コード例 #1
ファイル: grids.py プロジェクト: ritviksahajpal/poets
    def __init__(self, region, sp_res, shapefile=None):

        self.country = region

        self.shp = Shape(region, shapefile=shapefile)

        # countries that cross the international dateline (maybe more!)
        if region in ['NZ', 'RS', 'US']:
            lonmin, lonmax = dateline_country(region)
            lonmin, lonmax = _minmaxcoord(self.shp.bbox[0], self.shp.bbox[2],

        latmin, latmax = _minmaxcoord(self.shp.bbox[1], self.shp.bbox[3],

        if region in ['NZ', 'US', 'RS']:
            lons1 = np.arange(lonmin, 180, sp_res)
            lons2 = (np.arange(-180, lonmax + sp_res, sp_res))
            lons = np.empty(len(lons1) + len(lons2))
            lons[0:len(lons1)] = lons1[:]
            lons[len(lons1):] = lons2[:]
            lons = np.arange(lonmin, lonmax + sp_res, sp_res)

        lats = np.arange(latmin, latmax + sp_res, sp_res)

        lon_new, lat_new = _remove_blank_frame(region, lons, lats, shapefile)

        lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lon_new, lat_new)

        shape = (lon.shape[1], lon.shape[0])

        super(ShapeGrid, self).__init__(lon.flatten(), lat.flatten(),
コード例 #2
def validate_prediction(pred):

    lons = pred[:,0]
    lats = pred[:,1]
    data = pred[:,2]
    timestamp = np.unique(pred[:,3])[0]
    # districts
    shapefile = os.path.join('C:\\', 'Users', 'i.pfeil', 'Documents', 
                             '0_IWMI_DATASETS', 'shapefiles', 'IND_adm', 
    shpfile = Shape(region, shapefile=shapefile)
    lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max = shpfile.bbox
    vi_path = "E:\\poets\\RAWDATA\\NDVI\\NDVI_gapfree.nc"
    vi_ts = datetime(timestamp.year, timestamp.month, timestamp.day)
    vi_data, vi_lons, vi_lats, vi_date = read_img(vi_path, param='NDVI', 
                                                  lat_min=lat_min, lat_max=lat_max,
                                                  lon_min=lon_min, lon_max=lon_max, 

    vi_lon, vi_lat = np.meshgrid(vi_lons, vi_lats)
    vi_lon = vi_lon.flatten()
    vi_lat = vi_lat.flatten()
    scatter_subplots(lons, lats, data, 200, 
                     vi_lon, vi_lat, vi_data, 200, 
                     title1=str(vi_date)+' - simulated',
                     title2=str(vi_date)+' - orig. data')
    return pred
コード例 #3
    def test_Shape(self):

        # test default shapefile
        shp = Shape(self.region)

        assert shp.code == self.region
        assert shp.name == self.name
        assert shp.bbox == (9.5335693359375, 46.407493591308594,
                            17.166385650634766, 49.01874542236328)

        # test custom shapefile
        cshp = Shape('NOE', shapefile=self.shapefile)
        assert cshp.code == 'NOE'
        assert cshp.name == 'NOE'
        assert cshp.bbox == (14.455012306812042, 47.422602087551724,
                             17.07012761362633, 49.021162769139316)

        # test if error is raised
        self.assertRaises(FipsError, Shape, 'XYZ')
コード例 #4
ファイル: overlays.py プロジェクト: tmistelbauer/poets4SATIDA
def bounds(country, shapefile=None):
    Returns the bounding box, center coordinates and zoom level
    of a shape for web overlay purposes.

    country : str
        FIPS country code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIPS_country_code)
    shapefile : str, optional
        Paht to a custom shapefile.

