def full(self, i0, x, l0_h2, l1_h2, l2_h2, fb_h2): """hGRU body. Take the recurrent h2 from a low level and imbue it with information froma high layer. This means to treat the lower layer h2 as the X and the higher layer h2 as the recurrent state. This will serve as I/E from the high layer along with feedback kernels. """ # Intermediate FF - h0 idx = 0 if self.adapation: eta2 = getattr(self, 'eta2_%s' % idx) e2 = tf.gather(eta2, i0, axis=-1) fb_h2_processed = fb_h2 * e2 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") processed_x = tf.nn.conv3d(input=tf.concat( [x, fb_h2_processed * x, fb_h2_processed], axis=4), filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) processed_x = tf.nn.bias_add(processed_x, bias) processed_x = self.ff_nl(processed_x) # if self.include_pooling: # processed_x = max_pool3d( # bottom=processed_x, # k=self.ff_pool_dhw[idx], # s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], # name='ff_pool_%s' % 0) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('ff_bn_%s' % idx, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: processed_x = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=processed_x, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=self.bn_reuse, is_training=self.train) for i in range(self.h_repeat): _, l0_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=processed_x, h2=l0_h2, var_scope='hgru_%s' % idx, layer_idx=idx) #Intermediate FF - h1 idx = 1 if self.adapation: eta2 = getattr(self, 'eta2_%s' % idx) e2 = tf.gather(eta2, i0, axis=-1) l0_h2_processed = l0_h2 * e2 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") processed_l0 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=tf.concat( [processed_x, l0_h2_processed * processed_x, l0_h2_processed], axis=4), filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) processed_l0 = tf.nn.bias_add(processed_l0, bias) processed_l0 = self.ff_nl(processed_l0) # Pool the preceding layer's drive if self.include_pooling: processed_l0 = max_pool3d(bottom=processed_l0, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[idx], s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('ff_bn_%s' % idx, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: processed_l0 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=processed_l0, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=self.bn_reuse, is_training=self.train) for i in range(self.h_repeat): _, l1_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=processed_l0, h2=l1_h2, var_scope='hgru_%s' % idx, layer_idx=idx) # Intermediate FF - h2 idx = 2 if self.adapation: eta2 = getattr(self, 'eta2_%s' % idx) e2 = tf.gather(eta2, i0, axis=-1) l1_h2_processed = l1_h2 * e2 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") processed_l1 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=tf.concat([ processed_l0, l1_h2_processed * processed_l0, l1_h2_processed ], axis=4), filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) processed_l1 = tf.nn.bias_add(processed_l1, bias) processed_l1 = self.ff_nl(processed_l1) # Pool the preceding layer's drive if self.include_pooling: processed_l1 = max_pool3d(bottom=processed_l1, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[idx], s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('ff_bn_%s' % idx, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: processed_l1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=processed_l1, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=self.bn_reuse, is_training=self.train) for i in range(self.h_repeat): _, l2_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=processed_l1, h2=l2_h2, var_scope='hgru_%s' % idx, layer_idx=idx) # Intermediate FF idx = 3 if self.adapation: eta2 = getattr(self, 'eta2_%s' % idx) e2 = tf.gather(eta2, i0, axis=-1) l2_h2_processed = l2_h2 * e2 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") top = tf.nn.conv3d(input=tf.concat([ processed_l1, l2_h2_processed * processed_l1, l2_h2_processed ], axis=4), filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) top = tf.nn.bias_add(top, bias) top = self.ff_nl(top) # Pool the preceding layer's drive if self.include_pooling: top = max_pool3d(bottom=top, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[idx], s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('ff_bn_%s' % idx, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: top = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=top, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=self.bn_reuse, is_training=self.train) # FB idx = 2 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") top = self.resize_x_to_y(x=top, y=l2_h2, kernel=weights, bias=bias, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[3]) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('fb_bn' % 2, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: top = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=top, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=self.bn_reuse, is_training=self.train) idx = 1 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") top = self.resize_x_to_y(x=top, y=l1_h2, kernel=weights, bias=bias, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[2]) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('fb_bn' % 1, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: top = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=top, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=self.bn_reuse, is_training=self.train) idx = 0 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") top = self.resize_x_to_y(x=top, y=fb_h2, kernel=weights, bias=bias, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[1]) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('fb_bn' % 0, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: top = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=top, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=self.bn_reuse, is_training=self.train) _, fb_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=top, h2=fb_h2, var_scope='hgru_%s' % 3, layer_idx=3) # Iterate loop i0 += 1 return i0, x, l0_h2, l1_h2, l2_h2, fb_h2
def full(self, i0, x, l0_h2, l0_fb, l1_h2, l1_fb, l2_h2, l2_fb): """hGRU body. Take the recurrent h2 from a low level and imbue it with information froma high layer. This means to treat the lower layer h2 as the X and the higher layer h2 as the recurrent state. This will serve as I/E from the high layer along with feedback kernels. """ # HGRU 0 idx = 0 if self.adapation: with tf.variable_scope('hgru_%s' % idx, reuse=True): eta1 = tf.get_variable("eta1") eta2 = tf.get_variable("eta2") e2 = tf.gather(eta2, i0, axis=-1) e1 = tf.gather(eta1, i0, axis=-1) l0_fb *= e2 else: e1 = 1 for i in range(self.h_repeat): l0_h2 *= e1 _, l0_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=x, h2=l0_h2, fb=l0_fb, var_scope='hgru_%s' % idx) if self.batch_norm: ff0 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=l0_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=self.scope_reuse, is_training=self.train) else: ff0 = l0_h2 # FEEDFORWARD 0 idx = 0 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): spot_weights_x = tf.get_variable("spot_x") spot_weights_y = tf.get_variable("spot_y") spot_weights_xy = tf.get_variable("spot_xy") weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") ff0 = self.generic_combine(x, ff0, spot_weights_x, spot_weights_y, spot_weights_xy) if self.batch_norm: ff0 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=ff0, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) ff0 = self.ff_nl(ff0) + 1 ff0 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=ff0, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) if self.batch_norm: ff0 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=ff0, scale=True, center=False, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) if self.ff_kpool_multiplier > 1: low_k = 0 running_max = ff0[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]] for i in range(self.ff_kpool_multiplier - 1): low_k += self.ff_conv_k[idx] running_max = tf.maximum( running_max, ff0[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]]) ff0 = running_max ff0 = tf.nn.bias_add(ff0, bias) ff0 = self.ff_nl(ff0) + 1 # POOL if self.include_pooling: ff0 = max_pool3d(bottom=ff0, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[idx], s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) # HGRU 1 idx = 1 if self.adapation: with tf.variable_scope('hgru_%s' % idx, reuse=True): eta1 = tf.get_variable("eta1") eta2 = tf.get_variable("eta2") e2 = tf.gather(eta2, i0, axis=-1) e1 = tf.gather(eta1, i0, axis=-1) l1_fb *= e2 else: e1 = 1 for i in range(self.h_repeat): l1_h2 *= e1 _, l1_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=ff0, h2=l1_h2, fb=l1_fb, var_scope='hgru_%s' % idx) if self.batch_norm: ff1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=l1_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) else: ff1 = l1_h2 # FEEDFORWARD 1 idx = 1 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): spot_weights_x = tf.get_variable("spot_x") spot_weights_y = tf.get_variable("spot_y") spot_weights_xy = tf.get_variable("spot_xy") weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") ff1 = self.generic_combine(ff0, ff1, spot_weights_x, spot_weights_y, spot_weights_xy) if self.batch_norm: ff1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=ff1, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) ff1 = self.ff_nl(ff1) + 1 ff1 