ts') try: pkt = scapy_gotenna.Gotenna(bytez) except scapy.error: print >> sys.stderr, 'Bad packet:', bytez.encode('hex') return try: if ch_num == 'ch4' and pkt.type in [0x10, 0x11]: self.channels.get('ch%d' % pkt.next_chan).nom_packet(ts, pkt) else: self.channels.get(ch_num).nom_packet(ts, pkt) except StandardError as e: print >> sys.stderr, 'Failed calling nom_packet' print >> sys.stderr, 'Bad packet:', bytez.encode('hex') print >> sys.stderr, traceback.format_exc(e)
def _modemInputHandler(self, msg): # Parse raw packet. if not pmt.is_pair(msg): logger.error("KISS_TNC: Invalid input message.") return value = pmt.cdr(msg) if not pmt.is_u8vector(value): logger.error("KISS_TNC: Invalid message type.") return # Get bytes. data = bytearray(pmt.to_python(value)) frame = { "ctrl": KISS_Utils.KISS_CTRL_DATA, "port": self.portNum, "param": 0, "data": data } packet = KISS_pack(frame) # Send TNC response. self.message_port_pub( pmt.intern("tnc_resp"), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, pmt.init_u8vector(len(packet), packet)))
def deframe_MSJ(self, msg_pmt): if pmt.is_blob(msg_pmt): blob = msg_pmt # print "is blob" elif pmt.is_pair(msg_pmt): blob = pmt.cdr(msg_pmt) # print "is pair" else: print "Formato desconocido" return data_np = pmt.to_python(blob) # numpy.ndarray data_py = data_np.tolist() # python list # print "Paquete",data_py,data_py.__class__ index = 8 del data_py[:index] # FC (1), DesEP(1),Cluster(2),Profile(2),SourEP(1),Counter(1) # print "DEPACKED-->",data_py # Crea un PMT vacio: send_pmt = pmt.make_u8vector(len(data_py), ord(" ")) # Copy all characters to the u8vector: for i in range(len(data_py)): pmt.u8vector_set(send_pmt, i, data_py[i]) # Send the message: self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("out"), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, send_pmt))
def StdDev(self, msg_pmt): # veficcación del formato PMT if pmt.is_blob(msg_pmt): blob = msg_pmt #print "is blob" elif pmt.is_pair(msg_pmt): blob = pmt.cdr(msg_pmt) else: print "Formato desconocido" return vec = pmt.cdr( msg_pmt) #se toma del diccionario en formato pmt la llave #print "sin convertir",vec,vec.__class__ vecp = pmt.to_python(vec) #se convierte de pmt a vector en python self.d_Std = np.array( vecp) # se crea una variable que se pueda mmanipular Std1 = np.std( self.d_Std ) # se calcula la desviación estandar del vector que llego #print (self.d_Std) #print (Std1) Std12 = float(Std1) #print (Std12) #Stdv = pmt.from_float(Std12) #se convierte a float el valor obtenido Stdv1 = pmt.make_f32vector( 1, Std12 ) # se crea un vector de tipo PMT para despues ser interpretado por el bloque PDU to Tagged Stream; debe ser "1" en el primer argumento o no funciona. self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("out"), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, Stdv1))
def handle_msg(self, msg): if(pmt.is_pair(msg)): blob = pmt.cdr(msg) s = "" for i in pmt.u8vector_elements(blob): s += chr(i) print "encoder sent:" + s self.encode_string(s) #"\n\n\n"
def app_in(self, msg): # Generate messages global d_msg_len, d_mac_id, d_seq_nr, d_msg if self.debug: print "******************************** \nGenerating messages ...