def getSelect(self): isClipPcParallel = (self.qp.queryType in ('rectangle','circle','generic')) and (self.numProcessesQuery > 1) columnNamesDict = self.getColumnNamesDict(not isClipPcParallel) selectedColumns = dbops.getSelectCols(self.qp.columns, columnNamesDict, self.qp.statistics) zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(self.qp, columnNamesDict['z'][0], None) if self.qp.queryType in ('rectangle','circle','generic'): if self.numProcessesQuery == 1: query = """ SELECT """ + selectedColumns + """ FROM table(sdo_pc_pkg.clip_pc( (SELECT pc FROM """ + self.baseTable + """), (SELECT geom FROM """ + self.queryTable + """ WHERE id = """ + str(self.queryIndex) + """), null, 1, 1)) query_blocks, table(sdo_util.getvertices(sdo_pc_pkg.to_geometry( query_blocks.points, query_blocks.num_points, 3, null))) pnt """ + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) else: query = """ WITH candidates AS ( SELECT blocks.blk_id, subqueries.ind_dim_qry, subqueries.other_dim_qry FROM """ + self.blockTable + """ blocks, (SELECT 1 min_res, 1 max_res, (SELECT geom FROM """ + self.queryTable + """ WHERE id = """ + str(self.queryIndex) + """) ind_dim_qry, cast(null as sdo_mbr) other_dim_qry FROM dual ) subqueries WHERE blocks.pcblk_min_res <= max_res and blocks.pcblk_max_res >= min_res and SDO_ANYINTERACT(blocks.blk_extent, subqueries.ind_dim_qry) = 'TRUE') SELECT """ + self.getParallelHint() + """ """ + selectedColumns + """ FROM table( sdo_pc_pkg.clip_pc_parallel( cursor(select * from candidates), (select pc from """ + self.baseTable + """))) """ + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) else: # NN query numBlocksNeigh = int(math.pow(2 + math.ceil(math.sqrt(math.ceil(float(self.qp.num)/float(self.blockSize)))), 2)) if self.numProcessesQuery > 1: logging.warning('Ignoring parallel querying for NN query: It caused internal error!') query = """ SELECT """ + selectedColumns + """ FROM (SELECT a.points, a.num_points FROM """ + self.blockTable + """ a, """ + self.queryTable + """ b WHERE b.ID = """ + str(self.queryIndex) + """ AND SDO_NN(a.BLK_EXTENT,b.GEOM)='TRUE' AND ROWNUM <= """ + str(numBlocksNeigh) + """) c, table (sdo_util.getvertices(sdo_pc_pkg.to_geometry(c.points,c.num_points,3,NULL))) pnt WHERE ROWNUM <= """ + str(self.qp.num) + """ """ + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) + """ ORDER BY (POWER((pnt.x - """ + str( + """),2) + POWER((pnt.y - """ + str( + """),2)) """ return query
def runGenericQueryParallelCandChild(self, chunkIds): connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(self.qp, 'pnt.z', None) elements = [] for _, crange in groupby(chunkIds, lambda n, c=count(): n - next(c)): listcrange = list(crange) if len(listcrange) == 1: elements.append('(BLK_ID=' + str(listcrange[0]) + ')') else: elements.append('(BLK_ID between ' + str(listcrange[0]) + ' and ' + str(listcrange[-1]) + ')') oracleops.mogrifyExecute( cursor, """INSERT INTO """ + self.resultTable + """ SELECT """ + dbops.getSelectCols(self.qp.columns, { 'x': 'x', 'y': 'y', 'z': 'z' }, None) + """ FROM table ( sdo_PointInPolygon ( cursor (SELECT """ + dbops.getSelectCols( self.columns, self.getColumnNamesDict(True), None, True) + """ FROM (select points,num_points from """ + self.blockTable + """ WHERE """ + ' OR '.join(elements) + """) pcblob, TABLE (sdo_util.getvertices(sdo_pc_pkg.to_geometry(pcblob.points,pcblob.num_points,3,NULL))) pnt """ + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) + """), (select geom from """ + self.queryTable + """ where id = """ + str(self.queryIndex) + """), """ + str(self.tolerance) + """, NULL))""") connection.close()
