コード例 #1
    def set_flair_csv(self, subreddit, flair_mapping):
        Set flair for a group of users in the given subreddit.

        flair_mapping should be a list of dictionaries with the following keys:
          user: the user name
          flair_text: the flair text for the user (optional)
          flair_css_class: the flair css class for the user (optional)
        if not flair_mapping:
            raise errors.ClientException('flair_mapping must be set')
        item_order = ['user', 'flair_text', 'flair_css_class']
        lines = []
        for mapping in flair_mapping:
            if 'user' not in mapping:
                raise errors.ClientException('flair_mapping must '
                                             'contain `user` key')
            lines.append(','.join([mapping.get(x, '') for x in item_order]))
        response = []
        while len(lines):
            params = {
                'r': six.text_type(subreddit),
                'flair_csv': '\n'.join(lines[:100])
            response.extend(self.request_json(self.config['flaircsv'], params))
            lines = lines[100:]
        stale_url = self.config['flairlist'] % six.text_type(subreddit)
        # pylint: disable-msg=E1101,W0212
        return response
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_oauth2_reddit.py プロジェクト: woorst/praw3
    def test_raise_client_exception(self):
        def raise_client_exception(*args):
            raise errors.ClientException(*args)

        self.assertRaises(errors.ClientException, raise_client_exception)
        self.assertRaises(errors.ClientException, raise_client_exception,

        ce_message = errors.ClientException('Test')
        ce_no_message = errors.ClientException()
        self.assertEqual(ce_message.message, str(ce_message))
        self.assertEqual(ce_no_message.message, str(ce_no_message))
コード例 #3
    def short_domain(self):
        Return the short domain of the reddit.

        Used to generate the shortlink. For reddit.com the short_domain is
        redd.it and generate shortlinks like http://redd.it/y3r8u
        if self._short_domain:
            return self._short_domain
            raise errors.ClientException('No short domain specified.')
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_oauth2_reddit.py プロジェクト: woorst/praw3
 def raise_client_exception(*args):
     raise errors.ClientException(*args)