コード例 #1
class CT_ShapeNonVisual(BaseShapeElement):
    ``<p:nvSpPr>`` custom element class
    cNvPr = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cNvPr')
    cNvSpPr = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cNvSpPr')
    nvPr = OneAndOnlyOne('p:nvPr')
コード例 #2
class CT_GraphicalObjectFrameNonVisual(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`<p:nvGraphicFramePr>` element.

    This contains the non-visual properties of a graphic frame, such as name, id, etc.

    cNvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cNvPr")
    nvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvPr")
コード例 #3
class CT_PictureNonVisual(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<p:nvPicPr>`` element, containing non-visual properties for a picture

    cNvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cNvPr")
    nvPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvPr")
コード例 #4
class CT_CommonSlideData(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`p:cSld` element."""

    _tag_seq = ("p:bg", "p:spTree", "p:custDataLst", "p:controls", "p:extLst")
    bg = ZeroOrOne("p:bg", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    spTree = OneAndOnlyOne("p:spTree")
    del _tag_seq
    name = OptionalAttribute("name", XsdString, default="")

    def get_or_add_bgPr(self):
        """Return `p:bg/p:bgPr` grandchild.

        If no such grandchild is present, any existing `p:bg` child is first
        removed and a new default `p:bg` with noFill settings is added.
        bg = self.bg
        if bg is None or bg.bgPr is None:
        return self.bg.bgPr

    def _change_to_noFill_bg(self):
        """Establish a `p:bg` child with no-fill settings.

        Any existing `p:bg` child is first removed.
        bg = self.get_or_add_bg()
        return bg
コード例 #5
class CT_RegularTextRun(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`a:r` custom element class"""

    rPr = ZeroOrOne("a:rPr", successors=("a:t", ))
    t = OneAndOnlyOne("a:t")

    def text(self):
        """(unicode) str containing text of (required) `a:t` child"""
        text = self.t.text
        # t.text is None when t element is empty, e.g. '<a:t/>'
        return to_unicode(text) if text is not None else ""

    def text(self, str):
        """*str* is unicode value to replace run text."""
        self.t.text = self._escape_ctrl_chars(str)

    def _escape_ctrl_chars(s):
        """Return str after replacing each control character with a plain-text escape.

        For example, a BEL character (x07) would appear as "_x0007_". Horizontal-tab
        (x09) and line-feed (x0A) are not escaped. All other characters in the range
        x00-x1F are escaped.
        return re.sub(r"([\x00-\x08\x0B-\x1F])",
                      lambda match: "_x%04X_" % ord(match.group(1)), s)
コード例 #6
class CT_NotesSlide(BaseOxmlElement):
	``<p:notes>`` element, root of a notesSlide part
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cSld')
    clrMapOvr = ZeroOrOne('p:clrMapOvr',
                          successors=('p:transition', 'p:timing', 'p:extLst'))

    def new(cls):
		Return a new ``<p:notes>`` element configured as a base slide shape.
        return parse_xml(cls._notes_xml())

    def _notes_xml():
        """From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg278319%28v=office.15%29.aspx#sectionSection4
        return (
            '<p:notes %s>\n'
            '   <p:cSld>\n'
            '     <p:spTree>\n'
            '       <p:nvGrpSpPr>\n'
            '         <p:cNvPr id="1"\n'
            '                  name="" />\n'
            '         <p:cNvGrpSpPr />\n'
            '         <p:nvPr />\n'
            '       </p:nvGrpSpPr>\n'
            '       <p:grpSpPr>\n'
            '         <a:xfrm xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '       </p:grpSpPr>\n'
            '       <p:sp>\n'
            '         <p:nvSpPr>\n'
            '           <p:cNvPr id="2"\n'
            '                    name="" />\n'
            '           <p:cNvSpPr>\n'
            '             <a:spLocks noGrp="1"\n'
            '                        xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '           </p:cNvSpPr>\n'
            '           <p:nvPr>\n'
            '             <p:ph />\n'
            '           </p:nvPr>\n'
            '         </p:nvSpPr>\n'
            '         <p:spPr />\n'
            '         <p:txBody>\n'
            '           <a:bodyPr xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '           <a:lstStyle xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '           <a:p xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main">\n'
            '             <a:endParaRPr />\n'
            '           </a:p>\n'
            '         </p:txBody>\n'
            '       </p:sp>\n'
            '     </p:spTree>\n'
            '   </p:cSld>\n'
            '   <p:clrMapOvr>\n'
            '     <a:masterClrMapping xmlns:a="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main" />\n'
            '  </p:clrMapOvr>\n'
            '</p:notes>\n' % nsdecls('p', 'a', 'r'))
コード例 #7
class CT_SlideLayout(_BaseSlideElement):
    ``<p:sldLayout>`` element, root of a slide layout part
    _tag_seq = ('p:cSld', 'p:clrMapOvr', 'p:transition', 'p:timing', 'p:hf',
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cSld')
    del _tag_seq
コード例 #8
class CT_SlideLayout(_BaseSlideElement):
    ``<p:sldLayout>`` element, root of a slide layout part

