コード例 #1
    def check_home(self):
        if self.home_initialised:
            return True

        if self.vehicle.gps_0.fix_type < 2:
            print "Waiting for GPS .......", self.vehicle.gps_0.fix_type
            return False

        if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame is None:
            print 'Waiting for vehicle position ...'
            return False

        if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lat is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lon is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt is None:
            print 'Waiting for vehicle position ...'
            return False

        if self.mission_cmds is None:
            return False

        if self.vehicle.home_location is None:
            print 'Waiting for home location ...'
            return False

                           self.vehicle.home_location.lon, 0))
        self.home_initialised = True
        print 'Home location acquired'

        return self.home_initialised
コード例 #2
   def run(self):
       while True:
           if self.vehicle.mode.name !="GUIDED": #if we are no longer in guided mode stop receving messages
              logging.info("follower vehicle aborted GUIDED mode")
              (message,address) = self.msg_queue.get()
              if not self.called:
                  #set home location to home location of master vehicle
                  logging.debug("master home location is...")
                  self.called = True
              logging.debug("message received %s %s %s" %(message.lat, message.lon,message.alt))
              #altitude = 5 #in metres
              separation = self.distance #distance between drones
              original_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(message)
              logging.debug("position for leader vehicle -> %s heading -> %s" %(original_pos,message.heading))
              logging.debug("leader vehicle groundspeed is %.3f" %message.groundspeed)
              logging.debug("leader vehicle lidar altitude is %.4f m"%message.rangefinder)
              new_pos = selection_coding(original_pos,message.heading,separation)
              new_pos = PositionVector(new_pos[0],new_pos[1],new_pos[2])
              logging.debug("position for follower vehicle is %s" %(new_pos))
              lat = new_pos.get_location().lat
              lon = new_pos.get_location().lon
              alt = new_pos.get_location().alt - message.home_location.alt
              dest = LocationGlobalRelative(lat,lon,alt)
              logging.debug("gps locationglobal data for follower vehicle to procced to is %s" %new_pos.get_location())
              logging.debug("gps locationglobalrelative data for follower vehicle to procced to is %s" %dest)

              logging.debug("vehicle groundspeed is %.3f" %self.vehicle.groundspeed)
              logging.debug("vehicle heading is %.3f" %self.vehicle.heading)
              logging.debug("vehicle lidar altitude is %.4f m "%self.vehicle.rangefinder.distance)
              actualpath = PositionVector.get_from_location(self.vehicle.location.global_frame)
              logging.debug("vehicle actual path in X direction is %.5f m" %actualpath.x)
              logging.debug("vehicle actual path in Y direction is %.5f m" %actualpath.y)

           except Queue.Empty:
              print ("all messages processed")
コード例 #3
    def main(self):

        # set home to tridge's home field (absolute alt = 270)
            LocationGlobal(-35.362938, 149.165085, 0))

        # calculate balloon position
        fake_balloon_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(

        # vehicle attitude and position
        veh_pos = PositionVector(0, 0, fake_balloon_pos.z)  # at home location
        veh_roll = math.radians(0)  # leaned right 10 deg
        veh_pitch = math.radians(0)  # pitched back at 0 deg
        veh_yaw = PositionVector.get_bearing(
            veh_pos, fake_balloon_pos)  # facing towards fake balloon

        # display positions from home
        print "Vehicle %s" % veh_pos
        print "Balloon %s" % fake_balloon_pos

        # generate simulated frame of balloon 10m north, 2m above vehicle
        img = self.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, veh_roll, veh_pitch, veh_yaw)

        while (True):
            # move vehicle towards balloon
            veh_pos = veh_pos + (fake_balloon_pos - veh_pos) * 0.01

            # regenerate frame
            img = self.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, veh_roll, veh_pitch,

            # look for balloon in image using blob detector
            found_in_image, xpos, ypos, size = balloon_finder.analyse_frame(

            # display actual vs real distance
            dist_actual = PositionVector.get_distance_xyz(
                veh_pos, fake_balloon_pos)
            dist_est = balloon_utils.get_distance_from_pixels(
                size, balloon_finder.balloon_radius_expected)
            print "Dist Est:%f  Act:%f   Size Est:%f  Act:%f" % (
                dist_est, dist_actual, size, self.last_balloon_radius)

            # show image
            cv2.imshow("fake balloon", img)

            # wait for keypress
            k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
            if k == 27:

        # destroy windows
コード例 #4
    def check_home(self):

        # return immediately if home has already been initialised
        if self.home_initialised:
            return True

        # check for home no more than once every two seconds
        if (time.time() - self.last_home_check > 2):

            # update that we have performed a status check
            self.last_home_check = time.time()

            # check if we have a vehicle
            if self.vehicle is None:
                self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit()

