def getMacroOutput(lang, theArr): def notYetDefinedError(): raise Exception(str(theArr)+" is not yet defined for "+str(lang)) "This should return output in the format that is used as input for" "The input should be a syntax tree" if(type(theArr) == str): theArr = stringToSyntaxTree(theArr) #print(theArray) theArr = list(theArr) if len(theArr) == 3 and theArr[1] == ".": #raise Exception(theArray[2]) if type(theArr[2]) == str: #print(theArray[0], theArray[1], theArray[2]) #raise Exception("Decide what to do when the input is an instance variable from a class.") return polyglotCodeGenerator.instanceVariable(lang, theArr[2], theArr[0]) return "," elif theArr[2][1] == "{": theArr[2][2] = getMacroOutput(lang, theArr[2][2]) #raise Exception("Decide what to do when the input is a function being called from a class. The input is " + str(theArray)) return, function=theArr[2][0], fromClass=theArr[0], parameters=theArr[2][2]) if len(theArr) == 1: if type(theArr[0]) == str: return theArr[0] for current in polishNotation2.listOfSeparators(): if polishNotation2.isSeparatedBy(theString=current, theArray=theArr): #print(theArray) #print(nonSeparatorParts(theArray)) return getMacroOutput(lang, [current] + nonSeparatorParts(theArr)) for i in range(0, len(theArr)): if(type(theArr[i]) != str): #print(type(theArray[i])) theArr[i] = getMacroOutput(lang, theArr[i]) #print theArray starting = theArr[0] if len(theArr) >= 3: if theArr[1] == "[" and theArr[len(theArr)-1] == "]": raise Exception("Figure out what to do when the input is an array accessor.") if starting in ["conditionalBlock", "cond"]: return polyglotCodeGenerator.conditionalBlock(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "**" and len(theArr) == 3: return polyglotCodeGenerator.raiseToExponent(lang=lang, num1=theArr[1], num2=theArr[2]) if starting == ",": return theArr[1:len(theArr)] if starting == ";": return polyglotCodeGenerator.seriesOfStatements(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "=": if len(theArr) == 3: return polyglotCodeGenerator.setVar(lang, theArr[2], theArr[1]) if len(theArr) == 4: if type(theArr[2]) == list: raise Exception(theArr) #raise Exception("Figure out what to do when initializing a variable.") return polyglotCodeGenerator.initializeVar(lang=lang, variableName=theArr[2], variableType=theArr[1], initialValue=theArr[3], arrayDimensions=None) if starting == "==": #raise Exception(theArray) toReturn =, theArr[1:len(theArr)], "int") #raise Exception(toReturn) if starting == "compare": #raise Exception(theArray) toReturn =, theArr[1], theArr[2]) #raise Exception(toReturn) return toReturn if starting == "][": return theArr if starting == ">": return polyglotCodeGenerator.greaterThan(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting in ["%", "mod"]: return polyglotCodeGenerator.mod(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "*": return polyglotCodeGenerator.multiply(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "+": return polyglotCodeGenerator.add(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "-": return polyglotCodeGenerator.subtract(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "/": return polyglotCodeGenerator.divide(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "..": return polyglotCodeGenerator.concatenateStrings(lang,theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "++": return polyglotCodeGenerator.concatenateArrays(lang,theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "<": return polyglotCodeGenerator.lessThan(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == "<=": return polyglotCodeGenerator.lessThanOrEqual(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting == ">=": #raise Exception(theArray) return polyglotCodeGenerator.greaterThanOrEqual(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting in ["or", "||"]: return polyglotCodeGenerator.Or(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting in ["concatenateStrings"]: return polyglotCodeGenerator.concatenateStrings(lang, theArr[1]) if starting in ["concatenateArrays"]: return polyglotCodeGenerator.concatenateArrays(lang, theArr[1]) if starting in ["and", "&&", "&"]: return polyglotCodeGenerator.And(lang, theArr[1:len(theArr)]) if starting in ["func", "def", "function", "defun"]: #Use polyglotCodeGenerator.getFunction #polyglotCodeGenerator.getFunction(functionName, isStatic, parameterNames, parameterTypes, returnType, body, requiresTheFunctions, isDefined, description) if