    _tag_seq = ("p:cSld", "p:clrMapOvr", "p:transition", "p:timing", "p:hf", "p:extLst")
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cSld")
    del _tag_seq
コード例 #9
class CT_SlideMaster(_BaseSlideElement):
    ``<p:sldMaster>`` element, root of a slide master part
    _tag_seq = ('p:cSld', 'p:clrMap', 'p:sldLayoutIdLst', 'p:transition',
                'p:timing', 'p:hf', 'p:txStyles', 'p:extLst')
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cSld')
    sldLayoutIdLst = ZeroOrOne('p:sldLayoutIdLst', successors=_tag_seq[3:])
    del _tag_seq
コード例 #10
class ThemeDefinition(CT_OfficeStyleSheet):
    name = RequiredAttribute("name", XsdString)
    themeElements = OneAndOnlyOne("a:themeElements")

    def new(cls, xml):
        """Return theme definition"""
        t = oxml.parse_xml(xml)
        return t
コード例 #11
class CT_SlideMasterUpdated(_BaseSlideElement):
    ``<p:sldMaster>`` element, root of a slide master part

    _tag_seq = (
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cSld")
    clrMap = OneAndOnlyOne("p:clrMap")  ### We need access to clrMap
    sldLayoutIdLst = ZeroOrOne("p:sldLayoutIdLst", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
    del _tag_seq
コード例 #12
ファイル: text.py プロジェクト: rathaotoki/python-pptx
class CT_RegularTextRun(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`a:r` custom element class"""

    rPr = ZeroOrOne('a:rPr', successors=('a:t', ))
    t = OneAndOnlyOne('a:t')

    def text(self):
        """(unicode) str containing text of (required) `a:t` child"""
        text = self.t.text
        # t.text is None when t element is empty, e.g. '<a:t/>'
        return to_unicode(text) if text is not None else u''
コード例 #13
class CT_GraphicalObject(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<a:graphic>`` element, which is the container for the reference to or
    definition of the framed graphical object (table, chart, etc.).

    graphicData = OneAndOnlyOne("a:graphicData")

    def chart(self):
        The ``<c:chart>`` grandchild element, or |None| if not present.
        return self.graphicData.chart
コード例 #14
class CT_NotesMaster(_BaseSlideElement):
    ``<p:notesMaster>`` element, root of a notes master part
    _tag_seq = ('p:cSld', 'p:clrMap', 'p:hf', 'p:notesStyle', 'p:extLst')
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cSld')
    del _tag_seq

    def new_default(cls):
        Return a new ``<p:notesMaster>`` element based on the built-in
        default template.
        return parse_from_template('notesMaster')
コード例 #15
class CT_RegularTextRun(BaseOxmlElement):
    Custom element class for <a:r> elements.
    rPr = ZeroOrOne('a:rPr', successors=('a:t', ))
    t = OneAndOnlyOne('a:t')

    def text(self):
        The text of the ``<a:t>`` child element.
        text = self.t.text
        # t.text is None when t element is empty, e.g. '<a:t/>'
        return to_unicode(text) if text is not None else u''
コード例 #16
class CT_Parent(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<p:parent>`` element, an invented element for use in testing.
    eg_zooChoice = ZeroOrOneChoice(
        (Choice('p:choice'), Choice('p:choice2')),
        successors=('p:oomChild', 'p:oooChild')
    oomChild = OneOrMore('p:oomChild', successors=(
        'p:oooChild', 'p:zomChild', 'p:zooChild'
    oooChild = OneAndOnlyOne('p:oooChild')
    zomChild = ZeroOrMore('p:zomChild', successors=('p:zooChild',))
    zooChild = ZeroOrOne('p:zooChild', successors=())
    optAttr = OptionalAttribute('p:optAttr', ST_IntegerType)
    reqAttr = RequiredAttribute('reqAttr', ST_IntegerType)
コード例 #17
class CT_NotesSlide(_BaseSlideElement):
    ``<p:notes>`` element, root of a notes slide part
    _tag_seq = ('p:cSld', 'p:clrMapOvr', 'p:extLst')
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cSld')
    del _tag_seq

    def new(cls):
        Return a new ``<p:notes>`` element based on the default template.
        Note that the template does not include placeholders, which must be
        subsequently cloned from the notes master.
        return parse_from_template('notes')
コード例 #18
ファイル: cust_geom.py プロジェクト: cchanrhiza/python-pptx
class CT_Path2DLineTo(BaseOxmlElement):

    pt = OneAndOnlyOne('a:pt')

    def new(cls):
        xml = cls._tmpl()
        return parse_xml(xml)

    def _tmpl(self):
        return (
                '<a:lnTo %s>\n'
                '   <a:pt x="%s" y="%s" />\n'
        ) % (nsdecls('a'), '%d', '%d')
コード例 #19
class CT_DateAx(BaseAxisElement):
    """`c:dateAx` element, defining a date (category) axis."""