def getSelectParallel(self, cursor, qp, queryTable, queryIndex, isCand=False, chunkIds=None): cols = dbops.getSelectCols(qp.columns, self.columnsNameDict, qp.statistics, True) queryArgs = [] if isCand: specCondition = self.addContainsChunkIds(queryArgs, queryIndex, queryTable, chunkIds) else: specCondition = self.addContains(queryArgs, queryIndex, queryTable) zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(qp, self.columnsNameDict['z'][0], queryArgs) query = "SELECT " + cols + " from (SELECT pc_explode(pc_intersection(pa,geom)) AS qpoint from " + self.blockTable + ", " + queryTable + dbops.getWhereStatement( specCondition) + ") AS qtable " + dbops.getWhereStatement( zCondition) return (query, queryArgs)
def getSelect(self): isClipPcParallel = (self.qp.queryType in ('rectangle', 'circle', 'generic')) and (self.numProcessesQuery > 1) columnNamesDict = self.getColumnNamesDict(not isClipPcParallel) selectedColumns = dbops.getSelectCols(self.qp.columns, columnNamesDict, self.qp.statistics) zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(self.qp, columnNamesDict['z'][0], None) if self.qp.queryType in ('rectangle', 'circle', 'generic'): if self.numProcessesQuery == 1: query = """ SELECT """ + selectedColumns + """ FROM table(sdo_pc_pkg.clip_pc( (SELECT pc FROM """ + self.baseTable + """), (SELECT geom FROM """ + self.queryTable + """ WHERE id = """ + str( self.queryIndex) + """), null, 1, 1)) query_blocks, table(sdo_util.getvertices(sdo_pc_pkg.to_geometry( query_blocks.points, query_blocks.num_points, 3, null))) pnt """ + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) else: query = """ WITH candidates AS ( SELECT blocks.blk_id, subqueries.ind_dim_qry, subqueries.other_dim_qry FROM """ + self.blockTable + """ blocks, (SELECT 1 min_res, 1 max_res, (SELECT geom FROM """ + self.queryTable + """ WHERE id = """ + str( self.queryIndex) + """) ind_dim_qry, cast(null as sdo_mbr) other_dim_qry FROM dual ) subqueries WHERE blocks.pcblk_min_res <= max_res and blocks.pcblk_max_res >= min_res and SDO_ANYINTERACT(blocks.blk_extent, subqueries.ind_dim_qry) = 'TRUE') SELECT """ + self.getParallelHint() + """ """ + selectedColumns + """ FROM table( sdo_pc_pkg.clip_pc_parallel( cursor(select * from candidates), (select pc from """ + self.baseTable + """))) """ + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) else: # NN query numBlocksNeigh = int( math.pow( 2 + math.ceil( math.sqrt( math.ceil( float(self.qp.num) / float(self.blockSize)))), 2)) if self.numProcessesQuery > 1: logging.warning( 'Ignoring parallel querying for NN query: It caused internal error!' ) query = """ SELECT """ + selectedColumns + """ FROM (SELECT a.points, a.num_points FROM """ + self.blockTable + """ a, """ + self.queryTable + """ b WHERE b.ID = """ + str( self.queryIndex) + """ AND SDO_NN(a.BLK_EXTENT,b.GEOM)='TRUE' AND ROWNUM <= """ + str(numBlocksNeigh) + """) c, table (sdo_util.getvertices(sdo_pc_pkg.to_geometry(c.points,c.num_points,3,NULL))) pnt WHERE ROWNUM <= """ + str(self.qp.num) + """ """ + dbops.getWhereStatement( zCondition) + """ ORDER BY (POWER((pnt.x - """ + str( + """),2) + POWER((pnt.y - """ + str( + """),2)) """ return query
def runGenericQueryParallelGridChild(self, index, gridTable): connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(self.qp, 'pnt.z', None) # q = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' + self.blockTable + ', ' + gridTable + ' WHERE id = ' + str(index) + " AND SDO_ANYINTERACT(blk_extent, geom) = 'TRUE'" # oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, q) # print self.queryIndex, 'TOUCHED_BLOCKS CHILD ', index , cursor.fetchone()[0] query = """ INSERT INTO """ + self.resultTable + """ SELECT """ + dbops.getSelectCols(self.qp.columns, self.getColumnNamesDict(True), None, True) + """ FROM table (sdo_pc_pkg.clip_pc((SELECT pc FROM """ + self.baseTable + """), (SELECT geom FROM """ + gridTable + """ WHERE id = """ + str( index) + """), NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)) pcblob, table (sdo_util.getvertices(sdo_pc_pkg.to_geometry(pcblob.points,pcblob.num_points,3,NULL))) pnt """ + dbops.getWhereStatement( zCondition) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, query) connection.close()
