コード例 #1
ファイル: mapping.py プロジェクト: REC17/Polonator
    def pointTransform(self,x,y, check=0):
            illuminates a single point while performing a mapping transform
            function exists primarily for testing

        MF = self.MF
        coord = self.ccd_to_dmd(x,y)
        # TODO:
        # multiplying by 4 because of confusing SUBPIXEL stuff fix in image 
        # generator
        # do all floats in FUTURE
        PI.py_illuminate_point(coord[0],coord[1], MF.mask_number1)
        PI.py_illuminate_expose()                   # turn on the frame buffer
        if check == 1:
            img_array = PC.snapPtr(0.35,180,"spare")
            # just clobber the illumination point
            a = numpy.array([coord[0]])
            b = numpy.array([coord[1]])
            max_val = PI.py_illuminate_spot_find(img_array, a,b)
            if max_val < 100:
                print("point not found")
            # end if
                print("found(%d,%d)" % (a[0],b[0]))
            # end else
            PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
コード例 #2
ファイル: findBeadsTest.py プロジェクト: REC17/Polonator
def snapUVPNG(exposure, gain,filename):
    snaps an image and saves the 14bit image as an 8 bit greyscale PNG
    by shifting out 6 bits
    global img_array
    global img_array_float
    global frames
    global beadpos_xcol
    global beadpos_yrow
    global num_beads
    for i in range(frames): 
        PC.py_snapPtr(img_array, exposure,gain,'spare')
        img_array_float += img_array.astype(np.float)   # sum accumulator
    # end for
    img_array_out = (img_array_float/frames).astype(np.uint16) 
    img_array_float *= 0 # reset accumulator
    image_8bit = (img_array_out >> 6).astype(np.uint8)
    im = Image.fromarray(image_8bit.reshape((1000,1000)),'L')
    PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
    im.save(filename + ".png", "png")
コード例 #3
ファイル: testDMD_lib.py プロジェクト: chaoli238/Polonator
def snapPicPNG(exposure, gain, color, filename):
    snaps an image and saves the 14bit image as an 8 bit greyscale PNG
    by shifting out 6 bits
    temp = PC.snap(exposure, gain, color, filename + ".raw")
    im = Image.new('L', (1000,1000))
    pix = im.load()
    for i in range(1000):
        for j in range(1000):
            pix[j,i] = PC.py_14to8bit(temp, 1000*i+j)
        # end for
    # end for
    PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
    im.save(filename + ".png", "png")
コード例 #4
ファイル: findBeadsTest.py プロジェクト: REC17/Polonator
def snapPicPNG(exposure, gain, color, filename):
    snaps an image and saves the 14bit image as an 8 bit greyscale PNG
    by shifting out 6 bits
    global img_array
    global img_array_float
    global frames
    global beadpos_xcol
    global beadpos_yrow
    global num_beads
    global my_color
    for i in range(frames): 
        PC.py_snapPtr(img_array, exposure,gain,color)
        img_array_float += img_array.astype(np.float)   # sum accumulator
    # end for
    img_array_out = (img_array_float/frames).astype(np.uint16) 
    img_array_float *= 0 # reset accumulator
    image_8bit = (img_array_out >> 6).astype(np.uint8)
    im = Image.fromarray(image_8bit.reshape((1000,1000)),'L')
    PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
    im.save(filename + ".png", "png")
    if num_beads != 0 and my_color == color:
        print("value at 1st point: %d" % \
        print("value at 2nd point: %d" % \
        print("value at 3rd point: %d" % \
    # end if    
    del img_array_out
    del image_8bit
    del im
コード例 #5
ファイル: findBeadsTest.py プロジェクト: REC17/Polonator
def collect():
    1) Snaps 4 pictures at the "exposures" and "gains" settings
    2) saves them to the "_after" image files
    3) closes the camera and the DMD
    4) creates an overlay png image for evaluation
    global exposures
    global gains
    global my_color
    global my_color_ind
    snapAllPics(exposures, gains, "_after")

    PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
    imR = Image.open("map_0_1" +".png") # just beads
    imG = Image.open("colorsnap-" + my_color + "_after" + ".png") # just beads
    imB = Image.open("map_0_2" +".png") # the found beads
    im = Image.new('RGB', (1000,1000))
    pix = im.load()
    pixR = imR.load()
    pixG = imG.load()
    pixB = imB.load()

    for i in range(1000):
        for j in range(1000):
            #pix[i,j] = (0,pixG[i,j],pixB[i,j]) #px = -238501 
            pix[i,j] = (pixR[i,j],pixG[i,j],pixB[i,j]) #px = -238501 
        # end for
    # end for
    im.save("color_overlay_current" +".png", "png")
    # free up the allocated memory
    del imR
    del imG
    del imB
    del im
    del pix
    del pixR
    del pixG
    del pixB
コード例 #6
ファイル: findBeadsTest.py プロジェクト: REC17/Polonator
def snapAllPics(exposure, gain,suffix):
    exposure and gain are lists
    also creates an RGB overlay image
    global exposures
    global gains
    global MapFunc
    global MaestroF
    global colors
    global filenames

    snapPicPNG(exposures[0], gains[0], colors[0], filenames[0] + suffix)
    snapPicPNG(exposures[1], gains[1], colors[1], filenames[1] + suffix)
    snapPicPNG(exposures[2], gains[2], colors[2], filenames[2] + suffix)
    snapPicPNG(exposures[3], gains[3], colors[3], filenames[3] + suffix)
    im = Image.new('RGB', (1000,1000))
    imR = Image.open(filenames[1] + suffix + ".png") # cy5 is red
    imG = Image.open(filenames[0] + suffix + ".png") # cy3 is green
    imB = Image.open(filenames[2] + suffix + ".png") # txred is blue
    pix = im.load()
    pixR = imR.load()
    pixG = imG.load()
    pixB = imB.load()
    for i in range(1000):
        for j in range(1000):
            pix[i,j] = (pixR[i,j],pixG[i,j],pixB[i,j])
        # end for
    # end for
    im.save(filename4 + suffix +".png", "png")
    PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
    del imR
    del imG
    del imB
    del im
    del pix
    del pixR
    del pixG
    del pixB
コード例 #7
ファイル: releasebeadstest.py プロジェクト: REC17/Polonator
PC.py_snapPtr(img_array, .35,80,my_color)
#invert for images where beads are lighter than background
img_array = 16383 - img_array # invert the 14 bit image
num_beads = FO.find_objects(1000, 1000, \
                            img_array, \
                            beadpos_xcol, beadpos_yrow, \
print("The number of beads found: %d" % num_beads)
MapFunc.convertPicPNG2(segmask_image*65535, 0,2)
#MapFunc.convertPicPNG(segmask_image*65535+img_array, 0,3)

print("phase ONE complete!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory



PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory

imR = Image.open("map_0_1" +".png") # just beads
imG = Image.open("map_0_3" +".png") # the selected illuminated beads
imB = Image.open("map_0_2" +".png") # the found beads
im = Image.new('RGB', (1000,1000))
pix = im.load()
コード例 #8
ファイル: mapping.py プロジェクト: REC17/Polonator
    def mapGen(self, test_me = False):
        This function generates the mapping it:
        1)  loads the points to illuminate
        2)  generates a image for the DMD based on said coordinates
        3)  illuminates the image
        4) takes a picture
        5) copies the picture from the frame buffer
        6) finds the illuminated points in the camera coordinates
        7) generates a mapping to the DMD using a pseudoinverse
        8) writes the mapping to class memory
        9) writes the mapping to file
        Polonator_IlluminateFunctions is SWIGed as follows
        Illuminate and Hardware coordinates are mapped using the SWIG 
        This allows you to access an array of Coordinates in C and python
        as follows once the IlluminateCoords_type struct is also interfaced
        in SWIG :