\n******************************** " print "" print "MAC:app_in: got something:", msg data = msg if (pmt.is_pair(msg)): data = pmt.cdr(msg) #if self.debug: print " pmt_is_pair \n" elif (pmt.is_eof_object(msg)): if self.debug: print "MAC: exiting" return elif (pmt.is_blob(msg)): data = pmt.cdr(msg) if self.debug: print "data is blob" else: if self.debug: print "MAC: unknown input" return if pmt.is_u8vector(data): "data is u8vector" data_elements = pmt.u8vector_elements(data) if self.debug: print "Data from Application Layer: ", data_elements, "\n" print "Data length :", len(data_elements), "\n" d_msg = [] if pmt.is_symbol(data): dataString = pmt.symbol_to_string(data) if self.debug: print "len(pmt.symbol_to_string(data)): ", len( dataString), "pmt.symbol_to_string(data): ", dataString generate_mac(data, len(dataString), self.debug, d_mac_id, d_seq_nr, self.no_self_loop) else: generate_mac(data, pmt.length(data), self.debug, d_mac_id, d_seq_nr, self.no_self_loop) generatedMacPayload = pmt.make_u8vector(len(d_msg), 0) for i in range(len(d_msg)): #if (pmt.is_vector(data)): #print "d_msg[",i,"]: ", d_msg[i], " ; type: ", type(d_msg[i]) # pmt.vector_set(generatedMacPayload, i, pmt.to_pmt(d_msg[i])) pmt.u8vector_set(generatedMacPayload, i, d_msg[i]) #else: pmt.u8vector_set(generatedMacPayload, i, d_msg[i]) self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("pdu out"), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, generatedMacPayload)) print print "**********************************" print if self.debug: print "Data Published to physical Layer: ", pmt.u8vector_elements( generatedMacPayload), "\n"
def _handle_pdu_message(self, message): if not pmt.is_pair(message): print('Invalid pdu: ', message) else: data = pmt.cdr(message) if self._is_binary(data): self._binary_printer(data) else: self._printer(data)
def pdu_in(self, msg): # consume messages global d_mac_id if self.debug: print "****************************** \nConsuming messages...\n******************************** " data = 0 if(pmt.is_eof_object(msg)): self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('pdu out'), pmt.PMT_EOF) return elif(pmt.is_pair(msg)): #if self.debug: print "pmt_is_pair" data = pmt.cdr(msg) elif(pmt.is_bool(msg)): if self.debug: print " in: got a busy notification" return data_len = pmt.length(data) if self.debug: print "" print "Data received from pdusical Layer: ", pmt.u8vector_elements(data) print "" if (data_len < 13): if self.debug: print "MAC: frame too short. Dropping! \n" return else: if self.no_self_loop: # Compare to our own "mac ID" and reject if we are self routing packets. macId = pmt.u8vector_elements(data)[0] if self.debug: print "macId of the packet: ", macId print "our macId: ", d_mac_id print "data_len: ", data_len if (macId != d_mac_id): crc = crc16(pmt.u8vector_elements(data), data_len) if self.debug: print "#### CRC at Reception: #### " , crc.get_crc(), "\n" if (crc.get_crc()): print "MAC: wrong crc. Dropping packet! \n" return macPayload = pmt.make_u8vector(data_len - 13, 0) #Because of the iperf 'E' issue #macPayload = pmt.make_u8vector(data_len - 14, 0) #for i in range(data_len - 14): for i in range(data_len - 13): pmt.u8vector_set(macPayload, i, pmt.u8vector_elements(data)[i+11]) self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('app out'), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, macPayload)) if self.debug: print "Data sent up to Application Layer : ", pmt.u8vector_elements(macPayload), "\n" else: crc = crc16(pmt.u8vector_elements(data), data_len) if self.debug: print "#### CRC at Reception: #### " , crc.get_crc(), "\n" if(crc.get_crc()): if self.debug: print "MAC: wrong crc. Dropping packet! \n" return macPayload = pmt.make_u8vector(data_len - 14, 0) for i in range(data_len - 14): pmt.u8vector_set(macPayload, i, pmt.u8vector_elements(data)[i+10]) self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('app out'), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, macPayload)) if self.debug: print "Data sent up to Application Layer : ", pmt.u8vector_elements(macPayload), "\n"