    _tag_seq = (
    scaling = OneAndOnlyOne("c:scaling")
    delete_ = ZeroOrOne("c:delete", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
    majorGridlines = ZeroOrOne("c:majorGridlines", successors=_tag_seq[5:])
    minorGridlines = ZeroOrOne("c:minorGridlines", successors=_tag_seq[6:])
    title = ZeroOrOne("c:title", successors=_tag_seq[7:])
    numFmt = ZeroOrOne("c:numFmt", successors=_tag_seq[8:])
    majorTickMark = ZeroOrOne("c:majorTickMark", successors=_tag_seq[9:])
    minorTickMark = ZeroOrOne("c:minorTickMark", successors=_tag_seq[10:])
    tickLblPos = ZeroOrOne("c:tickLblPos", successors=_tag_seq[11:])
    spPr = ZeroOrOne("c:spPr", successors=_tag_seq[12:])
    txPr = ZeroOrOne("c:txPr", successors=_tag_seq[13:])
    crosses = ZeroOrOne("c:crosses", successors=_tag_seq[15:])
    crossesAt = ZeroOrOne("c:crossesAt", successors=_tag_seq[16:])
    lblOffset = ZeroOrOne("c:lblOffset", successors=_tag_seq[18:])
    del _tag_seq
コード例 #20
class CT_ValAx(BaseAxisElement):
    """`c:valAx` element, defining a value axis."""

    _tag_seq = (
    scaling = OneAndOnlyOne("c:scaling")
    delete_ = ZeroOrOne("c:delete", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
    majorGridlines = ZeroOrOne("c:majorGridlines", successors=_tag_seq[5:])
    minorGridlines = ZeroOrOne("c:minorGridlines", successors=_tag_seq[6:])
    title = ZeroOrOne("c:title", successors=_tag_seq[7:])
    numFmt = ZeroOrOne("c:numFmt", successors=_tag_seq[8:])
    majorTickMark = ZeroOrOne("c:majorTickMark", successors=_tag_seq[9:])
    minorTickMark = ZeroOrOne("c:minorTickMark", successors=_tag_seq[10:])
    tickLblPos = ZeroOrOne("c:tickLblPos", successors=_tag_seq[11:])
    spPr = ZeroOrOne("c:spPr", successors=_tag_seq[12:])
    txPr = ZeroOrOne("c:txPr", successors=_tag_seq[13:])
    crossAx = ZeroOrOne("c:crossAx", successors=_tag_seq[14:])
    crosses = ZeroOrOne("c:crosses", successors=_tag_seq[15:])
    crossesAt = ZeroOrOne("c:crossesAt", successors=_tag_seq[16:])
    majorUnit = ZeroOrOne("c:majorUnit", successors=_tag_seq[18:])
    minorUnit = ZeroOrOne("c:minorUnit", successors=_tag_seq[19:])
    del _tag_seq
コード例 #21
class CT_SlideNotes(BaseOxmlElement):
    # This is a hack.
    notes_id = 1000
    ``<p:notes>`` element, root of a notesSlide part
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cSld')
    clrMapOvr = ZeroOrOne('p:clrMapOvr',
                          successors=('p:transition', 'p:timing', 'p:extLst'))

    def new(cls):
        Return a new ``<p:notes>`` element configured as a base slide shape.
        return parse_xml(cls._notes_xml())

    def _notes_xml():
        """From http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/gg278319%28v=office.15%29.aspx#sectionSection4
        return ('<p:notes %s>\n'
                '  <p:cSld>\n'
                '    <p:spTree>\n'
                '      <p:nvGrpSpPr>\n'
                '        <p:cNvPr id="1" name=""/>\n'
                '        <p:cNvGrpSpPr/>\n'
                '        <p:nvPr/>\n'
                '      </p:nvGrpSpPr>\n'
                '      <p:grpSpPr/>\n'
                '    </p:spTree>\n'
                '  </p:cSld>\n'
                '  <p:clrMapOvr>\n'
                '    <a:masterClrMapping/>\n'
                '  </p:clrMapOvr>\n'
                '</p:notes>\n' % nsdecls('p', 'a', 'r'))
コード例 #22
ファイル: chart.py プロジェクト: handwriter/python-pptx
class CT_ChartSpace(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`c:chartSpace` root element of a chart part."""