        new_coordArray(int size) -- creates an array of size
        delete_coordArray(IlluminateCoords_type * arry) -- deletes and array
        coordArray_get_x(IlluminateCoords_type *c_xy, int i)  -- gets an value
        coordArray_set_x(IlluminateCoords_type *c_xy, int i, signed short
        int val) -- sets a value
        ptr_coordArray(IlluminateCoords_type *c_xy, int i)  returns a
        pointer to an index
        get points for bitmap and load them SWIG style
        mapping_basis is just a list of points to to illuminate to
        generate a good and sufficient mapping basis coordinates are given
        as a range from -1 to 1 with 0,0 being the image center
        MF = self.MF
        print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: opening frame buffer\n")
        mapping_basis = open(MF.config_dir +'/mapping_basis.coordinates')
        print(  "STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: getting list of points \
                to illuminate from file\n")
        idx = -1
        num_points = 0
        for line in mapping_basis:
            if line[0] != '#':   
                # '#' is reserved for comments on a separate line
                basis_coordinate = line.split()  # tab delimited fields
                if basis_coordinate[0] == 'number':  
                    # this is the number of basis points we need to illuminate
                    num_points = int(basis_coordinate[1])
                    idx = num_points 
                    # this creates the array of coordinates to illuminate
                    points_to_illum_x = numpy.empty(idx, dtype=numpy.int32)
                    # this is the array containing the found points on the CCD
                    points_found_x = numpy.empty(idx, dtype=numpy.int32)
                    points_to_illum_y = numpy.empty(idx, dtype=numpy.int32)
                    points_found_y = numpy.empty(idx, dtype=numpy.int32)
                    # write coordinates in reverse
                    idx = idx - 1
                    print("number of Points to Illuminate: " + str(num_points))
                elif (basis_coordinate[0] == 'XY') and (idx > -1):
                # make sure its tagged as a coordinate and the index is positive
                    # scale to dimensions of the DMD
                    bc_x = int( float(MF.IlluminateWidth)/2 \
                                *float(basis_coordinate[1]) ) \
                                + (float(MF.IlluminateWidth)-1)/2
                    bc_y = int( float(MF.IlluminateHeight)/2 \
                                *float(basis_coordinate[2]) ) \
                                + (float(MF.IlluminateHeight)-1)/2
                    print("read(%d,%d)\n" % (bc_x, bc_y))
                    points_to_illum_x[idx] = bc_x
                    points_to_illum_y[idx] = bc_y  
                    idx = idx - 1
                #end if
            #end if
        #end for

            Set up imaging
        MaestroF = MF.MaestroF
            set up release hardware

        num_sub = 0 # keeps track of not found points
        data_size = 1000000
        img_array = numpy.empty(data_size, dtype=numpy.uint16)
        #img_array_out = numpy.empty(data_size, dtype=numpy.uint16)
        img_array_float = numpy.zeros(data_size, dtype=numpy.float)
        for idx in range(num_points):
            # generate bitmap
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: clearing frame buffer\n")
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: creating mask\n")
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: generating one image of with ' + \
                    'one pixel\n")
            PI.py_illuminate_point( int(points_to_illum_x[idx]),\
            # illuminate just ONE spot
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: illuminating one point\n")
            print("illuminating (%d,%d)\n" % \
                    (int(points_to_illum_x[idx]), int(points_to_illum_y[idx])))
            PI.py_illuminate_expose()    # turn on the frame buffer

            # analyze image for centroid
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: taking picture \
                    of one illuminated point\n")

            # take a picture and get a pointer to the picture
            frames = 5
            for i in range(frames): 
                PC.py_snapPtr(img_array, MF.expose,MF.gain,"spare")
                # sum accumulator
                img_array_float += img_array.astype(numpy.float) 
            # end for
            # average over frames
            img_array_out = (img_array_float/frames).astype(numpy.uint16) 
            img_array_float *= 0 # reset accumulator
            self.convertPicPNG(img_array_out, \
                                points_to_illum_x[idx], points_to_illum_y[idx])
            # read in the config file.  must be formated correctly
            print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: find illuminated point\n")

            # SWIGged function for finding the centroid
            # doing array[x:x+1] returns a pointer to an index x in an array 
            # essentially in numpy
            a = points_found_x[idx:idx+1]
            b = points_found_y[idx:idx+1]
            max_val = PI.py_illuminate_spot_find(img_array_out,a,b)
            if max_val < 100:
                print("point not found")
                num_sub += 1
            # end if
                print("found(%d,%d)" % \ 
                        (points_found_x[idx],points_found_y[idx]) )
            # end else
            # free up memory
            #PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
        #end for
        num_points -= num_sub
        # perform mapping operation
        print("STATUS:\tMappingFunctions: generating mapping\n")
        PC.cameraClose() # also frees up image buffer memory
        self.generateMapping(points_found_x, points_found_y, \
            points_to_illum_x, points_to_illum_y, num_points)
        for i in range(num_points):
            print("illuminated(%d,%d)" % \
                    (points_to_illum_x[i],points_to_illum_y[i]) )
            print("found(%d,%d)" % (points_found_x[i],points_found_y[i]) )
            print(" ")
        # end for
        print("Finished map generation\n")