def test_is_mesh_connectivity_required(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_bool = 0 # compare to output in test/SolverInterface.cpp fake_mesh_id = 0 self.assertEqual( fake_bool, solver_interface.is_mesh_connectivity_required(fake_mesh_id))
def test_read_write_block_scalar_data_single_float(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) write_data = 8 with self.assertRaises(TypeError): solver_interface.write_block_scalar_data(1, 1, write_data) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): solver_interface.read_block_scalar_data(1, 1)
def test_get_data_id(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_mesh_id fake_data_name = "FakeData" # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_data_name fake_data_id = 15 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_data_ID data_id = solver_interface.get_data_id(fake_data_name, fake_mesh_id) self.assertTrue(data_id == fake_data_id)
def test_set_mesh_access_region(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_mesh_id fake_dimension = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_dimensions fake_bounding_box = np.arange(fake_dimension * 2) solver_interface.set_mesh_access_region(fake_mesh_id, fake_bounding_box)
def test_get_mesh_id(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) # TODO: it would be nice to be able to mock the output of the interface # directly in the test, not in test/SolverInterface.hpp fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.hpp, fake_mesh_id actual_output = solver_interface.get_mesh_id("testMesh") self.assertEqual(fake_mesh_id, actual_output)
def test_set_mesh_vertex_tuple(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_mesh_id fake_dimension = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_dimensions position = tuple(np.random.rand(fake_dimension)) vertex_id = solver_interface.set_mesh_vertex(fake_mesh_id, position) self.assertTrue(0 == vertex_id)
def test_read_write_block_vector_data_mixed(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) write_data = [(3, 7, 8), (7, 6, 5)] solver_interface.write_block_vector_data(1, np.array([1, 2]), write_data) read_data = solver_interface.read_block_vector_data( 1, np.array([1, 2])) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(write_data, read_data))
def test_read_write_block_vector_data(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) write_data = np.array([[3, 7, 8], [7, 6, 5]], dtype=np.double) solver_interface.write_block_vector_data(1, np.array([1, 2]), write_data) read_data = solver_interface.read_block_vector_data( 1, np.array([1, 2])) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(write_data, read_data))
def test_get_dimensions(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) # TODO: it would be nice to be able to mock the output of the interface # directly in the test, not in test/SolverInterface.hpp fake_dimension = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.hpp, fake_dimensions # TODO: it would be nice to be able to mock the output of the interface # directly in the test, not in test/SolverInterface.hpp self.assertEqual(fake_dimension, solver_interface.get_dimensions())
def test_set_mesh_vertices_empty_list(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_mesh_id positions = [] n_fake_vertices = 0 expected_output = np.array(range(n_fake_vertices)) actual_output = solver_interface.set_mesh_vertices( fake_mesh_id, positions) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected_output, actual_output))
def test_get_mesh_vertex_ids_from_positions(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_mesh_id fake_dimension = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_dimensions n_fake_vertices = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, n_fake_vertices positions = np.random.rand(n_fake_vertices, fake_dimension) fake_vertex_ids = range(n_fake_vertices) vertex_ids = solver_interface.get_mesh_vertex_ids_from_positions( fake_mesh_id, positions) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(fake_vertex_ids, vertex_ids))
def test_set_mesh_vertices(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_mesh_id fake_dimension = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_dimensions n_fake_vertices = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, n_fake_vertices positions = np.random.rand(n_fake_vertices, fake_dimension) expected_output = np.array(range(n_fake_vertices)) actual_output = solver_interface.set_mesh_vertices( fake_mesh_id, positions) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(expected_output, actual_output))
