def riounms(pathsrc, classes, thresh): file = open(pathsrc, 'r').readlines() os.remove(pathsrc) bboxes = [] for bb in file: bb = bb.split() score, cl, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 = float(bb[0]), float( classes.index(str(bb[1]))), float(bb[2]), float(bb[3]), float( bb[4]), float(bb[5]), float(bb[6]), float(bb[7]), float( bb[8]), float(bb[9]) bboxes.append([score, cl, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4]) bboxes = np.array(bboxes).astype('float32') bboxfiltered = [] #bboxes = bboxes[bboxes[:,0]>0.05] for c in range(15): dets = bboxes[bboxes[:, 1] == c] if dets.shape[0] == 0: continue scores = dets[:, 0] polys = [] areas = [] for i in range(len(dets)): tm_polygon = polyiou.VectorDouble([ float(dets[i][2]), float(dets[i][3]), float(dets[i][4]), float(dets[i][5]), float(dets[i][6]), float(dets[i][7]), float(dets[i][8]), float(dets[i][9]) ]) polys.append(tm_polygon) order = scores.argsort()[::-1] keep = [] while order.size > 0: ovr = [] i = order[0] keep.append(i) for j in range(order.size - 1): iou = polyiou.iou_poly(polys[i], polys[order[j + 1]]) ovr.append(iou) ovr = np.array(ovr) inds = np.where(ovr <= thresh)[0] order = order[inds + 1] bboxfiltered.append(dets[keep]) if len(bboxfiltered) == 0: return bboxfiltered = np.concatenate(bboxfiltered, axis=0) with open(pathsrc, 'w') as fin: for box in bboxfiltered: score, cl, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4 = box[0], classes[int( box[1] )], box[2], box[3], box[4], box[5], box[6], box[7], box[8], box[9] fin.write( str(score)[0:5] + ' ' + cl + ' ' + str(int(x1)) + ' ' + str(int(y1)) + ' ' + str(int(x2)) + ' ' + str(int(y2)) + ' ' + str(int(x3)) + ' ' + str(int(y3)) + ' ' + str(int(x4)) + ' ' + str(int(y4)) + '\n')
def calcoverlaps(BBGT_keep, bb): overlaps = [] for index, GT in enumerate(BBGT_keep): overlap = polyiou.iou_poly( polyiou.VectorDouble(BBGT_keep[index]), polyiou.VectorDouble(bb)) overlaps.append(overlap) return overlaps
def riounms(bboxes_per_img, classes, thresh=0.2): if len(bboxes_per_img) == 0: return [] bboxes = [] for bb in bboxes_per_img: x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 = bb['bbox'] score,cl,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4 = float(bb['score']),float(classes.index(bb['class'])),float(x1),float(y1),float(x2),float(y2),float(x3),float(y3),float(x4),float(y4) bboxes.append([score,cl,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4]) bboxes = np.array(bboxes).astype('float32') bboxfiltered = [] for c in range(15): dets = bboxes[bboxes[:,1]==c] if dets.shape[0] == 0: continue scores = dets[:, 0] polys = [] areas = [] for i in range(len(dets)): tm_polygon = polyiou.VectorDouble([float(dets[i][2]), float(dets[i][3]), float(dets[i][4]), float(dets[i][5]), float(dets[i][6]), float(dets[i][7]), float(dets[i][8]), float(dets[i][9])]) polys.append(tm_polygon) order = scores.argsort()[::-1] keep = [] while order.size > 0: ovr = [] i = order[0] keep.append(i) for j in range(order.size - 1): iou = polyiou.iou_poly(polys[i], polys[order[j + 1]]) ovr.append(iou) ovr = np.array(ovr) inds = np.where(ovr <= thresh)[0] order = order[inds + 1] bboxfiltered.append(dets[keep]) if len(bboxfiltered)==0: return [] bboxfiltered = np.concatenate(bboxfiltered,axis=0) bboxes_out = [] for box in bboxfiltered: bb={} bb['bbox']=[box[2],box[3],box[4],box[5],box[6],box[7],box[8],box[9]] bb['score']=box[0] bb['class']=classes[int(box[1])] bboxes_out.append(bb) return bboxes_out