def is_u8_pdu(msg): """Checks if a PMT is a uint8 PDU""" if not pmt.is_pair(msg): return False if not pmt.is_dict( return False if not pmt.is_u8vector(pmt.cdr(msg)): return False return True
def recalc_msg(self, msg): if pmt.is_pair(msg): key = val = pmt.cdr(msg) if pmt.eq(key, pmt.intern("recalc")): if pmt.is_integer(val): if pmt.to_long(val) == 10: global start start = 0 if pmt.to_long(val) == 20: global start start = 1
def msg_handler(self, msg): if not pmt.is_pair(msg) or pmt.is_dict(msg) or pmt.is_pdu(msg): gr.log.warn("Input message %s is not a simple pair, dropping" % repr(msg)) return new_val = pmt.to_python(pmt.cdr(msg)) try: self.callback(new_val) except Exception as e: gr.log.error("Error when calling " + repr( + " with " + repr(new_val) + " (reason: %s)" % repr(e))
def deframe_NPDU(self, msg_pmt): global pack_err global pack_tot global PER # veficcación del formato PMT if pmt.is_blob(msg_pmt): blob = msg_pmt #print "is blob" elif pmt.is_pair(msg_pmt): blob = pmt.cdr(msg_pmt) #print "is pair" else: print "Formato desconocido" return data_len = pmt.blob_length(blob) if (data_len < 11): print "MAC: muy corta!" pack_err = pack_err + 1.0 return data_np = pmt.to_python(blob) #numpy.ndarray data_py = data_np.tolist() #python list #print "Paquete",data_py,data_py.__class__ #print "Dir Gateway",self.SrcAddR," Dir Nodo",data_py[7:9] if len(set(self.SrcAddR).intersection( data_py)) < 2: #Validación TX de la misma dirección # Valodacion FCS y cuenta PER rec_FCS = [data_py[-2], data_py[-1]] #FCS recibido del data_py[-2], data_py[-1] #quita FCS s_to_fcs = struct.pack('B' * len(data_py), *data_py) # Convierte List a String a = self.crc16(s_to_fcs) #Calcula FCS FCS = [a & 0xFF, (a >> 8) & 0xFF] if FCS == rec_FCS: # paquete correcto index = 9 del data_py[: index] # FC(2),Sec_N(1),PanID(2),Dst_Add(2),Src_Add(2) # Crea un PMT vacio: send_pmt = pmt.make_u8vector(len(data_py), ord(' ')) # Copy all characters to the u8vector: for i in range(len(data_py)): pmt.u8vector_set(send_pmt, i, data_py[i]) # Send the message: self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('out'), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, send_pmt)) else: pack_err = pack_err + 1.0 pack_tot = pack_tot + 1.0 PER = pack_err / pack_tot * 100.0 print ",", pack_tot, ",", pack_err, ",", PER, "%"
def _msgHandler(self, msg): if not pmt.is_pair(msg): return key = str( key = key.lower() value = pmt.cdr(msg) print(key) handler = self.handlers.get(key, self.invalid) handler(value)
def recalc_msg(self, msg): if pmt.is_pair(msg): key = val = pmt.cdr(msg) if pmt.eq(key, pmt.intern("recalc")): if pmt.is_integer(val): if pmt.to_long(val) == 10: global file_written file_written = 1 if pmt.to_long(val) == 20: global file_written file_written = 0 print "hello"
def msg_handler(self, msg): if not pmt.is_pair(msg): return if not pmt.is_dict( return if not pmt.is_uniform_vector(pmt.cdr(msg)): return arr = pmt.to_python(msg)[1] pmt.set_cdr(msg, pmt.to_pmt(arr[self.start_trim_length:-self.end_trim_length or len(arr)])) self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("out"), msg)
def set_signal_number_msg(self, msg): if pmt.is_pair(msg): key = val = pmt.cdr(msg) if pmt.eq(key, pmt.string_to_symbol("signal_number_msg")): if pmt.is_integer(val): self.n = pmt.to_long(val) else: print("DoA Esprit: Not an integer") else: print("DoA Esprit: Key not 'signal_number_msg'") else: print("DoA Esprit: Not a tuple")