    lon_min : int
        Minimum longitude.
    lon_max : int
        Maximum longitude.
    lat_min : int
        Minimum latitude.
    lat_max : int
        Maximum latitude.
    c_lat : int
        Center latidute of image.
    c_lon : int
        Center longitude of image.
    zoom : int
        Zoom level for openlayers.
    shp = Shape(country, shapefile)

    lon_min = shp.bbox[0]
    lon_max = shp.bbox[2]
    lat_min = shp.bbox[1]
    lat_max = shp.bbox[3]
    e_lon = lon_max - lon_min
    e_lat = lat_max - lat_min
    c_lon = lon_min + e_lon / 2
    c_lat = lat_min + e_lat / 2

    zoom = 0
    i = 1024  # To be replaced with the width of the map container!
    while i / 2 > e_lon:
        zoom += 1
        i = i / 2

    return lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max, c_lat, c_lon, zoom
コード例 #5
ファイル: app.py プロジェクト: tmistelbauer/poets4SATIDA
def get_geojson(region):
    Gets list of coordinates from polygon of region.

    region : str
        Region to get coordinates from.

    coordinates : list

    shape = Shape(region, p.shapefile).polygon

    return jsonify(mapping(shape))
コード例 #6
def resample_to_shape(source_file,
    Resamples images and clips country boundaries

    source_file : str
        Path to source file.
    region : str
        Identifier of the region in the shapefile. If the default shapefile is
        used, this would be the FIPS country code.
    sp_res : int or float
        Spatial resolution of the shape-grid.
    grid : poets.grid.RegularGrid or poets.grid.ShapeGrid
        Grid to resample data to.
    prefix : str, optional
        Prefix for the variable in the NetCDF file, should be name of source
    nan_value : int, float, optional
        Not a number value of the original data as given by the data provider
    dest_nan_value : int or float, optional
        NaN value used in the final NetCDF file.
    variables : list of str, optional
        Variables to resample from original file.
    shapefile : str, optional
        Path to shape file, uses "world country admin boundary shapefile" by

    res_data : dict of numpy.arrays
        resampled image
    dest_lon : numpy.array
        longitudes of the points in the resampled image
    dest_lat : numpy.array
        latitudes of the points in the resampled image
    gpis : numpy.array
        grid point indices
    timestamp : datetime.date
        date of the image
    metadata : dict
        Metadata derived from input file.

    if prefix is not None:
        prefix += '_'

    fileExtension = os.path.splitext(source_file)[1].lower()

    if region == 'global':
        lon_min = -180
        lon_max = 180
        lat_min = -90
        lat_max = 90
        shp = Shape(region, shapefile)
        lon_min = shp.bbox[0]
        lon_max = shp.bbox[2]
        lat_min = shp.bbox[1]
        lat_max = shp.bbox[3]

    if fileExtension in ['.nc', '.nc3', '.nc4']:
        data_src, lon, lat, timestamp, metadata = nc.read_image(
            source_file, variables)
        if (lon_min >= lon.max() or lon_max <= lon.min()
                or lat_max <= lat.min() or lat_min >= lat.max()):
            return "No data"
        data, src_lon, src_lat = nc.clip_bbox(data_src, lon, lat, lon_min,
                                              lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
    elif fileExtension in ['.h5']:
        data_src, lon, lat, timestamp, metadata = h5.read_image(
            source_file, variables)
        if (lon_min >= lon.max() or lon_max <= lon.min()
                or lat_max <= lat.min() or lat_min >= lat.max()):
            return "No data"
        data, src_lon, src_lat = nc.clip_bbox(data_src, lon, lat, lon_min,
                                              lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
    elif fileExtension in imgfiletypes:
        data, src_lon, src_lat, timestamp, metadata = bbox_img(
            source_file, region, fileExtension, shapefile)

    if nan_value is not None:
        for key in data.keys():
            data[key] = np.ma.array(data[key], mask=(data[key] == nan_value))

    src_lon, src_lat = np.meshgrid(src_lon, src_lat)

    lons = grid.arrlon[0:grid.shape[0]]
    dest_lon, dest_lat = np.meshgrid(lons, np.unique(grid.arrlat)[::-1])

    gpis = grid.get_bbox_grid_points(grid.arrlat.min(), grid.arrlat.max(),
                                     grid.arrlon.min(), grid.arrlon.max())

    search_rad = 180000 * sp_res

    data = resample.resample_to_grid(data,

    res_data = {}
    path = []

    if region != 'global':
        _, _, multipoly = shp._get_shape()
        for ring in multipoly:
            poly_verts = list(ring.exterior.coords)

