def test_linear_deserialize(): graph_name = "linear_reg1" with pm.Node(name=graph_name) as graph: m = pm.placeholder("m") x_ = pm.placeholder("x", shape=(m)) y_ = pm.placeholder("y") w_ = pm.placeholder("w", shape=(m)) mu = pm.parameter(name="mu", default=1.0) i = pm.index(0, (m - 1).set_name("m-1"), name="i") h = pm.sum([i], (x_[i] * w_[i]).set_name("x*w"), name="h") d = (h - y_).set_name("h-y") g = (d * x_[i]).set_name("d*x") mug = (mu * g[i]).set_name("mu*g[i]") w_ = ((w_[i]) - mug).set_name("w_out") x = np.random.randint(0, 10, 10) y = np.random.randint(0, 10, 1)[0] w = np.random.randint(0, 10, 10) graph_res = graph("w_out", {"x": x, "y": y, "w": w}) actual_res = w - ((np.sum(x * w) - y) * x) * 1.0 np.testing.assert_allclose(graph_res, actual_res) cwd = Path(f"{__file__}").parent base_path = f"{cwd}/pmlang_examples" full_path = f"{base_path}/outputs" pb_path = f"{full_path}/{graph_name}.srdfg" pm.pb_store(graph, full_path) node = pm.pb_load(pb_path) new_graph_res = node("w_out", {"x": x, "y": y, "w": w}) np.testing.assert_allclose(graph_res, new_graph_res) np.testing.assert_allclose(actual_res, new_graph_res)
def test_single_dim_norm(): with pm.Node(name="elem1") as graph: m = pm.parameter("m") x = pm.input("x", shape=m) w = pm.state("w", shape=m) i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i") w[i] = (w[i] * x[i]) x_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, 3) w_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, 3) coarse_eval = graph("w", x=x_, w=w_) np_result = x_ * w_ np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval, np_result) shape_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": 3}) graph_shapes = shape_pass(graph) shape_res = graph_shapes("w", x=x_, w=w_) np.testing.assert_allclose(shape_res, np_result) lower_pass = Lower({}) lowered_graph = lower_pass(graph_shapes) input_info = {f"w/w({i},)": w_[i] for i in range(len(w_))} input_info.update({f"x/x({i},)": x_[i] for i in range(len(x_))}) fine_grained_eval = lowered_graph("w/w(1,)", input_info) assert fine_grained_eval == np_result[1] pb_path = f"{OUTPATH}/{}.srdfg" pm.pb_store(lowered_graph, OUTPATH) loaded_node = pm.pb_load(pb_path) input_info = {f"w/w({i},)": w_[i] for i in range(len(w_))} input_info.update({f"x/x({i},)": x_[i] for i in range(len(x_))}) fine_grained_eval = loaded_node("w/w(1,)", input_info) assert fine_grained_eval == np_result[1]
def test_linear_reg(): m_ = 3 graph, input_info, out_info, keys = linear(m=m_, coarse=True) coarse_eval = graph(keys, input_info) np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval, out_info["w"]) fgraph, input_info, out_info, keys = linear(m=m_, coarse=False) lower_pass = Lower({}) lowered_graph = lower_pass(fgraph, {}) all_vals = lowered_graph(keys, input_info) out = np.asarray(all_vals).reshape(out_info["w"].shape) np.testing.assert_allclose(out, out_info["w"]) cwd = Path(f"{__file__}").parent base_path = f"{cwd}/pmlang_examples" full_path = f"{base_path}/outputs" pb_path = f"{full_path}/{}.srdfg" pm.pb_store(lowered_graph, full_path) loaded_node = pm.pb_load(pb_path) _, input_info, out_info, keys = linear(m=m_, coarse=False) loaded_res = loaded_node(keys, input_info) out = np.asarray(loaded_res).reshape(out_info["w"].shape) np.testing.assert_allclose(out, out_info["w"])
def test_conv_embedded_values(x_shape, w_shape, params): shape_dict = { "n": x_shape[0], "ic": x_shape[1], "ih": x_shape[2], "iw": x_shape[3], "nf": w_shape[0], "kh": w_shape[2], "kw": w_shape[3], "stride": params["stride"], "pad": params["pad"] } graph, input_info0, out_info, keys = conv(x_shape, w_shape, params, coarse=True, debug_matrix=True) ngraph, input_info1, out_info, keys = conv(x_shape, w_shape, params, coarse=False, debug_matrix=True) lower_pass = pm.Lower({}) lowered = lower_pass(ngraph) pb_path = f"{OUTPATH}/{}.srdfg" pm.pb_store(lowered, OUTPATH) node = pm.pb_load(pb_path) assert len(node.nodes) == len(lowered.nodes) assert list(node.nodes.keys()) == list(lowered.nodes.keys())