def _tncInputHandler(self, msg): # Parse raw packet. if not pmt.is_pair(msg): logger.error("KISS_TNC: Invalid input message.") return value = pmt.cdr(msg) if not pmt.is_u8vector(value): logger.error("KISS_TNC: Invalid message type.") return # Get bytes. data = bytearray(pmt.to_python(value)) # Unpack to frame. frames = KISS_unpack(data) if len(frames) == 0: logger.error("Failed to unpack KISS frames from data: %s" % str(data)) return # Filter out TNC commands to different port(s). filtered = [] for frame in frames: port = frame.get("port", -1) if port != self.portNum: logger.debug("Filtering KISS packet (port %u != %u)." % (port, self.portNum)) continue filtered.append(frame) # Perform the desired operation. for frame in filtered: # Get control byte. ctrl = frame.get("ctrl", None) if ctrl == None: logger.error("No control byte found.") continue # Call correct handler. handler = self.handler.get(ctrl, self.printError) handler(frame) # Add data to transmit queue. octets = frame.get("data", []) if len(octets) > 0: logger.debug("Queueing packet (len=%u)." % len(octets)) self.txQueue.put(octets) # Send data immediately if CSMA is disabled. if not self.csma: self.sendData()
def msg_handler(self, msg): if self.lock: return if not pmt.is_pair(msg): gr.log.warn("Incoming message is not a pair. Only pairs are supported. " "No message generated.") return meta = pmt.to_python( if not type(meta) is dict: gr.log.warn("Incoming message does not contain a dictionary. " "No message generated.") return if not 'corrective_lags' in meta: gr.log.warn("Incoming message dictionary does not contain key corrective_lags. " "No message generated.") return try: new_delay = int(meta['corrective_lags'][self.index_to_extract]) except Exception as e: gr.log.error("Cannot extract lag info: %s" % str(e)) return try: if meta['corrvect'][self.index_to_extract] < self.minCorrScore: return except Exception as e: gr.log.error("Cannot extract correlation info: %s" % str(e)) return self.callback(new_delay) new_pair = None try: new_pair = pmt.cons(pmt.intern('delay'), pmt.to_pmt(new_delay)) except Exception as e: gr.log.error("Cannot construct new message: %s" % str(e)) return try: self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("delay"), new_pair) except Exception as e: gr.log.error("Cannot send message: %s" % str(e)) gr.log.error("Incoming dictionary (%s):" % str(type(meta))) gr.log.error(str(meta))
def handle_input(self, pdu): #self.setSortingEnabled(False) # we expect a pdu if not pmt.is_pair(pdu): print("Message is not a PDU") return meta = if not pmt.is_dict(meta): print("No meta field present") return meta_dict = pmt.to_python(meta) if(not type(meta_dict) == type({})): return # for now, we insist on having the row_id pmt within the meta field if meta_dict.has_key(self.row_id): # get the current row identifier id_value = meta_dict[self.row_id] cur_idx = self.rowcount create_new_row = id_value not in self.ids.keys() if create_new_row: #print("Creating new Table Entry with "+str(id_value)) tab_item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(id_value)) tab_item.setData(QtCore.Qt.EditRole, id_value) tab_item.setBackground(QtGui.QColor(225,225,225)) self.setRowCount(self.rowcount + 1) self.setItem(self.rowcount, 0, tab_item) self.ids[id_value] = tab_item else: #print("Updating Table Entry " + str(id_value)) # if row id already exists, get and use the respective row idx cur_idx = self.ids[id_value].row() for col, idx in self.column_dict.iteritems(): if meta_dict.has_key(col) and col is not self.row_id: value = meta_dict[col] # for now, we wont allow meta field entrys other than the specified columns tab_item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(str(value)) tab_item.setData(QtCore.Qt.EditRole, value) self.setItem(cur_idx, idx, tab_item) if create_new_row: self.rowcount += 1 self.setRowCount(self.rowcount) if self.scroll_to_bottom: self.updateTrigger.emit() else: print("Meta Field "+self.row_id+" not found.")
