def gps_not_found_message(self): """ Shows a "GPS not found" status bar and popup error message. """ mapview_screen = self.mapview_screen_property message = "GPS not found." # status bar error message mapview_screen.update_status_message(message) # popup error message popup = PopupMessage(title="Error", body=message)
def gps_not_found_message(self): """ Shows a "GPS not found" status bar and popup error message. """ mapview_screen = self.mapview_screen_property message = "GPS not found." # status bar error message mapview_screen.update_status_message(message) # popup error message popup = PopupMessage( title="Error", body=message)
def prepare_download_for_offline1(self, text): """ Verifes location requested for download is valid, i.e. exists and is allowed (city only). """ geolocator = Nominatim() location = geolocator.geocode(text) if location is None: popup = PopupMessage(title="Error", body="Can't find location.") return location_type = location.raw['type'] if location_type not in ['city', 'administrative']: popup = PopupMessage(title="Error", body="Only cities are allowed.") return # move to the downloading location mapview = self.mapview_property mapview.animated_center_on(location.latitude, location.longitude) # exctracts the city from the address string city = location.address.split(',')[0] # changes geopy bounding box format to landez one geopy_bbox = location.raw['boundingbox'] filename = city + '.mbtiles' bbox = self.geopy_bbox_to_bbox(geopy_bbox) zoomlevels = range(OFFLINE_CITY_MIN_ZOOM, OFFLINE_CITY_MAX_ZOOM + 1) self.prepare_download_for_offline2(filename, bbox, zoomlevels)
def prepare_download_for_offline1(self, text): """ Verifes location requested for download is valid, i.e. exists and is allowed (city only). """ geolocator = Nominatim() location = geolocator.geocode(text) if location is None: popup = PopupMessage( title="Error", body="Can't find location.") return location_type = location.raw['type'] if location_type not in ['city', 'administrative']: popup = PopupMessage( title="Error", body="Only cities are allowed.") return # move to the downloading location mapview = self.mapview_property mapview.animated_center_on(location.latitude, location.longitude) # exctracts the city from the address string city = location.address.split(',')[0] # changes geopy bounding box format to landez one geopy_bbox = location.raw['boundingbox'] filename = city + '.mbtiles' bbox = self.geopy_bbox_to_bbox(geopy_bbox) zoomlevels = range(OFFLINE_CITY_MIN_ZOOM, OFFLINE_CITY_MAX_ZOOM+1) self.prepare_download_for_offline2(filename, bbox, zoomlevels)
def search(self, text): geolocator = Nominatim() try: location = geolocator.geocode(text) except GeocoderServiceError as e: popup = PopupMessage(title="Error", body=e.message) return if location is None: popup = PopupMessage(title="Error", body="Can't find location.") return latitude = location.latitude longitude = location.longitude # self.center_on(latitude, longitude) self.animated_center_on(latitude, longitude)
def search(self, text): geolocator = Nominatim() try: location = geolocator.geocode(text) except GeocoderServiceError as e: popup = PopupMessage( title="Error", body=e.message) return if location is None: popup = PopupMessage( title="Error", body="Can't find location.") return latitude = location.latitude longitude = location.longitude # self.center_on(latitude, longitude) self.animated_center_on(latitude, longitude)