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=ff1, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) if self.batch_norm: ff1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=ff1, scale=True, center=False, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) if self.ff_kpool_multiplier > 1: low_k = 0 running_max = ff1[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]] for i in range(self.ff_kpool_multiplier - 1): low_k += self.ff_conv_k[idx] running_max = tf.maximum( running_max, ff1[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]]) ff1 = running_max ff1 = tf.nn.bias_add(ff1, bias) ff1 = self.ff_nl(ff1) + 1 # POOL if self.include_pooling: ff1 = max_pool3d(bottom=ff1, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[idx], s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) # HGRU 2 idx = 2 if self.adapation: with tf.variable_scope('hgru_%s' % idx, reuse=True): eta1 = tf.get_variable("eta1") eta2 = tf.get_variable("eta2") e2 = tf.gather(eta2, i0, axis=-1) e1 = tf.gather(eta1, i0, axis=-1) l2_fb *= e2 else: e1 = 1 for i in range(self.h_repeat): l2_h2 *= e1 _, l2_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=ff1, h2=l2_h2, fb=l2_fb, var_scope='hgru_%s' % idx) if self.batch_norm: ff2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=l2_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) else: ff2 = l1_h2 # FEEDFORWARD 2 idx = 2 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): spot_weights_x = tf.get_variable("spot_x") spot_weights_y = tf.get_variable("spot_y") spot_weights_xy = tf.get_variable("spot_xy") weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") ff2 = self.generic_combine(ff1, ff2, spot_weights_x, spot_weights_y, spot_weights_xy) if self.batch_norm: ff2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=ff2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) ff2 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=ff2, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) if self.batch_norm: ff2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=ff2, scale=True, center=False, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) if self.ff_kpool_multiplier > 1: low_k = 0 running_max = ff2[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]] for i in range(self.ff_kpool_multiplier - 1): low_k += self.ff_conv_k[idx] running_max = tf.maximum( running_max, ff2[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]]) ff2 = running_max ff2 = tf.nn.bias_add(ff2, bias) ff2 = self.ff_nl(ff2) + 1 # POOL if self.include_pooling: ff2 = max_pool3d(bottom=ff2, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[idx], s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) # FEEDBACK 2 idx = 2 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") fb2 = self.resize_x_to_y(x=ff2, y=ff1, kernel=weights, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[2]) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('fb_bn' % 2, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: fb2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=fb2, scale=True, center=False, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) fb2 = tf.nn.bias_add(fb2, bias) fb2 = self.ff_nl(fb2) + 1 l2_fb = fb2 # FEEDBACK 1 idx = 1 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") fb1 = self.resize_x_to_y(x=fb2, y=ff0, kernel=weights, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[1]) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('fb_bn' % 2, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: fb1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=fb1, scale=True, center=False, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) fb1 = tf.nn.bias_add(fb1, bias) fb1 = self.ff_nl(fb1) + 1 l1_fb = fb1 # FEEDBACK 0 idx = 0 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") fb0 = self.resize_x_to_y(x=fb1, y=x, kernel=weights, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[0]) if self.batch_norm: # with tf.variable_scope('fb_bn' % 2, # reuse=self.bn_reuse) as scope: fb0 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=fb0, scale=True, center=False, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) fb0 = tf.nn.bias_add(fb0, bias) fb0 = self.ff_nl(fb0) + 1 l0_fb = fb0 # Iterate loop i0 += 1 return i0, x, l0_h2, l0_fb, l1_h2, l1_fb, l2_h2, l2_fb