def handler(self, msg): # Check if msg is c32_vector if not pmt.is_pair(msg): print("Not expected c32 vector type") sizevec = pmt.u32vector_elements( # print(sizevec) weights = pmt.c32vector_elements(pmt.cdr(msg)) weights = numpy.reshape(weights, sizevec, order='C') # print(weights.shape) # print(weights) # print(weights.tolist()) # print(weights[0]) self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern("A"), pmt.to_pmt(weights.tolist()))
def deframe_NPDU(self,msg_pmt): global pack_err global pack_tot global PER # veficcación del formato PMT if pmt.is_blob(msg_pmt): blob = msg_pmt #print "is blob" elif pmt.is_pair(msg_pmt): blob = pmt.cdr(msg_pmt) #print "is pair" else: print "Formato desconocido" return data_len = pmt.blob_length(blob) if(data_len < 11): print "MAC: muy corta!" pack_err = pack_err+1.0 return; data_np = pmt.to_python(blob) #numpy.ndarray data_py = data_np.tolist() #python list #print "Paquete",data_py,data_py.__class__ #print "Dir Gateway",self.SrcAddR," Dir Nodo",data_py[7:9] if len(set(self.SrcAddR).intersection(data_py)) < 2 : #Validación TX de la misma dirección # Valodacion FCS y cuenta PER rec_FCS = [data_py[-2],data_py[-1]] #FCS recibido del data_py[-2],data_py[-1] #quita FCS s_to_fcs = struct.pack('B'*len(data_py), *data_py) # Convierte List a String a = self.crc16(s_to_fcs) #Calcula FCS FCS= [a & 0xFF,(a>>8)&0xFF] if FCS == rec_FCS: # paquete correcto index = 9 del data_py[:index] # FC(2),Sec_N(1),PanID(2),Dst_Add(2),Src_Add(2) # Crea un PMT vacio: send_pmt = pmt.make_u8vector(len(data_py), ord(' ')) # Copy all characters to the u8vector: for i in range(len(data_py)): pmt.u8vector_set(send_pmt, i, data_py[i]) # Send the message: self.message_port_pub(pmt.intern('out'), pmt.cons(pmt.PMT_NIL, send_pmt)) else: pack_err = pack_err+1.0 pack_tot = pack_tot +1.0 PER =pack_err/pack_tot*100.0 print ",",pack_tot,",",pack_err,",",PER,"%"
def insert_pdu_into_table(self, pdu): # Only process PDUs if pmt.is_pair(pdu): meta = pmt.to_python( if meta is None: meta = dict() # Create table if we haven"t already if not self.created_table: # Find the non fixed-position columns and sort alphabetically non_fixed_position_columns = meta.keys() for key in self.fixed_position_columns: try: non_fixed_position_columns.remove(key) except: continue ordered_keys = self.fixed_position_columns + sorted(non_fixed_position_columns) if self.vector_column_name not in ordered_keys: # Add the vector column at the end unless otherwise specified in the Fixed-Position Columns list cols = "(" + ", ".join(ordered_keys) + ", " + self.vector_column_name + ")" else: cols = "(" + ", ".join(ordered_keys) + ")" # Attempt to create the table self.c.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + self.table_name + " " + cols) self.conn.commit() self.created_table = True # Get list of true column names (whether we just made the table or it already existed) self.c.execute("SELECT * FROM " + self.table_name) self.column_names = [description[0] for description in self.c.description] # Set the PDU vector into the meta dictionary with appropriate key # meta[self.vector_column_name] = buffer(pmt.to_python(pmt.cdr(pdu))) meta[self.vector_column_name] = buffer(pmt.serialize_str(pmt.cdr(pdu))) # Insert PDU into table, with only columns that already exist in the table valid_keys = [key for key in meta.keys() if key in self.column_names] cols = "(" + ", ".join(valid_keys) + ")" question_marks = "(" + ", ".join(["?"]*len(valid_keys)) + ")" vals = [meta[key] for key in valid_keys] self.c.execute("INSERT INTO " + self.table_name + " " + cols + " VALUES " + question_marks, vals) self.conn.commit()
