コード例 #1
 def __init__(self, ctx):
     Initializes a class for player-related functions
     :param ctx: The context object of the message
     self.ctx = ctx
     self.server_id = self.ctx.message.guild.id
     self.player_id = self.ctx.message.author.id
     self.channel_id = self.ctx.message.channel.id
     self.table = Channel(self.ctx)
     self.database = None
コード例 #2
 def cog_check(self, ctx):
     if ctx.message.guild is None:
         raise commands.NoPrivateMessage
         if Channel(ctx).is_table():
             return True
             raise Errors.TableCommandError()
コード例 #3
ファイル: pm_commands.py プロジェクト: brycenaddison/pokerbot
 def cog_check(self, ctx):
     if ctx.message.guild is None:
         return True
         if Channel(ctx).is_table():
             raise Errors.Ignore()
             raise Errors.PmCommandError()
コード例 #4
    async def on_command_error(self, ctx, e):

        # Prevent errors from being sent in table channel
        if Channel(ctx).is_table():

        # MissingRequiredArgument
        if isinstance(e, commands.MissingRequiredArgument):
            return await ctx.send(messages.missing_args)

        # CommandNotFound
        elif isinstance(e, commands.CommandNotFound):
            return await ctx.send(messages.invalid_command)

        # DisabledCommand
        elif isinstance(e, commands.DisabledCommand):
            return await ctx.send(f'{ctx.command} has been disabled.')

        # NoPrivateMessage
        elif isinstance(e, commands.NoPrivateMessage):
                return await ctx.author.send(messages.pm_command)
            except Exception as e:

        # BadArgument
        elif isinstance(e, commands.BadArgument):
            return await ctx.send(messages.invalid_args)

        # TableCommandError
        elif isinstance(e, Errors.TableCommandError):
            return await ctx.send(messages.not_at_table)

        # ServerCommandError
        elif isinstance(e, Errors.ServerCommandError):

        # PmCommandError
        elif isinstance(e, Errors.PmCommandError):
            return await ctx.send(messages.server_command)

        # Ignore
        elif isinstance(e, Errors.Ignore):

        # unrecognized error
            log("[ERROR] Unrecognized command error encountered:")
コード例 #5
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: brycenaddison/pokerbot
    async def on_message(msg):
        # logs message in console

        # processes commands
        await bot.process_commands(msg)

        # delete message if in poker channel
            server_id = msg.guild.id
            channel = msg.channel.id
            if Channel(server_id, channel).is_table():
                if msg.author != bot.user:
                    await msg.delete()
        except Exception as error:
            log(f"{type(error)}: {error}")
コード例 #6
class Player:
    def __init__(self, ctx):
        Initializes a class for player-related functions
        :param ctx: The context object of the message
        self.ctx = ctx
        self.server_id = self.ctx.message.guild.id
        self.player_id = self.ctx.message.author.id
        self.channel_id = self.ctx.message.channel.id
        self.table = Channel(self.ctx)
        self.database = None

    def get_balance(self, player_id=None):
        Returns the balance of a given player
        :param player_id: The owner of the balance to return
        :return: The balance of the given player
        if self.database is None:
            self.database = Database("Members", self.server_id)
        if player_id is None:
            player_id = self.player_id
        return self.database.get_value("userId", player_id, "balance")

    def set_balance(self, balance, player_id=None):
        Sets the balance of a given player
        :param balance: The number to set the player's balance to
        :param player_id: The target player for the balance change
        if self.database is None:
            self.database = Database("Members", self.server_id)
        if player_id is None:
            player_id = self.player_id
        self.database.set_value("userId", player_id, {"balance": balance})

    async def dm(self, message, player_id=None):
        Directly message the given player
        :param message: The message to send the player
        :param player_id: The player to send the message to
        if player_id is None:
            player_id = self.player_id
        player = self.ctx.guild.get_member(player_id)
        if player.dm_channel is not None:
            await player.dm_channel.send(message)
            await player.create_dm()
            await player.dm_channel.send(message)