def __init__(self, adapter_config_filename='precice-adapter-config.json', interpolation_strategy=GeneralInterpolationExpression): self._config = Config(adapter_config_filename) self._solver_name = self._config.get_solver_name() self._interface = precice.Interface(self._solver_name, 0, 1) self._interface.configure(self._config.get_config_file_name()) self._dimensions = self._interface.get_dimensions() self._coupling_subdomain = None # initialized later self._mesh_fenics = None # initialized later self._coupling_bc_expression = None # initialized later self._fenics_dimensions = None # initialized later # coupling mesh related quantities self._coupling_mesh_vertices = None # initialized later self._mesh_name = self._config.get_coupling_mesh_name() self._mesh_id = self._interface.get_mesh_id(self._mesh_name) self._vertex_ids = None # initialized later self._n_vertices = None # initialized later # write data related quantities (write data is written by this solver to preCICE) self._write_data_name = self._config.get_write_data_name() self._write_data_id = self._interface.get_data_id( self._write_data_name, self._mesh_id) self._write_data = None # a numpy 1D array with the values like it is used by precice (The 2D-format of values is (d0x, d0y, d1x, d1y, ..., dnx, dny) The 3D-format of values is (d0x, d0y, d0z, d1x, d1y, d1z, ..., dnx, dny, dnz)) self._write_function_type = None # stores whether write function is scalar or vector valued # read data related quantities (read data is read by this solver from preCICE) self._read_data_name = self._config.get_read_data_name() self._read_data_id = self._interface.get_data_id( self._read_data_name, self._mesh_id) self._read_data = None # a numpy 1D array with the values like it is used by precice (The 2D-format of values is (d0x, d0y, d1x, d1y, ..., dnx, dny) The 3D-format of values is (d0x, d0y, d0z, d1x, d1y, d1z, ..., dnx, dny, dnz)) self._read_function_type = None # stores whether read function is scalar or vector valued # numerics self._precice_tau = None self._my_expression = interpolation_strategy # checkpointing self._u_cp = None # checkpoint for temperature inside domain self._t_cp = None # time of the checkpoint self._n_cp = None # timestep of the checkpoint # function space self._function_space = None self._dss = None # measure for boundary integral # Nodes with Dirichlet and Force-boundary self._Dirichlet_Boundary = None # stores a dirichlet boundary (if provided) self._has_force_boundary = None # stores whether force_boundary exists
def __init__(self, mbdHelper, configFileName="../precice-config.xml"): self.mbd = mbdHelper self.interface = precice.Interface("Structure_Solver", configFileName, 0, 1) # proc no, nprocs self.dim = self.interface.get_dimensions() nodes = self.mbd.getNodes() # if self.dim == 2: # self.nodesid = np.where(nodes[:,2] < 1e-6) # nodes = nodes[self.nodesid] self.nnodes = len(nodes) nmeshID = self.interface.get_mesh_id("Structure_Nodes") self.nodeVertexIDs = self.nnodes * [0.0] #self.interface.set_mesh_vertices(nmeshID, self.nnodes, np.ravel(nodes[:,:self.dim]), self.nodeVertexIDs) #self.interface.set_mesh_vertices(nmeshID, np.ravel(nodes[:,:self.dim])) self.interface.set_mesh_vertices(nmeshID, np.array(nodes[:, :self.dim])) #self.displacements = np.array(self.dim*self.nnodes*[0.0]) self.displacements = np.zeros((self.nnodes, self.dim)) # ccs = self.mbd.getCellCenters() # self.ncells = len(ccs) # cmeshID = self.interface.get_mesh_id("Structure_CellCenters") # self.cellVertexIDs = self.ncells*[0.0] # self.interface.set_mesh_vertices(cmeshID, self.ncells, np.ravel(ccs[:,:self.dim]), self.cellVertexIDs) self.force = np.array(self.dim * self.nnodes * [0.0]) self.displacementsID = self.interface.get_data_id( "DisplacementDelta", nmeshID) self.forceID = self.interface.get_data_id("Force", nmeshID) self.dt = self.interface.initialize() self.mbd.controlDict["timeStep"] = self.dt self.mbd.initializeMBDyn() #import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() if (self.interface.is_action_required( precice.action_write_initial_data())): print("Writing initial data") self.interface.write_block_vector_data(self.displacementsID, self.nodeVertexIDs, self.displacements) self.interface.mark_action_fulfilled( precice.action_write_initial_data()) self.interface.initialize_data() if (self.interface.is_read_data_available()): print("Reading initial data") self.force = self.interface.read_block_vector_data( self.forceID, self.nodeVertexIDs) print(4)