def runGenericQueryParallelGridChild(self, index, gridTable): connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(self.qp, 'pnt.z', None) # q = 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' + self.blockTable + ', ' + gridTable + ' WHERE id = ' + str(index) + " AND SDO_ANYINTERACT(blk_extent, geom) = 'TRUE'" # oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, q) # print self.queryIndex, 'TOUCHED_BLOCKS CHILD ', index , cursor.fetchone()[0] query = """ INSERT INTO """ + self.resultTable + """ SELECT """ + dbops.getSelectCols(self.qp.columns, self.getColumnNamesDict(True), None, True) + """ FROM table (sdo_pc_pkg.clip_pc((SELECT pc FROM """ + self.baseTable + """), (SELECT geom FROM """ + gridTable + """ WHERE id = """ + str(index) + """), NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)) pcblob, table (sdo_util.getvertices(sdo_pc_pkg.to_geometry(pcblob.points,pcblob.num_points,3,NULL))) pnt """ + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, query) connection.close()
def runGenericQueryParallelCandChild(self, chunkIds): connection = self.getConnection() cursor = connection.cursor() zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(self.qp, 'pnt.z', None) elements = [] for _,crange in groupby(chunkIds, lambda n, c=count(): n-next(c)): listcrange = list(crange) if len(listcrange) == 1: elements.append('(BLK_ID=' + str(listcrange[0])+ ')') else: elements.append('(BLK_ID between ' + str(listcrange[0]) + ' and ' + str(listcrange[-1])+')') oracleops.mogrifyExecute(cursor, """INSERT INTO """ + self.resultTable + """ SELECT """ + dbops.getSelectCols(self.qp.columns, {'x':'x','y':'y','z':'z'}, None) + """ FROM table ( sdo_PointInPolygon ( cursor (SELECT """ + dbops.getSelectCols(self.columns, self.getColumnNamesDict(True), None, True) + """ FROM (select points,num_points from """ + self.blockTable + """ WHERE """ + ' OR '.join(elements) + """) pcblob, TABLE (sdo_util.getvertices(sdo_pc_pkg.to_geometry(pcblob.points,pcblob.num_points,3,NULL))) pnt """ + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) + """), (select geom from """ + self.queryTable + """ where id = """ + str(self.queryIndex) + """), """ + str(self.tolerance) + """, NULL))""") connection.close()
def getSelect(self, qp, iMortonRanges, xMortonRanges): queryArgs = [] query = '' zname = self.columnsNameDict['z'][0] kname = 'quadcellid' if len(iMortonRanges): if qp.queryType == 'nn': raise Exception('If using NN len(iMortonRanges) must be 0!') cols = dbops.getSelectCols(qp.columns, self.columnsNameDict, None, True) inMortonCondition = dbops.addMortonCondition(qp, iMortonRanges, kname, queryArgs) inZCondition = dbops.addZCondition(qp, zname, queryArgs) query = "SELECT " + cols + " FROM (SELECT PC_Explode(pa) as qpoint from " + self.blockTable + dbops.getWhereStatement(inMortonCondition) + ") as qtable1 " + dbops.getWhereStatement(inZCondition) + " UNION " else: cols = dbops.getSelectCols(qp.columns, self.columnsNameDict, qp.statistics, True) mortonCondition = dbops.addMortonCondition(qp, xMortonRanges, kname, queryArgs) if qp.queryType in ('rectangle', 'circle', 'generic'): containsCondition = self.addContains(queryArgs) zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(qp, zname, queryArgs) query += "SELECT " + cols + " FROM (SELECT PC_Explode(PC_Intersection(pa,geom)) as qpoint from " + self.blockTable + ', ' + self.queryTable + dbops.getWhereStatement([mortonCondition, containsCondition]) + ") as qtable2 " + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) elif qp.queryType != 'nn': #Approximation query += "SELECT " + cols + " FROM (SELECT PC_Explode(pa) as qpoint from " + self.blockTable + dbops.getWhereStatement(mortonCondition) + ") as qtable3 " return (query, queryArgs)
