コード例 #1
ファイル: run.py プロジェクト: allison-tai/psCRN-simulator
def gillespie_nrm(tspan, c_0, c_poly, reactions, dep_graph):
    t = tspan[0]
    c = c_0.copy()
    T = [t]
    C = [c.copy()]

    volume = compute_volume(c_0, c_poly)

    # initialize scheduler
    scheduler = PQDict()

    for rxn in reactions:
        tau = -log(rand()) / rxn.propensity(c, volume)
        scheduler[rxn] = t + tau

    # first event
    rnext, tnext = scheduler.topitem()
    t = tnext
    C, T = fire_rxn(rnext, c, t, c_poly, C, T)

    while t < tspan[1]:
        # reschedule dependent reactions
        for rxn in dep_graph[rnext]:
            tau = -log(rand()) / rxn.propensity(c, volume)
            scheduler[rxn] = t + tau

        # fire the next one!
        rnext, tnext = scheduler.topitem()
        t = tnext
        if (rnext.propensity(c, volume) > 0):
            C, T = fire_rxn(rnext, c, t, c_poly, C, T)
    return array(T), array(C)
コード例 #2
def gillespie_nrm(tspan, initial_amounts, reactions, dep_graph):
    Implementation of the "Next-Reaction Method" variant of the Gillespie 
    stochastic simulation algorithm, described by Gibson and Bruck. 

    The main enhancements are:
        - Use of dependency graph connecting the reaction channels to prevent 
          needless rescheduling of reactions that are unaffected by an event.
        - Use of an indexed priority queue (pqdict) as a scheduler to achieve
          O(log(M)) rescheduling on each iteration, where M is the number of
          reactions, assuming the dependency graph is sparse.

    The paper describes an additional modification to cut down on the amount of 
    random number generation which was not implemented here for simplicity.

    # initialize state
    t = tspan[0]
    x = initial_amounts
    T = [t]
    X = [x]

    # initialize scheduler
    scheduler = PQDict()
    for rxn in reactions:
        tau = -log(rand()) / rxn.propensity(x)
        scheduler[rxn] = t + tau

    # first event
    rnext, tnext = scheduler.topitem()
    t = tnext
    x += rnext.stoich

    # main loop
    while t < tspan[1]:
        # reschedule
        tau = -log(rand()) / rnext.propensity(x)
        scheduler[rnext] = t + tau

        # reschedule dependent reactions
        for rxn in dep_graph[rnext]:
            tau = -log(rand()) / rxn.propensity(x)
            scheduler[rxn] = t + tau

        # fire the next one!
        rnext, tnext = scheduler.topitem()
        t = tnext
        x += rnext.stoich

    return array(T), array(X)
コード例 #3
def gillespie_nrm(tspan, initial_amounts, reactions, dep_graph):
    Implementation of the "Next-Reaction Method" variant of the Gillespie 
    stochastic simulation algorithm, described by Gibson and Bruck. 

    The main enhancements are:
        - Use of dependency graph connecting the reaction channels to prevent 
          needless rescheduling of reactions that are unaffected by an event.
        - Use of an indexed priority queue (pqdict) as a scheduler to achieve
          O(log(M)) rescheduling on each iteration, where M is the number of
          reactions, assuming the dependency graph is sparse.

    The paper describes an additional modification to cut down on the amount of 
    random number generation which was not implemented here for simplicity.

    # initialize state
    t = tspan[0]
    x = initial_amounts
    T = [t]
    X = [x]
    # initialize scheduler
    scheduler = PQDict()
    for rxn in reactions:
        tau = -log(rand())/rxn.propensity(x) 
        scheduler[rxn] = t + tau

    # first event
    rnext, tnext = scheduler.topitem()
    t = tnext
    x += rnext.stoich
    T.append( t )
    X.append( x.copy() )

    # main loop
    while t < tspan[1]:
        # reschedule
        tau = -log(rand())/rnext.propensity(x)
        scheduler[rnext] = t + tau

