コード例 #1
    def _has_libvirt_network_data(self, directory, device_name):
        def _parse_libvirt_file(libvirt_filename):
                xml_data = None
                if libvirt_filename not in self.libvirt_cache:
                    stdout = utils.execute("cat", libvirt_filename, run_as_root=True)[0]
                    xml_data = cElementTree.fromstring(stdout)
                    self.libvirt_cache[libvirt_filename] = xml_data

                    xml_data = self.libvirt_cache[libvirt_filename]

                return xml_data
            except Exception:
                file cannot be parsed as xml, so ignore it though
                log debug message
                LOG.debug("file %s cannot be parsed as xml, ignoring" % libvirt_filename)

            return None

        def _scan_for_bridge(libvirt_xml, device_name):
            net_list = libvirt_xml.findall("network")
            for network in net_list:
                bridge_list = network.findall("bridge")
                ip = network.find("ip")
                for bridge in bridge_list:
                    name = bridge.get("name")
                    LOG.debug("device name = %s, ip = %s" % (device_name, str(ip)))
                    if name == device_name and ip:
                        return True

            return False

        libvirt_dir = directory

        if len(self.libvirt_files) == 0:
            self.libvirt_files = [
                for f in commandlet._list_directory(libvirt_dir, run_as_root=True)
                if commandlet._check_file_exists("%s/%s" % (libvirt_dir, f))

        LOG.debug("libvirt network files = %s" % self.libvirt_files)
        for libvirt_file in self.libvirt_files:
            fname = "%s/%s" % (libvirt_dir, libvirt_file)

            xml_elem = _parse_libvirt_file(fname)
            if not xml_elem:

            if _scan_for_bridge(xml_elem, device_name):
                return True

        return False
コード例 #2
    def _has_ifcfg_data(self, device_name):
        Determine if ifcfg data exists for device.

        :param device_name: A device name to look up such as eth0.
        :return: ifcfg_dict if data exists, {} otherwise.

        ifcfg_dir = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts"

        # The device_name is usually in the ifcfg file name, so check for this
        # case first.
        ifcfg_dict = {}
        fname = "%s/ifcfg-%s" % (ifcfg_dir, device_name)
        LOG.debug("Initial attempt to process %s using ifcfg file %s" % (device_name, fname))
        if fname in self.ifcfg_cache:
            LOG.debug("Using cached ifcfg data")
            ifcfg_dict = self.ifcfg_cache[fname]

        elif commandlet._check_file_exists(fname):
            if fname not in self.ifcfg_cache:
                LOG.debug("Retrieving ifcfg data from system")
                stdout = utils.execute("cat", fname, run_as_root=True)[0]
                ifcfg_dict = self.commandparse.parse_ifcfg(device_name, stdout)
                self.ifcfg_cache[fname] = ifcfg_dict

        # make sure there are no quote around the device name we
        # get from the ifcfg file
        ifcfg_dev_name = re.sub(r'^"|"$', "", ifcfg_dict.get(agent.IFCFG_DEVICE, ""))
        if ifcfg_dev_name == device_name and self._has_ip_config(ifcfg_dict):
            LOG.debug("found ifcfg file in expected location.")
            return ifcfg_dict

        # The ifcfg with the desired device name either does not exist, or
        # contains a different internal device name.  Search all ifcfg files
        # looking for the correct device.

        if len(self.ifcfg_files) == 0:
            self.ifcfg_files = [
                for f in commandlet._list_directory(ifcfg_dir)
                if commandlet._check_file_exists("%s/%s" % (ifcfg_dir, f))
        for ifcfg_file in self.ifcfg_files:
            fname = "%s/%s" % (ifcfg_dir, ifcfg_file)
            LOG.debug("General attempt to process %s using ifcfg file %s" % (device_name, fname))
            if os.access(fname, os.X_OK):
                LOG.debug("%s is executable, will not be processed for ifcfg " "data" % fname)
            if fname not in self.ifcfg_cache:
                LOG.debug("For %s retrieving ifcfg file %s from filesystem" % (device_name, fname))
                stdout = utils.execute("cat", fname, run_as_root=True)[0]
                ifcfg_dict = self.commandparse.parse_ifcfg(device_name, stdout)
                self.ifcfg_cache[fname] = ifcfg_dict

                LOG.debug("Using cached ifcfg data for file %s" % fname)

            # make sure there are no quote around the device name we
            # get from the ifcfg file
            ifcfg_dev_name = re.sub(r'^"|"$', "", self.ifcfg_cache[fname].get(agent.IFCFG_DEVICE, ""))

                "check for match between %s and %s and "
                "ip data in %s" % (ifcfg_dev_name, device_name, str(ifcfg_dict))
            if ifcfg_dev_name == device_name and self._has_ip_config(self.ifcfg_cache[fname]):
                LOG.debug("found ifcfg data in file %s for device %s." % (fname, device_name))
                return self.ifcfg_cache[fname]

        return {}