    _tag_seq = (
    date1904 = ZeroOrOne("c:date1904", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    style = ZeroOrOne("c:style", successors=_tag_seq[4:])
    chart = OneAndOnlyOne("c:chart")
    txPr = ZeroOrOne("c:txPr", successors=_tag_seq[10:])
    externalData = ZeroOrOne("c:externalData", successors=_tag_seq[11:])
    del _tag_seq

    def catAx_lst(self):
        return self.chart.plotArea.catAx_lst

    def date_1904(self):
        Return |True| if the `c:date1904` child element resolves truthy,
        |False| otherwise. This value indicates whether date number values
        are based on the 1900 or 1904 epoch.
        date1904 = self.date1904
        if date1904 is None:
            return False
        return date1904.val

    def dateAx_lst(self):
        return self.xpath("c:chart/c:plotArea/c:dateAx")

    def get_or_add_title(self):
        """Return the `c:title` grandchild, newly created if not present."""
        return self.chart.get_or_add_title()

    def plotArea(self):
        Return the required `c:chartSpace/c:chart/c:plotArea` grandchild
        return self.chart.plotArea

    def valAx_lst(self):
        return self.chart.plotArea.valAx_lst

    def xlsx_part_rId(self):
        The string in the required ``r:id`` attribute of the
        `<c:externalData>` child, or |None| if no externalData element is
        externalData = self.externalData
        if externalData is None:
            return None
        return externalData.rId

    def _add_externalData(self):
        Always add a ``<c:autoUpdate val="0"/>`` child so auto-updating
        behavior is off by default.
        externalData = self._new_externalData()
        return externalData

    def _new_txPr(self):
        return CT_TextBody.new_txPr()
コード例 #23
ファイル: chart.py プロジェクト: handwriter/python-pptx
class CT_Chart(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`c:chart` custom element class."""

    _tag_seq = (
    title = ZeroOrOne("c:title", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    autoTitleDeleted = ZeroOrOne("c:autoTitleDeleted", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
    plotArea = OneAndOnlyOne("c:plotArea")
    legend = ZeroOrOne("c:legend", successors=_tag_seq[9:])
    rId = RequiredAttribute("r:id", XsdString)

    _chart_tmpl = '<c:chart %s %s r:id="%%s"/>' % (nsdecls("c"), nsdecls("r"))

    def has_legend(self):
        True if this chart has a legend defined, False otherwise.
        legend = self.legend
        if legend is None:
            return False
        return True

    def has_legend(self, bool_value):
        Add, remove, or leave alone the ``<c:legend>`` child element depending
        on current state and *bool_value*. If *bool_value* is |True| and no
        ``<c:legend>`` element is present, a new default element is added.
        When |False|, any existing legend element is removed.
        if bool(bool_value) is False:
            if self.legend is None:

    def new_chart(rId):
        Return a new ``<c:chart>`` element
        xml = CT_Chart._chart_tmpl % (rId)
        chart = parse_xml(xml)
        return chart

    def _new_title(self):
        return CT_Title.new_title()
コード例 #24
class CT_TextBody(BaseOxmlElement):
    ``<p:txBody>`` custom element class, also used for ``<c:txPr>`` in
    charts and perhaps other elements.
    bodyPr = OneAndOnlyOne('a:bodyPr')
    p = OneOrMore('a:p')

    def defRPr(self):
        ``<a:defRPr>`` element of required first ``p`` child, added with its
        ancestors if not present. Used when element is a ``<c:txPr>`` in
        a chart and the ``p`` element is used only to specify formatting, not
        p = self.p_lst[0]
        pPr = p.get_or_add_pPr()
        defRPr = pPr.get_or_add_defRPr()
        return defRPr

    def new(cls):
        Return a new ``<p:txBody>`` element tree
        xml = cls._txBody_tmpl()
        txBody = parse_xml(xml)
        return txBody

    def new_a_txBody(cls):
        Return a new ``<a:txBody>`` element tree, suitable for use in a table
        cell and possibly other situations.
        xml = cls._a_txBody_tmpl()
        txBody = parse_xml(xml)
        return txBody

    def new_p_txBody(cls):
        Return a new ``<p:txBody>`` element tree, suitable for use in an
        ``<p:sp>`` element.
        xml = cls._p_txBody_tmpl()
        return parse_xml(xml)

    def new_txPr(cls):
        Return a ``<c:txPr>`` element tree suitable for use in a chart object
        like data labels or tick labels.
        xml = ('<c:txPr %s>\n'
               '  <a:bodyPr/>\n'
               '  <a:lstStyle/>\n'
               '  <a:p>\n'
               '    <a:pPr>\n'
               '      <a:defRPr/>\n'
               '    </a:pPr>\n'
               '  </a:p>\n'
               '</c:txPr>\n') % nsdecls('c', 'a')
        txPr = parse_xml(xml)
        return txPr

    def _a_txBody_tmpl(cls):
        return ('<a:txBody %s>\n'
                '  <a:bodyPr/>\n'
                '  <a:p/>\n'
                '</a:txBody>\n' % (nsdecls('a')))

    def _p_txBody_tmpl(cls):
        return ('<p:txBody %s>\n'
                '  <a:bodyPr/>\n'
                '  <a:p/>\n'
                '</p:txBody>\n' % (nsdecls('p', 'a')))

    def _txBody_tmpl(cls):
        return ('<p:txBody %s>\n'
                '  <a:bodyPr/>\n'
                '  <a:lstStyle/>\n'
                '  <a:p/>\n'
                '</p:txBody>\n' % (nsdecls('a', 'p')))
コード例 #25
ファイル: autoshape.py プロジェクト: handwriter/python-pptx
class CT_Shape(BaseShapeElement):
    ``<p:sp>`` custom element class

    nvSpPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:nvSpPr")
    spPr = OneAndOnlyOne("p:spPr")
    txBody = ZeroOrOne("p:txBody", successors=("p:extLst", ))

    def add_path(self, w, h):
        """Reference to `a:custGeom` descendant or |None| if not present."""
        custGeom = self.spPr.custGeom
        if custGeom is None:
            raise ValueError("shape must be freeform")
        pathLst = custGeom.get_or_add_pathLst()
        return pathLst.add_path(w=w, h=h)

    def get_or_add_ln(self):
        Return the <a:ln> grandchild element, newly added if not present.
        return self.spPr.get_or_add_ln()

    def has_custom_geometry(self):
        """True if this shape has custom geometry, i.e. is a freeform shape.

        A shape has custom geometry if it has a `p:spPr/a:custGeom`
        descendant (instead of `p:spPr/a:prstGeom`).
        return self.spPr.custGeom is not None

    def is_autoshape(self):
        True if this shape is an auto shape. A shape is an auto shape if it
        has a ``<a:prstGeom>`` element and does not have a txBox="1" attribute
        on cNvSpPr.
        prstGeom = self.prstGeom
        if prstGeom is None:
            return False
        if self.nvSpPr.cNvSpPr.txBox is True:
            return False
        return True

    def is_textbox(self):
        True if this shape is a text box. A shape is a text box if it has a
        ``txBox`` attribute on cNvSpPr that resolves to |True|. The default
        when the txBox attribute is missing is |False|.
        if self.nvSpPr.cNvSpPr.txBox is True:
            return True
        return False

    def ln(self):
        ``<a:ln>`` grand-child element or |None| if not present
        return self.spPr.ln

    def new_autoshape_sp(id_, name, prst, left, top, width, height):
        Return a new ``<p:sp>`` element tree configured as a base auto shape.
        tmpl = CT_Shape._autoshape_sp_tmpl()
        xml = tmpl % (id_, name, left, top, width, height, prst)
        sp = parse_xml(xml)
        return sp

    def new_freeform_sp(shape_id, name, x, y, cx, cy):
        """Return new `p:sp` element tree configured as freeform shape.

        The returned shape has a `a:custGeom` subtree but no paths in its
        path list.
        tmpl = CT_Shape._freeform_sp_tmpl()
        xml = tmpl % (shape_id, name, x, y, cx, cy)
        sp = parse_xml(xml)
        return sp

    def new_placeholder_sp(id_, name, ph_type, orient, sz, idx):
        Return a new ``<p:sp>`` element tree configured as a placeholder
        tmpl = CT_Shape._ph_sp_tmpl()
        xml = tmpl % (id_, name)
        sp = parse_xml(xml)

        ph = sp.nvSpPr.nvPr.get_or_add_ph()
        ph.type = ph_type
        ph.idx = idx
        ph.orient = orient
        ph.sz = sz

        placeholder_types_that_have_a_text_frame = (

        if ph_type in placeholder_types_that_have_a_text_frame:

        return sp

    def new_textbox_sp(id_, name, left, top, width, height):
        Return a new ``<p:sp>`` element tree configured as a base textbox
        tmpl = CT_Shape._textbox_sp_tmpl()
        xml = tmpl % (id_, name, left, top, width, height)
        sp = parse_xml(xml)
        return sp

    def prst(self):
        Value of ``prst`` attribute of ``<a:prstGeom>`` element or |None| if
        not present.
        prstGeom = self.prstGeom
        if prstGeom is None:
            return None
        return prstGeom.prst

    def prstGeom(self):
        Reference to ``<a:prstGeom>`` child element or |None| if this shape
        doesn't have one, for example, if it's a placeholder shape.
        return self.spPr.prstGeom

    def _autoshape_sp_tmpl():
        return ("<p:sp %s>\n"
                "  <p:nvSpPr>\n"
                '    <p:cNvPr id="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
                "    <p:cNvSpPr/>\n"
                "    <p:nvPr/>\n"
                "  </p:nvSpPr>\n"
                "  <p:spPr>\n"
                "    <a:xfrm>\n"
                '      <a:off x="%s" y="%s"/>\n'
                '      <a:ext cx="%s" cy="%s"/>\n'
                "    </a:xfrm>\n"
                '    <a:prstGeom prst="%s">\n'
                "      <a:avLst/>\n"
                "    </a:prstGeom>\n"
                "  </p:spPr>\n"
                "  <p:style>\n"
                '    <a:lnRef idx="1">\n'
                '      <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
                "    </a:lnRef>\n"
                '    <a:fillRef idx="3">\n'
                '      <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
                "    </a:fillRef>\n"
                '    <a:effectRef idx="2">\n'
                '      <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
                "    </a:effectRef>\n"
                '    <a:fontRef idx="minor">\n'
                '      <a:schemeClr val="lt1"/>\n'
                "    </a:fontRef>\n"
                "  </p:style>\n"
                "  <p:txBody>\n"
                '    <a:bodyPr rtlCol="0" anchor="ctr"/>\n'
                "    <a:lstStyle/>\n"
                "    <a:p>\n"
                '      <a:pPr algn="ctr"/>\n'
                "    </a:p>\n"
                "  </p:txBody>\n"
                "</p:sp>" %
                (nsdecls("a", "p"), "%d", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%s"))

