コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: rahuldecoded/pontoon
def delete_translation(request):
    """Delete given translation."""
        t = request.POST['translation']
        paths = request.POST.getlist('paths[]')
    except MultiValueDictKeyError as e:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest('Bad Request: {error}'.format(error=e))

    translation = get_object_or_404(Translation, pk=t)

    # Non-privileged users can only delete own unapproved translations
    if not request.user.has_perm('base.can_translate_locale', translation.locale):
        if translation.user == request.user:
            if translation.approved is True:
                return HttpResponseForbidden(
                    "Forbidden: Can't delete approved translations"
            return HttpResponseForbidden(
                "Forbidden: Can't delete translations from other users"


    project = translation.entity.resource.project
    locale = translation.locale
    return JsonResponse({
        'stats': TranslatedResource.objects.stats(project, paths, locale),
        'authors': Translation.authors(locale, project, paths).serialize(),
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: rahuldecoded/pontoon
def translate(request, locale, slug, part):
    """Translate view."""
    locale = get_object_or_404(Locale, code__iexact=locale)
    project = get_object_or_404(Project.objects.available(), slug=slug)

    if locale not in project.locales.all():
        raise Http404

    projects = (

    paths = [part] if part != 'all-resources' else None
    authors = Translation.authors(locale, project, paths).serialize()

    return render(request, 'translate.html', {
        'download_form': forms.DownloadFileForm(),
        'upload_form': forms.UploadFileForm(),
        'locale': locale,
        'locales': Locale.objects.available(),
        'part': part,
        'project': project,
        'projects': projects,
        'authors': authors,
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: rahuldecoded/pontoon
def update_translation(request):
    """Update entity translation for the specified locale and user."""
        entity = request.POST['entity']
        string = request.POST['translation']
        locale = request.POST['locale']
        plural_form = request.POST['plural_form']
        original = request.POST['original']
        ignore_check = request.POST['ignore_check']
        approve = json.loads(request.POST['approve'])
        paths = request.POST.getlist('paths[]')
    except MultiValueDictKeyError as e:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest('Bad Request: {error}'.format(error=e))

        e = Entity.objects.get(pk=entity)
    except Entity.DoesNotExist as error:
        return HttpResponse("error")

        l = Locale.objects.get(code__iexact=locale)
    except Locale.DoesNotExist as error:
        return HttpResponse("error")

    if plural_form == "-1":
        plural_form = None

    user = request.user
    project = e.resource.project
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        if project.pk != 1:
            log.error("Not authenticated")
            return HttpResponse("error")
            user = None

        quality_checks = UserProfile.objects.get(user=user).quality_checks
    except UserProfile.DoesNotExist as error:
        quality_checks = True

    ignore = False
    if ignore_check == 'true' or not quality_checks:
        ignore = True

    now = timezone.now()
    can_translate = (
        request.user.has_perm('base.can_translate_locale', l)
        and (not request.user.profile.force_suggestions or approve)
    translations = Translation.objects.filter(
        entity=e, locale=l, plural_form=plural_form)

    # Newlines are not allowed in .lang files (bug 1190754)
    if e.resource.format == 'lang' and '\n' in string:
        return HttpResponse('Newline characters are not allowed.')

    # Translations exist
    if len(translations) > 0:

        # Same translation exists
            t = translations.get(string=string)

            # If added by privileged user, approve and unfuzzy it
            if can_translate:

                # Unless there's nothing to be changed
                if t.user is not None and t.approved and t.approved_user \
                        and t.approved_date and not t.fuzzy:
                    return JsonResponse({
                        'same': True,
                        'message': 'Same translation already exists.',

                warnings = utils.quality_check(original, string, l, ignore)
                if warnings:
                    return warnings

                translations.update(approved=False, approved_user=None, approved_date=None)

                if t.user is None:
                    t.user = user

                t.approved = True
                t.approved_date = timezone.now()
                t.fuzzy = False

                if t.approved_user is None:
                    t.approved_user = user
                    t.approved_date = now

                if request.user.is_authenticated():

                return JsonResponse({
                    'type': 'updated',
                    'translation': t.serialize(),
                    'stats': TranslatedResource.objects.stats(project, paths, l),
                    'authors': Translation.authors(l, project, paths).serialize(),