            # download the vehicle waypoints (and home) if we don't have them already
            if self.mission_cmds is None:
                return False

            # ensure the vehicle's position is known
            if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame is None:
                print "waiting for vehicle position.."
                return False
            if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lat is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lon is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt is None:
                print "waiting for vehicle position.."
                return False

            # get home location from mission command list
            if self.vehicle.home_location is None:
                print "waiting for home location.."
                return False

            # sanity check home position
            if self.vehicle.home_location.lat == 0 and self.vehicle.home_location.lon == 0:
                print "home position all zero, re-fetching.."
                return False

            # set home position
                               self.vehicle.home_location.lon, 0))
            self.home_initialised = True
            print "got home location"

            # To-Do: if we wish to have the same home position as the flight controller
            # we must download the home waypoint again whenever the vehicle is armed

        # return whether home has been initialised or not
        return self.home_initialised
コード例 #5
    def check_home(self):

        # return immediately if home has already been initialised
        if self.home_initialised:
            return True

        # check for home no more than once every two seconds
        if (time.time() - self.last_home_check > 2):

            # update that we have performed a status check
            self.last_home_check = time.time()

            # check if we have a vehicle
            if self.vehicle is None:
                self.vehicle = self.get_vehicle_with_dronekit()

            # download the vehicle waypoints (and home) if we don't have them already
            if self.mission_cmds is None:
                return False

            # ensure the vehicle's position is known
            if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame is None:
                print "waiting for vehicle position.."
                return False
            if self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lat is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.lon is None or self.vehicle.location.global_relative_frame.alt is None:
                print "waiting for vehicle position.."
                return False

            # get home location from mission command list
            if self.vehicle.home_location is None:
                print "waiting for home location.."
                return False

            # sanity check home position
            if self.vehicle.home_location.lat == 0 and self.vehicle.home_location.lon == 0:
                print "home position all zero, re-fetching.."
                return False

            # set home position
            self.home_initialised = True
            print "got home location"

            # To-Do: if we wish to have the same home position as the flight controller
            # we must download the home waypoint again whenever the vehicle is armed

        # return whether home has been initialised or not
        return self.home_initialised
コード例 #6
    def check_home(self):

        # return immediately if home has already been initialised
        if self.home_initialised:
            return True

        # check for home no more than once every two seconds
        if (time.time() - self.last_home_check > 2):

            # update that we have performed a status check
            self.last_home_check = time.time()

            # check if we have a vehicle
            if self.vehicle is None:
                self.vehicle = self.api.get_vehicles()[0]

            # ensure the vehicle's position is known
            if self.vehicle.location is None:
                return False
            if self.vehicle.location.lat is None or self.vehicle.location.lon is None or self.vehicle.location.alt is None:
                return False

            # download the vehicle waypoints if we don't have them already
            if self.mission_cmds is None:
                return False

            # get the home lat and lon
            home_lat = self.mission_cmds[0].x
            home_lon = self.mission_cmds[0].y

            # sanity check the home position
            if home_lat is None or home_lon is None:
                return False

            # sanity check again and set home position
            if home_lat <> 0 and home_lon <> 0:
                    Location(home_lat, home_lon, 0))
                self.home_initialised = True
                self.mission_cmds = None

            # To-Do: if we wish to have the same home position as the flight controller
            # we must download the home waypoint again whenever the vehicle is armed

        # return whether home has been initialised or not
        return self.home_initialised
コード例 #7
    def check_home(self):

        # return immediately if home has already been initialised
        if self.home_initialised:
            return True

        # check for home no more than once every two seconds
        if (time.time() - self.last_home_check > 2):

            # update that we have performed a status check
            self.last_home_check = time.time()

            # check if we have a vehicle
            if self.vehicle is None:
                self.vehicle = self.api.get_vehicles()[0]

            # ensure the vehicle's position is known
            if self.vehicle.location is None:
                return False
            if self.vehicle.location.lat is None or self.vehicle.location.lon is None or self.vehicle.location.alt is None:
                return False

            # download the vehicle waypoints if we don't have them already
            if self.mission_cmds is None:
                return False

            # get the home lat and lon
            home_lat = self.mission_cmds[0].x
            home_lon = self.mission_cmds[0].y

            # sanity check the home position
            if home_lat is None or home_lon is None:
                return False

            # sanity check again and set home position
            if home_lat <> 0 and home_lon <> 0:
                self.home_initialised = True
                self.mission_cmds = None

            # To-Do: if we wish to have the same home position as the flight controller
            # we must download the home waypoint again whenever the vehicle is armed

        # return whether home has been initialised or not
        return self.home_initialised
コード例 #8
    def main(self):

        # set home to tridge's home field (absolute alt = 270)

        # calculate balloon position
        fake_balloon_pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(self.fake_balloon_location)