    def _freeform_sp_tmpl():
        return ("<p:sp %s>\n"
                "  <p:nvSpPr>\n"
                '    <p:cNvPr id="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
                "    <p:cNvSpPr/>\n"
                "    <p:nvPr/>\n"
                "  </p:nvSpPr>\n"
                "  <p:spPr>\n"
                "    <a:xfrm>\n"
                '      <a:off x="%s" y="%s"/>\n'
                '      <a:ext cx="%s" cy="%s"/>\n'
                "    </a:xfrm>\n"
                "    <a:custGeom>\n"
                "      <a:avLst/>\n"
                "      <a:gdLst/>\n"
                "      <a:ahLst/>\n"
                "      <a:cxnLst/>\n"
                '      <a:rect l="l" t="t" r="r" b="b"/>\n'
                "      <a:pathLst/>\n"
                "    </a:custGeom>\n"
                "  </p:spPr>\n"
                "  <p:style>\n"
                '    <a:lnRef idx="1">\n'
                '      <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
                "    </a:lnRef>\n"
                '    <a:fillRef idx="3">\n'
                '      <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
                "    </a:fillRef>\n"
                '    <a:effectRef idx="2">\n'
                '      <a:schemeClr val="accent1"/>\n'
                "    </a:effectRef>\n"
                '    <a:fontRef idx="minor">\n'
                '      <a:schemeClr val="lt1"/>\n'
                "    </a:fontRef>\n"
                "  </p:style>\n"
                "  <p:txBody>\n"
                '    <a:bodyPr rtlCol="0" anchor="ctr"/>\n'
                "    <a:lstStyle/>\n"
                "    <a:p>\n"
                '      <a:pPr algn="ctr"/>\n'
                "    </a:p>\n"
                "  </p:txBody>\n"
                "</p:sp>" %
                (nsdecls("a", "p"), "%d", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%d"))

    def _new_txBody(self):
        return CT_TextBody.new_p_txBody()

    def _ph_sp_tmpl():
        return ("<p:sp %s>\n"
                "  <p:nvSpPr>\n"
                '    <p:cNvPr id="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
                "    <p:cNvSpPr>\n"
                '      <a:spLocks noGrp="1"/>\n'
                "    </p:cNvSpPr>\n"
                "    <p:nvPr/>\n"
                "  </p:nvSpPr>\n"
                "  <p:spPr/>\n"
                "</p:sp>" % (nsdecls("a", "p"), "%d", "%s"))

    def _textbox_sp_tmpl():
        return ("<p:sp %s>\n"
                "  <p:nvSpPr>\n"
                '    <p:cNvPr id="%s" name="%s"/>\n'
                '    <p:cNvSpPr txBox="1"/>\n'
                "    <p:nvPr/>\n"
                "  </p:nvSpPr>\n"
                "  <p:spPr>\n"
                "    <a:xfrm>\n"
                '      <a:off x="%s" y="%s"/>\n'
                '      <a:ext cx="%s" cy="%s"/>\n'
                "    </a:xfrm>\n"
                '    <a:prstGeom prst="rect">\n'
                "      <a:avLst/>\n"
                "    </a:prstGeom>\n"
                "    <a:noFill/>\n"
                "  </p:spPr>\n"
                "  <p:txBody>\n"
                '    <a:bodyPr wrap="none">\n'
                "      <a:spAutoFit/>\n"
                "    </a:bodyPr>\n"
                "    <a:lstStyle/>\n"
                "    <a:p/>\n"
                "  </p:txBody>\n"
                "</p:sp>" %
                (nsdecls("a", "p"), "%d", "%s", "%d", "%d", "%d", "%d"))
コード例 #26
class CT_Slide(_BaseSlideElement):
    """`p:sld` element, root element of a slide part (XML document)."""

    _tag_seq = ("p:cSld", "p:clrMapOvr", "p:transition", "p:timing", "p:extLst")
    cSld = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cSld")
    clrMapOvr = ZeroOrOne("p:clrMapOvr", successors=_tag_seq[2:])
    timing = ZeroOrOne("p:timing", successors=_tag_seq[4:])
    del _tag_seq

    def new(cls):
        """Return new `p:sld` element configured as base slide shape."""
        return parse_xml(cls._sld_xml())

    def bg(self):
        """Return `p:bg` grandchild or None if not present."""
        return self.cSld.bg

    def get_or_add_childTnLst(self):
        """Return parent element for a new `p:video` child element.

