コード例 #1
ファイル: TargetImage.py プロジェクト: will-hossack/Poptics
def main():

    lens = SimpleSinglet(200, 80, 10)
    obj, im = lens.planePair(-0.2, 200.0)
    tprint("Object plane : " + repr(obj))
    tprint("Image plane : " + repr(im))

    objectTarget = TargetPlane(obj, wavelength=0.6)
    imageTarget = TargetPlane(im)

    objectTarget.addGrid(5, 5)

    fig = plt.figure()
    panel = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)


    targetPencil = objectTarget.getPencils(lens, wavelength=0.45)

    for pencil in targetPencil:
        pencil *= lens
        pencil *= imageTarget
        psf = Psf().setWithRays(pencil, imageTarget)

コード例 #2
ファイル: psf.py プロジェクト: will-hossack/Poptics
    def draw(self, plane, drawpsf=True):
        Draw the spot disagram to the current active MatPlotLib as circles
        with the centre given my the wavelelength of the first ray.

        :param plane: the plane where the diagram is located.
        :param drawpsf: draw the geometric psf on the disgram, (default = True)


        # Make an optical plane if needed
        if isinstance(plane, float) or isinstance(plane, Vector3d):
            plane = OpticalPlane(plane)

        xData = []  # X and Y point locations
        yData = []

        for r in self.raypencil:
            if r:
                pt = r.pointInPlane(plane)  # Find the point in the plane

        #     Get the colour of the ray as a hex string
        col = WavelengthColour(self.raypencil[0].wavelength)
        #     Scatter plot to the current figure
        scatter(xData, yData, color=col, marker='o')
        if drawpsf:  # Make a psf if required and plot it
            psf = Psf().setWithRays(self.raypencil, plane)
コード例 #3
    def polarPlot(self, beam, index, points=200):
        Method to generate polar my rotating the one specided specfied component.
        The plot will be the beam intensity agaist angle

        :param beam: the input beam (this is not modified)
        :type beam: JonesVector
        :param index: the component to be rotated
        :type index: int
        :param key: plot key passes to plt.polar (Default = 'r')
        :type key: str
        :param points: Number of point on polar plot (Default = 200)
        :type points: int
        if isinstance(beam, list):  # deal with a list
            for b in beam:
                self.polarPlot(b, index, points)

                beam)  # Set the wavelength once for whole rotation.
            theta = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * math.pi, num=points, endpoint=True)
            intensity = np.empty(theta.size)

            for i, angle in enumerate(theta):
                outputBeam = beam * self
                intensity[i] = outputBeam.getIntensity()

            col = WavelengthColour(beam.wavelength)  # Get the colour.
            polar(theta, intensity, color=col)
コード例 #4
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: will-hossack/Poptics
    def draw(self):
        Draw the plane to the current axis.
        pt = self.getPoint()

        #      Make a frame round the plane and plot it in black
        xframe = [pt.x - self.xsize/2, pt.x + self.xsize/2,\
                  pt.x + self.xsize/2, pt.x - self.xsize/2,\
                  pt.x - self.xsize/2]
        yframe = [pt.y + self.ysize/2, pt.y + self.ysize/2,\
                  pt.y - self.ysize/2, pt.y - self.ysize/2,
                  pt.y + self.ysize/2]
        plt.plot(xframe, yframe, "k")
        #       Now plot the targets at "x"
        xpt = []
        ypt = []

        for t in self.targets:
            pt = self.getSourcePoint(t)

        col = WavelengthColour(self.wavelength)
        plt.plot(xpt, ypt, linestyle='none', color=col, marker='x')
コード例 #5
    def draw(self):
        Plot to current axis with colour of ray given by its wavelength defined in wavelength.WavelengthColour.

        col = WavelengthColour(self.wavelength)

        plot(self.z, self.y, color=col)
コード例 #6
def main():

    waist = 0.1  # Initial waist
    wavelength = HeNeRed  # Wavelength
    beam = GaussianBeam(0.0, waist, wavelength=wavelength)

    zData = np.linspace(0.0, 500, 100)  # the z range
    rData = np.zeros(zData.size)  # the radius data

    for i, z in enumerate(zData):  # scan down the range
        beam.propagateTo(z)  # propagate to position z
        rData[i] = beam.getRadius()  # get tbe radius

    #      Do the plot
    colour = WavelengthColour(wavelength)
    plt.plot(zData, rData, color=colour)
    plt.plot(zData, -rData, color=colour)
コード例 #7
def main():

    xsize = 500
    ysize = 200
    minwave = 0.35      # Min wavelength
    maxwave = 0.75      # Max wavelength
    dw = (maxwave - minwave)/xsize

    #        Make np array to hold colours
    image = np.empty((xsize,ysize,3))

    #        Loop over array filling it up
    for i in range(0,xsize):
        wave = minwave + i*dw
        colour = WavelengthColour(wave)
        for j in range(0,ysize):
            image[i,j] = colour

    plt.imshow(image,aspect = "equal")
コード例 #8
    def polarPlot(self, points=200):
        Method to generate polar plot through an ideal rotated linear
        polarsier. The colour of the plot is caculated from the wavelenegth
        of tghe beam from :func: WavelengthColour

        :param points: number of points (Default = 200)
        :type points: int
        theta = np.linspace(0.0, 2 * math.pi, num=points, endpoint=True)
        intensity = np.empty(theta.size)

        pol = LinearPolariser()

        for i, angle in enumerate(theta):
            b = self * pol
            intensity[i] = b.getIntensity()

        col = WavelengthColour(self.wavelength)
        polar(theta, intensity, color=col)