コード例 #1
ファイル: pqEdit.py プロジェクト: tallforasmurf/PPQT
 def load(self, dataStream, metaStream, goodStream, badStream):
     # Load the document file into the editor
     # Initialize the hash value for the document, which will be equal unless
     # we read something different from the metadata file.
     IMC.metaHash = IMC.documentHash = bytes(self.cuisineart.result()).__repr__()
     if metaStream is None:
         # load goodwords, badwords, and take census
         if goodStream is not None:
         if badStream is not None:
         self.rebuildMetadata(page=True) # build page table & vocab from scratch
     # If the metaData and document hashes now disagree, it is because the metadata
     # had a DOCHASH value for a different book or version. Warn the user.
     if IMC.metaHash != IMC.documentHash :
         pqMsgs.warningMsg(u"The document file and metadata file do not match!",
                           u"Bookmarks, page breaks and other metadata will be wrong! Strongly recommend you not edit or save this book.")
     # restore hiliting if the user wanted it. Note this can cause a
     # serious delay if the new book is large. However the alternative is
     # to not set it on and then we are out of step with the View menu
     # toggles, so the user has to set it off before loading, or suffer.
     self.setHighlight(IMC.scannoHiliteSwitch or IMC.spellingHiliteSwitch)
     # set a different main dict if there was one in the metadata
     if IMC.bookMainDict is not None:
コード例 #2
ファイル: pqEdit.py プロジェクト: jlg234bob/PPQT
 def load(self, dataStream, metaStream, goodStream, badStream):
     # Load the document file into the editor
     # Initialize the hash value for the document, which will be equal unless
     # we read something different from the metadata file.
     IMC.metaHash = IMC.documentHash = bytes(
     if metaStream is None:
         # load goodwords, badwords, and take census
         if goodStream is not None:
         if badStream is not None:
             page=True)  # build page table & vocab from scratch
     # If the metaData and document hashes now disagree, it is because the metadata
     # had a DOCHASH value for a different book or version. Warn the user.
     if IMC.metaHash != IMC.documentHash:
             u"The document file and metadata file do not match!",
             u"Bookmarks, page breaks and other metadata will be wrong! Strongly recommend you not edit or save this book."
     # restore hiliting if the user wanted it. Note this can cause a
     # serious delay if the new book is large. However the alternative is
     # to not set it on and then we are out of step with the View menu
     # toggles, so the user has to set it off before loading, or suffer.
     self.setHighlight(IMC.scannoHiliteSwitch or IMC.spellingHiliteSwitch)
     # set a different main dict if there was one in the metadata
     if IMC.bookMainDict is not None:
コード例 #3
ファイル: pqView.py プロジェクト: tallforasmurf/PPQT
 def loadEnds(self,bool):
     if bool:
         # load was ok, reset scroll position now the rendering is finished.
         # our panel is visible (else how was Refresh clicked?) but it may
         # not have the keyboard focus. Right after refresh one usually wants
         # to use keys like page-up/dn, so get the focus to our webview
         # widget (not the page in it because the webview has the scroll
         # bars and other mechanism.)
         pqMsgs.warningMsg("Some problem loading html")
コード例 #4
ファイル: pqView.py プロジェクト: jlg234bob/PPQT
 def loadEnds(self, bool):
     if bool:
         # load was ok, reset scroll position now the rendering is finished.
         # our panel is visible (else how was Refresh clicked?) but it may
         # not have the keyboard focus. Right after refresh one usually wants
         # to use keys like page-up/dn, so get the focus to our webview
         # widget (not the page in it because the webview has the scroll
         # bars and other mechanism.)
         pqMsgs.warningMsg("Some problem loading html")
コード例 #5
ファイル: pqSpell.py プロジェクト: tallforasmurf/PPQT
 def loadDict(self,tag):
     p = self.listOfDicts.indexOf(tag)
         if p > -1 : # the tag is in our list of valid dicts
             fn = unicode(tag) # get qstring to python string
             aff_path = os.path.join(IMC.dictPath,fn+u'.aff')
             dic_path = os.path.join(IMC.dictPath,fn+u'.dic')
             obj = spellDict( dic_path, aff_path )
             return obj # success
             raise LookupError('dictionary tag {0} not found'.format(tag))
     except (LookupError, IOError, OSError) as err:
         if unicode(tag) not in self.errTags :
             pqMsgs.warningMsg(u'Could not open dictionary',str(err))
         return None
     except : # some other error?
         print("unexpected error opening a spell dict")
         return None
コード例 #6
ファイル: pqSpell.py プロジェクト: jlg234bob/PPQT
