def test_lloyd_relaxation(self): import point_cloud_utils as pcu # v is a nv by 3 NumPy array of vertices # f is an nf by 3 NumPy array of face indexes into v v, f, n = pcu.read_obj(os.path.join(self.test_path, "cube_twist.obj")) # Generate 1000 points on the mesh with Lloyd's algorithm samples = pcu.sample_mesh_lloyd(v, f, 1000) # Generate 100 points on the unit square with Lloyd's algorithm samples_2d = pcu.lloyd_2d(100)
def file_to_pointcloud(filename, type, args): if type == 'shapenet': points, triangles, quads = read_obj_file(filename) elif type == 'modelnet': points, triangles, quads = read_off_file(filename) else: print("bad dataset type") if args.normal: return mesh_to_point_cloud(points, triangles, args.num_points, mode, normal=True) if args.mode == 'lloyd': return pcu.sample_mesh_lloyd(points, triangles, args.num_points) #return pcu.sample_mesh_random(points, triangles,np.array([]), args.num_points) return mesh_to_point_cloud(points, triangles, args.num_points, args.mode)
def generateSamples(mesh, num): vertices = mesh.points() faces = np.asarray(mesh.faces()) samples = pcu.sample_mesh_lloyd(vertices, faces, num) return samples
filenames = [f for f in files_in_subdirs(args.dataset_path, args.termination)] for i, fi in enumerate(filenames): path = os.path.split(fi)[0] foldername = path.replace(args.dataset_path + '/', '') name = os.path.split(fi)[-1].split('.')[0] if args.save_path == 'None': args.save_path = os.path.split( args.dataset_path)[0] + '/' + os.path.split( args.dataset_path)[1] + '_resampled' if not os.path.exists(args.save_path): os.makedirs(args.save_path) if os.path.split(foldername)[-1] == args.dataset_path.split( '/')[-1]: #Single folder structure destination_filename = args.save_path + '/' + name else: if not os.path.exists(args.save_path + '/' + foldername): os.makedirs(args.save_path + '/' + foldername) destination_filename = args.save_path + '/' + foldername + '/' + name if args.termination == '.off': v, f, n = pcu.read_off(fi) elif args.termination == '.obj': v, f, n = pcu.read_obj(fi) else: print('Invalid termination') sys.exit(1) if len(f) != 0: samples = pcu.sample_mesh_lloyd( v, f, args.n_points) #normals inside v, poorly saved + '.npy', samples)