def convert_torch_model(input_var, model, model_name, optimize_model, training_mode, to_polymath, convert_data_format=False): f = io.BytesIO() mode = torch.onnx.TrainingMode.TRAINING if training_mode else torch.onnx.TrainingMode.EVAL if 'mask_rcnn' not in model_name: torch.onnx.export(model, # model being run input_var, # model input (or a tuple for multiple inputs) f, # where to save the model (can be a file or file-like object) export_params=True, # store the trained parameter weights inside the model file do_constant_folding=True, # whether to execute constant folding for optimization keep_initializers_as_inputs=True, training=mode, input_names=['input'], # the model's input names output_names=['output'], opset_version=12) else: model.eval() # input_var = [(input_var,)] if isinstance(input_var[0][-1], dict): input_var = input_var[0] + ({},) else: input_var = input_var[0] dynamic_axes = {"images_tensors": [0, 1, 2], "boxes": [0, 1], "labels": [0], "scores": [0], "masks": [0, 1, 2]} torch.onnx.export(model, # model being run input_var, # model input (or a tuple for multiple inputs) f, # where to save the model (can be a file or file-like object) do_constant_folding=True, # whether to execute constant folding for optimization # training=mode, input_names=["images_tensors"], output_names=["boxes", "labels", "scores", "masks"], dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, opset_version=_onnx_opset_version, verbose=False, # export_params=True, # store the trained parameter weights inside the model file # keep_initializers_as_inputs=True, # operator_export_type=torch.onnx.OperatorExportTypes.ONNX_ATEN, ) print(type(f.getvalue())) model_proto = onnx.ModelProto.FromString(f.getvalue()) print_nodes(model_proto) onnx.checker.check_model(model_proto) add_value_info_for_constants(model_proto) model_proto = onnx.shape_inference.infer_shapes(model_proto) filepath = f"{CWD}/{model_name}.onnx" if optimize_model: model_proto, check = simplify(model_proto) assert check model_proto = update_node_names(model_proto) model_proto = update_edge_names(model_proto) with open(filepath, "wb") as f: f.write(model_proto.SerializeToString()) if to_polymath: graph = pm.from_onnx(filepath) pm.pb_store(graph, f"{CWD}/full_dnns/")
def test_resnet18_train(): filename = f"resnet18_train.onnx" filepath = f"{BENCH_DIR}/full_dnns/{filename}" assert Path(filepath).exists() graph = pm.from_onnx(filepath) full_path = f"{BENCH_DIR}/full_dnns" pb_path = f"{full_path}/resnet18_train.srdfg" pm.pb_store(graph, full_path) node = pm.pb_load(pb_path, verbose=True) assert len(node.nodes) == len(graph.nodes)
def test_lenet(): filename = f"lenet.onnx" full_path = f"{BENCH_DIR}/full_dnns" filepath = f"{full_path}/{filename}" pb_path = f"{full_path}/lenet.srdfg" assert Path(filepath).exists() graph = pm.from_onnx(filepath) pm.pb_store(graph, full_path) node = pm.pb_load(pb_path, verbose=True) assert len(node.nodes) == len(graph.nodes) for name, n in node.nodes.items(): if n.op_name == "conv": print(n.kwargs.keys()) break
def test_svm_wifi(lr, delta, features, locations, train_size): shape_dict = {"n_locations": locations, "n_features": features} graph, input_info0, out_info, keys = svm_wifi(features, locations, coarse=True) tabla_path = f"{OUTPATH}/{}_{features}_{locations}_tabla.json" # res0 = graph(keys, input_info0)[0] # np.testing.assert_allclose(res0, out_info['weights']) ngraph, input_info1, out_info, keys = svm_wifi(features, locations, coarse=False) # tabla_path = f"{OUTPATH}/{}_{locations}_{features}_tabla.json" tabla_ir, tabla_graph = pm.generate_tabla(graph, shape_dict, tabla_path, context_dict=input_info1, add_kwargs=True) srdfg_path = f"{OUTPATH}/" pm.pb_store(tabla_graph, srdfg_path)
def test_tabla_linear(m_): shape_dict = {"m": m_} graph, input_info, out_info, keys = linear(m=m_, coarse=True) lgraph, input_info, out_info, keys = linear(m=m_, coarse=False) cwd = Path(f"{__file__}").parent base_path = f"{cwd}/pmlang_examples" full_path = f"{base_path}/outputs" graph_name = f"{}_{m_}" tabla_path = f"{full_path}/{graph_name}_tabla.json" tabla_ir, tabla_graph = pm.generate_tabla(graph, shape_dict, tabla_path, context_dict=input_info, add_kwargs=True) cwd = Path(f"{__file__}").parent base_path = f"{cwd}/pmlang_examples" full_path = f"{base_path}/outputs" pb_path = f"{full_path}/{}.srdfg" pm.pb_store(graph, full_path) node = pm.pb_load(pb_path)
