def __init__(self, D, map_file, index_file, datatype): self.files=[] self.datatype=datatype self.map_file=map_file self.index_file=index_file print(f"TrackPicker: index_file is {index_file}") srs_proj4=pc.geoIndex().from_file(index_file).attrs['SRS_proj4'] if datatype == 'ATL06': for ii, Di in enumerate(D): Di.get_xy(srs_proj4) Di.assign({'file_num':np.zeros_like(Di.x)+ii}) self.files += [Di.filename] elif datatype == 'ATL11': D_list=[] for ii, Di in enumerate(D): self.files += [Di.filename] Di.get_xy(srs_proj4) D_list.append({ 'x':Di.x, 'y':Di.y, 'file_num':np.zeros_like(Di.x)+ii, 'h_corr':Di.corrected_h.h_corr[:,-1].ravel()})) else: self.D=D XR=[np.nanmin(self.D_all.x), np.nanmax(self.D_all.x)] YR=[np.nanmin(self.D_all.y), np.nanmax(self.D_all.y)] self.fig=plt.figure() if map_file is not None: get_map(map_file, bounds=[XR, YR]) #for Di in D: # plt.plot(Di.x, Di.y,'.') if self.datatype=='ATL06': plt.scatter(self.D_all.x, self.D_all.y, 6, c=self.D_all.r_eff, linewidth=0, vmax=1, vmin=0) elif self.datatype=='ATL11': plt.scatter(self.D_all.x, self.D_all.y, 6, c=self.D_all.h_corr); plt.colorbar() elif self.datatype=='ATM_waveform_fit': plt.scatter(self.D_all.x, self.D_all.y, 6, c=np.log10(self.D_all.K0)) elif self.datatype=='CS2': plt.scatter(self.D_all.x, self.D_all.y, 6, c=self.D_all.h); plt.colorbar() hax=plt.axes([0.7, 0.05, 0.25, 0.25]) hax.hist((self.D_all.time-730486)/365.25+2000, 100) self.cid=self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Tue Jan 21 15:56:39 2020 @author: ben """ import pointCollection as pc import numpy as np import sys import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() for index_file in sys.argv[1:]: xy = pc.geoIndex().from_file(index_file).bins_as_array() plt.plot(xy[0], xy[1], 'o', label=index_file) D = pc.geoIndex().from_file(index_file).query_xy( [[xy[0][0]], [xy[1][0]]], get_data=True, fields=['x', 'y', 'h_li', 'pair', 'cycle_number']) D = plt.plot(D.x, D.y, '.', label='first bin of ' + index_file) plt.axis('equal') plt.legend()
'geophysical':['dac'], 'bias_correction':['fpb_n_corr'], 'fit_statistics':['dh_fit_dx','dh_fit_dx_sigma','dh_fit_dy','h_mean', 'h_rms_misfit','h_robust_sprd','n_fit_photons','w_surface_window_final','snr_significance'], 'orbit_info':['rgt','orbit_number'], 'derived': ['BP','spot']} ATL06_fields=list() for key in ATL06_field_dict: ATL06_fields+=ATL06_field_dict[key] WGS84a=6378137.0 WGS84b=6356752.31424 d2r=np.pi/180. delta=[10000., 10000.] Q_GI=pc.geoIndex(SRS_proj4=SRS_proj4).from_file(Qfit_index, read_file=True) D6_GI=pc.geoIndex(SRS_proj4=SRS_proj4).from_file(ATL06_index, read_file=True) # the qfit index is at 1 km , the ATL06 index is at 10 km. find the overlap between the two # Interesect the ATL06 index with the Qfit index xy_10km_Q=Q_GI.bins_as_array() xy_10km_Q=np.unique(xy_10km_Q[0]+1j*xy_10km_Q[1]) D6_GI=D6_GI.copy_subset(xyBin=[np.real(xy_10km_Q), np.imag(xy_10km_Q)]); out_fields=[ 'segment_id','x','y','beam', 'BP', 'h_li', 'h_li_sigma', 'atl06_quality_summary', 'dac', 'rgt','orbit_number','spot', 'dh_fit_dx','N_50m','N_seg','h_qfit_seg','dh_qfit_dx','dh_qfit_dy', 'h_robust_sprd', 'snr_significance', 'h_qfit_50m','sigma_qfit_50m', 'sigma_seg','dz_50m','E_seg','RDE_seg',