 def loadDict(self, tag):
     p = self.listOfDicts.indexOf(tag)
         if p > -1:  # the tag is in our list of valid dicts
             fn = unicode(tag)  # get qstring to python string
             aff_path = os.path.join(IMC.dictPath, fn + u'.aff')
             dic_path = os.path.join(IMC.dictPath, fn + u'.dic')
             obj = spellDict(dic_path, aff_path)
             return obj  # success
             raise LookupError('dictionary tag {0} not found'.format(tag))
     except (LookupError, IOError, OSError) as err:
         if unicode(tag) not in self.errTags:
             pqMsgs.warningMsg(u'Could not open dictionary', str(err))
         return None
     except:  # some other error?
         print("unexpected error opening a spell dict")
         return None
コード例 #7
ファイル: 2669.py プロジェクト: jlg234bob/PPQT
 def insertMarkers(self):
     # Copy the text and if it is empty, complain and exit.
     qi = QString(self.insertText.text())
     if qi.isEmpty():
         pqMsgs.warningMsg("No insert text specified")
     # See how many pages are involved: all the ones that aren't marked skip
     n = 0
     for i in range(IMC.pageTable.size()):
         if IMC.pageTable.getAction(i) != IMC.FolioRuleSkip:
             n += 1
     if n == 0:  # page table empty or all rows marked skip
         pqMsgs.warningMsg("No pages to give folios to")
     m = "Insert this string at the top of {0} pages?".format(n)
     b = pqMsgs.okCancelMsg(QString(m), pqMsgs.trunc(qi, 35))
     if b:
         # Convert any '\n' in the text to the QT line delimiter char
         # we do this in the copy so the lineEdit text doesn't change
         qi.replace(QString(u'\\n'), QString(IMC.QtLineDelim))
         # get a cursor on the edit document
         tc = QTextCursor(IMC.editWidget.textCursor())
         tc.beginEditBlock()  # start single undoable operation
         # Working from the end of the document backward, go to the
         # top of each page and insert the string
         for i in reversed(range(IMC.pageTable.size())):
             if IMC.pageTable.getAction(i) != IMC.FolioRuleSkip:
                 # Note the page's start position and set our work cursor to it
                 pos = IMC.pageTable.getCursor(i).position()
                 # Make a copy of the insert string replacing %f with this folio
                 f = IMC.pageTable.getDisplay(i)
                 qf = QString(qi)
                 qf.replace(QString(u'%f'), f, Qt.CaseInsensitive)
                 # The insertion goes in ahead of the saved cursor position so now
                 # it points after the inserted string. Put it back where it was.
                 IMC.pageTable.setPosition(i, pos)
         tc.endEditBlock()  # wrap up the undo op
コード例 #8
ファイル: pqPages.py プロジェクト: tallforasmurf/PPQT
 def insertMarkers(self):
     # Copy the text and if it is empty, complain and exit.
     qi = QString(self.insertText.text())
     if qi.isEmpty() :
         pqMsgs.warningMsg("No insert text specified")
     # See how many pages are involved: all the ones that aren't marked skip
     n = 0
     for i in range(IMC.pageTable.size()):
         if IMC.pageTable.getAction(i) != IMC.FolioRuleSkip :
             n += 1
     if n == 0 : # page table empty or all rows marked skip
         pqMsgs.warningMsg("No pages to give folios to")
     m = "Insert this string at the top of {0} pages?".format(n)
     b = pqMsgs.okCancelMsg(QString(m),pqMsgs.trunc(qi,35))
     if b :
         # Convert any '\n' in the text to the QT line delimiter char
         # we do this in the copy so the lineEdit text doesn't change
         # get a cursor on the edit document
         tc = QTextCursor(IMC.editWidget.textCursor())
         tc.beginEditBlock() # start single undoable operation
         # Working from the end of the document backward, go to the
         # top of each page and insert the string
         for i in reversed( range( IMC.pageTable.size() ) ) :
             if IMC.pageTable.getAction(i) != IMC.FolioRuleSkip :
                 # Note the page's start position and set our work cursor to it
                 pos = IMC.pageTable.getCursor(i).position()
                 # Make a copy of the insert string replacing %f with this folio
                 f = IMC.pageTable.getDisplay(i)
                 qf = QString(qi)
                 # The insertion goes in ahead of the saved cursor position so now
                 # it points after the inserted string. Put it back where it was.
                 IMC.pageTable.setPosition(i, pos)
         tc.endEditBlock() # wrap up the undo op
コード例 #9
ファイル: pqUpdt.py プロジェクト: jlg234bob/PPQT
def checkForUpdates():
    # Step one, read the code display for the master
    page = slurp('https://github.com/tallforasmurf/PPQT')
    if page is None:
        pqMsgs.warningMsg('Unable to contact Github',
                          'Perhaps try again later?')