def test_get_mesh_vertex_ids_from_positions_mixed(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_mesh_id fake_dimension = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_dimensions n_fake_vertices = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, n_fake_vertices positions = np.random.rand(n_fake_vertices, fake_dimension) positions = list( tuple(positions[i, j] for j in range(positions.shape[1])) for i in range(positions.shape[0])) fake_vertex_ids = range(n_fake_vertices) vertex_ids = solver_interface.get_mesh_vertex_ids_from_positions( fake_mesh_id, positions) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(fake_vertex_ids, vertex_ids))
def test_get_mesh_vertices(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_mesh_id n_fake_vertices = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, n_fake_vertices fake_dimension = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_dimensions fake_vertices = np.zeros((n_fake_vertices, fake_dimension)) for i in range(n_fake_vertices): fake_vertices[i, 0] = i fake_vertices[i, 1] = i + n_fake_vertices fake_vertices[i, 2] = i + 2 * n_fake_vertices vertices = solver_interface.get_mesh_vertices(fake_mesh_id, range(n_fake_vertices)) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(fake_vertices, vertices))
def test_read_write_vector_data_non_contiguous(self): """ Tests behaviour of solver interface, if a non contiguous array is passed to the interface. Note: Check whether np.ndarray is contiguous via np.ndarray.flags. """ solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) dummy_array = np.random.rand(3, 3) write_data = dummy_array[:, 1] assert (write_data.flags["C_CONTIGUOUS"] is False) solver_interface.write_vector_data(1, 1, write_data) read_data = solver_interface.read_vector_data(1, 1) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(write_data, read_data))
def test_get_mesh_vertices_and_ids(self): solver_interface = precice.Interface("test", "dummy.xml", 0, 1) fake_mesh_id = 0 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_mesh_id n_fake_vertices = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, n_fake_vertices fake_dimension = 3 # compare to test/SolverInterface.cpp, fake_dimensions vertex_ids = np.arange(n_fake_vertices) coordinates = np.zeros((n_fake_vertices, fake_dimension)) for i in range(n_fake_vertices): coordinates[i, 0] = i * fake_dimension coordinates[i, 1] = i * fake_dimension + 1 coordinates[i, 2] = i * fake_dimension + 2 fake_ids, fake_coordinates = solver_interface.get_mesh_vertices_and_ids( fake_mesh_id) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(fake_ids, vertex_ids)) self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(fake_coordinates, coordinates))
def __init__(self, adapter_config_filename='precice-adapter-config.json'): self._config = Config(adapter_config_filename) self._solver_name = self._config.get_solver_name() self._interface = precice.Interface(self._solver_name, 0, 1) self._interface.configure( self._config.get_config_file_name()) # raises error self._dimensions = self._interface.get_dimensions() self._coupling_subdomain = None # initialized later self._mesh_fenics = None # initialized later self._coupling_bc_expression = None # initialized later self._fenics_dimensions = None # initialized later self._vector_function = None # initialized later ## coupling mesh related quantities self._coupling_mesh_vertices = None # initialized later self._mesh_name = self._config.get_coupling_mesh_name() self._mesh_id = self._interface.get_mesh_id(self._mesh_name) self._vertex_ids = None # initialized later self._n_vertices = None # initialized later ## write data related quantities (write data is written by this solver to preCICE) self._write_data_name = self._config.get_write_data_name() self._write_data_id = self._interface.get_data_id( self._write_data_name, self._mesh_id) self._write_data = None #_write_data is a vector with the values like it is used by precice (The 2D-format of values is (d0x, d0y, d1x, d1y, ..., dnx, dny) The 3D-format of values is (d0x, d0y, d0z, d1x, d1y, d1z, ..., dnx, dny, dnz)) ## read data related quantities (read data is read by this solver from preCICE) self._read_data_name = self._config.get_read_data_name() self._read_data_id = self._interface.get_data_id( self._read_data_name, self._mesh_id) self._read_data = None #a numpy 1D array with the values like it is used by precice (The 2D-format of values is (d0x, d0y, d1x, d1y, ..., dnx, dny) The 3D-format of values is (d0x, d0y, d0z, d1x, d1y, d1z, ..., dnx, dny, dnz)) ## numerics self._precice_tau = None ## checkpointing self._u_cp = None # checkpoint for temperature inside domain self._t_cp = None # time of the checkpoint self._n_cp = None # timestep of the checkpoint #function space self._function_space = None self.dss = None #intgration domain for evaluation an integral over the domain