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--atl06', '-I', type=str, help="ICESat-2 ATL06 directory to run") parser.add_argument('--atm', '-A', type=str, help='ATM directory to run') parser.add_argument('--hemisphere', '-H', type=int, default=-1, help='hemisphere, must be 1 or -1') parser.add_argument('--query', '-Q', type=float, default=100, help='KD-Tree query radius') parser.add_argument('--median', '-M', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run block median') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', default=False, action='store_true', help='verbose output of run') args = parser.parse_args() if args.hemisphere == 1: SRS_proj4 = '+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=70 +lon_0=-45 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' elif args.hemisphere == -1: SRS_proj4 = '+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-71 +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' # tilde expansion of file arguments ATM_dir = os.path.expanduser(args.atm) print("working on ATL06 dir {0}, ATM directory {1}".format( args.atl06, ATM_dir)) if args.verbose else None # find Qfit files within ATM_dir Qfit_regex = re.compile( r"ATM1B.*_(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})_(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2}).*.h5") Qfit_files = [ os.path.join(ATM_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(ATM_dir) if ] # output directory out_dir = os.path.join(ATM_dir, 'xovers') if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) out_file = 'vs_{0}.h5'.format( os.path.dirname(args.atl06).replace(os.sep, '_')) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(out_dir, out_file)): print("found: {0}".format(os.path.join( out_dir, out_file))) if args.verbose else None ATL06_index = os.path.join(os.sep, 'Volumes', 'ice2', 'ben', 'scf', 'AA_06', args.atl06, 'GeoIndex.h5') SRS_proj4 = '+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-71 +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' ATL06_field_dict = { None: [ 'delta_time', 'h_li', 'h_li_sigma', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'segment_id', 'sigma_geo_h', 'atl06_quality_summary' ], 'ground_track': ['x_atc', 'y_atc', 'seg_azimuth', 'sigma_geo_at', 'sigma_geo_xt'], 'geophysical': ['dac'], 'bias_correction': ['fpb_n_corr'], 'fit_statistics': [ 'dh_fit_dx', 'dh_fit_dx_sigma', 'dh_fit_dy', 'h_mean', 'h_rms_misfit', 'h_robust_sprd', 'n_fit_photons', 'w_surface_window_final', 'snr_significance' ], 'orbit_info': ['rgt', 'orbit_number'], 'derived': ['BP', 'spot'] } ATL06_fields = list() for key in ATL06_field_dict: ATL06_fields += ATL06_field_dict[key] # read all Qfit files within ATM directory Qlist = list() for f in sorted(Qfit_files): Qlist.append( # merge the list of ATM data and build the search tree Q_full = # run block median for qsub if args.median: Q_full = blockmedian_for_qsub(Q_full, 5) # construct search tree from ATM Qfit coords Qtree = KDTree(np.c_[Q_full.x, Q_full.y]) # could pickle Qtree here to save computational time for future runs # read 10 km ATL06 index D6_GI = pc.geoIndex(SRS_proj4=SRS_proj4).from_file(ATL06_index, read_file=True) # Query the Qfit search tree to find intersecting ATL06 bins # search within radius equal to diagonal of bin with 1km buffer (12/sqrt(2)) x_10km, y_10km = D6_GI.bins_as_array() D6ind, = np.nonzero( Qtree.query_radius(np.c_[x_10km, y_10km], 8485, count_only=True)) # reduce ATL06 bins to valid D6_GI = D6_GI.copy_subset(xyBin=[x_10km[D6ind], y_10km[D6ind]]) out_fields = [ 'segment_id', 'x', 'y', 'beam', 'BP', 'h_li', 'h_li_sigma', 'atl06_quality_summary', 'dac', 'rgt', 'orbit_number', 'spot', 'dh_fit_dx', 'N_50m', 'N_seg', 'h_qfit_seg', 'dh_qfit_dx', 'dh_qfit_dy', 'h_robust_sprd', 'snr_significance', 'h_qfit_50m', 'sigma_qfit_50m', 'sigma_seg', 'dz_50m', 'E_seg', 'RDE_seg', 'hbar_20m', 'RDE_50m', 't_seg', 't_qfit', 'y_atc', 'x_seg_mean', 'y_seg_mean' ] out_template = {f: np.NaN for f in out_fields} out = list() for bin_name in sorted(D6_GI.keys()): print(bin_name) if args.verbose else None bin_xy = [int(coord) for coord in bin_name.split('_')] # query ATL06 for the current bin, and index it D6list = D6_GI.query_xy([[bin_xy[0]], [bin_xy[1]]], get_data=True, fields=ATL06_field_dict) if not isinstance(D6list, list): D6list = [D6list] D6sub = # query the search tree to find points within query radius D6xy = np.concatenate((D6sub.x[:, None], D6sub.y[:, None]), axis=1) Qquery = Qtree.query_radius(D6xy, args.query) # indices of ATL06 points within bin D6ind, = np.nonzero([np.any(i) for i in Qquery]) # loop over queries in the ATL06 data for i_AT in D6ind: D6i = D6sub.copy_subset(np.array([i_AT])) # grab the Qfit bins around the ATL06 bin Qdata = Q_full.copy_subset(Qquery[i_AT], by_row=True) Qdata.index( np.isfinite(Qdata.elevation) & np.isfinite(Qdata.latitude) & np.isfinite(Qdata.longitude)) # create output dictionary of ATL06 and plane-fit ATM comparison this_out = compare_seg_with_qfit(D6i, Qdata, 0, out_template) if this_out is not None: out.append(this_out) D = dict() with h5py.File(os.path.join(out_dir, out_file), 'w') as h5f: for field in out[0].keys(): D[field] = np.array([ii[field] for ii in out]) print(field, D[field].dtype) if args.verbose else None h5f.create_dataset(field, data=D[field])
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Wed May 6 14:10:10 2020 @author: ben """ import pointCollection as pc SRS_proj4 = '+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=70 +lon_0=-45 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' gI = pc.geoIndex(SRS_proj4=SRS_proj4).for_file( '/Volumes/ice2/ben/scf/AA_11/U07/ATL11_000110_0306_02_vU07.h5', file_type='ATL11')
#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Sat Apr 4 08:32:55 2020 @author: ben """ import pointCollection as pc import numpy as np xy0 = (np.array(-360000.), np.array(-1140000.)) gi = pc.geoIndex().from_file( '/Volumes/ice2/ben/CS2_data/GL/retrack_BC/2019/index_POCA.h5') D = gi.query_xy(xy0, fields=['x', 'y', 'h']) gi = None
def get_xover_data(x0, y0, rgt, GI_files, xover_cache, index_bin_size, params_11): """ Read the data from other tracks. Maintain a cache of data so that subsequent reads don't have to reload data from disk Inputs: x0, y0: bin centers rgt: current rgt GI_files: lsti of geograpic index file xover_cache: data cache (dict) index_bin_size: size of the bins in the index params_11: default parameter values for the ATL11 fit """ # identify the crossover centers x0_ctrs = buffered_bins(x0, y0, 2 * params_11.L_search_XT, index_bin_size) D_xover = [] this_field_dict = params_11.ATL06_field_dict.copy() this_field_dict.pop('dem') for