コード例 #1
def compute_dist_face_cell(
    g, subcell_topology, eta, eta_at_bnd=False, return_paired=True
    Compute vectors from cell centers continuity points on each sub-face.

    The location of the continuity point is given by

        x_cp = (1-eta) * x_facecenter + eta * x_vertex

    On the boundary, eta is set to zero, thus the continuity point is at the
    face center

    g: Grid
    subcell_topology: Of class subcell topology in this module
    eta: [0,1), eta = 0 gives cont. pt. at face midpoint, eta = 1 means at
    the vertex

    sps.csr() matrix representation of vectors. Size g.nf x (g.nc * g.nd)
    _, blocksz = matrix_compression.rlencode(
        np.vstack((subcell_topology.cno, subcell_topology.nno))
    dims = g.dim

    _, cols = np.meshgrid(subcell_topology.subhfno, np.arange(dims))
    cols += matrix_compression.rldecode(np.cumsum(blocksz) - blocksz[0], blocksz)
    eta_vec = eta * np.ones(subcell_topology.fno.size)
    # Set eta values to zero at the boundary
    if not eta_at_bnd:
        bnd = np.in1d(subcell_topology.fno, g.get_all_boundary_faces())
        eta_vec[bnd] = 0
    cp = g.face_centers[:, subcell_topology.fno] + eta_vec * (
        g.nodes[:, subcell_topology.nno] - g.face_centers[:, subcell_topology.fno]
    dist = cp - g.cell_centers[:, subcell_topology.cno]

    ind_ptr = np.hstack((np.arange(0, cols.size, dims), cols.size))
    mat = sps.csr_matrix((dist.ravel("F"), cols.ravel("F"), ind_ptr))
    if return_paired:
        return subcell_topology.pair_over_subfaces(mat)
        return mat
コード例 #2
def _tensor_vector_prod(g, k, subcell_topology, apertures=None):
    Compute product of normal vectors and tensors on a sub-cell level.

    This is essentially defining Darcy's law for each sub-face in terms of
    sub-cell gradients. Thus, we also implicitly define the global ordering
    of sub-cell gradient variables (via the interpretation of the columns in

    NOTE: In the local numbering below, in particular in the variables i and j,
    it is tacitly assumed that g.dim == g.nodes.shape[0] ==
    g.face_normals.shape[0] etc. See implementation note in main method.

        g (core.grids.grid): Discretization grid
        k (core.constit.second_order_tensor): The permeability tensor
        subcell_topology (fvutils.SubcellTopology): Wrapper class containing
            subcell numbering.

        nk: sub-face wise product of normal vector and permeability tensor.
        cell_node_blocks pairings of node and cell indices, which together
            define a sub-cell.
        sub_cell_ind: index of all subcells


    # Stack cell and nodes, and remove duplicate rows. Since subcell_mapping
    # defines cno and nno (and others) working cell-wise, this will
    # correspond to a unique rows (Matlab-style) from what I understand.
    # This also means that the pairs in cell_node_blocks uniquely defines
    # subcells, and can be used to index gradients etc.
    cell_node_blocks, blocksz = matrix_compression.rlencode(
        np.vstack((subcell_topology.cno, subcell_topology.nno)))

    nd = g.dim

    # Duplicates in [cno, nno] corresponds to different faces meeting at the
    # same node. There should be exactly nd of these. This test will fail
    # for pyramids in 3D
    assert np.all(blocksz == nd)

    # Define row and column indices to be used for normal_vectors * perm.
    # Rows are based on sub-face numbers.
    # Columns have nd elements for each sub-cell (to store a gradient) and
    # is adjusted according to block sizes
    _, j = np.meshgrid(subcell_topology.subhfno, np.arange(nd))
    sum_blocksz = np.cumsum(blocksz)
    j += matrix_compression.rldecode(sum_blocksz - blocksz[0], blocksz)

    # Distribute faces equally on the sub-faces
    num_nodes = np.diff(g.face_nodes.indptr)
    normals = g.face_normals[:, subcell_topology.fno] / num_nodes[
    if apertures is not None:
        normals = normals * apertures[subcell_topology.cno]

    # Represent normals and permeability on matrix form
    ind_ptr = np.hstack((np.arange(0, j.size, nd), j.size))
    normals_mat = sps.csr_matrix((normals.ravel('F'), j.ravel('F'), ind_ptr))
    k_mat = sps.csr_matrix(
        (k.perm[::, ::,
                cell_node_blocks[0]].ravel('F'), j.ravel('F'), ind_ptr))

    nk = normals_mat * k_mat

    # Unique sub-cell indexes are pulled from column indices, we only need
    # every nd column (since nd faces of the cell meet at each vertex)
    sub_cell_ind = j[::, 0::nd]
    return nk, cell_node_blocks, sub_cell_ind