        # reschedule dependent reactions
        for rxn in dep_graph[rnext]:
            tau = -log(rand())/rxn.propensity(x)
            scheduler[rxn] = t + tau
        # fire the next one!
        rnext, tnext = scheduler.topitem()
        t = tnext
        x += rnext.stoich
        T.append( t )
        X.append( x.copy() )

    return array(T), array(X)
コード例 #4
 def test_topitem(self):
     # empty
     pq = PQDict()
     self.assertRaises(KeyError, pq.top)
     # non-empty
     for num_items in range(1,30):
         items = generateData('float', num_items)
         pq = PQDict(items)
         self.assertEqual(pq.topitem(), min(items, key=lambda x: x[1]))
コード例 #5
def gillespie_nrm(tspan, initial_amounts, reactions, dep_graph):
    Implementation of the "Next-Reaction Method" variant of the Gillespie 
    stochastic simulation algorithm, described by Gibson and Bruck. 

    The main enhancements are:
        - Use of dependency graph between reactions to prevent needless 
          rescheduling of reaction channels that are unaffected by an event.
        - Use of an indexed priority queue (pqdict) as a scheduler to achieve
          log(N) rescheduling.

    The paper describes an additional modification to cut down on the amount of 
    random number generation which was not implemented here for simplicity.


    # initialize state
    t = tspan[0]
    x = initial_amounts
    T = [t]
    X = [x]
    a = {}
    # initialize scheduler
    scheduler = PQDict()
    for rxn in reactions:
        a[rxn] = rxn.propensity(x)
        tau = -log(rand())/a[rxn]   
        scheduler[rxn] = t + tau

    # first event
    rnext, tmin = scheduler.topitem()
    t = tmin
    x += rnext.stoich
    T.append( t )
    X.append( x.copy() )

    # main loop
    while t < tspan[1]:
        # reschedule
        a[rnext] = rnext.propensity(x)
        tau = -log(rand())/a[rnext]
        scheduler.updateitem(rnext, t + tau)        
        for rxn in dep_graph[rnext]:
            a_old = a[rxn]
            a[rxn] = rxn.propensity(x)
            if isfinite(scheduler[rxn]):
                tau = (a_old/a[rxn])*(scheduler[rxn] - t)
                tau = -log(rand())/a[rxn]
            scheduler.updateitem(rxn, t + tau)

        rnext, tmin = scheduler.topitem()

        # fire!
        t = tmin
        x += rnext.stoich
        T.append( t )
        X.append( x.copy() )

    return array(T), array(X)
コード例 #6
ファイル: nrm.py プロジェクト: hongzhonglu/wc_sim
class NrmSubmodel(DynamicSubmodel):
    """ Use the Next Reaction Method to predict the dynamics of chemical species in a container

        dependencies (:obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple`): dependencies that rate laws have on executed
            reactions; entry i provides the indices of reactions whose rate laws depend on reaction i
        execution_time_priority_queue (:obj:`PQDict`): NRM indexed priority queue of reactions, with
            the earliest scheduled reaction at the front of the queue
        propensities (:obj:`np.ndarray`): the most recently calculated propensities of the reactions
            modeled by this NRM submodel
        random_state (:obj:`np.random.RandomState`): the random state that is shared across the
            simulation, which enables reproducible checkpoint and restore of a simulation

    # message types sent by NrmSubmodel
    SENT_MESSAGE_TYPES = [message_types.ExecuteAndScheduleNrmReaction]

    # register the message types sent
    messages_sent = SENT_MESSAGE_TYPES

    # at any time instant, process messages in this order
    MESSAGE_TYPES_BY_PRIORITY = [message_types.ExecuteAndScheduleNrmReaction]

    event_handlers = [(message_types.ExecuteAndScheduleNrmReaction, 'handle_ExecuteAndScheduleNrmReaction_msg')]

    def __init__(self, id, dynamic_model, reactions, species, dynamic_compartments,
                 local_species_population, options=None):
        """ Initialize an NRM submodel object