        coords = [grid.arrlon, grid.arrlat[::-1]]
        coords2 = np.zeros((len(coords[0]), 2))

        for idx in range(0, len(coords[0])):
            coords2[idx] = [coords[0][idx], coords[1][idx]]

        mask_old = path[0].contains_points(coords2)

    for key in data.keys():
        if variables is not None:
            if key not in variables:
                del metadata[key]

        if region != 'global':
            for ring in path:
                mask_new = (ring.contains_points(coords2))
                mask_rev = scipy.logical_or(mask_old, mask_new)
                mask_old = mask_rev

            mask_rev = mask_rev.reshape(dest_lon.shape)
            mask = np.invert(mask_rev)

            mask[data[key].mask == True] = True
            mask = data[key].mask

        if prefix is None:
            var = key
            var = prefix + key

        if metadata is not None:
            metadata[var] = metadata[key]
            if var != key:
                del metadata[key]
        res_data[var] = np.ma.masked_array(data[key],

        dat = np.copy(res_data[var].data)
        dat[mask == True] = dest_nan_value

        res_data[var] = np.ma.masked_array(dat,

    return res_data, dest_lon, dest_lat, gpis, timestamp, metadata
コード例 #7
ファイル: grids.py プロジェクト: ritviksahajpal/poets
def _remove_blank_frame(region, lons, lats, shapefile=None):
    """Removes longitudes and latitudes without points in region shape.

    region : str
        FIPS country code (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FIPS_country_code)
    lons : numpy.ndarray
        Array with longitudes.
    lats : numpy.ndarray
        Array with latitudes.

    lon_new : list of floats
        Updated list of longitudes.
    lat_new : list of floats
        Updated list of latitudes.

    shp = Shape(region, shapefile)

    poly = shp.polygon

    del_lons = []
    del_lats = []

    # left boundary check
    for i, x in enumerate(lons[:(lons.size / 2)]):
        checksum = 0
        for y in lats:
            p = Point(x, y)
            if not p.within(poly):
                checksum += 1
        if checksum == lats.size:

    # right boundary check
    for i, x in enumerate(lons[::-1][:(lons.size / 2)]):
        checksum = 0
        for y in lats:
            p = Point(x, y)
            if not p.within(poly):
                checksum += 1
        if checksum == lats.size:
            del_lons.append(lons.size - 1 - i)

    # bottom boundary check
    for i, y in enumerate(lats[:(lats.size / 2)]):
        checksum = 0
        for x in lons:
            p = Point(x, y)
            if not p.within(poly):
                checksum += 1
        if checksum == lons.size:

    # top boundary check
    for i, y in enumerate(lats[::-1][:(lats.size / 2)]):
        checksum = 0
        for x in lons:
            p = Point(x, y)
            if not p.within(poly):
                checksum += 1
        if checksum == lons.size:
            del_lats.append(lats.size - 1 - i)

    lon_new = lons.tolist()
    lat_new = lats.tolist()

    for i in del_lons:
        if lons[i] in lon_new:

    for i in del_lats:
        if lats[i] in lat_new:

    return lon_new, lat_new
コード例 #8
ファイル: resampling.py プロジェクト: TUW-GEO/poets
def resample_to_shape(source_file, region, sp_res, grid, prefix=None,
                      nan_value=None, dest_nan_value=None, variables=None,
    Resamples images and clips country boundaries

    source_file : str
        Path to source file.
    region : str
        Identifier of the region in the shapefile. If the default shapefile is
        used, this would be the FIPS country code.
    sp_res : int or float
        Spatial resolution of the shape-grid.
    grid : poets.grid.RegularGrid or poets.grid.ShapeGrid
        Grid to resample data to.
    prefix : str, optional
        Prefix for the variable in the NetCDF file, should be name of source
    nan_value : int, float, optional
        Not a number value of the original data as given by the data provider
    dest_nan_value : int or float, optional
        NaN value used in the final NetCDF file.
    variables : list of str, optional
        Variables to resample from original file.
    shapefile : str, optional
        Path to shape file, uses "world country admin boundary shapefile" by

    res_data : dict of numpy.arrays
        resampled image
    dest_lon : numpy.array
        longitudes of the points in the resampled image
    dest_lat : numpy.array
        latitudes of the points in the resampled image
    gpis : numpy.array
        grid point indices
    timestamp : datetime.date
        date of the image
    metadata : dict
        Metadata derived from input file.

