def add_recording(request): if in_maintenance(): return redirect(reverse("maintenance")) mediapath = request.GET.get("mediapath") if ( request.GET.get("mediapath")) else "" course_title = (request.GET.get("course_title") if request.GET.get("course_title") else "") recorder = request.GET.get("recorder") or None recorder = check_recorder(recorder, request) initial = { "title": course_title, "type": recorder.recording_type, "recorder": recorder, "user": request.user, } if not mediapath and not (request.user.is_superuser or request.user.has_perm("recorder.add_recording")): messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, _("Mediapath should be indicated.")) raise PermissionDenied if mediapath != "": initial["source_file"] = "%s" % os.path.join(DEFAULT_RECORDER_PATH, mediapath) form = RecordingForm(request, initial=initial) if request.method == "POST": # If the form has been submitted... # A form bound to the POST data form = RecordingForm(request, request.POST) if form.is_valid(): # All validation rules pass if form.cleaned_data["delete"] is True: case_delete(form, request) return redirect("/") med = med.user = fetch_user(request, form) file = form.cleaned_data["source_file"] rec = RecordingFileTreatment.objects.get(file=file) rec.delete() message = _("Your publication is saved." " Adding it to your videos will be in a few minutes.") messages.add_message(request, messages.INFO, message) return redirect(reverse("my_videos")) else: message = _("One or more errors have been found in the form.") messages.add_message(request, messages.ERROR, message) return render(request, "recorder/add_recording.html", {"form": form})
def claim_record(request): if in_maintenance(): return redirect(reverse("maintenance")) site = get_current_site(request) # get records list ordered by date records_list = RecordingFileTreatment.objects.filter( require_manual_claim=True) records_list = records_list.exclude(pk__in=[ for rec in records_list if site not in rec.recorder.sites.all() ]) records_list = records_list.order_by("-date_added") page = request.GET.get("page", 1) full_path = "" if page: full_path = (request.get_full_path().replace( "?page=%s" % page, "").replace("&page=%s" % page, "")) paginator = Paginator(records_list, 12) try: records = except PageNotAnInteger: records = except EmptyPage: records = if request.is_ajax(): return render( request, "recorder/record_list.html", { "records": records, "full_path": full_path }, ) return render( request, "recorder/claim_record.html", { "records": records, "full_path": full_path }, )
def studio_pod(request): if in_maintenance(): return redirect(reverse("maintenance")) if RESTRICT_EDIT_VIDEO_ACCESS_TO_STAFF_ONLY and request.user.is_staff is False: return render(request, "recorder/opencast-studio.html", {"access_not_allowed": True}) # Render the Opencast studio index file opencast_studio_rendered = render_to_string("studio/index.html") # head = opencast_studio_rendered[opencast_studio_rendered.index("<head>") # + len("<head>"):opencast_studio_rendered.index("</head>")] body = opencast_studio_rendered[opencast_studio_rendered.index("<body>") + len("<body>"):opencast_studio_rendered. index("</body>")] return render( # Render the Opencast studio index file request, "recorder/opencast-studio.html", { "body": body, "default_presenter": OPENCAST_DEFAULT_PRESENTER }, )