def getSelect(self, qp): cols = dbops.getSelectCols(qp.columns, self.columnsNameDict, qp.statistics, True) if qp.queryType != 'nn': queryArgs = [ self.queryIndex, ] zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(qp, self.columnsNameDict['z'][0], queryArgs) query = "SELECT " + cols + " from (SELECT pc_explode(pc_intersection(pa,geom)) AS qpoint from " + self.blockTable + ", (SELECT geom FROM " + self.queryTable + " WHERE id = %s) A WHERE pc_intersects(pa,geom)) AS qtable " + dbops.getWhereStatement( zCondition) else: numBlocksNeigh = int( math.pow( 2 + math.ceil( math.sqrt( math.ceil(float(qp.num) / float(self.blockSize)))), 2)) queryArgs = [self.queryIndex, numBlocksNeigh] zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(qp, self.columnsNameDict['z'][0], queryArgs) queryArgs.extend([,, qp.num]) orderBy = "ORDER BY ((" + self.columnsNameDict['x'][ 0] + " - %s)^2 + (" + self.columnsNameDict['y'][0] + " - %s)^2)" query = "SELECT " + cols + " FROM ( SELECT PC_explode(pa) as qpoint FROM (SELECT pa FROM " + self.blockTable + ", " + self.queryTable + " C WHERE = %s ORDER BY geometry(pa) <#> geom LIMIT %s) as A ) as B " + dbops.getWhereStatement( zCondition) + orderBy + " LIMIT %s" return (query, queryArgs)
def getSelect(self, qp): cols = dbops.getSelectCols(qp.columns, self.columnsNameDict, qp.statistics, True) if qp.queryType != 'nn': queryArgs = [self.queryIndex, ] zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(qp, self.columnsNameDict['z'][0], queryArgs) query = "SELECT " + cols + " from (SELECT pc_explode(pc_intersection(pa,geom)) AS qpoint from " + self.blockTable + ", (SELECT geom FROM " + self.queryTable + " WHERE id = %s) A WHERE pc_intersects(pa,geom)) AS qtable " + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) else: numBlocksNeigh = int(math.pow(2 + math.ceil(math.sqrt(math.ceil(float(qp.num)/float(self.blockSize)))), 2)) queryArgs = [self.queryIndex, numBlocksNeigh] zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(qp, self.columnsNameDict['z'][0], queryArgs) queryArgs.extend([,, qp.num]) orderBy = "ORDER BY ((" + self.columnsNameDict['x'][0] + " - %s)^2 + (" + self.columnsNameDict['y'][0] + " - %s)^2)" query = "SELECT " + cols + " FROM ( SELECT PC_explode(pa) as qpoint FROM (SELECT pa FROM " + self.blockTable + ", " + self.queryTable + " C WHERE = %s ORDER BY geometry(pa) <#> geom LIMIT %s) as A ) as B " + dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) + orderBy + " LIMIT %s" return (query,queryArgs)
def getSelectParallel(self, cursor, qp, queryTable, queryIndex, isCand = False, chunkIds = None): cols = dbops.getSelectCols(qp.columns, self.columnsNameDict, qp.statistics, True) queryArgs = [] if isCand: specCondition = self.addContainsChunkIds(queryArgs, queryIndex, queryTable, chunkIds) else: specCondition = self.addContains(queryArgs, queryIndex, queryTable) zCondition = dbops.addZCondition(qp, self.columnsNameDict['z'][0], queryArgs) query = "SELECT " + cols + " from (SELECT pc_explode(pc_intersection(pa,geom)) AS qpoint from " + self.blockTable + ", " + queryTable + dbops.getWhereStatement(specCondition) + ") AS qtable "+ dbops.getWhereStatement(zCondition) return (query,queryArgs)