    if prefix is not None:
        prefix += '_'

    fileExtension = os.path.splitext(source_file)[1].lower()

    if region == 'global':
        lon_min = -180
        lon_max = 180
        lat_min = -90
        lat_max = 90
        shp = Shape(region, shapefile)
        lon_min = shp.bbox[0]
        lon_max = shp.bbox[2]
        lat_min = shp.bbox[1]
        lat_max = shp.bbox[3]

    if fileExtension in ['.nc', '.nc3', '.nc4']:
        data_src, lon, lat, timestamp, metadata = nc.read_image(source_file,
        if (lon_min >= lon.max() or lon_max <= lon.min() or
            lat_max <= lat.min() or lat_min >= lat.max()):
            return "No data"
        data, src_lon, src_lat = nc.clip_bbox(data_src, lon, lat, lon_min,
                                              lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
    elif fileExtension in ['.h5']:
        data_src, lon, lat, timestamp, metadata = h5.read_image(source_file,
        if (lon_min >= lon.max() or lon_max <= lon.min() or
            lat_max <= lat.min() or lat_min >= lat.max()):
            return "No data"
        data, src_lon, src_lat = nc.clip_bbox(data_src, lon, lat, lon_min,
                                              lat_min, lon_max, lat_max)
    elif fileExtension in imgfiletypes:
        data, src_lon, src_lat, timestamp, metadata = bbox_img(source_file,

    if nan_value is not None:
        for key in data.keys():
            data[key] = np.ma.array(data[key], mask=(data[key] == nan_value))

    src_lon, src_lat = np.meshgrid(src_lon, src_lat)

    lons = grid.arrlon[0:grid.shape[0]]
    dest_lon, dest_lat = np.meshgrid(lons, np.unique(grid.arrlat)[::-1])

    gpis = grid.get_bbox_grid_points(grid.arrlat.min(), grid.arrlat.max(),
                                     grid.arrlon.min(), grid.arrlon.max())

    search_rad = 180000 * sp_res

    data = resample.resample_to_grid(data, src_lon, src_lat, dest_lon,
                                     dest_lat, search_rad=search_rad)

    res_data = {}
    path = []

    if region != 'global':
        _, _, multipoly = shp._get_shape()
        for ring in multipoly:
            poly_verts = list(ring.exterior.coords)

        coords = [grid.arrlon, grid.arrlat[::-1]]
        coords2 = np.zeros((len(coords[0]), 2))

        for idx in range(0, len(coords[0])):
            coords2[idx] = [coords[0][idx], coords[1][idx]]

        mask_old = path[0].contains_points(coords2)

    for key in data.keys():
        if variables is not None:
            if key not in variables:
                del metadata[key]

        if region != 'global':
            for ring in path:
                mask_new = (ring.contains_points(coords2))
                mask_rev = scipy.logical_or(mask_old, mask_new)
                mask_old = mask_rev

            mask_rev = mask_rev.reshape(dest_lon.shape)
            mask = np.invert(mask_rev)

            mask[data[key].mask == True] = True
            mask = data[key].mask

        if prefix is None:
            var = key
            var = prefix + key

        if metadata is not None:
            metadata[var] = metadata[key]
            if var != key:
                del metadata[key]
        res_data[var] = np.ma.masked_array(data[key], mask=np.copy(mask),

        dat = np.copy(res_data[var].data)
        dat[mask == True] = dest_nan_value

        res_data[var] = np.ma.masked_array(dat, mask=np.copy(mask),

    return res_data, dest_lon, dest_lat, gpis, timestamp, metadata
コード例 #9
def bbox_img(source_file, region, fileExtension, shapefile=None):
    Clips bounding box out of image file and returns data as numpy.ndarray

    source_file : str
        Path to source file.
    region : str
        Identifier of the region in the shapefile. If the default shapefile is
        used, this would be the FIPS country code.
    fileExtension : str
        Filetype (e.g. png, tif).
    shapefile : str, optional
        Path to shape file, uses "world country admin boundary shapefile" by

    data : dict of numpy.arrays
        Clipped image (grey values).
    lon_new : numpy.array
        Longitudes of the clipped image.
    lat_new : numpy.array
        Latitudes of the clipped image.
    timestamp : datetime.date
        Timestamp of the image.
    metadata : dict of strings
        Metadata from source netCDF file.