def test_lower_group_op(): with pm.Node(name="linear_reg1") as graph: m = pm.parameter(name="m") x = pm.input("x", shape=(m)) y = pm.input("y") w = pm.state("w", shape=(m)) i = pm.index(0, m - 1, name="i") h = pm.sum([i], w[i] * x[i], name="h") m_ = 3 n_ = 3 x_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, m_) w_ = np.random.randint(0, 10, (m_)) np_result = np.sum(x_ * w_) np.testing.assert_allclose(graph("h", {"w": w_, "x": x_}), np_result) np.testing.assert_allclose(graph("h", w=w_, x=x_), np_result) shape_pass = NormalizeGraph({"m": m_, "n": n_}) graph_shapes = shape_pass(graph) shape_res = graph_shapes("h", x=x_, w=w_) np.testing.assert_allclose(shape_res, np_result) lower_pass = Lower({}) lowered_graph = lower_pass(graph_shapes) input_info = {f"w/w({i},)": w_[i] for i in range(len(w_))} input_info.update({f"x/x({i},)": x_[i] for i in range(len(x_))}) # fine_grained_eval = lowered_graph("h/h(4,)", input_info) assert fine_grained_eval == np_result pb_path = f"{OUTPATH}/linear_reg1.srdfg" pm.pb_store(lowered_graph, OUTPATH) loaded_node = pm.pb_load(pb_path) # input_info = {f"w/w({i},)": w_[i] for i in range(len(w_))} input_info.update({f"x/x({i},)": x_[i] for i in range(len(x_))}) loaded_res = loaded_node("h/h(4,)", input_info) assert loaded_node.func_hash() == lowered_graph.func_hash() assert loaded_res == np_result
def test_reco(): m_ = 3 n_ = 3 k_ = 2 shape_dict = {"m": n_, "k": k_, "n": n_} graph, input_info, out_info, keys = reco(coarse=True, **shape_dict) coarse_eval = graph(keys, input_info) np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval[0], out_info["w1"]) np.testing.assert_allclose(coarse_eval[1], out_info["w2"]) fgraph, input_info, out_info, keys = reco(coarse=False, **shape_dict) lower_pass = Lower({}) lowered_graph = lower_pass(fgraph, {}) all_vals = lowered_graph(keys, input_info) w1_elems =["w1"].shape) w2_elems =["w2"].shape) out1 = np.asarray(list(all_vals[0:w1_elems])).reshape(out_info["w1"].shape) out2 = np.asarray(list(all_vals[w1_elems:])).reshape(out_info["w2"].shape) np.testing.assert_allclose(out1, out_info["w1"]) np.testing.assert_allclose(out2, out_info["w2"]) cwd = Path(f"{__file__}").parent base_path = f"{cwd}/pmlang_examples" full_path = f"{base_path}/outputs" pb_path = f"{full_path}/{}.srdfg" pm.pb_store(lowered_graph, full_path) loaded_node = pm.pb_load(pb_path) _, input_info, out_info, keys = reco(coarse=False, **shape_dict) loaded_res = loaded_node(keys, input_info) lres1 = np.asarray(list(loaded_res[0:w1_elems])).reshape(out_info["w1"].shape) lres2 = np.asarray(list(loaded_res[w1_elems:])).reshape(out_info["w2"].shape) np.testing.assert_allclose(lres1, out_info["w1"]) np.testing.assert_allclose(lres2, out_info["w2"])
def test_svm_wifi_inference(lr, delta, features, locations, train_size): shape_dict = {"n_locations": locations, "n_features": features} graph, input_info0, out_info, keys = svm_wifi_inf(features, locations, coarse=True) # tabla_path = f"{OUTPATH}/{}_{features}_{locations}_tabla.json" # res0 = graph(keys, input_info0)[0] np.testing.assert_allclose(res0, out_info['scores']) # ngraph, input_info1, out_info, keys = svm_wifi_inf(features, locations, coarse=False) # # lower_pass = pm.Lower({}) # lowered = lower_pass(ngraph) # res1 = np.asarray(lowered(keys, input_info1)).reshape(out_info["scores"].shape) # np.testing.assert_allclose(res1, out_info["scores"]) tabla_path = f"{OUTPATH}/{}_{locations}_{features}_tabla.json" tabla_ir, tabla_graph = pm.generate_tabla(graph, shape_dict, tabla_path, context_dict=input_info1, add_kwargs=True) srdfg_path = f"{OUTPATH}/" pm.pb_store(tabla_graph, srdfg_path)
def convert_model_to_polymath(model_path): graph = pm.from_onnx(model_path) root_path = Path(model_path).parent pm.pb_store(graph, f"{root_path}/srdfg/")