len(theArr) == 3: raise Exception("Figure out what to do when the input is a function definition without parameters") #polyglotCodeGenerator.getFunction(functionName=theArray[1], isStatic=True, parameterNames=None, parameterTypes=None, returnType=None, body, requiresTheFunctions, isDefined, description) elif len(theArr) == 4: raise Exception("The input is a function definition with parameter names but no parameter types") elif len(theArr) == 6: return polyglotCodeGenerator.getFunction(lang=lang, functionName=theArr[2], isInstanceMethod=False, parameterNames=theArr[3], parameterTypes=theArr[4], returnType=theArr[1], body=theArr[5]) #raise Exception("The input is a function definition with parameter names, parameter types, and a return type") #print(theArr) raise Exception("Figure out what to do when the input is a function definition") if starting == "switch": newArray = [] for i in range(2, len(theArr)): newArray += theArr[i] return polyglotCodeGenerator.switch(lang, theArr[1], newArray) if starting == "module": if len(theArr) == 2: return polyglotCodeGenerator.module(lang=lang, body=theArr[1], moduleName=None) else: return polyglotCodeGenerator.module(lang=lang, body=theArr[2], moduleName=theArr[1]) if starting == "if": #raise Exception(polyglotCodeGenerator.If(lang, theArray[1], theArray[2])) return polyglotCodeGenerator.If(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2]) if starting in ["elif", "elsif"]: return polyglotCodeGenerator.Elif(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2]) if starting == "while": #print(theArr) return polyglotCodeGenerator.While(lang, theArr[2], theArr[1]) if starting == "case": return, theArr[1], theArr[2]) if starting == "not" or starting == "!": return polyglotCodeGenerator.Not(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "else": return polyglotCodeGenerator.Else(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "default": return polyglotCodeGenerator.default(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "return": return polyglotCodeGenerator.Return(lang, theArr[1]) if starting in ["foreach", "for"]: #raise Exception(theArray) if (len(theArr) == 6) and theArr[3] == "in": return polyglotCodeGenerator.forEach(lang=lang, array=theArr[4], variableName=theArr[2], typeInArray=theArr[1], body=theArr[5]) if starting in ["class"]: #raise Exception("create a class named " + str(theArray[1]) + " with " + str(theArray[2])) return polyglotCodeGenerator.getClass(lang=lang, className=theArr[1], parameterTypes=theArr[2], parameterNames=theArr[3], body=theArr[4]) ''' elif len(theArr) > 3: newArray = [] for current in range(2, len(theArr)): newArray += theArr[i] newArray = getMacroOutput(lang, ["class"] +[theArr[1]]+ ["\n".join(newArray)]) #raise Exception(polyglotCodeGenerator.concatenateAllElements(newArray)) ''' if starting == "substring": arr1, arr2, arr3 = theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3] return polyglotCodeGenerator.subString(lang, aString=arr1, start=arr2, end=arr3) if starting == "listComprehension": x = theArr[1] y = theArr[2] z = theArr[3] return polyglotCodeGenerator.listComprehension(lang, x, y, z) if starting == "listComprehension2": return polyglotCodeGenerator.listComprehension2(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3], theArr[4]) if starting == "charAt": return polyglotCodeGenerator.charAt(lang=lang, aString=theArr[1], index=theArr[2]) if starting == "join": return polyglotCodeGenerator.join(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2]) if starting == "sqrt": return polyglotCodeGenerator.sqrt(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "stringContains": return polyglotCodeGenerator.stringContains(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2]) if starting == "accessArray": return polyglotCodeGenerator.accessArray(lang=lang, arrayName=theArr[1], indexList=theArr[2]) if starting == "stringLength": return polyglotCodeGenerator.stringLength(lang,theArr[1]) if starting == "arrayLength": return polyglotCodeGenerator.arrayLength(lang,theArr[1]) if starting == "regexMatchesString": return polyglotCodeGenerator.regexMatchesString(lang, aString=theArr[1], regex=theArr[2]) if starting == "splitString": return polyglotCodeGenerator.split(lang=lang, string=theArr[1], separator=theArr[2]) if starting == "arrayContains": return polyglotCodeGenerator.arrayContains(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2]) if