def forward(self, classifications, regressions, anchors, annotations, **kwargs): alpha = 0.25 gamma = 2.0 # epsilon = 0.15 # used for label smoothing batch_size = classifications.shape[0] classification_losses = [] regression_losses = [] anchor = anchors[0, :, :] # shape:[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, theta] dtype = anchors.dtype anchor_widths = anchor[:, 2] - anchor[:, 0] anchor_heights = anchor[:, 3] - anchor[:, 1] anchor_ctr_x = anchor[:, 0] + 0.5 * anchor_widths anchor_ctr_y = anchor[:, 1] + 0.5 * anchor_heights anchor_theta = anchor[:, 4] for j in range(batch_size): classification = classifications[j, :, :] regression = regressions[j, :, :] bbox_annotation = annotations[ j] # bbox_annotation -->(x_c, y_c, width, height, theta, cls) bbox_annotation = bbox_annotation[bbox_annotation[:, 5] != -1] # log(prob) if prob is too small, the log(prob) will be Nan classification = torch.clamp(classification, 1e-4, 1.0 - 1e-4) if bbox_annotation.shape[0] == 0: if torch.cuda.is_available(): alpha_factor = torch.ones_like(classification) * alpha alpha_factor = alpha_factor.cuda() alpha_factor = 1. - alpha_factor focal_weight = classification focal_weight = alpha_factor * torch.pow( focal_weight, gamma) bce = -(torch.log(1.0 - classification)) cls_loss = focal_weight * bce regression_losses.append(torch.tensor(0).to(dtype).cuda()) classification_losses.append(cls_loss.sum()) else: alpha_factor = torch.ones_like(classification) * alpha alpha_factor = 1. - alpha_factor focal_weight = classification focal_weight = alpha_factor * torch.pow( focal_weight, gamma) bce = -(torch.log(1.0 - classification)) cls_loss = focal_weight * bce regression_losses.append(torch.tensor(0).to(dtype)) classification_losses.append(cls_loss.sum()) continue # Get positive and negative samples # Step1. Get horizontal overlaps between anchors and gt box targets = torch.ones_like(classification) * -1 if torch.cuda.is_available(): targets = targets.cuda() # 1) 首先获取gt(bbox_annotation)对应的poly坐标 vertex = Rectangle_area( bbox_annotation[:, :5]) # vertex --> ndarray # Debug # visualize_Rectangle_area(image_path, vertex[:5]) # vertex [[[x1, y1], [x2, y2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4]], ... [[], [], [], []]] # 2) 将poly坐标转换成最小的外接水平包围框 horizontal_vertex = poly2Horizontal_rect( vertex) # horizontal_vertex --> ndarray # Debug # visualize_poly2Horizontal_rect(image_path, horizontal_vertex[:5]) # horizontal_vertex [[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax], ... ,[]] # 3) 计算最小的外接水平包围框与gt(bbox_annotation)的horizontal overlaps if torch.cuda.is_available(): horizontal_vertex = torch.tensor(horizontal_vertex).cuda() HIoU = calc_iou( anchor[:, :], horizontal_vertex ) # HIoU shape (torch.Size([len(anchor), len(anno)]) hor_IoU_max, hor_IoU_argmax = torch.max(HIoU, dim=1) # Step2. 根据设定的水平框的IoU阈值(hor_threshold = 0.2),获得可能使正样本的Anchor index hor_positive_indices =, 0.6) # print(f"第一次水平框筛选后:水平正类的个数为{hor_positive_indices.sum()}") parent_num_list = np.arange(len(anchor)) parent_positive_index = list( parent_num_list[hor_positive_indices.cpu().numpy()]) positive_anchor_list = anchor[hor_positive_indices, :] # Debug # visualize_positive_anchor(image_path, anchor, parent_positive_index) # print(temp_parent_positive_index) # parent_positive_index = find_index(hor_positive_indices) # 原始代码,速度很慢,用parent_num_list[]进行代替 # print(f"line 188: 经过水平框的初步筛选,水平正类有:{hor_positive_indices.sum()}") # 4、将IOU大于设定的hor_threshold的水平包围框对应的旋转框与gt计算skew IOU,然后再计算正类 # 将所有的Anchor先将gt进行初步分配 assigned_annotations = bbox_annotation[hor_IoU_argmax, :] # 将可能为正类样本的Anchor分配与其匹配的gt信息(x1, y1, width, height, theta, cls) # 此时hor_positive_assigned_annotations存放与anchor相匹配的gt信息 