            id (:obj:`str`): unique id of this dynamic NRM submodel
            dynamic_model (:obj:`DynamicModel`): the aggregate state of a simulation
            reactions (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Reaction`): the reactions modeled by this NRM submodel
            species (:obj:`list` of :obj:`Species`): the species that participate in the reactions modeled
                by this NRM submodel, with their initial concentrations
            dynamic_compartments (:obj:`dict`): :obj:`DynamicCompartment`\ s, keyed by id, that contain
                species which participate in reactions that this NRM submodel models, including
                adjacent compartments used by its transfer reactions
            local_species_population (:obj:`LocalSpeciesPopulation`): the store that maintains this
                NRM submodel's species population
            options (:obj:`dict`, optional): NRM submodel options

            :obj:`MultialgorithmError`: if the initial NRM wait exponential moving average is not positive
        super().__init__(id, dynamic_model, reactions, species, dynamic_compartments,
        self.random_state = RandomStateManager.instance()
        self.execution_time_priority_queue = PQDict()
        self.options = options
        # to enable testing of uninitialized instances auto_initialize controls initialization here
        # auto_initialize defaults to True
        auto_initialize = True
        if options is not None and 'auto_initialize' in options:
            auto_initialize = options['auto_initialize']
        if auto_initialize:

    def initialize(self):
        self.dependencies = self.determine_dependencies()
        self.propensities = self.initialize_propensities()

    def determine_dependencies(self):
        """ Determine the dependencies that rate laws have on executed reactions

            :obj:`list` of :obj:`tuple`: entry i provides the indices of reactions whose
                rate laws depend on the execution of reaction i
        # in a multi-algorithmic simulation, two types of dependencies arise when a reaction executes:
        # 1) ones used by NRM: rate laws that use species whose populations are updated by the reaction
        # 2) rate laws that use species whose populations might be updated by other submodels

        # dependencies[i] will contain the indices of rate laws that depend on reaction i
        dependencies = {i: set() for i in range(len(self.reactions))}

        # updated_species[i] will contain the ids of species whose populations are updated by reaction i
        updated_species = {i: set() for i in range(len(self.reactions))}

        # used_species[species_id] will contain the indices of rate laws (rxns) that use species with id species_id
        used_species = {species.gen_id(): set() for species in self.species}

        # initialize reaction -> species -> reaction dependency dictionaries
        for reaction_idx, rxn in enumerate(self.reactions):
            net_stoichiometric_coefficients = collections.defaultdict(float)
            for participant in rxn.participants:
                species_id = participant.species.gen_id()
                net_stoichiometric_coefficients[species_id] += participant.coefficient
            for species_id, net_stoich_coeff in net_stoichiometric_coefficients.items():
                if net_stoich_coeff < 0 or 0 < net_stoich_coeff:
            rate_law = rxn.rate_laws[0]
            for species in rate_law.expression.species:
                species_id = species.gen_id()

        # Sequential case, with one instance each of an SSA, ODE, dFBA submodels:
        # NRM must recompute all rate laws that depend on species in a continuous submodels
        # get shared species from self.local_species_population
        continuously_modeled_species = self.local_species_population.get_continuous_species()
        for updated_species_set in updated_species.values():
            updated_species_set |= continuously_modeled_species

        # Parallel case (to be addressed later), with multiple instances each of an SSA, ODE and dFBA submodels:
        # NRM must recompute all rate laws that depend on species shared with any other submodel

        # compute reaction to rate laws dependencies
        for reaction_idx, rxn in enumerate(self.reactions):
            for species_id in updated_species[reaction_idx]:
                for rate_law_idx in used_species[species_id]:

        # convert dependencies into more compact and faster list of tuples
        dependencies_list = [None] * len(self.reactions)
        for antecedent_rxn, dependent_rxns in dependencies.items():
            # to simplify later code remove antecedent_rxn from dependent_rxns
            # because antecedent_rxn is handled specially
            except KeyError:
            dependencies_list[antecedent_rxn] = tuple(dependent_rxns)

        return dependencies_list

    def initialize_propensities(self):
        """ Get the initial propensities of all reactions that have enough species counts to execute

        Propensities of reactions with inadequate species counts are set to 0.