def full(self, i0, l1_x, l1_h2, l2_h2, l3_h2): """hGRU body. Take the recurrent h2 from a low level and imbue it with information froma high layer. This means to treat the lower layer h2 as the X and the higher layer h2 as the recurrent state. This will serve as I/E from the high layer along with feedback kernels. h1 -> conv -> h2 -> conv -> h3 -> fb -> h2 h2 -> fb -> h1 h1 h1 """ # l2-l1 feedback (FEEDBACK KERNEL is 2x channels) idx = 0 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") top_chs = l2_h2.get_shape().as_list()[-1] bottom_chs = l1_x.get_shape().as_list()[-1] fb_f = self.resize_x_to_y(x=l2_h2[:, :, :, :, :top_chs / 2], y=l1_x[:, :, :, :, :bottom_chs / 2], kernel=weights, bias=bias, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[idx]) fb_g = self.resize_x_to_y(x=l2_h2[:, :, :, :, top_chs / 2:], y=l1_x[:, :, :, :, bottom_chs / 2:], kernel=weights, bias=bias, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[idx]) fb = tf.concat([fb_f, fb_g], axis=4) l1_x = self.fb_ops(l1_x, fb, var_scope='fb_%s' % idx) # LAYER 1 _, l1_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=l1_x, h2=l1_h2, layer='h1', var_scope='hgru_%s' % 0, layer_idx=0) # Intermediate FF idx = 0 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") bottom_chs = l1_h2.get_shape().as_list()[-1] l1_h2_f = l1_h2[:, :, :, :, :bottom_chs / 2] l1_h2_g = l1_h2[:, :, :, :, bottom_chs / 2:] processed_l1_f = tf.nn.conv3d(input=l1_h2_f, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) processed_l1_f = tf.nn.bias_add(processed_l1_f, bias) processed_l1_g = tf.nn.conv3d(input=l1_h2_g, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) processed_l1_g = tf.nn.bias_add(processed_l1_g, bias) processed_l1 = self.ff_nl( tf.concat([processed_l1_f, processed_l1_g], axis=4)) # Pool the preceding layer's drive if self.include_pooling: processed_l1 = max_pool3d(bottom=processed_l1, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[0], s=self.ff_pool_strides[0], name='ff_pool_%s' % 0) if self.batch_norm: with tf.variable_scope('l1_bn_%s' % idx, reuse=self.scope_reuse) as scope: processed_l1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=processed_l1, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, scope=scope, reuse=self.reuse, is_training=self.train) # l3-l2 feedback (FEEDBACK KERNEL is 2x channels) idx = 1 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") top_chs = l3_h2.get_shape().as_list()[-1] bottom_chs = processed_l1.get_shape().as_list()[-1] fb_f = self.resize_x_to_y(x=l3_h2[:, :, :, :, :top_chs / 2], y=processed_l1[:, :, :, :, :bottom_chs / 2], kernel=weights, bias=bias, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[idx]) fb_g = self.resize_x_to_y(x=l3_h2[:, :, :, :, top_chs / 2:], y=processed_l1[:, :, :, :, bottom_chs / 2:], kernel=weights, bias=bias, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[idx]) fb = tf.concat([fb_f, fb_g], axis=4) processed_l1 = self.fb_ops(processed_l1, fb, var_scope='fb_%s' % idx) # LAYER 2 _, l2_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=processed_l1, h2=l2_h2, layer='h2', var_scope='hgru_%s' % 1, layer_idx=1) # Intermediate FF idx = 1 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") bias = tf.get_variable("bias") bottom_chs = l2_h2.get_shape().as_list()[-1] l2_h2_f = l2_h2[:, :, :, :, :bottom_chs / 2] l2_h2_g = l2_h2[:, :, :, :, bottom_chs / 2:] processed_l2_f = tf.nn.conv3d(input=l2_h2_f, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) processed_l2_f = tf.nn.bias_add(processed_l2_f, bias) processed_l2_g = tf.nn.conv3d(input=l2_h2_g, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) processed_l2_g = tf.nn.bias_add(processed_l2_g, bias) processed_l2 = self.ff_nl( tf.concat([processed_l2_f, processed_l2_g], axis=4)) # Pool the preceding layer's drive if self.include_pooling: processed_l2 = max_pool3d(bottom=processed_l2, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[0], s=self.ff_pool_strides[0], name='ff_pool_%s' % 0) if self.batch_norm: with tf.variable_scope('l2_bn_%s' % idx, reuse=self.scope_reuse) as scope: processed_l2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=processed_l2, scale=True, center=False, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, scope=scope, reuse=self.reuse, is_training=self.train) # LAYER 3 _, l3_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=processed_l2, h2=l3_h2, layer='h3', var_scope='hgru_%s' % 2, layer_idx=2) if self.batch_norm: with tf.variable_scope('l3_bn', reuse=self.scope_reuse) as scope: l3_h2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=l3_h2, scale=True, center=False, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, scope=scope, reuse=self.reuse, is_training=self.train) # Iterate loop i0 += 1 return i0, l1_x, l1_h2, l2_h2, l3_h2