    # the embedded URLs usable.
    hit = reGetMasterSHA.search(page)
    if hit is None:
        pqMsgs.warningMsg('Github page format not as expected',
                          'Probable bug, update not available')
    masterSHA = hit.group(1)
    page = re.sub(masterSHA, 'master', page)

    # Step three, make a list of all the "blobs" mentioned, which is just
    # all the committed modules, pqXXX.py and pqHelp.html. Ignoring the
    # extras -- the extras folder appears as a "tree" item and we could
    # follow it and list all the blobs extras/* but we are not.
    blobs = reBlobLine.findall(page)
    # blobs is a list of 4-tuples, the (/1, /2, /3, /4) from reBlobLine above
    # Now make a dict with 3-item values,
    # { modname:[ None, masterhash, masterURL] } where None will be filled
    # in with the local hash value shortly.
    blobTab = {}
    for blob in blobs:
        blobURL = u'https://raw.github.com' + blob[0] + u'/' + blob[1]
        blobName = blob[3]
        blobHash = blob[2]
        blobTab[blobName] = [None, blobHash, blobURL]

    # Look for the file modulehash.txt and if it exists, use it to fill
    # in the local hashes it lists. We do not distribute so it doesn't
    # show up in the github listing. We want the local hash to reflect
    # the actual local files, which might have been diddled locally.
    mhPath = os.path.join(IMC.appBasePath, 'modulehashes.txt')
        mhFile = open(mhPath, 'r')
        for line in mhFile:
            [modname, localhash] = line.split()
            if modname in blobTab:
                blobTab[modname][0] = localhash
        # presumably the file doesn't exist

    # Run through the blobTab and try to get hash values for any
    # modules that don't have a local hash yet (because modulehashes
    # didn't exist -- or didn't list them because they're new to us).
    for modName in blobTab:
        if blobTab[modName][0] is None:
            modPath = os.path.join(IMC.appBasePath, modName)
                modFile = open(modPath, 'r')
                modText = modFile.read()
                hasher = initializedSHA1.copy()
                blobTab[modName][0] = hasher.hexdigest()
                # presumably modname doesn't exist (new module?)

    # Run through the blobTab and make a new table, updaTab, listing
    # the members where localhash differs from master hash.
    updaTab = {}
    for modName in blobTab:
        if blobTab[modName][0] != blobTab[modName][1]:
            updaTab[modName] = blobTab[modName]

    # If there are no names left in the updaTab, the app is up to date!
    if len(updaTab) == 0:
        pqMsgs.infoMsg('PPQT is up to date.')

    # There are one or more modules needing updating. Ask the user
    # if we should proceed.
    ans = pqMsgs.okCancelMsg(
        '{0} module(s) can be updated.'.format(len(updaTab)),
        'Shall we proceed?')
    if not ans:
        pqMsgs.infoMsg('PPQT remains unchanged.')

    # User said OK to do it. Read the text of the updated modules from
    # github and save it in the updaTab.
    for modName in updaTab:
        page = slurp(updaTab[modName][2])
        if page is None:
            pqMsgs.warningMsg('Some problem reading update modules',
                              'PPQT is unchanged.')

    # All update texts read correctly. Now open each for writing,
    # appending the file object to the updaTab entry.
    for modName in updaTab:
            modPath = os.path.join(IMC.appBasePath, modName)
            modFile = open(modPath, 'w')
        except Exception:
            pqMsgs.warningMsg('Updated modules are not writable'
                              'PPQT is unchanged.')

    # All files open for writing and text is ready. Write them.
    for modName in updaTab:
            modFile = updaTab[modName][4]
        except Exception as e:
            # This is the bad case: some amount of writing done but not
            # all of it complete. PPQT is in an inconsistent state.
                'Error writing updated module(s)!',
                'PPQT is in an inconsistent state\nDownload a complete new copy'

    # All updates complete. Record local hashes in modulehashes.txt
        mhFile = open(mhPath, 'w')
        for modName in blobTab:
            mhFile.write(modName + ' ' + blobTab[modName][1] + '\n')
    except Exception as e:

    pqMsgs.infoMsg('Updates applied.',
                   'Changes take effect when PPQT is restarted.')
コード例 #10
ファイル: pqUpdt.py プロジェクト: tallforasmurf/PPQT
def checkForUpdates():
    # Step one, read the code display for the master
    page = slurp('https://github.com/tallforasmurf/PPQT')
    if page is None:
        pqMsgs.warningMsg('Unable to contact Github',
                          'Perhaps try again later?')