x0_ctr in x0_ctrs: this_key = (np.real(x0_ctr), np.imag(x0_ctr)) # check if we have already read in the data for this bin if this_key not in xover_cache: # if we haven't already read in the data, read it in. These data will be in xover_cache[this_key] temp = [] for GI_file in GI_files: new_data = pc.geoIndex().from_file(GI_file).query_xy( this_key, fields=this_field_dict) if new_data is not None: temp += new_data if len(temp) == 0: xover_cache[this_key] = None continue xover_cache[this_key] = { 'D': fields=params_11.ATL06_xover_field_list).from_list(temp) } # remove the current rgt from data in the cache xover_cache[this_key]['D'].index( ~np.in1d(xover_cache[this_key]['D'].rgt, [rgt])) if xover_cache[this_key]['D'].size == 0: continue xover_cache[this_key]['D'].get_xy(EPSG=params_11.EPSG) # index the cache at 100-m resolution xover_cache[this_key]['index'] = pc.geoIndex( delta=[100, 100], data=xover_cache[this_key]['D']) # now read the data from the crossover cache if (xover_cache[this_key] is not None) and (xover_cache[this_key]['D'] is not None): try: Q = xover_cache[this_key]['index'].query_xy([x0, y0], pad=1, get_data=False) except KeyError: Q = None if Q is None: continue # if we have read in any data for the current bin, subset it to the bins around the reference point for key in Q: for i0, i1 in zip(Q[key]['offset_start'], Q[key]['offset_end']): D_xover.append(xover_cache[this_key]['D'][np.arange( i0, i1 + 1, dtype=int)]) if len(D_xover) > 0: D_xover = # cleanup the cache if it is too large if len(xover_cache.keys()) > 50: cleanup_xover_cache(xover_cache, x0, y0, 2e4) return D_xover
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--gps', '-G', type=str, help="GPS file to run") parser.add_argument('--atl06', '-I', type=str, help='ICESat-2 ATL06 directory to run') parser.add_argument('--hemisphere', '-H', type=int, default=-1, help='hemisphere, must be 1 or -1') parser.add_argument('--query', '-Q', type=float, default=100, help='KD-Tree query radius') parser.add_argument('--median', '-M', default=False, action='store_true', help='Run block median') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', default=False, action='store_true', help='verbose output of run') args = parser.parse_args() if args.hemisphere == 1: SRS_proj4 = '+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=70 +lon_0=-45 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs ' elif args.hemisphere == -1: SRS_proj4 = '+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-71 +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' # tilde expansion of file arguments GPS_file = os.path.expanduser(args.gps) GPS_dir = os.path.dirname(GPS_file) print("working on ATL06 dir {0}, GPS file {1}".format( args.atl06, GPS_file)) if args.verbose else None # output directory out_dir = os.path.join(GPS_dir, 'xovers') if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): os.mkdir(out_dir) out_file = 'vs_{0}.h5'.format( os.path.dirname(args.atl06).replace(os.sep, '_')) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(out_dir, out_file)): print("found: {0}".format(os.path.join( out_dir, out_file))) if args.verbose else None ATL06_index = os.path.join(os.sep, 'Volumes', 'ice2', 'ben', 'scf', 'AA_06', args.atl06, 'GeoIndex.h5') SRS_proj4 = '+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lat_ts=-71 +lon_0=0 +k=1 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs' ATL06_field_dict = { None: [ 'delta_time', 'h_li', 'h_li_sigma', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'segment_id', 'sigma_geo_h', 'atl06_quality_summary' ], 'ground_track': ['x_atc', 'y_atc', 'seg_azimuth', 'sigma_geo_at', 'sigma_geo_xt'], 'geophysical': ['dac'], 'bias_correction': ['fpb_n_corr'], 'fit_statistics': [ 'dh_fit_dx', 'dh_fit_dx_sigma', 'dh_fit_dy', 'h_mean', 'h_rms_misfit', 'h_robust_sprd', 'n_fit_photons', 'w_surface_window_final', 'snr_significance' ], 'orbit_info': ['rgt', 'orbit_number'], 'derived': ['BP', 'spot'] } ATL06_fields = list() for key in ATL06_field_dict: ATL06_fields += ATL06_field_dict[key] # read GPS HDF5 file GPS_field_dict = {None: ['latitude', 'longitude', 'z']} GPS_full =, field_dict=GPS_field_dict).get_xy(SRS_proj4) # run block median over GPS data if args.median: GPS_full = blockmedian_for_gps(GPS_full, 5) # construct search tree from GPS coordinates # pickle tree to save computational time for future runs if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(GPS_dir, 'tree.p')): tree = pickle.load(open(os.path.join(GPS_dir, 'tree.p'), 'rb')) else: tree = KDTree(np.c_[GPS_full.x, GPS_full.y]) pickle.dump(tree, open(os.path.join(GPS_dir, 'tree.p'), 'wb')) # read 10 km ATL06 index D6_GI = pc.geoIndex(SRS_proj4=SRS_proj4).from_file(ATL06_index, read_file=True) # Query the gps search tree to find intersecting ATL06 bins # search within radius equal to diagonal of bin with 1km buffer (12/sqrt(2)) x_10km, y_10km = D6_GI.bins_as_array() D6ind, = np.nonzero( tree.query_radius(np.c_[x_10km, y_10km], 8485, count_only=True)) # reduce ATL06 bins to valid D6_GI = D6_GI.copy_subset(xyBin=[x_10km[D6ind], y_10km[D6ind]]) out_fields = [ 'segment_id', 'x', 'y', 'BP', 'h_li', 'h_li_sigma', 'atl06_quality_summary', 'dac', 'rgt', 'orbit_number', 'spot', 'dh_fit_dx', 'N_50m', 'N_seg', 'h_gps_seg', 'dh_gps_dx', 'dh_gps_dy', 'h_robust_sprd', 'snr_significance', 'h_gps_50m', 'sigma_gps_50m', 'sigma_seg', 'dz_50m', 'E_seg', 'RDE_seg', 'hbar_20m', 'RDE_50m', 't_seg', 'y_atc', 'x_seg_mean', 'y_seg_mean' ] out_template = {f: np.NaN for f in out_fields} out = list() for bin_name in sorted(D6_GI.keys()): print(bin_name) if args.verbose else None bin_xy = [int(coord) for coord in bin_name.split('_')] # query ATL06 for the current bin, and index it D6list = D6_GI.query_xy([[bin_xy[0]], [bin_xy[1]]], get_data=True, fields=ATL06_field_dict) if not isinstance(D6list, list): D6list = [D6list] D6sub = D6sub.ravel_fields() # query the search tree to find points within query radius #D6xy = np.c_[(np.nanmean(D6sub.x, axis=1),np.nanmean(D6sub.y, axis=1))] D6sub.index(np.isfinite(D6sub.x) & np.isfinite(D6sub.h_li)) D6xy = np.c_[D6sub.x, D6sub.y] query = tree.query_radius(D6xy, args.query) # indices of ATL06 points within bin D6ind, = np.nonzero([np.any(i) for i in query]) # loop over queries in the ATL06 data for i_AT in D6ind: D6i = D6sub.copy_subset(np.array([i_AT])) # grab the gps bins around the ATL06 bin GPS = GPS_full.copy_subset(query[i_AT], by_row=True) GPS.index( np.isfinite(GPS.z) & np.isfinite(GPS.latitude) & np.isfinite(GPS.longitude)) # create output dictionary of ATL06 and GPS comparison this_out = compare_seg_with_gps(D6i, GPS, out_template) if this_out is not None: out.append(this_out) D = dict() with h5py.File(os.path.join(out_dir, out_file), 'w') as h5f: for field in out[0].keys(): D[field] = np.array([ii[field] for ii in out]) print(field, D[field].dtype) if args.verbose else None h5f.create_dataset(field, data=D[field])