    def is_playing(self, player_id=None):
        Returns whether a given player is active in a game
        :rtype: bool
        :param player_id: The target player
        :return: Returns the boolean of whether the target player is active in a game
        if player_id is None:
            player_id = self.player_id
        for player in self.table.get("players"):
            if player["userId"] == player_id:
                return True
        return False

    def is_in_waiting_line(self, player_id=None):
        Returns whether a given player is in a waiting line
        :rtype: bool
        :param player_id: The target player
        :return: Returns the boolean of whether the target player is in a waiting line
        if player_id is None:
            player_id = self.player_id
        for pid in self.table.get("waitingLine"):
            if pid == player_id:
                return True
        return False

    def is_in_leaving_line(self, player_id=None):
        Returns whether a given player is in a leaving line
        :rtype: bool
        :param player_id: The target player
        :return: Returns the boolean of whether the target player is in a leaving line
        if player_id is None:
            player_id = self.player_id
        for pid in self.table.get("leavingLine"):
            if pid == player_id:
                return True
        return False

    async def join(self, player_id=None):
        Attempts to add a player to a waiting line or remove a player from a leaving line
        :param player_id: The target player
        if player_id is None:
            player_id = self.player_id

        # adds player to waiting line if player is not already in waiting line or currently playing
        if not self.is_in_waiting_line(
                player_id=player_id) and not self.is_playing(
                    player_id=player_id) and not self.is_in_leaving_line(
            Member(self.ctx, player_id).new()
            await self.table.update(messages.player.join(self.ctx))
            await self.table.add_to_waiting_line(player_id=player_id)

        # removes player from leaving line if they are in leaving line
        elif self.is_in_leaving_line(player_id=player_id) and self.is_playing(
            await self.table.update(messages.player.cancelLeave(self.ctx))
            await self.table.remove_from_leaving_line(player_id=player_id)

    async def leave(self, player_id=None):
        Attempts to remove a player from a waiting line or add a player to a leaving line
        :param player_id: The target player
        if player_id is None:
            player_id = self.player_id

        # removes player from waiting line if they are in it
        if self.is_in_waiting_line(player_id=player_id):
            await self.table.update(messages.player.leave2(self.ctx))
            await self.table.remove_from_waiting_line(player_id=player_id)

        # adds player to leaving line if they aren't in leaving line and are in game
        elif not self.is_in_leaving_line(
                player_id=player_id) and self.is_playing(player_id=player_id):
            await self.table.update(messages.player.leave(self.ctx))
            await self.table.add_to_leaving_line(player_id=player_id)
コード例 #7
async def start_round(ctx):
    table = Channel(ctx)
        "waitingForPlayers": False,
        "pot": 0,
        "currentBet": 0,
        "phase": 0,
        "cards": [],
        "deck": joker.new_deck()

    position = 0

    for player in table.get("players"):
        table.remove("players", player)

        player_id = player["userId"]

        hand = []

        card1, deck = joker.draw(table.get_deck())
        card2, deck = joker.draw(deck)

        table.add_player(player_id, position, hand)
        position = position + 1

    for player_id in table.get("waitingLine"):
        hand = []

        card1, deck = joker.draw(table.get_deck())
        card2, deck = joker.draw(deck)

        table.add_player(player_id, position, hand)

        position = position + 1

        table.remove("waitingLine", player_id)

        "positionTurn": -1,

    await table.update(messages.game.newhand)

    await next_turn(ctx)
コード例 #8
async def next_turn(ctx):
    table = Channel(ctx)