    orig_img = Image.open(source_file)

    lon_min_src, lat_min_src, lon_max_src, lat_max_src = \

    if region == 'global':
        lon_min = -180
        lon_max = 180
        lat_min = -90
        lat_max = 90
        shp = Shape(region, shapefile)
        lon_min = shp.bbox[0]
        lon_max = shp.bbox[2]
        lat_min = shp.bbox[1]
        lat_max = shp.bbox[3]

    d = lon_max - lon_min

    # countries that cross the international dateline (maybe more!)
    if region in ['NZ', 'RS', 'US']:
        lon_min, lon_max = dateline_country(region)

    # get 2 pairs of points (upper left, lower right of bbox)
    if d > 350 and region not in ['AY', 'global']:
        if fileExtension in ['.tif', '.tiff', '.TIF', '.TIFF']:
            if (round(lon_max_src - lon_min_src) == 360.0
                    and round(lat_max_src - lat_min_src) == 180.0):
                orig_img = rearrange_img(orig_img)
                row_min, col_min = lonlat2px_rearr(orig_img, lon_min, lat_max)
                row_max, col_max = lonlat2px_rearr(orig_img, lon_max, lat_min)

                img = orig_img.crop(
                    (int(math.floor(col_min)), int(math.floor(row_min)),
                     int(math.ceil(col_max)), int(math.ceil(row_max))))
                print 'Rearranging is only possible for global imagefiles.'
            orig_img = rearrange_img(orig_img)
            row_min, col_min = lonlat2px_rearr(orig_img, lon_min, lat_max)
            row_max, col_max = lonlat2px_rearr(orig_img, lon_max, lat_min)

            img = orig_img.crop(
                (int(math.floor(col_min)), int(math.floor(row_min)),
                 int(math.ceil(col_max)), int(math.ceil(row_max))))

    elif fileExtension in ['.tif', '.tiff', '.TIF', '.TIFF']:
        row_min, col_min = lonlat2px_gt(orig_img, lon_min, lat_max,
                                        lon_min_src, lat_min_src, lon_max_src,
        row_max, col_max = lonlat2px_gt(orig_img, lon_max, lat_min,
                                        lon_min_src, lat_min_src, lon_max_src,

        # crop image
        img = orig_img.crop(
            (int(math.floor(col_min)), int(math.floor(row_min)),
             int(math.ceil(col_max)), int(math.ceil(row_max))))
        row_min, col_min = lonlat2px(orig_img, lon_min, lat_max)
        row_max, col_max = lonlat2px(orig_img, lon_max, lat_min)

        # crop image
        img = orig_img.crop(
            (int(math.floor(col_min)), int(math.floor(row_min)),
             int(math.ceil(col_max)), int(math.ceil(row_max))))

    # get data values from image
    data = {'dataset': np.array(img)}

    # lon_new, lat_new
    lon_px = np.arange(int(math.floor(col_min)), int(math.ceil(col_max)))
    lat_px = np.arange(int(math.floor(row_min)), int(math.ceil(row_max)))

    if region in ['NZ', 'RS', 'US']:
        lon_new, lat_new = px2lonlat_rearr(orig_img, lon_px, lat_px)
    elif fileExtension in ['.tif', '.tiff', '.TIF', '.TIFF']:
        lon_new, lat_new = px2lonlat_gt(orig_img, lon_px, lat_px, lon_min_src,
                                        lat_min_src, lon_max_src, lat_max_src)
        lon_new, lat_new = px2lonlat(orig_img, lon_px, lat_px)