def read_ATL11(xy0, Wxy, index_file, SRS_proj4, sigma_geo=6.5): ''' read ATL11 data from an index file inputs: xy0 : 2-element iterable specifying the domain center Wxy : Width of the domain index_file : file made by pointCollection.geoindex pointing at ATL11 data SRS_proj4: projection information for the data output: D: data structure file_list: list of ATL11 files read ''' field_dict_11={None:['latitude','longitude','delta_time',\ 'h_corr','h_corr_sigma','h_corr_sigma_systematic', 'ref_pt'],\ '__calc_internal__' : ['rgt'], 'cycle_stats' : {'tide_ocean','dac'}, 'ref_surf':['e_slope','n_slope', 'x_atc', 'fit_quality']} try: # catch empty data D11_list=pc.geoIndex().from_file(index_file).query_xy_box( xy0[0]+np.array([-Wxy/2, Wxy/2]), \ xy0[1]+np.array([-Wxy/2, Wxy/2]), fields=field_dict_11) except ValueError: return None, [] if D11_list is None: return None, [] D_list=[] XO_list=[] file_list= [ Di.filename for Di in D11_list ] for D11 in D11_list: D11.get_xy(proj4_string=SRS_proj4) # select the subset of the data within the domain D11.index((np.abs(D11.x[:,0]-xy0[0]) <= Wxy/2) &\ (np.abs(D11.y[:,0]-xy0[1]) <= Wxy/2)) if D11.size==0: continue sigma_corr=np.sqrt((sigma_geo*np.abs(np.median(D11.n_slope)))**2+\ (sigma_geo*np.abs(np.median(D11.e_slope)))**2+0.03**2) # fix for early ATL11 versions that had some zero error estimates. bad=np.any(D11.h_corr_sigma==0, axis=1) D11.h_corr_sigma[bad,:]=np.NaN n_cycles=np.sum(np.isfinite(D11.h_corr), axis=1) n_cycles=np.reshape(n_cycles, (D11.shape[0],1)) n_cycles=np.tile(n_cycles, [1, D11.shape[1]]) D_list += [{'z':D11.h_corr, 'sigma_corr':sigma_corr+np.zeros_like(D11.h_corr), 'sigma':D11.h_corr_sigma, 'x':D11.x, 'y':D11.y, 'x_atc': D11.x_atc, 'latitude':D11.latitude, 'longitude':D11.longitude, 'rgt':D11.rgt, 'pair':np.zeros_like(D11.x)+D11.pair, 'ref_pt':D11.ref_pt, 'cycle':D11.cycle_number, 'n_cycles': n_cycles, 'fit_quality': D11.fit_quality, 'tide_ocean': D11.tide_ocean, 'dac': D11.dac, 'delta_time': D11.delta_time, 'time':D11.delta_time/24/3600/365.25+2018, 'n_slope':D11.n_slope, 'e_slope':D11.e_slope, 'time':D11.delta_time/24/3600/365.25+2018, 'along_track':np.ones_like(D11.x, dtype=bool)})] if len(D11.ref_pt) == 0: continue # N.B. D11 is getting indexed in this step, and it's leading to the warning in # line 76. Can fix by making crossover_data.from_h5 copy D11 on input D_x = pc.ATL11.crossover_data().from_h5(D11.filename, pair=D11.pair, D_at=D11) if D_x is None: continue # fit_quality D11 applies to all cycles, but is mapped only to some specific # cycle. temp=np.nanmax(D_x.fit_quality[:,:,0], axis=1) for cycle in range(D_x.shape[1]): D_x.fit_quality[:,cycle,1]=temp D_x.get_xy(proj4_string=SRS_proj4) good=np.isfinite(D_x.h_corr)[:,0:2,1].ravel() for field in D_x.fields: # Pull out only cycles 1 and 2 temp=getattr(D_x, field)[:,0:2,1] setattr(D_x, field, temp.ravel()[good]) # select the subset of the data within the domain