def reduce_data(self): flatten_ob(self.ob_name) run_molecfit(self.ob_name,"NIR") molecfit_QC(self.ob_name,"NIR") run_molecfit(self.ob_name,"VIS") molecfit_QC(self.ob_name,"VIS") flux_calibrate(self.ob_name,"NIR") flux_calibrate(self.ob_name,"VIS") flux_calibrate(self.ob_name,"UVB")
# "ESO137_3", -- problems with molecfit/NIR # "NGC7172_1", ## -- data OK? (has been re-observed but in same night as 7172_2 -- no FLUX observed) /// reduction fails / NIR molecfit # NGC7172_2 -- no FLUX observed # NGC7172_3 -- only telluric of the night is heavily saturated # NGC7582 -- not reduced ] # problematic OBs: "NGC1947_1": no FLUX -> use _2 instead # "NGC2775_1", --> no data / observed 2015-11 / check!! # ngc3351_1 (and _2 -- both taken in the same night): flux standard has some high counts # 3717_1: very badly centered # 4224_1: nearest telluric saturated, take telluric 3 hours after obs # 4254 / 4260: not yet observed # 7727: only telluric over-exposed for ob_name in ob_list: print(ob_name) d=dataset(ob_name) d.make_QC_page() flatten_ob(ob_name) run_molecfit(ob_name,"NIR") molecfit_QC(ob_name,"NIR") run_molecfit(ob_name,"VIS") molecfit_QC(ob_name,"VIS") ## flux_calibrate(ob_name,"NIR") flux_calibrate(ob_name,"VIS") flux_calibrate(ob_name,"UVB")