    # timestamp
    timestamp = None

    # metadata
    metadata = None

    # move coordinates to pixel center
    if lon_new.size > 2:
        lon_new += (lon_new[1] - lon_new[0]) / 2
    if lat_new.size > 2:
        lat_new += (lat_new[1] - lat_new[0]) / 2

    return data, lon_new, lat_new, timestamp, metadata
コード例 #10
def start_pred(paths, region, pred_date, vi_str='NDVI', 
                        t_val='SWI_040', monthly=False, spatial_res=0.1):
    if spatial_res == 0.1:
        with Dataset(paths['SWI'], 'r') as ncfile:
            res_lons = ncfile.variables['lon'][:]
            res_lats = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
    elif spatial_res == 500:
        with Dataset(paths['NDVI'], 'r') as ncfile:
            res_lons = ncfile.variables['lon'][:]
            res_lats = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
    with Dataset(paths['lc']) as ncfile:
        lccs = ncfile.variables['lccs_class'][:]
        lc_lons = ncfile.variables['lon'][:]
        lc_lats = ncfile.variables['lat'][:]
    # # achtung pc haengt sich eine zeit lang auf
    # lc_lons, lc_lats = np.meshgrid(lc_lons, lc_lats)
    # lc_lons = lc_lons.flatten()
    # lc_lats = lc_lats.flatten()
    # scatterplot(lc_lons, lc_lats, lccs, discrete=False, vmin=-128, vmax=128)
    # districts
    shapefile = os.path.join('C:\\', 'Users', 'i.pfeil', 'Documents', 
                             '0_IWMI_DATASETS', 'shapefiles', 'IND_adm', 
    shpfile = Shape(region, shapefile=shapefile)
    lon_min, lat_min, lon_max, lat_max = shpfile.bbox
    lons = res_lons[np.where((res_lons>=lon_min) & (res_lons<=lon_max))]
    lats = res_lats[np.where((res_lats>=lat_min) & (res_lats<=lat_max))]
    start_date = datetime(2007,7,1)
    end_date = datetime(2015,7,1)
    results = []
    results2 = []
    results3 = []
    for lon in lons:
        for lat in lats:
            print lon, lat
            if round(lon,2) == 76.35 and round(lat,2) == 19.55:
                print 'danger'
            nearest_lon = find_nearest(lc_lons, lon)
            nearest_lat = find_nearest(lc_lats, lat)
            lc = lccs[nearest_lat, nearest_lon]
            if (lc == -66) or (lc == -46) or (lc == -36) or (lc == 0):
                # urban | water | snow and ice | no data
                print 'lc mask'
            swi_path = paths['SWI']
            vi_path = paths[vi_str]
            swi_list = [t_val]
            swi_df = read_ts(swi_path, lon=lon, lat=lat, params=swi_list, 
                             start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
            # read vi and scale from 0 to 100 (before 0 to 250)
            vi_all = read_ts(vi_path, lon=lon, lat=lat, params=vi_str, 
                         start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date)
            #vi_all[vi_str][np.where(vi_all==-99)[0]] = np.NaN
            #vi_all = vi_all*100/250
            vi = vi_all[:pred_date]
            vi_min = np.nanmin(vi)
            vi_max = np.nanmax(vi)
            vi = rescale_peng(vi, vi_min, vi_max)
            swi_all = swi_df[t_val]
            swi = swi_all[:pred_date]
            swi = rescale_peng(swi, np.nanmin(swi), np.nanmax(swi))
            # resample monthly
            if monthly:
                swi = swi.resample("M").mean()
                vi = vi.resample("M").mean()
            # calculate differences between VIs of consecutive months
            dvi = np.ediff1d(vi, to_end=np.NaN)
            vi['D_VI'] = pd.Series(dvi, index=vi.index)
            matched_data = temp_match.matching(swi, vi)
            kd = zribi_kd(swi, vi, matched_data)
            results, results2, results3 = zribi_sim(lon, lat, swi, vi, 
                                                    matched_data, kd, vi_min, vi_max,
                                                    results=results, results2=results2,
    np.save('C:\\Users\\i.pfeil\\Desktop\\veg_prediction\\results.npy', results)
    np.save('C:\\Users\\i.pfeil\\Desktop\\veg_prediction\\results2.npy', results2)
    np.save('C:\\Users\\i.pfeil\\Desktop\\veg_prediction\\results3.npy', results3)