        The `p:video` element causes play controls to appear under a video
        shape (pic shape containing video). There can be more than one video
        shape on a slide, which causes the precondition to vary. It needs to
        handle the case when there is no `p:sld/p:timing` element and when
        that element already exists. If the case isn't simple, it just nukes
        what's there and adds a fresh one. This could theoretically remove
        desired existing timing information, but there isn't any evidence
        available to me one way or the other, so I've taken the simple
        childTnLst = self._childTnLst
        if childTnLst is None:
            childTnLst = self._add_childTnLst()
        return childTnLst

    def _add_childTnLst(self):
        """Add `./p:timing/p:tnLst/p:par/p:cTn/p:childTnLst` descendant.

        Any existing `p:timing` child element is ruthlessly removed and
        timing = parse_xml(self._childTnLst_timing_xml())
        return timing.xpath("./p:tnLst/p:par/p:cTn/p:childTnLst")[0]

    def _childTnLst(self):
        """Return `./p:timing/p:tnLst/p:par/p:cTn/p:childTnLst` descendant.

        Return None if that element is not present.
        childTnLsts = self.xpath("./p:timing/p:tnLst/p:par/p:cTn/p:childTnLst")
        if not childTnLsts:
            return None
        return childTnLsts[0]

    def _childTnLst_timing_xml():
        return (
            "<p:timing %s>\n"
            "  <p:tnLst>\n"
            "    <p:par>\n"
            '      <p:cTn id="1" dur="indefinite" restart="never" nodeType="'
            "        <p:childTnLst/>\n"
            "      </p:cTn>\n"
            "    </p:par>\n"
            "  </p:tnLst>\n"
            "</p:timing>" % nsdecls("p")

    def _sld_xml():
        return (
            "<p:sld %s>\n"
            "  <p:cSld>\n"
            "    <p:spTree>\n"
            "      <p:nvGrpSpPr>\n"
            '        <p:cNvPr id="1" name=""/>\n'
            "        <p:cNvGrpSpPr/>\n"
            "        <p:nvPr/>\n"
            "      </p:nvGrpSpPr>\n"
            "      <p:grpSpPr/>\n"
            "    </p:spTree>\n"
            "  </p:cSld>\n"
            "  <p:clrMapOvr>\n"
            "    <a:masterClrMapping/>\n"
            "  </p:clrMapOvr>\n"
            "</p:sld>" % nsdecls("a", "p", "r")
コード例 #27
class CT_Table(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`a:tbl` custom element class"""

    _tag_seq = ("a:tblPr", "a:tblGrid", "a:tr")
    tblPr = ZeroOrOne("a:tblPr", successors=_tag_seq[1:])
    tblGrid = OneAndOnlyOne("a:tblGrid")
    tr = ZeroOrMore("a:tr", successors=_tag_seq[3:])
    del _tag_seq

    def add_tr(self, height):
        Return a reference to a newly created <a:tr> child element having its
        ``h`` attribute set to *height*.
        return self._add_tr(h=height)

    def bandCol(self):
        return self._get_boolean_property("bandCol")

    def bandCol(self, value):
        self._set_boolean_property("bandCol", value)

    def bandRow(self):
        return self._get_boolean_property("bandRow")

    def bandRow(self, value):
        self._set_boolean_property("bandRow", value)

    def firstCol(self):
        return self._get_boolean_property("firstCol")

    def firstCol(self, value):
        self._set_boolean_property("firstCol", value)

    def firstRow(self):
        return self._get_boolean_property("firstRow")

    def firstRow(self, value):
        self._set_boolean_property("firstRow", value)

    def iter_tcs(self):
        """Generate each `a:tc` element in this tbl.

        tc elements are generated left-to-right, top-to-bottom.
        return (tc for tr in self.tr_lst for tc in tr.tc_lst)

    def lastCol(self):
        return self._get_boolean_property("lastCol")

    def lastCol(self, value):
        self._set_boolean_property("lastCol", value)

    def lastRow(self):
        return self._get_boolean_property("lastRow")

    def lastRow(self, value):
        self._set_boolean_property("lastRow", value)

    def new_tbl(cls, rows, cols, width, height, tableStyleId=None):
        """Return a new ``<p:tbl>`` element tree."""
        # working hypothesis is this is the default table style GUID
        if tableStyleId is None:
            tableStyleId = "{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}"

        xml = cls._tbl_tmpl() % (tableStyleId)
        tbl = parse_xml(xml)

