コード例 #1
class FeedItem(db.Entity):
    feed = orm.Required(Feed)
    enclosure_url = orm.Optional(str)
    enclosure_path = orm.Optional(str)
    timestamp = orm.Optional(datetime, index=True)
    read = orm.Required(bool, index=True, default=bool)
    viewed = orm.Required(bool, index=True, default=bool)
    starred = orm.Required(bool, index=True, default=bool)
    title = orm.Required(str)
    text = orm.Optional(str)
    url = orm.Required(str, unique=True)
    orm.composite_index(read, timestamp)
コード例 #2
class Location(db.Entity):
    """An entity to flexibly link an object with its location."""

    object_class = Required(str)
    object_id = Required(int)
    composite_index(object_class, object_id)
    location_class = Required(str)
    location_id = Required(int)
    index = Required(int, unique=True)

    def str_id(self):
        """Return the string identifier (object_class:object_id)."""
        return f"{self.object_class}:{self.object_id}"