def full(self, i0, x, l1_h2, l2_h2, l3_h2): """hGRU body. Take the recurrent h2 from a low level and imbue it with information froma high layer. This means to treat the lower layer h2 as the X and the higher layer h2 as the recurrent state. This will serve as I/E from the high layer along with feedback kernels. h1 -> conv -> h2 -> conv -> h3 -> fb -> h2 h2 -> fb -> h1 h1 h1 """ # LAYER 1 _, l1_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=x, h2=l1_h2, layer='h1', layer_idx=0) # Intermediate FF if self.batch_norm: with tf.variable_scope('l1_h2_bn', reuse=self.scope_reuse) as scope: l1_h2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=l1_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, scope=scope, reuse=self.reuse, is_training=self.train) # Pool the preceding layer's drive if self.include_pooling: processed_l1_h2 = max_pool3d(bottom=l1_h2, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[0], s=self.ff_pool_strides[0], name='ff_pool_%s' % 0) else: processed_l1_h2 = l1_h2 # LAYER 2 idx = 0 processed_l1_h2 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=processed_l1_h2, filter=getattr(self, 'ff_kernel_%s' % idx), strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) processed_l1_h2 = tf.nn.bias_add(processed_l1_h2, getattr(self, 'ff_bias_%s' % idx)) processed_l1_h2 = self.ff_nl(processed_l1_h2) if self.batch_norm: with tf.variable_scope('l1_h2_bn_ff_%s' % idx, reuse=self.scope_reuse) as scope: processed_l1_h2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=processed_l1_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, scope=scope, reuse=self.reuse, is_training=self.train) _, l2_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=processed_l1_h2, h2=l2_h2, layer='h2', layer_idx=1) if self.batch_norm: with tf.variable_scope('l2_h2_bn', reuse=self.scope_reuse) as scope: l2_h2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=l2_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, scope=scope, reuse=self.reuse, is_training=self.train) # Pool the preceding layer's drive if self.include_pooling: processed_l2_h2 = max_pool3d(bottom=l2_h2, k=self.ff_pool_dhw[1], s=self.ff_pool_strides[1], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) else: processed_l2_h2 = l2_h2 # LAYER 3 idx = 1 processed_l2_h2 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=processed_l2_h2, filter=getattr(self, 'ff_kernel_%s' % idx), strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding=self.padding) processed_l2_h2 = tf.nn.bias_add(processed_l2_h2, getattr(self, 'ff_bias_%s' % idx)) processed_l2_h2 = self.ff_nl(processed_l2_h2) if self.batch_norm: with tf.variable_scope('l3_h2_bn_ff_%s' % idx, reuse=self.scope_reuse) as scope: processed_l2_h2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=processed_l2_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, scope=scope, reuse=self.reuse, is_training=self.train) _, l3_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=processed_l2_h2, h2=l3_h2, layer='h3', layer_idx=1) if self.batch_norm: with tf.variable_scope('l3_h2_bn', reuse=self.scope_reuse) as scope: l3_h2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=l3_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.param_initializer, updates_collections=None, scope=scope, reuse=self.reuse, is_training=self.train) # l3-l2 feedback (FEEDBACK KERNEL is 2x channels) _, temp_l2_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=l2_h2, h2=self.resize_x_to_y( x=l3_h2, y=l2_h2, kernel=self.fb_kernel_1, bias=self.fb_bias_1, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[1]), layer='fb2', layer_idx=3) # Peephole if self.peephole: l2_h2 = temp_l2_h2 + l2_h2 else: l2_h2 = temp_l2_h2 # l2 horizontal postprocessing _, l2_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=l2_h2, h2=l2_h2, layer='h2', layer_idx=1) _, l2_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=l2_h2, h2=l2_h2, layer='h2', layer_idx=1) # l2-l1 feedback (FEEDBACK KERNEL is 2x channels) _, temp_l1_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=l1_h2, h2=self.resize_x_to_y( x=l2_h2, y=l1_h2, kernel=self.fb_kernel_0, bias=self.fb_bias_0, mode=self.fb_mode, strides=self.ff_pool_strides[0]), layer='fb1', layer_idx=4) # Peephole if self.peephole: l1_h2 = temp_l1_h2 + l1_h2 else: l1_h2 = temp_l1_h2 # l1 horizontal postprocessing _, l1_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=x, h2=l1_h2, layer='h1', layer_idx=0) _, l1_h2 = self.hgru_ops(i0=i0, x=x, h2=l1_h2, layer='h1', layer_idx=0) # Iterate loop i0 += 1 return i0, x, l1_h2, l2_h2, l3_h2