        # add specified number of rows and columns
        rowheight = height // rows
        colwidth = width // cols

        for col in range(cols):
            # adjust width of last col to absorb any div error
            if col == cols - 1:
                colwidth = width - ((cols - 1) * colwidth)

        for row in range(rows):
            # adjust height of last row to absorb any div error
            if row == rows - 1:
                rowheight = height - ((rows - 1) * rowheight)
            tr = tbl.add_tr(height=rowheight)
            for col in range(cols):

        return tbl

    def tc(self, row_idx, col_idx):
        """Return `a:tc` element at *row_idx*, *col_idx*."""
        return self.tr_lst[row_idx].tc_lst[col_idx]

    def _get_boolean_property(self, propname):
        Generalized getter for the boolean properties on the ``<a:tblPr>``
        child element. Defaults to False if *propname* attribute is missing
        or ``<a:tblPr>`` element itself is not present.
        tblPr = self.tblPr
        if tblPr is None:
            return False
        propval = getattr(tblPr, propname)
        return {True: True, False: False, None: False}[propval]

    def _set_boolean_property(self, propname, value):
        Generalized setter for boolean properties on the ``<a:tblPr>`` child
        element, setting *propname* attribute appropriately based on *value*.
        If *value* is True, the attribute is set to "1"; a tblPr child
        element is added if necessary. If *value* is False, the *propname*
        attribute is removed if present, allowing its default value of False
        to be its effective value.
        if value not in (True, False):
            raise ValueError(
                "assigned value must be either True or False, got %s" % value
        tblPr = self.get_or_add_tblPr()
        setattr(tblPr, propname, value)

    def _tbl_tmpl(cls):
        return (
            "<a:tbl %s>\n"
            '  <a:tblPr firstRow="1" bandRow="1">\n'
            "    <a:tableStyleId>%s</a:tableStyleId>\n"
            "  </a:tblPr>\n"
            "  <a:tblGrid/>\n"
            "</a:tbl>" % (nsdecls("a"), "%s")
コード例 #28
ファイル: groupshape.py プロジェクト: Ignisor/python-pptx
class CT_GroupShapeNonVisual(BaseShapeElement):
    ``<p:nvGrpSpPr>`` element.
    cNvPr = OneAndOnlyOne('p:cNvPr')
コード例 #29
class CT_TextBody(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`p:txBody` custom element class.

    Also used for `c:txPr` in charts and perhaps other elements.

    bodyPr = OneAndOnlyOne("a:bodyPr")
    p = OneOrMore("a:p")

    def clear_content(self):
        """Remove all `a:p` children, but leave any others.

        cf. lxml `_Element.clear()` method which removes all children.
        for p in self.p_lst:

    def defRPr(self):
        ``<a:defRPr>`` element of required first ``p`` child, added with its
        ancestors if not present. Used when element is a ``<c:txPr>`` in
        a chart and the ``p`` element is used only to specify formatting, not
        p = self.p_lst[0]
        pPr = p.get_or_add_pPr()
        defRPr = pPr.get_or_add_defRPr()
        return defRPr

    def is_empty(self):
        """True if only a single empty `a:p` element is present."""
        ps = self.p_lst
        if len(ps) > 1:
            return False

        if not ps:
            raise InvalidXmlError("p:txBody must have at least one a:p")

        if ps[0].text != "":
            return False
        return True

    def new(cls):
        Return a new ``<p:txBody>`` element tree
        xml = cls._txBody_tmpl()
        txBody = parse_xml(xml)
        return txBody

    def new_a_txBody(cls):
        Return a new ``<a:txBody>`` element tree, suitable for use in a table
        cell and possibly other situations.
        xml = cls._a_txBody_tmpl()
        txBody = parse_xml(xml)
        return txBody

    def new_p_txBody(cls):
        Return a new ``<p:txBody>`` element tree, suitable for use in an
        ``<p:sp>`` element.
        xml = cls._p_txBody_tmpl()
        return parse_xml(xml)

    def new_txPr(cls):
        Return a ``<c:txPr>`` element tree suitable for use in a chart object
        like data labels or tick labels.
        xml = ("<c:txPr %s>\n"
               "  <a:bodyPr/>\n"
               "  <a:lstStyle/>\n"
               "  <a:p>\n"
               "    <a:pPr>\n"
               "      <a:defRPr/>\n"
               "    </a:pPr>\n"
               "  </a:p>\n"
               "</c:txPr>\n") % nsdecls("c", "a")
        txPr = parse_xml(xml)
        return txPr

    def unclear_content(self):
        """Ensure p:txBody has at least one a:p child.

        Intuitively, reverse a ".clear_content()" operation to minimum
        conformance with spec (single empty paragraph).
        if len(self.p_lst) > 0:

    def _a_txBody_tmpl(cls):
        return ("<a:txBody %s>\n"
                "  <a:bodyPr/>\n"
                "  <a:p/>\n"
                "</a:txBody>\n" % (nsdecls("a")))

    def _p_txBody_tmpl(cls):
        return ("<p:txBody %s>\n"
                "  <a:bodyPr/>\n"
                "  <a:p/>\n"
                "</p:txBody>\n" % (nsdecls("p", "a")))

    def _txBody_tmpl(cls):
        return ("<p:txBody %s>\n"
                "  <a:bodyPr/>\n"
                "  <a:lstStyle/>\n"
                "  <a:p/>\n"
                "</p:txBody>\n" % (nsdecls("a", "p")))
コード例 #30
class CT_TLMediaNodeVideo(BaseOxmlElement):
    """`p:video` element, specifying video media details."""

    _tag_seq = ("p:cMediaNode",)
    cMediaNode = OneAndOnlyOne("p:cMediaNode")
    del _tag_seq