def set_side_length(self,side_length) : if not isinstance(side_length,int) and not isinstance(side_length,float) : raise TypeError("Argument side_length",int,float) elif side_length < 0.0 : raise ValueError("Value of argument side_length must be greater than 0.0") self.side_length=side_length self.polyhedron=generate_icosahedron(side_length)[1]
def set_side_length(self, side_length): if not isinstance(side_length, int) and not isinstance( side_length, float): raise TypeError("Argument side_length", int, float) elif side_length < 0.0: raise ValueError( "Value of argument side_length must be greater than 0.0") self.side_length = side_length self.polyhedron = generate_icosahedron(side_length)[1] = Localview()
def __init__(self, side_length, display_mode="lined", lines_color=False, faces_color=False, lines_width=1, display_ls=False): ''' Generate an Icosahedron object with the given side length settings. display_mode = "lined" -> Only the lines will be displayed. display_mode = "faced" -> Only the faces will be displayed. display_mode = "twice" -> The lines and the faces will be displayed. lines_color = An objet <type 'Color'> representing the lines color. faces_color = An objet <type 'Color'> representing the faces color. An 8-items-list from object <type 'Color'>. One item per icosahedron face. lines_width = An integer representing the lines width. display_ls = Define if the localview should be display. ''' if not isinstance(side_length, int) and not isinstance( side_length, float): raise TypeError("Argument side_length", int, float) elif side_length <= 0.0: raise ValueError( "Value of argument side_length must be greater than 0.0") if display_mode == "lined" or display_mode == "faced" or display_mode == "twice": self.display_mode = display_mode else: raise ValueError("Argument display_mode", "lined", "faced", "twice") if lines_color: if not isinstance(lines_color, Color): raise TypeError("Argument lines_color", Color) if faces_color: if not isinstance(faces_color, Color) and not isinstance( faces_color, list): raise TypeError(faces_color, Color, list) elif isinstance(faces_color, list) and len(faces_color) != 20: print "Error faces_color argument:\nYou must give an list from 20 Color objects.\nOne Color object per face." quit() elif isinstance(faces_color, list) and len(faces_color) == 20: tmp = [] faces_color_index = 0 while faces_color_index < 20: if type(faces_color[faces_color_index].a) == bool: faces_color[faces_color_index].a = 0 faces_color_index += 1 if not isinstance(lines_width, int): raise TypeError("Argument lines_width", int) elif lines_width < 1: raise ValueError(lines_width, "Lines width value too little.") if isinstance(lines_color, Color): if type(lines_color.a) == bool: lines_color.a = 0 if isinstance(faces_color, Color): if type(faces_color.a) == bool: faces_color.a = 0 if isinstance(display_ls, bool): self.display_ls = display_ls self.side_length = side_length self.lines_color = lines_color self.faces_color = faces_color self.lines_width = lines_width self.polyhedron = generate_icosahedron(side_length)[1] = Localview() = Vertex(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
def __init__(self,side_length,display_mode="lined",lines_color=False,faces_color=False,lines_width=1,display_ls=False) : ''' Generate an Icosahedron object with the given side length settings. display_mode = "lined" -> Only the lines will be displayed. display_mode = "faced" -> Only the faces will be displayed. display_mode = "twice" -> The lines and the faces will be displayed. lines_color = An objet <type 'Color'> representing the lines color. faces_color = An objet <type 'Color'> representing the faces color. An 8-items-list from object <type 'Color'>. One item per icosahedron face. lines_width = An integer representing the lines width. display_ls = Define if the localview should be display. ''' if not isinstance(side_length,int) and not isinstance(side_length,float) : raise TypeError("Argument side_length",int,float) elif side_length <= 0.0 : raise ValueError("Value of argument side_length must be greater than 0.0") if display_mode == "lined" or display_mode == "faced" or display_mode == "twice" : self.display_mode=display_mode else : raise ValueError("Argument display_mode","lined","faced","twice") if lines_color : if not isinstance(lines_color,Color) : raise TypeError("Argument lines_color",Color) if faces_color : if not isinstance(faces_color,Color) and not isinstance(faces_color,list) : raise TypeError(faces_color,Color,list) elif isinstance(faces_color,list) and len(faces_color) != 20 : print "Error faces_color argument:\nYou must give an list from 20 Color objects.\nOne Color object per face." quit() elif isinstance(faces_color,list) and len(faces_color) == 20 : tmp=[] faces_color_index=0 while faces_color_index < 20 : if type(faces_color[faces_color_index].a) == bool : faces_color[faces_color_index].a=0 faces_color_index += 1 if not isinstance(lines_width,int) : raise TypeError("Argument lines_width",int) elif lines_width < 1 : raise ValueError(lines_width,"Lines width value too little.") if isinstance(lines_color,Color) : if type(lines_color.a) == bool : lines_color.a=0 if isinstance(faces_color,Color) : if type(faces_color.a) == bool : faces_color.a=0 if isinstance(display_ls,bool) : self.display_ls=display_ls self.side_length=side_length self.lines_color=lines_color self.faces_color=faces_color self.lines_width=lines_width self.polyhedron=generate_icosahedron(side_length)[1],0.0,0.0)