        # vehicle attitude and position
        veh_pos = PositionVector(0,0,fake_balloon_pos.z) # at home location
        veh_roll = math.radians(0)     # leaned right 10 deg
        veh_pitch = math.radians(0)     # pitched back at 0 deg
        veh_yaw = PositionVector.get_bearing(veh_pos,fake_balloon_pos)  # facing towards fake balloon

        # display positions from home
        print "Vehicle %s" % veh_pos
        print "Balloon %s" % fake_balloon_pos

        # generate simulated frame of balloon 10m north, 2m above vehicle
        img = self.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, veh_roll, veh_pitch, veh_yaw)

            # move vehicle towards balloon
            veh_pos = veh_pos + (fake_balloon_pos - veh_pos) * 0.01

            # regenerate frame
            img = self.get_simulated_frame(veh_pos, veh_roll, veh_pitch, veh_yaw)

            # look for balloon in image using blob detector        
            found_in_image, xpos, ypos, size = balloon_finder.analyse_frame(img)

            # display actual vs real distance
            dist_actual = PositionVector.get_distance_xyz(veh_pos, fake_balloon_pos)
            dist_est = balloon_utils.get_distance_from_pixels(size, balloon_finder.balloon_radius_expected)
            print "Dist Est:%f  Act:%f   Size Est:%f  Act:%f" % (dist_est, dist_actual, size, self.last_balloon_radius) 

            # show image
            cv2.imshow("fake balloon", img)

            # wait for keypress 
            k = cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
            if k == 27:

        # destroy windows
コード例 #9
if not args.connect:
    print "vehicle path not specified"
    sys.exit(1)  #abort cause of error..

# Connect to the Vehicle.
#   Set `wait_ready=True` to ensure default attributes are populated before `connect()` return
print "\nConnecting to vehicle on: %s" % connection_string
vehicle = connect(connection_string, wait_ready=True, baud=args.baudrate)
v = Vehicle_params()
param = Params(vehicle, v)
#get home position ...
home_position = v.home_location

logging.info("home position is %s", home_position)

    LocationGlobal(home_position.lat, home_position.lon, home_position.alt))

arm_and_takeoff(vehicle, 5)

#set_yaw(vehicle,0) #set yaw

while True:
    pos = PositionVector.get_from_location(vehicle.location.global_frame)
    logging.debug("vehicle_pos in N-S direction from home is  %f" % pos.x)
    logging.debug("vehicle_pos in W-E direction from home is  %f" % pos.y)
    print "distance from vehicle to pos1 is %s" % PositionVector.get_distance_xy(
        PositionVector.get_from_location(vehicle.location.global_frame), pos1)
        "distance from vehicle to pos1 is %s" % PositionVector.get_distance_xy(
コード例 #10
ファイル: navigation.py プロジェクト: djnugent/lanetracker
while not vehicle.armed:
    print " Waiting for arming..."
print " Vehicle is armed: %s" % vehicle.armed

#get Vehicle Home location
while not vehicle.home_location:
    cmds = vehicle.commands
    if not vehicle.home_location:
        print " Waiting for home location ..."

#Set origin point to home

#Read waypoints from mission file
waypoints = mission_to_locations(read_mission("../thunderhill.mission"))

#navigate waypoints in manual mode
DIST_THRESH = 4 #distance to waypoint before moving onto next waypoint
P_TURN = 1  #p term of navigation controller
SPEED = 100 #throttle level

wp_cnt = 1
for wp in waypoints:
    #convert global lat/lon local meters(position vectors)
    wp_posvec = PositionVector.get_from_location(wp)
    veh_posvec = PositionVector.get_from_location(vehicle.location.global_relative_frame)
    dist = PositionVector.get_distance_xy(veh_posvec,wp_posvec)
コード例 #11
vehicle.armed = True
while not vehicle.armed:
    print " Waiting for arming..."
print " Vehicle is armed: %s" % vehicle.armed

#get Vehicle Home location
while not vehicle.home_location:
    cmds = vehicle.commands
    if not vehicle.home_location:
        print " Waiting for home location ..."

#Set origin point to home

#Read waypoints from mission file
waypoints = mission_to_locations(read_mission("thunderhill.mission"))

#navigate waypoints in manual mode
DIST_THRESH = 4  #distance to waypoint before moving onto next waypoint
P_TURN = 1  #p term of navigation controller
SPEED = 100  #throttle level

wp_cnt = 1
for wp in waypoints:
    #convert global lat/lon local meters(position vectors)
    wp_posvec = PositionVector.get_from_location(wp)
    veh_posvec = PositionVector.get_from_location(