    # Grabs list of players
    players = table.get("players")

    # Checks if round needs to be advanced
    '''advanceRound = True
    for player in players:
      if not player["takenTurn"]:
        advanceRound = False
      if not player["inPot"] == (table.functions.get_value(ctx, "pot")/players.len):
        advanceRound = False
    if advanceRound:
      table.functions.set_value(ctx, {"phase": table.functions.get_value(ctx, "phase")+1})
    # Grabs which player's turn
    positionTurn = table.functions.get(ctx, "positionTurn") + 1

    if positionTurn > len(players):
        positionTurn = 0

    # Grabs community cards
    cards = ""
    for card in table.functions.get(ctx, "cards"):
        cards = cards + card + " "
    cards = cards.rstrip()
    if cards == "":
        cards = "None"

    # Searches for player whose turn it is
    for player in players:
        if positionTurn == player["position"]:

            # Grabs user id
            userId = player["userId"]

            # Sends message in table regarding whose turn it is
            await table.update(ctx, messages.game.turn(ctx, userId))

            # Sets player as taking turn
            player["takingTurn"] = True

            # Grabs table values
            pot = table.functions.get(ctx, "pot")
            currentBet = table.functions.get(ctx, "pot")
            inPot = player["inPot"]
            amountToRaise = currentBet - inPot
            balance = member.functions.get(ctx, userId, "balance")

            # Formats player's hand
            hand = "%s %s" % (player["hand"][0], player["hand"][1])

            # Formats message to send to player
            interface = f"Pot: **${pot}**\nCurrent Bet: **${currentBet}**\nYou've bet: **${inPot}**\nYou need to bet: **${amountToRaise}**\nYour balance: **${balance}**\nHand: **{hand}**\nCommunity Cards: **{cards}**\n"

            if table.functions.get(ctx, "currentBet") == 0:
                interface = interface + "Type `!check` to check the bet.\n"
                interface = interface + f"Type `!call` to call the bet and add {amountToRaise} to the pot.\n"
            interface = interface + "Or, type `!raise [amount] to raise the bet by a specific amount."

            # Sends player the DM.
            await pl.dm(ctx, userId, interface)

    # Updates values in database
    table.functions.set(ctx, {"players": players})
    table.functions.set(ctx, {"positionTurn": positionTurn})
コード例 #9
async def end_round(ctx):
    table = Channel(ctx)
    highest_score = 0
    winning_position = [-1]

    for player in table.get("players"):
        in_pot = player["inPot"]
        member = Member(ctx, player["userId"])
        # Adds 1 to total hands played
        member.set("handsPlayed", member.get("handsPlayed") + 1)

        # Adds amount in pot to total losses
        member.set("totalLosses", member.get("totalLosses") + in_pot)

        # Detracts amount bet from users hand
        member.set("balance", member.get("balance") - in_pot)

        # Finds the position[s] with the winning hand
        hand = player["hand"]
        position = player["position"]
        score = joker.Score(hand, table.get("cards")).get()

        if score > highest_score:
            highest_score = score
            winning_position = [position]
        elif score == highest_score:

    # Splits up pot among winners
    winning_amount = table.get("pot") / len(winning_position)

    for player in table.get("players"):
        if player["position"] in winning_position:
            member = Member(ctx, player["userId"])
            # Adds winnings to balance
            member.set("balance", member.get("balance") + winning_amount)
            # Adds winnings to total winnings
                       member.get("totalWinnings") + winning_amount)
            # Adds 1 to hands won
            member.set("handsWon", member.get("handsWon") + 1)

    # Removes players in leaving queue from table
    for player_id in table.get("leavingLine"):

        if table.get_database().is_there("players", {"userId": player_id}):
            table.remove("players", {"userId": player_id})
            table.remove("leavingLine", player_id)
            await table.update(
                f"{ctx.message.guild.get_member(player_id).mention} has left the table."

    # Set waiting for players to true if less than 2 players
    if len(table.get("players")) < 2:
        table.set({"waitingForPlayers": True})

    # Deletes table if waiting to delete
    if table.get("waitingToClose"):
        await table.update(messages.closetable.closed)
        table.get_database().delete_entry("channelId", ctx.message.channel.id)