コード例 #1
def curve_phantom(curve, direction, kappa,
                  px=(20,20,20), vox_dim=(100,100,100), cyl_rad=0.2, max_l=6,

    # Setup grid
    xyz = np.array(np.meshgrid(
        np.linspace(-(px[0]/2)*vox_dim[0], (px[0]/2)*vox_dim[0], px[0]),
        np.linspace(-(px[1]/2)*vox_dim[1], (px[1]/2)*vox_dim[1], px[1]),
        np.linspace(-(px[2]/2)*vox_dim[2], (px[2]/2)*vox_dim[2], px[2])))
    xyz = np.moveaxis(xyz, [0, 1], [-1, 1])

    # Calculate directions and kappas
    diff = xyz[:,:,:,None,:] - curve
    dist = np.linalg.norm(diff, axis=-1)
    min_dist = np.min(dist, axis=-1) # min dist between grid points and curve
    t_index = np.argmin(dist, axis=-1)
    min_dir = direction[t_index] # directions for closest point on curve
    min_k = kappa[t_index] # kappas
    # Calculate watson 
    spang_shape = xyz.shape[0:-1] + (util.maxl2maxj(max_l),)
    spang1 = spang.Spang(np.zeros(spang_shape), vox_dim=vox_dim)
    dot = np.einsum('ijkl,ml->ijkm', min_dir, spang1.sphere.vertices)
    k = min_k[...,None]
    watson = np.exp(k*dot**2)/(4*np.pi*hyp1f1(0.5, 1.5, k))
    watson_sh = np.einsum('ijkl,lm', watson, spang1.B)
    watson_sh = watson_sh/watson_sh[...,None,0] # Normalize

    # Cylinder mask
    mask = min_dist < cyl_rad
    spang1.f = np.einsum('ijkl,ijk->ijkl', watson_sh, mask).astype(dtype)
    return spang1
コード例 #2
ファイル: spang.py プロジェクト: talonchandler/polaris
    def __init__(self,
                 f=np.zeros((3, 3, 3, 15), dtype=np.float32),
                 vox_dim=(1, 1, 1),
        self.X = f.shape[0]
        self.Y = f.shape[1]
        self.Z = f.shape[2]

        # Calculate band dimensions
        self.lmax, mm = util.j2lm(f.shape[-1] - 1)
        self.J = util.maxl2maxj(self.lmax)

        # Fill the rest of the last l band with zeros
        if f.shape[-1] != self.J:
            temp = np.zeros((self.X, self.Y, self.Z, self.J))
            temp[..., :f.shape[-1]] = f
            self.f = temp
            self.f = f

        self.vox_dim = vox_dim
        self.sphere = sphere
        self.sphere = sphere.subdivide()

        self.N = len(self.sphere.theta)
コード例 #3
ファイル: gaunt.py プロジェクト: talonchandler/polaris
def calc_gaunt_tensor(filename, lmax=4):
    jmax = myutil.maxl2maxj(lmax)
    G = np.zeros((jmax, jmax, jmax))
    for index, g in np.ndenumerate(G):
        l1, m1 = myutil.j2lm(index[0])
        l2, m2 = myutil.j2lm(index[1])
        l3, m3 = myutil.j2lm(index[2])
        G[index] = Rgaunt(l1, l2, l3, m1, m2, m3)
    np.save(filename, G)
    return G
コード例 #4
ファイル: gaunt.py プロジェクト: talonchandler/polaris
def multiply_sh_coefficients(a, b, evaluate=True):
    maxl, m = myutil.j2lm(len(a) - 1)
    c = [0] * (myutil.maxl2maxj(maxl + 2))
    for i, ai in enumerate(a):
        l1, m1 = myutil.j2lm(i)
        for j, bi in enumerate(b):
            l2, m2 = myutil.j2lm(j)
            for k, ci in enumerate(c):
                l3, m3 = myutil.j2lm(k)
                if ai != 0 and bi != 0:
                    c[k] += ai * bi * Rgaunt(
                        l1, l2, l3, m1, m2, m3, evaluate=evaluate)
    return c
コード例 #5
def calc_sh2tensor(filename, lmax=2):
    jmax = myutil.maxl2maxj(lmax)
    H = np.zeros((6, jmax))
    theta = Symbol('theta', real=True)
    phi = Symbol('phi', real=True)
    elems = [(cos(phi) * sin(theta))**2, (sin(phi) * sin(theta))**2,
             cos(phi) * sin(phi) * (sin(theta)**2),
             sin(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(theta),
             cos(phi) * sin(theta) * cos(theta)]
    for i, elem in enumerate(elems):
        for j in range(jmax):
            l, m = myutil.j2lm(j)
            Znm = sh.Znm(l, m, theta, phi).expand(func=True)
            theta_int = integrate(sin(theta) * Znm * elem, (theta, 0, pi / 2))
            final_int = integrate(expand_trig(theta_int.rewrite(cos)),
                                  (phi, 0, 2 * pi))
            H[i, j] = final_int.evalf()
            print(i, l, m, final_int)
    import pdb
    np.save(filename, H)