D_x.index((np.abs(D_x.x-xy0[0]) <= Wxy/2) &\ (np.abs(D_x.y-xy0[1]) <= Wxy/2)) if D_x.size==0: continue #N.B. Check whether n_slope and e_slope are set correctly. zero = np.zeros_like(D_x.h_corr) blank = zero+np.NaN XO_list += [{'z':D_x.h_corr, 'sigma':D_x.h_corr_sigma, 'sigma_corr': sigma_corr+np.zeros_like(D_x.h_corr), 'x':D_x.x, 'y':D_x.y, 'latitude':D_x.latitude, 'longitude':D_x.longitude, 'rgt':D_x.rgt, 'pair':np.zeros_like(D_x.x)+D_x.pair, 'ref_pt':blank, 'cycle':D_x.cycle_number, 'n_cycles':blank, 'fit_quality':D_x.fit_quality, 'tide_ocean':D_x.tide_ocean, 'dac':D_x.dac, 'delta_time':D_x.delta_time, 'n_slope':D_x.n_slope, 'e_slope':D_x.e_slope, 'time':D_x.delta_time/24/3600/365.25+2018, 'along_track':np.zeros_like(D_x.x, dtype=bool)})] try: D.index(np.isfinite(D.z)) except ValueError: # catch empty data return None, file_list D.index(( D.fit_quality ==0 ) | ( D.fit_quality == 2 )) return D, file_list
def read_ICESat2(xy0, W, gI_file, sensor=2, SRS_proj4=None, tiled=True, seg_diff_tol=2, blockmedian_scale=None, cplx_accept_threshold=0.): field_dict={None:['delta_time','h_li','h_li_sigma','latitude','longitude','atl06_quality_summary','segment_id','sigma_geo_h'], 'fit_statistics':['dh_fit_dx', 'dh_fit_dy', 'n_fit_photons','w_surface_window_final','snr_significance'], 'geophysical':['tide_ocean'], 'ground_track':['x_atc'], 'orbit_info':['rgt','cycle_number'], 'derived':['valid', 'BP','LR']} if tiled: fields=[] for key in field_dict: fields += field_dict[key] fields += ['x','y'] else: fields=field_dict px, py=np.meshgrid(np.arange(xy0[0]-W['x']/2, xy0[0]+W['x']/2+1.e4, 1.e4),np.arange(xy0[1]-W['y']/2, xy0[1]+W['y']/2+1.e4, 1.e4) ) D0=pc.geoIndex().from_file(gI_file).query_xy((px.ravel(), py.ravel()), fields=fields) if D0 is None or len(D0)==0: return [None] # check the D6 filenames against the blacklist of bad files if tiled: D0=pc.reconstruct_ATL06_tracks( hold_list = read_hold_files() hold_list = {(item[0], item[1]) for item in hold_list} D1=list() for ind, D in enumerate(D0): if D.size<2: continue delete_file = (D.cycle_number[0], D.rgt[0]) in hold_list if delete_file==0: D1.append(D) # D1 is now a filtered version of D0 bin_xy=1.e4*np.round((D_pt.x+1j*D_pt.y)/1.e4) cplx_bins=[] for xy0 in np.unique(bin_xy): ii=np.flatnonzero(bin_xy==xy0) if np.mean(D_pt.atl06_quality_summary[ii]==0) < cplx_accept_threshold: cplx_bins+=[xy0] cplx_bins=np.array(cplx_bins) sigma_corr=np.zeros(len(D1)) for ind, D in enumerate(D1): valid=segDifferenceFilter(D, setValid=False, toNaN=False, tol=seg_diff_tol) D.assign({'quality':D.atl06_quality_summary}) cplx_data=np.in1d(1.e4*np.round((D.x+1j*D.y)/1.e4), cplx_bins) if np.any(cplx_data): D.quality[cplx_data] = (D.snr_significance[cplx_data] > 0.02) | \ (D.n_fit_photons[cplx_data]/D.w_surface_window_final[cplx_data] < 5) valid[cplx_data] |= segDifferenceFilter(D, setValid=False, toNaN=False, tol=2*seg_diff_tol)[cplx_data] D.h_li[valid==0] = np.NaN D.h_li[D.quality==1] = np.NaN if blockmedian_scale is not None: D.blockmedian(blockmedian_scale, field='h_li') # rename the h_li field to 'z', and set time to the year # note that the extra half day is needed because 2018 is in between two leap years D.assign({'z': D.h_li, 'time':D.delta_time/24/3600/365.25+2018+0.5/365.25, 'sigma':D.h_li_sigma,'cycle':D.cycle_number}) # thin