コード例 #1
    def test2d_laplacian_periodic(self):
        2d array, apply Laplacian, periodic along the two axes
        from pnumpy import CubeDecomp
        from pnumpy import MultiArrayIter
        import operator
        from math import sin, pi

        # global sizes
        ndims = 2
        #ns = numpy.array([60] * ndims)
        ns = numpy.array([3*4] * ndims)

        # local rank and number of procs
        rk = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
        sz = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()

        # find a domain decomposition
        dc = CubeDecomp(sz, ns)

        # not all numbers of procs will give a uniform domain decomposition,
        # exit if none can be found
        if not dc.getDecomp():
            if rk == 0: 
                print('no decomp could be found, adjust the number of procs')
        # get the local start/stop indices along each axis as a list of 
        # 1d slices
        localSlices = dc.getSlab(rk)
        iBeg = numpy.array([s.start for s in localSlices])
        iEnd = numpy.array([s.stop for s in localSlices])
        nsLocal = numpy.array([s.stop - s.start for s in localSlices])
        # create the dist arrays
        da = pnumpy.gmdaZeros(nsLocal, numpy.float32, mask=None, numGhosts=1)
        laplacian = pnumpy.gmdaZeros(nsLocal, numpy.float32, numGhosts=1)

        # set the data
        for it in MultiArrayIter(nsLocal):
            localInds = it.getIndices()
            globalInds = iBeg + localInds
            # positions are cell centered, domain is [0, 1]^ndims
            position = (globalInds  + 0.5)/ numpy.array(ns, numpy.float32)
            # sin(2*pi*x) * sin(2*pi*y) ...
            da[tuple(localInds)] = reduce(operator.mul, 
                                   [numpy.sin(2*numpy.pi*position[i]) for i in range(ndims)])

        # apply the Laplacian finite difference operator.
        # Start by performing all the operations that do
        # not require any communication.
        laplacian[:] = 2 * ndims * da

        # now subtract the neighbor values which are local to this process
        for idim in range(ndims):
            # indices shifted in the + direction along axis idim
            slabP = [slice(None, None, None) for j in range(idim)] + \
                [slice(1, None, None)] + \
                [slice(None, None, None) for j in range(idim + 1, ndims)]
            # indices shifted in the - direction along axis idim
            slabM = [slice(None, None, None) for j in range(idim)] + \
                [slice(0, -1, None)] + \
                [slice(None, None, None) for j in range(idim + 1, ndims)]
            laplacian[slabP] -= da[slabM] # subtract left neighbor
            laplacian[slabM] -= da[slabP] # subtract right neighbor

        # fetch the data located on other procs
        periodic = [True for idim in range(ndims)]
        for idim in range(ndims):
            # define the positive and negative directions
            directionP = tuple([0 for j in range(idim)] + [1] + [0 for j in range(idim + 1, ndims)])
            directionM = tuple([0 for j in range(idim)] + [-1] + [0 for j in range(idim + 1, ndims)])
            procP = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, directionP, periodic=periodic)
            procM = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, directionM, periodic=periodic)

            # this is where communication takes place... Note that when
            # accessing the data on the low-end side on rank procM we
            # access the slide on the positive side on procM (directionP).
            # And inversely for the high-end side data...
            dataM = da.getData(procM, winID=directionP)
            dataP = da.getData(procP, winID=directionM)

            # finish off the operator
            laplacian[da.getEllipsis(winID=directionM)] -= dataM
            laplacian[da.getEllipsis(winID=directionP)] -= dataP

        # compute a checksum and send the result to rank 0
        checksum = laplacian.reduce(lambda x,y:abs(x) + abs(y), 0.0, rootPe=0)
        if rk == 0:
            print('checksum = ', checksum)
            # float32 calculation has higher error
            assert(abs(checksum - 32.0) < 1.e-4)
        # free the windows
コード例 #2
ファイル: exAverage2d.py プロジェクト: project-tuva/pnumpy

for disp in (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1):