def full(self, i0, x, l0_h1, l0_h2, l1_h1, l1_h2, td0_h1, td1_h1): # HGRU 0 l0_h1, l0_h2 =, l0_h1, l0_h2) ff0 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=l0_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.bn_param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=None, is_training=self.train) # FEEDFORWARD 0 idx = 0 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): spot_weights_x = tf.get_variable("spot_x") spot_weights_xy = tf.get_variable("spot_xy") weights = tf.get_variable("weights") ff0 = self.generic_combine(x, ff0, spot_weights_x, spot_weights_xy) ff0 = tf.nn.elu(ff0) + 1 ff0 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=ff0, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding='SAME') if self.ff_kpool_multiplier > 1: low_k = 0 running_max = ff0[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]] for i in range(self.ff_kpool_multiplier - 1): low_k += self.ff_conv_k[idx] running_max = tf.maximum( running_max, ff0[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]]) ff0 = running_max ff0 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=ff0, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.bn_param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) ff0 = tf.nn.elu(ff0) + 1 # POOL ff0 = max_pool3d(bottom=ff0, k=self.ff_pool_fsiz[idx], s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) # HGRU 1 l1_h1, l1_h2 =, l1_h1, l1_h2) ff1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=l1_h2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.bn_param_initializer, updates_collections=None, reuse=None, is_training=self.train) # FEEDFORWARD 1 idx = 1 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): spot_weights_x = tf.get_variable("spot_x") spot_weights_xy = tf.get_variable("spot_xy") weights = tf.get_variable("weights") ff1 = self.generic_combine(ff0, ff1, spot_weights_x, spot_weights_xy) ff1 = tf.nn.elu(ff1) + 1 ff1 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=ff1, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding='SAME') if self.ff_kpool_multiplier > 1: low_k = 0 running_max = ff1[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]] for i in range(self.ff_kpool_multiplier - 1): low_k += self.ff_conv_k[idx] running_max = tf.maximum( running_max, ff1[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]]) ff1 = running_max ff1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=ff1, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.bn_param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) ff1 = tf.nn.elu(ff1) + 1 # POOL ff1 = max_pool3d(bottom=ff1, k=self.ff_pool_fsiz[idx], s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) # HGRU 2 # l2_h1, l2_h2 =, l2_h1, l2_h2) # ff2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( # inputs=l2_h2, # scale=True, # center=True, # fused=True, # renorm=False, # param_initializers=self.bn_param_initializer, # updates_collections=None, # reuse=None, # is_training=self.train) # FEEDFORWARD 2 idx = 2 with tf.variable_scope('ff_%s' % idx, reuse=True): # spot_weights_x = tf.get_variable("spot_x") # spot_weights_xy = tf.get_variable("spot_xy") weights = tf.get_variable("weights") # ff2 = self.generic_combine( # ff1, # ff2, # spot_weights_x, spot_weights_xy) # ff2 = tf.nn.elu(ff2) + 1 ff2 = ff1 ff2 = tf.nn.conv3d(input=ff2, filter=weights, strides=self.ff_conv_strides[idx], padding='SAME') if self.ff_kpool_multiplier > 1: low_k = 0 running_max = ff2[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]] for i in range(self.ff_kpool_multiplier - 1): low_k += self.ff_conv_k[idx] running_max = tf.maximum( running_max, ff2[:, :, :, :, low_k:low_k + self.ff_conv_k[idx]]) ff2 = running_max ff2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=ff2, scale=True, center=False, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.bn_param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) ff2 = tf.nn.elu(ff2) + 1 # POOL ff2 = max_pool3d(bottom=ff2, k=self.ff_pool_fsiz[idx], s=self.ff_pool_strides[idx], name='ff_pool_%s' % idx) # FEEDBACK 2 idx = 2 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") fb2 = self.resize_x_to_y(x=ff2, y=ff1, kernel=weights, mode='transpose', strides=self.ff_pool_strides[2]) fb2 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=fb2, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.bn_param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) fb2 = tf.nn.elu(fb2) + 1 # HGRU_TD 2 # td2_h1, l2_h2 =, td2_h1, l2_h2) # FEEDBACK 1 idx = 1 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") fb1 = self.resize_x_to_y(x=fb2, y=ff0, kernel=weights, mode='transpose', strides=self.ff_pool_strides[1]) fb1 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=fb1, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.bn_param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) fb1 = tf.nn.elu(fb1) + 1 # HGRU_TD 1 td1_h1, l1_h2 =, td1_h1, l1_h2) # FEEDBACK 0 idx = 0 with tf.variable_scope('fb_%s' % idx, reuse=True): weights = tf.get_variable("weights") fb0 = self.resize_x_to_y(x=fb1, y=x, kernel=weights, mode='transpose', strides=self.ff_pool_strides[0]) fb0 = tf.contrib.layers.batch_norm( inputs=fb0, scale=True, center=True, fused=True, renorm=False, param_initializers=self.bn_param_initializer, updates_collections=None, is_training=self.train) fb0 = tf.nn.elu(fb0) + 1 # HGRU_TD 0 td0_h1, l0_h2 =, td0_h1, l0_h2) # Iterate loop i0 += 1 return i0, x, l0_h1, l0_h2, l1_h1, l1_h2, td0_h1, td1_h1