コード例 #1
def test_parens(tell, qeval):
    tell("paren1(a, b, c) if (a = b and b = c);")
    tell("paren2(a, b, c) if ((a = b and b = c));")
    tell("paren3(a, b, c) if (a = b) and (b = c);")
    tell("paren4(a, b, c, d) if (a = b and b = c and c = d);")
    tell("paren5(a, b, c) if ((a = b) and (b = c));")

    assert qeval("paren1(1, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren1(0, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren1(1, 1, 0)")
    assert not qeval("paren1(1, 0, 1)")

    assert qeval("paren2(1, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren2(0, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren2(1, 1, 0)")
    assert not qeval("paren2(1, 0, 1)")

    assert qeval("paren3(1, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren3(0, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren3(1, 1, 0)")
    assert not qeval("paren3(1, 0, 1)")

    assert qeval("paren4(1, 1, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren4(0, 1, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren4(1, 1, 0, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren4(1, 1, 1, 0)")

    assert qeval("paren5(1, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren5(0, 1, 1)")
    assert not qeval("paren5(1, 1, 0)")
    assert not qeval("paren5(1, 0, 1)")
コード例 #2
def test_rule_ordering(tell, qeval, externals):
    tell("f(_: Foo{}) if cut and 1 = 2;")
    tell('f(_: Foo{name: "test"});')

    assert qeval('f(new Foo( name: "test" )) ')
    assert qeval('x = new Foo( name: "test" ) and f(x) ')
    assert not qeval('f(new Foo( name: "nope" )) ')
    assert not qeval('x = new Foo( name: "nope" ) and f(x) ')
コード例 #3
def test_argument_patterns(tell, qeval, qvar, externals):
    tell("matchesFoo(name, foo: Foo) if name = foo.name")

    assert qeval('matchesFoo(sam, new Foo(name: "sam"))')
    assert qeval('matchesFoo(sam, new Bar(name: "sam"))')
    assert not qeval('matchesFoo("alex", new Foo(name: "sam"))')
    assert not qeval('matchesFoo("alex", new Bar(name: "sam"))')
    assert not qeval('matchesFoo("alex", new Qux())')
コード例 #4
def test_recursive_rule(tell, qeval, qvar):
    tell('derive("apple", "orange")')
    tell('derive("orange", "avacado")')
    tell('derive("avacado", "juniper_berry")')
    results = qvar('derive("apple", x)', "x")
    assert results == ["orange"]
    tell("derives(a, b) if derive(a, b);")
    tell("derives(a, b) if derive(a, z) and derives(z, b);")
    assert qeval('derives("apple", "juniper_berry")')
    results = qvar('derives("apple", x)', "x")
    assert results == ["orange", "avacado", "juniper_berry"]
コード例 #5
def test_defining_things(tell, qeval):
    facts = [
        'thing("with", "two")',
        'thing("with", "a", "lot", "of", "arguments", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)',
        'thing(with("nested"), "stuff")',
    for f in facts:
    for f in facts:
        assert qeval(f)
コード例 #6
def test_disjunctive_rule(tell, qeval):
    tell("or_eq(a, b) if 1 = 0 or a = b;")
    assert qeval("or_eq(1, 1)")

    tell("and_or_eq(a, b, c) if (a = b and b = c) or 1 = 0")
    assert not qeval("and_or_eq(1, 1, 0)")
    assert qeval("and_or_eq(1, 1, 1)")

    assert qeval("1=0 or (1=1 and 1=1)")
    assert not qeval("1=0 or (1=0 and 1=1)")

    # not sure if these test anything but :)
    assert qeval("1=0 or (1=0 or 1=1)")
    assert not qeval("1=0 or (1=0 or 1=0)")

    assert qeval("1=1 and (1=0 or 1=1)")
    assert not qeval("1=0 and (1=0 or 1=1)")
コード例 #7
def test_negation(tell, qeval):
    assert qeval('b("apple")')
    assert not qeval('not (b("apple"))')
    assert qeval('not (b("notanapple"))')
コード例 #8
def test_missing_rule(tell, qeval):
    tell("a(x) if b(x) and c(x);")
    assert not qeval('d("apple")')
コード例 #9
def test_define_rule(tell, qeval):
    tell("a(x) if b(x) and c(x);")
    assert qeval('a("apple")')
コード例 #10
def test_query_multiple(tell, qvar):
    results = qvar("a(x)", "x")
    assert results == ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
コード例 #11
def test_load_file(load_file, tell, qeval, qvar):
    load_file(Path(__file__).parent / "policies/test.polar")
    assert qeval('test("true")')
    assert qvar("a(x)", "x", one=True) == "foo"
コード例 #12
def test_arities(tell, qeval):
    tell("f(x, y);")
    assert qeval("f(1)")
    assert not qeval("f(2)")
    assert qeval("f(2, 3)")
コード例 #13
def test_unify_class_fields(tell, qeval, qvar, externals):
    tell("check(name, new Foo(name: name))")

    assert qeval('check("sam", new Foo(name: "sam"))')
    assert not qeval('check("alex", new Foo(name: "sam"))')
コード例 #14
def test_dictionaries(tell, qeval, qvar):
    # basic dictionary lookup
    tell('dict({hello: "world", foo: "bar"})')
    assert qeval('dict(d) and d.hello = "world"')

    ### dictionary lookups with variable fields ###
    tell("attr(d, k, d.(k))")

    # k = "hello", {hello: "steve"}.(k) = "steve"
    assert qeval('attr({hello: "steve"}, "hello", "steve")')

    # k = "hello", {hello: "steve"}.(k) = value, value = "steve"
    assert qvar('attr({hello: "steve"}, "hello", value)', "value", one=True) == "steve"

    # k = key, {hello: "steve"}.(k) = "steve", key = "hello"
    assert qvar('attr({hello: "steve"}, key, "steve")', "key", one=True) == "hello"

    ### nested lookups ###
    assert qeval(
        'attr({hello: {this: {is: "nested"}}}, "hello", {this: {is: "nested"}})'

    tell("deepget(d, d.hello.this.is)")
    assert qeval('deepget({hello: {this: {is: "nested"}}}, "nested")')

    tell("myget(d, d.get.inner)")
    assert qeval('myget({get: {inner: "nested"}}, "nested")')

    tell("x({a: {b:{c:123}}})")
    tell("x({a: {y:{c:456}}})")
    assert qvar("x(d) and d.a.(k).c = value", "value") == [123, 456]

    tell("lookup(dict, result) if result = dict.a.b.c;")
    assert qeval('lookup({a: {b: {c: "nested"}}}, "nested")')

    ### more basic lookup tests ###
    tell('user({name: "steve", job: "programmer", state: "NY"})')
    tell('user({name: "alex", job: "programmer", state: "CO"})')
    tell('user({name: "graham", job: "business", state: "NY"})')
    assert qeval('user(d) and d.name = "steve"')
    assert qvar('user({job: "programmer", name: name, state: state})', "name") == [