    # negative of disp
    nisp = tuple([-d for d in disp])

    # local updates
    src = domain.shift(disp).getSlice()
    dst = domain.shift(nisp).getSlice()
    outputData[dst] += inputData[src]

    # remote updates
    src = domain.extract(disp).getSlice()
    dst = domain.extract(nisp).getSlice()
    neighRk = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, disp, periodic=notPeriodic)
    outputData[dst] += inputData.getData(neighRk, nisp)

    # will need to fix the weights when there is no neighbor
    if neighRk is None:
        numInvalidNeighbors[dst] += 3

# south-west, north-west, south-east, north-east

for disp in (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1):

    # negative of displacement
    nisp = tuple([-d for d in disp])
コード例 #3
# compute the star Laplacian in the interior, this does not require
# any communication

laplaceZ = 4 * zda[:]

# local neighbour contributions, no communication
laplaceZ[1:, :] -= zda[0:-1, :]
laplaceZ[0:-1, :] -= zda[1:, :]
laplaceZ[:, 1:] -= zda[:, 0:-1]
laplaceZ[:, 0:-1] -= zda[:, 1:]

# now compute and fill in the halo

# find the procs to the north, east, south, and west. This call will
# return None if there is no neighbour.
noProc = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, (1, 0), periodic=(False, True))
soProc = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, (-1, 0), periodic=(False, True))
eaProc = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, (0, 1), periodic=(False, True))
weProc = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, (0, -1), periodic=(False, True))

# correct at the non-periodic boundaries
if noProc is None:
    laplaceZ[-1, :] -= zda[-1, :]
if soProc is None:
    laplaceZ[0, :] -= zda[0, :]

# fetch the remote data in the halo of the neighbouring processor. When
# the first argument is None, this amounts to a no-op (zero data are
# returned. Note that winID refers to the neighbour domain. For instance,
# the data to the west of the local domain correspond to the east halo
# on the neighbouring processor.
コード例 #4
ファイル: exLaplacian2d.py プロジェクト: pletzer/pnumpy
# any communication

laplaceZ = 4 * zda[:]

# local neighbour contributions, no communication
laplaceZ[1:  , :] -= zda[0:-1,:]
laplaceZ[0:-1, :] -= zda[1:  ,:]
laplaceZ[:, 1:  ] -= zda[:,0:-1]
laplaceZ[:, 0:-1] -= zda[:,1:  ]

# now compute and fill in the halo

# find the procs to the north, east, south, and west. This call will
# return None if there is no neighbour. 
noProc = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, ( 1,  0), periodic = (False, True)) 
soProc = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, (-1,  0), periodic = (False, True)) 
eaProc = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, ( 0,  1), periodic = (False, True)) 
weProc = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, ( 0, -1), periodic = (False, True))

# correct at the non-periodic boundaries
if noProc is None: 
    laplaceZ[-1,:] -= zda[-1,:]
if soProc is None:
    laplaceZ[0,:] -= zda[0,:]

# fetch the remote data in the halo of the neighbouring processor. When
# the first argument is None, this amounts to a no-op (zero data are 
# returned. Note that winID refers to the neighbour domain. For instance,
# the data to the west of the local domain correspond to the east halo
# on the neighbouring processor.
コード例 #5
ファイル: exAverage2d.py プロジェクト: pletzer/pnumpy

for disp in (-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1):

    # negative of disp
    nisp = tuple([-d for d in disp])

    # local updates
    src = domain.shift(disp).getSlice()
    dst = domain.shift(nisp).getSlice()
    outputData[dst] += inputData[src]

    # remote updates
    src = domain.extract(disp).getSlice()
    dst = domain.extract(nisp).getSlice()
    neighRk = dc.getNeighborProc(rk, disp, periodic=notPeriodic)
    outputData[dst] += inputData.getData(neighRk, nisp)

    # will need to fix the weights when there is no neighbor
    if neighRk is None:
       numInvalidNeighbors[dst] += 3

# south-west, north-west, south-east, north-east

for disp in (-1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, -1), (1, 1):

    # negative of displacement
    nisp = tuple([-d for d in disp])