def test_fr(self): """ Simple TCH/F Full Rate test """ framenumbers_input = [ 373420, 373421, 373422, 373423, 373424, 373425, 373426, 373427, 3734298 ] timeslots_input = [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] bursts_input = [ "0000101011011010011110011011101011100000100010001011010100110111011110001001011101111000111010001001000110000011100010000010111110110101001101011000", "0001011011111010000000111010110001110101010011011100000110100111011110001001011101111000110100000010000001100010101101011010000110000101101011000000", "0000011010010000100000000100110111111110101101011001001010010111011110001001011101111000010001010001101000010100100111101110110010011110010000011000", "0001000000010111010111100100110110000101101111000000011011100111011110001001011101111000101001000001101010010110011100011010010011010001010010001000", "0000111001001110100011110000101001110110111011001110110110110111011110001001011101111000011110001000010101011000101010010101000000100000010011101000", "0000011001001010010101100000110100101001111001001100101010000111011110001001011101111000100111000000111111000000100001101001101010000110111111100000", "0001011011101100100001010001001000110010010010100101000111010111011110001001011101111000100001101110100101000100100100100100000100011101111001011000", "0000010111000101101101100001011000110010010011001110101000010111011110001001011101111000001001100011010001111110001101010100110001010001100100001000" ] src = grgsm.burst_source(framenumbers_input, timeslots_input, bursts_input) decoder = grgsm.tch_f_decoder(grgsm.TCH_FS, False) dst = blocks.message_debug() self.tb.msg_connect(src, "out", decoder, "bursts") self.tb.msg_connect(decoder, "voice", dst, "store") self.assertEqual(dst.num_messages(), 1) pdu = dst.get_message(0) self.assertEqual(True, pmt.is_pair(pdu)) data = pmt.cdr(pdu) self.assertEqual(True, pmt.is_blob(data)) np.testing.assert_array_equal( np.array([ 211, 92, 197, 118, 171, 142, 160, 70, 219, 146, 71, 20, 226, 128, 73, 35, 142, 75, 35, 94, 32, 73, 28, 114, 73, 44, 132, 192, 72, 228, 141, 201, 27 ]), pmt.to_python(data))
def _msgHandler(self, msg): if not pmt.is_pair(msg): logger.error("Invalid input message (expected PMT pair).") return # Convert to Python format. data = pmt.cdr(msg) try: item = pmt.to_python(data) if not isinstance(item, str): item = item.tostring() except Exception as e: logger.error("Failed to convert PMT to Python: %s." % str(e)) return # Write item to log. self.logBook.debug(item) # Send to update slot. self.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("updateText(QString)"), item)
def tchh_multirate(self, frames, timeslots, bursts, multirate, subchan): """ Common TCH/H MultiRate test code """ src = grgsm.burst_source(frames, timeslots, bursts) decoder = grgsm.tch_h_decoder(subchan, multirate, False) dst = blocks.message_debug() self.tb.msg_connect(src, "out", decoder, "bursts") self.tb.msg_connect(decoder, "voice", dst, "store") result = [] for i in range(0, dst.num_messages()): pdu = dst.get_message(i) self.assertEqual(True, pmt.is_pair(pdu)) data = pmt.cdr(pdu) self.assertEqual(True, pmt.is_blob(data)) result.append(pmt.to_python(data).tolist()) return result
def test_pair(self): cs = starcoder.command_source() snk = blocks.message_debug() self.tb.msg_connect((cs, 'out'), (snk, 'store')) msg = starcoder_pb2.BlockMessage() = "testtransmission" msg.pair_value.cdr.double_value = 23.2 expected = pmt.cons(pmt.intern("testtransmission"), pmt.from_double(23.2)) self.tb.start() cs.push(msg.SerializeToString()) time.sleep(0.1) self.tb.stop() self.tb.wait() self.assertEqual(snk.num_messages(), 1) self.assertTrue(pmt.is_pair(snk.get_message(0))) self.assertTrue(pmt.equal(snk.get_message(0), expected))
def handle_input(self, pdu): # Expect a pdu if not pmt.is_pair(pdu): print("Message is not a PDU") return meta = if not pmt.is_dict(meta): print("No meta field present") return meta_dict = pmt.to_python(meta) if not isinstance(meta_dict, dict): return self.setRowCount(self.rowcount + 1) # get the current row identifier for col, idx in self.column_dict.items(): if col == self.body_label: msg_pmt = pmt.cdr(pdu) msg_bytes = bytes(pmt.u8vector_elements(msg_pmt)) value = msg_bytes.decode("utf8", errors="replace") display = str(value) elif col in ("freq", "frequency"): value = meta_dict.get(col) display = eng_notation.num_to_str(value) + "Hz" elif col == "rx_time": value = meta_dict.get(col)[0] display = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(value)) else: value = meta_dict.get(col) display = str(value) tab_item = QtWidgets.QTableWidgetItem(display) self.setItem(self.rowcount, idx, tab_item) self.rowcount += 1 if self.scroll_to_bottom: self.updateTrigger.emit()
def handle_pdu(self, pdu): # PMT TYPE CHECK AND UNPACKING if pmt.is_pair(pdu): msg = pdu_to_str(pdu) self.top_block.on_pkt_rcv()