to 40 m D.index(np.mod(D.segment_id, 2)==0) if 'x' not in D.fields: D.get_xy(SRS_proj4) #D.index(np.isfinite(D.h_li), list_of_fields=['x','y','z','time','year','sigma','sigma_corr','rgt','cycle']) D.assign({'sensor':np.zeros_like(D.x)+sensor}) if np.any(np.isfinite(D.dh_fit_dy)): dhdy_med=np.nanmedian(D.dh_fit_dy) dhdx_med=np.nanmedian(D.dh_fit_dx) else: dhdy_med=np.NaN dhdx_med=np.NaN sigma_geo_x=8 sigma_corr[ind]=np.sqrt(0.03**2+sigma_geo_x**2*(dhdx_med**2+dhdy_med**2)) if ~np.isfinite(sigma_corr[ind]): sigma_corr[ind]=0.1 D.assign({'sigma_corr':np.zeros_like(D.h_li)+sigma_corr[ind]}) D1[ind]=D.copy_subset(np.isfinite(D.h_li), datasets=['x','y','z','time',\ 'delta_time','sigma','sigma_corr','rgt','cycle',\ 'sensor', 'BP','LR']) return D1
def read_ATL11(xy0, Wxy, index_file, SRS_proj4): field_dict_11={None:['latitude','longitude','delta_time',\ 'h_corr','h_corr_sigma','h_corr_sigma_systematic', 'ref_pt'],\ '__calc_internal__' : ['rgt'], 'cycle_stats' : {'tide_ocean','dac'}, 'ref_surf':['e_slope','n_slope', 'x_atc', 'fit_quality']} D11_list=pc.geoIndex().from_file(index_file).query_xy_box(xy0[0]+\ np.array([-Wxy/2, Wxy/2]), xy0[1]+np.array([-Wxy/2, Wxy/2]), fields=field_dict_11) D_list = [] XO_list = [] for D11 in D11_list: D11.get_xy(proj4_string=SRS_proj4) sigma_corr=np.sqrt((7.5*np.abs(np.median(D11.n_slope)))**2+\ (7.5*np.abs(np.median(D11.e_slope)))**2+0.03**2) # fix for early ATL11 versions that had some zero error estimates. bad = np.any(D11.h_corr_sigma == 0, axis=1) D11.h_corr_sigma[bad, :] = np.NaN n_cycles = np.sum(np.isfinite(D11.h_corr), axis=1) n_cycles = np.reshape(n_cycles, (D11.shape[0], 1)) n_cycles = np.tile(n_cycles, [1, D11.shape[1]]) D_list += [{ 'z': D11.h_corr, 'sigma_corr': sigma_corr + np.zeros_like(D11.h_corr), 'sigma': D11.h_corr_sigma, 'x': D11.x, 'y': D11.y, 'x_atc': D11.x_atc, 'latitude': D11.latitude, 'longitude': D11.longitude, 'rgt': D11.rgt, 'ref_pt': D11.ref_pt, 'cycle': D11.cycle_number, 'n_cycles': n_cycles, 'fit_quality': D11.fit_quality, 'tide_ocean': D11.tide_ocean, 'dac': D11.dac, 'delta_time': D11.delta_time, 'time': D11.delta_time / 24 / 3600 / 365.25 + 2018 }) ] D_x = pc.ATL11.crossover_data().from_h5(D11.filename, pair=D11.pair, D_at=D11) # fit_quality D11 applies to all cycles, but is mapped only to some specific # cycle. temp = np.nanmax(D_x.fit_quality[:, :, 0], axis=1) for cycle in range(D_x.shape[1]): D_x.fit_quality[:, cycle, 1] = temp D_x.get_xy(proj4_string=SRS_proj4) good = np.isfinite(D_x.h_corr)[:, 0:2, 1].ravel() for field in D_x.fields: # Pull out only cycles 1 and 2 temp = getattr(D_x, field)[:, 0:2, 1] setattr(D_x, field, temp.ravel()[good]) zero = np.zeros_like(D_x.h_corr) blank = zero + np.NaN XO_list += [{ 'z': D_x.h_corr, 'sigma': D_x.h_corr_sigma, 'sigma_corr': sigma_corr + np.zeros_like(D_x.h_corr), 'x': D_x.x, 'y': D_x.y, 'latitude': D_x.latitude, 'longitude': D_x.longitude, 'rgt': D_x.rgt, 'ref_pt': blank, 'cycle': D_x.cycle_number, 'n_cycles': blank, 'fit_quality': D_x.fit_quality, 'tide_ocean': D_x.tide_ocean, 'dac': D_x.dac, 'delta_time': D_x.delta_time, 'time': D_x.delta_time / 24 / 3600 / 365.25 + 2018 }) ] D = + XO_list).ravel_fields() print({field: getattr(D, field).shape for field in D.fields}) D.index((D.fit_quality == 0) | (D.fit_quality == 2)) return D