コード例 #1
ファイル: test_search_client.py プロジェクト: pwei1018/ppr
def test_find_by_account_id(session):
    """Assert that the account search history list first item contains all expected elements."""
    history = SearchClient.find_all_by_account_id('PS12345')
    # print(history)
    assert history
    assert history[0]['searchId']
    assert history[0]['searchDateTime']
    assert history[0]['totalResultsSize']
    assert history[0]['returnedResultsSize']
    assert history[0]['exactResultsSize']
    assert history[0]['selectedResultsSize']
    assert history[0]['searchQuery']
    assert len(history) >= 1
コード例 #2
ファイル: search_history.py プロジェクト: pwei1018/ppr
    def get():
        """Get account search history."""
            # Quick check: must have an account ID.
            account_id = resource_utils.get_account_id(request)
            if account_id is None:
                return resource_utils.account_required_response()

            # Verify request JWT and account ID
            if not authorized(account_id, jwt):
                return resource_utils.unauthorized_error_response(account_id)

            # Try to fetch search history by account id.
            # No results throws a not found business exception.
                f'Fetching search history for {account_id}.')
            history = SearchClient.find_all_by_account_id(account_id)
            return jsonify(history), HTTPStatus.OK

        except BusinessException as exception:
            return resource_utils.business_exception_response(exception)
        except Exception as default_exception:  # noqa: B902; return nicer default error
            return resource_utils.default_exception_response(default_exception)
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_search_client.py プロジェクト: pwei1018/ppr
def test_find_by_account_id_no_result(session):
    """Assert that the find search history by invalid account ID returns the expected result."""
    history = SearchClient.find_all_by_account_id('XXXX345')
    # check
    assert len(history) == 0