    # the embedded URLs usable.
    hit = reGetMasterSHA.search(page)
    if hit is None:
        pqMsgs.warningMsg('Github page format not as expected',
                          'Probable bug, update not available')
    masterSHA = hit.group(1)
    page = re.sub(masterSHA,'master',page)

    # Step three, make a list of all the "blobs" mentioned, which is just
    # all the committed modules, pqXXX.py and pqHelp.html. Ignoring the
    # extras -- the extras folder appears as a "tree" item and we could
    # follow it and list all the blobs extras/* but we are not.
    blobs = reBlobLine.findall(page)
    # blobs is a list of 4-tuples, the (/1, /2, /3, /4) from reBlobLine above
    # Now make a dict with 3-item values,
    # { modname:[ None, masterhash, masterURL] } where None will be filled
    # in with the local hash value shortly.
    blobTab = {}
    for blob in blobs:
        blobURL = u'https://raw.github.com' + blob[0] + u'/' + blob[1]
        blobName = blob[3]
        blobHash = blob[2]
        blobTab[blobName] =[None,blobHash,blobURL]

    # Look for the file modulehash.txt and if it exists, use it to fill
    # in the local hashes it lists. We do not distribute so it doesn't
    # show up in the github listing. We want the local hash to reflect
    # the actual local files, which might have been diddled locally.
    mhPath = os.path.join(IMC.appBasePath,'modulehashes.txt')
        mhFile = open(mhPath,'r')
        for line in mhFile:
            [modname, localhash] = line.split()
            if modname in blobTab:
                blobTab[modname][0] = localhash
        # presumably the file doesn't exist

    # Run through the blobTab and try to get hash values for any
    # modules that don't have a local hash yet (because modulehashes
    # didn't exist -- or didn't list them because they're new to us).
    for modName in blobTab:
        if blobTab[modName][0] is None:
            modPath = os.path.join(IMC.appBasePath,modName)
                modFile = open(modPath,'r')
                modText = modFile.read()
                hasher = initializedSHA1.copy()
                blobTab[modName][0] = hasher.hexdigest()
                # presumably modname doesn't exist (new module?)

    # Run through the blobTab and make a new table, updaTab, listing
    # the members where localhash differs from master hash.
    updaTab = {}
    for modName in blobTab:
        if blobTab[modName][0] != blobTab[modName][1] :
            updaTab[modName] = blobTab[modName]

    # If there are no names left in the updaTab, the app is up to date!
    if len(updaTab) == 0:
        pqMsgs.infoMsg('PPQT is up to date.')

    # There are one or more modules needing updating. Ask the user
    # if we should proceed.
    ans = pqMsgs.okCancelMsg('{0} module(s) can be updated.'.format(len(updaTab)),
                       'Shall we proceed?')
    if not ans:
        pqMsgs.infoMsg('PPQT remains unchanged.')

    # User said OK to do it. Read the text of the updated modules from
    # github and save it in the updaTab.
    for modName in updaTab:
        page = slurp(updaTab[modName][2])
        if page is None:
            pqMsgs.warningMsg('Some problem reading update modules',
                              'PPQT is unchanged.')

    # All update texts read correctly. Now open each for writing,
    # appending the file object to the updaTab entry.
    for modName in updaTab:
            modPath = os.path.join(IMC.appBasePath,modName)
            modFile = open(modPath, 'w')
        except Exception:
            pqMsgs.warningMsg('Updated modules are not writable'
                              'PPQT is unchanged.')

    # All files open for writing and text is ready. Write them.
    for modName in updaTab:
            modFile = updaTab[modName][4]
        except Exception as e:
            # This is the bad case: some amount of writing done but not
            # all of it complete. PPQT is in an inconsistent state.
            pqMsgs.warningMsg('Error writing updated module(s)!',
                              'PPQT is in an inconsistent state\nDownload a complete new copy')

    # All updates complete. Record local hashes in modulehashes.txt
        mhFile = open(mhPath,'w')
        for modName in blobTab:
            mhFile.write(modName + ' ' + blobTab[modName][1] + '\n')
    except Exception as e:

    pqMsgs.infoMsg('Updates applied.',
                   'Changes take effect when PPQT is restarted.')