starting == "newObject": return polyglotCodeGenerator.newObject(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3]) if starting == "typeConversion": return polyglotCodeGenerator.typeConversion(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3]) if starting == "typeOf": return polyglotCodeGenerator.typeOf(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "keyValuePair": return polyglotCodeGenerator.keyValuePair(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2]) if starting == "constructor": return polyglotCodeGenerator.constructor(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3], theArr[4]) if starting == "Error": return polyglotCodeGenerator.Error(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "publicMethod": return polyglotCodeGenerator.publicMethod(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3], theArr[4], theArr[5]) if starting == "include": return polyglotCodeGenerator.include(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "getComment": return polyglotCodeGenerator.getComment(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "randomIntInRange": return polyglotCodeGenerator.randomIntInRange(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2]) if starting == "staticMethod": return polyglotCodeGenerator.getFunction(isStatic=True, isInstanceMethod=False, lang=lang, returnType=theArr[1], functionName=theArr[2], parameterTypes=theArr[3], parameterNames=theArr[4], body=theArr[5]) #['staticMethod', 'int', 'derp', '[]', '[]', ['return 1']] if starting == "forLoop": if theArr[2] == "in": #raise Exception("This is a foreach loop. Decide what to do next.") return polyglotCodeGenerator.forEach(lang=lang, array=theArr[3], variableName=theArr[1], typeInArray=None, body=theArr[4]) else: return polyglotCodeGenerator.forLoop(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3], theArr[4]) if starting == "forInRange": return polyglotCodeGenerator.forInRange(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3], theArr[4]) if starting == "macro": return polyglotCodeGenerator.defineMacro(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3]) if starting == "globalReplace": return polyglotCodeGenerator.globalReplace(lang, theArr[1], theArr[2], theArr[3]) param1 = polyglotCodeGenerator.getVariableName(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "alphabeticalOrder": #sort string list in alphabetical order if lang == "Python": return "sorted("+param1+")" if lang == "JavaScript": return param1+".sort()" if lang == "Ruby": return param1+".sort_by{|word| word}" raise Exception(starting + " needs to be defined here for "+lang+".") if starting == "puts" and theArr[1] != "{": return polyglotCodeGenerator.puts(lang, theArr[1]) if starting == "main": return polyglotCodeGenerator.args(lang) if starting == "args": return polyglotCodeGenerator.args(lang) raise Exception(starting + " needs to be defined here for "+lang+".") if starting == "spelledBackwards": notYetDefinedError(); raise Exception(starting + " needs to be defined here for "+lang+".") if starting == "privateMember": #raise Exception(theArray[1]) if len(theArr) == 3: return polyglotCodeGenerator.initializePrivateMember(lang=lang, variableName=theArr[1], variableType=theArr[2]) elif len(theArr) == 4: return polyglotCodeGenerator.initializePrivateMember(lang=lang, variableName=theArr[1], variableType=theArr[2], initialValue=theArr[3]) if theArr[0] == "[" and theArr[len(theArr)-1] == "]": #print("THe array is", theArr) #raise Exception("Figure out what to do when the input is an array initializer") return getMacroOutput(lang, [","] + theArr[1:len(theArr)-1]) if len(theArr) == 4 and theArr[2] == "=": raise Exception("Figure out what to do when a variable is being initialized with a type.") if (len(theArr) == 4) and (theArr[1] == "{") and (theArr[3] == "}"): #raise Exception("Decide what to do when a function is being called.") return, function=theArr[0], fromClass=None, parameters=theArr[2]) if (len(theArr) == 4) and (theArr[1] == ".") and (theArr[3] == "{}"): #raise Exception("Decide what to do when a function is being called.") return, function=theArr[2], fromClass=theArr[0], parameters=[]) raise Exception("The output of " + str(theArr) + "is not yet defined.")
def outputString(lang, theMacro, moduleName): #raise Exception(type(theMacro)) return polyglotCodeGenerator.module(lang=lang, body=getMacroOutput(lang,theMacro), moduleName=None)