def calculate_dc_inv_costs(scenario, sum_results=True, base_grid=None): """Calculate cost of upgrading HVDC lines in a scenario. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance. :param bool sum_results: whether to sum series to return total cost. Defaults to True. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid base_grid: a Grid to compare against. If None, the grid model and interconnect from the ``scenario`` are used to instantiate a corresponding unmodified Grid. :return: (*pandas.Series/float*) -- cost of upgrading HVDC lines, in $USD, inflation-adjusted to today. If ``sum_results``, a float is returned, otherwise a Series. """ grid_differences = scenario.get_grid() if base_grid is None: base_grid = scenario.get_base_grid() else: _check_grid_models_match(base_grid, grid_differences) # find upgraded DC lines capacity_difference = calculate_dcline_difference(base_grid, grid_differences) grid_differences.dcline = grid_differences.dcline.assign( Pmax=capacity_difference["diff"].to_numpy() ) grid_differences.dcline = grid_differences.dcline.query("Pmax != 0.0") costs = _calculate_dc_inv_costs(grid_differences, sum_results) return costs
def calculate_gen_inv_costs( scenario, year, cost_case, sum_results=True, base_grid=None, ): """Calculate cost of upgrading generators in a scenario. ReEDS regions are used to find regional multipliers. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance. :param int/str year: building year. :param str cost_case: ATB cost case of data. *'Moderate'*: mid cost case, *'Conservative'*: generally higher costs, *'Advanced'*: generally lower costs :param bool sum_results: whether to sum data frame for plant costs. Defaults to True. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid base_grid: a Grid to compare against. If None, the grid model and interconnect from the ``scenario`` are used to instantiate a corresponding unmodified Grid. :return: (*pandas.Series*) -- Overnight generation investment cost. If ``sum_results``, indices are technologies and values are total cost. Otherwise, indices are IDs of plants (including storage, which is given pseudo-plant-IDs), and values are individual generator costs. Whether summed or not, values are $USD, inflation-adjusted to today. .. todo:: it currently uses one (arbitrary) sub-technology. The rest of the costs are dropped. Wind and solar will need to be fixed based on the resource supply curves. """ grid_differences = scenario.get_grid() if base_grid is None: base_grid = scenario.get_base_grid() else: _check_grid_models_match(base_grid, grid_differences) # Find change in generation capacity capacity_difference = calculate_plant_difference( base_grid.plant, grid_differences.plant ) grid_differences.plant = grid_differences.plant.assign( Pmax=capacity_difference["diff"].to_numpy() ) grid_differences.plant = grid_differences.plant.query("Pmax >= 0.01") # Find change in storage capacity # Reindex so that we don't get NaN when calculating upgrades for new storage["gen"] =["gen"].reindex(["gen"].index, fill_value=0 )["gen"].Pmax = (["gen"].Pmax -["gen"].Pmax )["gen"]["type"] = "storage" costs = _calculate_gen_inv_costs(grid_differences, year, cost_case, sum_results) return costs
def calculate_ac_inv_costs( scenario, sum_results=True, exclude_branches=None, base_grid=None, ): """Calculate cost of upgrading AC lines and/or transformers in a scenario. NEEM regions are used to find regional multipliers. :param powersimdata.scenario.scenario.Scenario scenario: scenario instance. :param bool sum_results: whether to sum data frame for each branch type. Defaults to True. :param powersimdata.input.grid.Grid base_grid: a Grid to compare against. If None, the grid model and interconnect from the ``scenario`` are used to instantiate a corresponding unmodified Grid. :return: (*dict*) -- keys are {'line_cost', 'transformer_cost'}, values are either float if ``sum_results``, or pandas Series indexed by branch ID. Whether summed or not, values are $USD, inflation-adjusted to today. """ grid_differences = scenario.get_grid() if base_grid is None: base_grid = scenario.get_base_grid() else: _check_grid_models_match(base_grid, grid_differences) # find upgraded AC lines capacity_difference = calculate_branch_difference( base_grid.branch, grid_differences.branch ) grid_differences.branch = grid_differences.branch.assign( rateA=capacity_difference["diff"].to_numpy() ) grid_differences.branch = grid_differences.branch.query("rateA != 0.0") if exclude_branches is not None: present_exclude_branches = set(exclude_branches) & set( grid_differences.branch.index ) grid_differences.branch.drop(index=present_exclude_branches, inplace=True) costs = _calculate_ac_inv_costs(grid_differences, sum_results) return costs
def check_grid_models_match_failure(): grid1 = Grid("Western") grid2 = Grid("Texas") grid2.grid_model == "foo" with pytest.raises(ValueError): _check_grid_models_match(grid1, grid2)
def check_grid_models_match_success(): _check_grid_models_match(Grid("Western"), Grid("Texas"))