            :obj:`np.ndarray`: the propensities of the reactions modeled by this NRM submodel which
                have adequate species counts to execute
        propensities = self.calc_reaction_rates()

        # avoid reactions with inadequate species counts
        enabled_reactions = self.identify_enabled_reactions()
        propensities = enabled_reactions * propensities
        return propensities

    def initialize_execution_time_priorities(self):
        """ Initialize the NRM indexed priority queue of reactions
        for reaction_idx, propensity in enumerate(self.propensities):
            if propensity == 0:
                self.execution_time_priority_queue[reaction_idx] = float('inf')
                tau = self.random_state.exponential(1.0/propensity) + self.time
                self.execution_time_priority_queue[reaction_idx] = tau

    def register_nrm_reaction(self, execution_time, reaction_index):
        """ Schedule a NRM reaction event with the simulator

            execution_time (:obj:`float`): simulation time at which the reaction will execute
            reaction_index (:obj:`int`): index of the reaction to execute
        self.send_event_absolute(execution_time, self,

    def schedule_reaction(self):
        """ Schedule the next reaction
        next_rxn, next_time = self.execution_time_priority_queue.topitem()
        self.register_nrm_reaction(next_time, next_rxn)

    def send_initial_events(self):
        """ Initialize this NRM submodel and schedule its first reaction

        This :obj:`ApplicationSimulationObject` method is called when a :obj:`SimulationEngine` is

    def schedule_next_reaction(self, reaction_index):
        """ Schedule the next reaction after a reaction executes

            reaction_index (:obj:`int`): index of the reaction that just executed
        # reschedule each reaction whose rate law depends on the execution of reaction reaction_index
        # or depends on species whose populations may have been changed by other submodels
        for reaction_to_reschedule in self.dependencies[reaction_index]:

            # 1. compute new propensity
            propensity_new = self.calc_reaction_rate(self.reactions[reaction_to_reschedule])
            if propensity_new == 0:
                tau_new = float('inf')

                # 2. compute new tau from old tau
                tau_old = self.execution_time_priority_queue[reaction_to_reschedule]
                propensity_old = self.propensities[reaction_to_reschedule]
                if propensity_old == 0:
                    # If propensity_old == 0 then tau_old is infinity, and these cannot be used in
                    #   (propensity_old/propensity_new) * (tau_old - self.time) + self.time
                    # In this case a new random exponential must be drawn.
                    # This does not increase the number of random draws, because they're not
                    # drawn when the propensity is 0.
                    tau_new = self.random_state.exponential(1.0/propensity_new) + self.time

                    tau_new = (propensity_old/propensity_new) * (tau_old - self.time) + self.time

            self.propensities[reaction_to_reschedule] = propensity_new

            # 3. update the reaction's order in the indexed priority queue
            self.execution_time_priority_queue[reaction_to_reschedule] = tau_new

        # reschedule the reaction that was executed
        # 1. compute new propensity
        propensity_new = self.calc_reaction_rate(self.reactions[reaction_index])
        self.propensities[reaction_index] = propensity_new

        # 2. compute new tau
        if propensity_new == 0:
            tau_new = float('inf')
            tau_new = self.random_state.exponential(1.0/propensity_new) + self.time

        # 3. update the reaction's order in the indexed priority queue
        self.execution_time_priority_queue[reaction_index] = tau_new

        # schedule the next reaction

    def execute_nrm_reaction(self, reaction_index):
        """ Execute a reaction now

            reaction_index (:obj:`int`): index of the reaction to execute

    def handle_ExecuteAndScheduleNrmReaction_msg(self, event):
        """ Handle an event containing an :obj:`ExecuteAndScheduleNrmReaction` message

            event (:obj:`Event`): a simulation event
        # execute the reaction
        reaction_index = event.message.reaction_index

        # schedule the next reaction