            # If added by non-privileged user, unfuzzy it
                if t.fuzzy:
                    warnings = utils.quality_check(original, string, l, ignore)
                    if warnings:
                        return warnings

                    if t.user is None:
                        t.user = user

                    t.approved = False
                    t.approved_user = None
                    t.approved_date = None
                    t.fuzzy = False

                    if request.user.is_authenticated():

                    return JsonResponse({
                        'type': 'updated',
                        'translation': t.serialize(),
                        'stats': TranslatedResource.objects.stats(project, paths, l),
                        'authors': Translation.authors(l, project, paths).serialize(),

                return JsonResponse({
                    'same': True,
                    'message': 'Same translation already exists.',

        # Different translation added
            warnings = utils.quality_check(original, string, l, ignore)
            if warnings:
                return warnings

            if can_translate:
                translations.update(approved=False, approved_user=None, approved_date=None)


            t = Translation(
                entity=e, locale=l, user=user, string=string,
                plural_form=plural_form, date=now,

            if can_translate:
                t.approved_user = user
                t.approved_date = now

            if request.user.is_authenticated():

            # Return active (approved or latest) translation
                active = translations.filter(approved=True).latest("date")
            except Translation.DoesNotExist:
                active = translations.latest("date")

            return JsonResponse({
                'type': 'added',
                'translation': active.serialize(),
                'stats': TranslatedResource.objects.stats(project, paths, l),
                'authors': Translation.authors(l, project, paths).serialize(),

    # No translations saved yet
        warnings = utils.quality_check(original, string, l, ignore)
        if warnings:
            return warnings

        t = Translation(
            entity=e, locale=l, user=user, string=string,
            plural_form=plural_form, date=now,

        if can_translate:
            t.approved_user = user
            t.approved_date = now

        if request.user.is_authenticated():

        return JsonResponse({
            'type': 'saved',
            'translation': t.serialize(),
            'stats': TranslatedResource.objects.stats(project, paths, l),
            'authors': Translation.authors(l, project, paths).serialize(),
コード例 #4
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: rahuldecoded/pontoon
def entities(request):
    """Get entities for the specified project, locale and paths."""
        project = request.POST['project']
        locale = request.POST['locale']
        paths = request.POST.getlist('paths[]')
        limit = int(request.POST.get('limit', 50))
    except (MultiValueDictKeyError, ValueError) as err:
        return HttpResponseBadRequest('Bad Request: {error}'.format(error=err))

    project = get_object_or_404(Project, slug=project)
    locale = get_object_or_404(Locale, code__iexact=locale)

    filter_type = request.POST.get('filter', '')
    search = request.POST.get('search', '')
    exclude_entities = request.POST.getlist('excludeEntities[]', [])

    # Only return entities with provided IDs (batch editing)
    entity_ids = request.POST.getlist('entityIds[]', [])
    if entity_ids:
        entities = (

        return JsonResponse({
            'entities': Entity.map_entities(locale, entities),
            'stats': TranslatedResource.objects.stats(project, paths, locale),
            'authors': Translation.authors(locale, project, paths).serialize(),
        }, safe=False)

    entities = Entity.for_project_locale(
        project, locale, paths, filter_type, search, exclude_entities

    # Only return a list of entity PKs (batch editing: select all)
    if request.POST.get('pkOnly', None):
        return JsonResponse({
            'entity_pks': list(entities.values_list('pk', flat=True)),

    visible_entities = []

    # In-place view: load all entities
    if request.POST.get('inplaceEditor', None):
        has_next = False
        entities_to_map = Entity.for_project_locale(
            project, locale, paths, None, None, exclude_entities
        visible_entities = entities.values_list('pk', flat=True)

    # Out-of-context view: paginate entities
        paginator = Paginator(entities, limit)

            entities_page = paginator.page(1)
        except EmptyPage:
            return JsonResponse({
                'has_next': False,
                'stats': {},
                'authors': []

        has_next = entities_page.has_next()
        entities_to_map = entities_page.object_list

        # If requested entity not on the first page
        entity = request.POST.get('entity', None)
        if entity:
                entity_pk = int(entity)
            except ValueError as err:
                return HttpResponseBadRequest('Bad Request: {error}'.format(error=err))

            # TODO: entities_to_map.values_list() doesn't return entities from selected page
            if entity_pk not in [e.pk for e in entities_to_map]:
                if entity_pk in entities.values_list('pk', flat=True):
                    entities_to_map = list(entities_to_map) + list(entities.filter(pk=entity_pk))

    return JsonResponse({
        'entities': Entity.map_entities(locale, entities_to_map, visible_entities),
        'has_next': has_next,
        'stats': TranslatedResource.objects.stats(project, paths, locale),
        'authors': Translation.authors(locale, project, paths).serialize(),
    }, safe=False)