hor_positive_assigned_annotations = assigned_annotations[ hor_positive_indices, :] # print(f"line 199: 当前每个Anchor对应的annotation:{hor_positive_assigned_annotations.size()}") # 获取可能正类样本的Anchor自身坐标及宽高信息用于计算Anchor与gt的skew IoU # print(f"line 206: -------->{hor_positive_indices}") # 目前hor_positive_indices是tensor,但是anchor_widths_pi等四个变量均是ndarray # hor_positive_indices = hor_positive_indices.cpu().numpy() anchor_widths_pi = anchor_widths[ hor_positive_indices] # shape(len(hor_positive_indices), ) anchor_heights_pi = anchor_heights[hor_positive_indices] anchor_ctr_x_pi = anchor_ctr_x[hor_positive_indices] anchor_ctr_y_pi = anchor_ctr_y[hor_positive_indices] xlt, ylt = anchor_ctr_x_pi - anchor_widths_pi / 2, anchor_ctr_y_pi - anchor_heights_pi / 2 xrt, yrt = anchor_ctr_x_pi + anchor_widths_pi / 2, anchor_ctr_y_pi - anchor_heights_pi / 2 xrb, yrb = anchor_ctr_x_pi + anchor_widths_pi / 2, anchor_ctr_y_pi + anchor_heights_pi / 2 xlb, ylb = anchor_ctr_x_pi - anchor_widths_pi / 2, anchor_ctr_y_pi + anchor_heights_pi / 2 anchor_vertex = torch.stack( [xlt, ylt, xrt, yrt, xrb, yrb, xlb, ylb]).t() # 可视化anchor_vertex表示的是否正确 # check_anchor(image_path, anchor_vertex) # 计算可能为正样本的Anchor与gt的 skew IoU Note:anchor_vertex中anchor[i] 与 # hor_positive_assigned_annotations[i] 是一一对应的关系 skew_IoU_lists = [] for index in range(len(anchor_vertex)): single_anchor = anchor_vertex[index] single_rotation_opencv_format = hor_positive_assigned_annotations[ index][:5] single_rotation_box = single_Rectangle_area( single_rotation_opencv_format) single_points = Rotation2points(single_rotation_box) # example input for polyiou.iou_poly() function # temp1 = [433.16364, 186.74037, 421.0, 172.99998, 482.83636, 118.2596, 495.0, 131.99998] # temp2 = [282.601, 114.6088, 333.39912, 114.60088, 333.394912, 165.912, 282.6088, 165.912] # 由于上面代码中的single_points, single_anchor对应的类型是np.float64类型,函数中需要float类型 result1 = list(map(lambda x: float(x), single_points)) result2 = list(map(lambda x: float(x), single_anchor)) skew_IoU = polyiou.iou_poly(polyiou.VectorDouble(result1), polyiou.VectorDouble(result2)) skew_IoU = np.array(skew_IoU).astype(np.float64) skew_IoU_lists.append(skew_IoU) skew_IoU_lists = np.array(skew_IoU_lists) if not torch.is_tensor(skew_IoU_lists): overlaps = torch.from_numpy(skew_IoU_lists).cuda(0) # print(f"line 285: -----> {torch.max(overlaps)}") rotation_threshold = 0.3 # 使用0.2的阈值可以有较高的检测正类个数 rotation_positive_indices =, rotation_threshold) # print(f"line 291: -----> {rotation_positive_indices}") # son_positive_index = find_index(rotation_positive_indices) son_num_list = np.arange(len(overlaps)) son_positive_index = list(son_num_list[ rotation_positive_indices.cpu().numpy()]) # 对用find_index代码进行优化 # 可视化此时正类Anchor的筛选情况 # print(f"第二次筛选后,Anchor的数量情况{len(son_positive_index)}") # positive_index_list = np.zeros(len(anchor), dtype=bool) # for idx in range(len(son_positive_index)): # son_idx = son_positive_index[idx] # parent_idx = parent_positive_index[son_idx] # positive_index_list[parent_idx] = 1 # pp_anchor = anchor[positive_index_list] # # visualize_pp_anchor(image_path, pp_anchor) # target (torch.Tensor): The learning label of the prediction. # compute the loss for classification # 对正负样本进行one-hot编码 # 正负样本的划分方式 Zylo117 pos->169 neg->48558 # 初次筛选成功的水平框的anchor为负类,其中通过旋转框筛选的anchor为正类 # targets[hor_positive_indices, :] = 0 # ori code # targets[, 0.4), :] = epsilon # modified for the label smoothing # temp =, 0.4) # neg_num = temp.sum() # hor_IoU_max < 0.4 设置为负类样本 targets[, 0.4), :] = 0 # skew_IoU > 0.3 设置为正类样本 num_positive_anchors = rotation_positive_indices.sum() # # 寻找正类样本 # 将positive_index_list 改写为[False, False, True, True, ... False, True]的这种形式 positive_index_list = np.zeros(len(anchor), dtype=bool) for idx in range(len(son_positive_index)): son_idx = son_positive_index[idx] parent_idx = parent_positive_index[son_idx] positive_index_list[parent_idx] = 1 targets[positive_index_list, :] = 0 targets[positive_index_list, assigned_annotations[positive_index_list, 5].long()] = 1 # for label smoothing # targets[positive_indices, :] = epsilon # modified for the label smoothing # targets[positive_indices, assigned_annotations[positive_indices, 4].long()] = 1.0 - epsilon alpha_factor = torch.ones_like(targets) * alpha if torch.cuda.is_available(): alpha_factor = alpha_factor.cuda() alpha_factor = torch.where(torch.eq(targets, 1.), alpha_factor, 1. - alpha_factor) focal_weight = torch.where(torch.eq(targets, 1.), 1. - classification, classification) # for label smoothing # alpha_factor = torch.where(torch.eq(targets, 1.0 - epsilon), alpha_factor, 1. - alpha_factor) # focal_weight = torch.where(torch.eq(targets, 1.0 - epsilon), 1. - classification, classification) focal_weight = alpha_factor * torch.pow(focal_weight, gamma) bce = -(targets * torch.log(classification) + (1.0 - targets) * torch.log(1.0 - classification)) cls_loss = focal_weight * bce zeros = torch.zeros_like(cls_loss) if torch.cuda.is_available(): zeros = zeros.cuda() cls_loss = torch.where(, -1.0), cls_loss, zeros) classification_losses.append( cls_loss.sum() / torch.clamp(, min=1.0)) # rotation regression loss begin if rotation_positive_indices.sum() > 0: rotation_assigned_annotations_gt = hor_positive_assigned_annotations[ rotation_positive_indices] rotation_anchor_widths_pi = anchor_widths[positive_index_list] rotation_anchor_heights_pi = anchor_heights[ positive_index_list] rotation_anchor_ctr_x_pi = anchor_ctr_x[positive_index_list] rotation_anchor_ctr_y_pi = anchor_ctr_y[positive_index_list] rotation_anchor_theta = anchor_theta[positive_index_list] # efficientdet style rotation_assigned_annotations_gt[:, 2] = torch.clamp( rotation_assigned_annotations_gt[:, 2], min=1) rotation_assigned_annotations_gt[:, 3] = torch.clamp( rotation_assigned_annotations_gt[:, 3], min=1) targets_dx = ( rotation_assigned_annotations_gt[:, 0] - rotation_anchor_ctr_x_pi) / rotation_anchor_widths_pi targets_dy = ( rotation_assigned_annotations_gt[:, 1] - rotation_anchor_ctr_y_pi) / rotation_anchor_heights_pi targets_dw = torch.log(rotation_assigned_annotations_gt[:, 2] / rotation_anchor_widths_pi) targets_dh = torch.log(rotation_assigned_annotations_gt[:, 3] / rotation_anchor_heights_pi) targets_theta = ( (rotation_assigned_annotations_gt[:, 4] / 180 * math.pi) - (rotation_anchor_theta / 180 * math.pi)) targets = torch.stack((targets_dx, targets_dy, targets_dw, targets_dh, targets_theta)) targets = targets.t() regression_diff = torch.abs(targets - regression[positive_index_list, :]) # smooth l1 loss with beta # regression_loss = torch.where( # torch.le(regression_diff, 1.0 / 9.0), # 0.5 * 9.0 * torch.pow(regression_diff, 2), # regression_diff - 0.5 / 9.0 # ) # smooth l1 loss regression_loss = torch.where( torch.le(regression_diff, 1), 0.5 * torch.pow(regression_diff, 2), regression_diff - 0.5) regression_losses.append(regression_loss.mean()) else: if torch.cuda.is_available(): regression_losses.append(torch.tensor(0).to(dtype).cuda()) else: regression_losses.append(torch.tensor(0).to(dtype)) return torch.stack(classification_losses).mean(dim=0, keepdim=True), \ torch.stack(regression_losses).mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) * 50