def __init__(self, preciceConfigFile, participantName, config, MESH, MODEL, MAT, isNonLinear=False): self.interfaces = [] self.numInterfaces = len(config) self.MESH = MESH self.MODEL = MODEL self.MAT = MAT self.LOADS = [] self.isNonLinear = isNonLinear self.participantName = participantName self.preciceDt = -1 self.precice = precice.Interface(participantName, preciceConfigFile, 0, 1) self.configure(config)
def __init__(self, adapter_config_filename='precice-adapter-config.json'): self._config = Config(adapter_config_filename) self._solver_name = self._config.get_solver_name() self._interface = precice.Interface(self._solver_name, 0, 1) self._interface.configure(self._config.get_config_file_name()) self._dimensions = self._interface.get_dimensions() self._coupling_subdomain = None # initialized later self._mesh_fenics = None # initialized later self._coupling_bc_expression = None # initialized later ## coupling mesh related quantities self._coupling_mesh_vertices = None # initialized later self._mesh_name = self._config.get_coupling_mesh_name() self._mesh_id = self._interface.get_mesh_id(self._mesh_name) self._vertex_ids = None # initialized later self._n_vertices = None # initialized later ## write data related quantities (write data is written by this solver to preCICE) self._write_data_name = self._config.get_write_data_name() self._write_data_id = self._interface.get_data_id(self._write_data_name, self._mesh_id) self._write_data = None ## read data related quantities (read data is read by this solver from preCICE) self._read_data_name = self._config.get_read_data_name() self._read_data_id = self._interface.get_data_id(self._read_data_name, self._mesh_id) self._read_data = None ## numerics self._precice_tau = None ## checkpointing self._u_cp = None # checkpoint for temperature inside domain self._t_cp = None # time of the checkpoint self._n_cp = None # timestep of the checkpoint
def __init__(self, adapter_config_filename='precice-adapter-config.json'): self._config = Config(adapter_config_filename) self._solver_name = self._config.get_solver_name() self.comm = mpi_comm_world() self.rank = MPI.rank(self.comm) self.size = MPI.size(self.comm) self._interface = precice.Interface(self._solver_name, self.rank, self.size) self._interface.configure(self._config.get_config_file_name()) self._dimensions = self._interface.get_dimensions() self._coupling_subdomain = None # initialized later self._V_fenics = None # initialized later ## coupling mesh related quantities self._coupling_mesh_vertices = None # initialized later self._mesh_name = self._config.get_coupling_mesh_name() self._mesh_id = self._interface.get_mesh_id(self._mesh_name) self._vertex_ids = None # initialized later ## write data related quantities (write data is written by this solver to preCICE) self._write_data_name = self._config.get_write_data_name() self._write_data_id = self._interface.get_data_id( self._write_data_name, self._mesh_id) self._write_data = None ## read data related quantities (read data is read by this solver from preCICE) self._read_data_name = self._config.get_read_data_name() self._read_data_id = self._interface.get_data_id( self._read_data_name, self._mesh_id) self._read_data = None ## numerics self._precice_tau = None
args = parser.parse_args() except SystemExit: print("") print("Usage: python ./solverdummy precice-config participant-name mesh-name") quit() configuration_file_name = args.configurationFileName participant_name = args.participantName mesh_name = args.meshName n = 1 solver_process_index = 0 solver_process_size = 1 interface = precice.Interface(participant_name, configuration_file_name, MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank(), MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()) mesh_id = interface.get_mesh_id(mesh_name) dimensions = interface.get_dimensions() vertices = np.ones((n, dimensions)) * MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank() vertex_ids = interface.set_mesh_vertices(mesh_id, vertices) dt = interface.initialize() while interface.is_coupling_ongoing(): if interface.is_action_required(precice.action_write_iteration_checkpoint()): print("DUMMY: Writing iteration checkpoint") interface.mark_action_fulfilled(precice.action_write_iteration_checkpoint())
quit() writeVideoToFile = True if args.write_video else False print("Starting Fluid Solver...") configFileName = args.configurationFileName N = config.n_elem dx = config.L / N # element length print("N: " + str(N)) solverName = "FLUID" print("Configure preCICE...") interface = precice.Interface(solverName, configFileName, 0, 1) print("preCICE configured...") dimensions = interface.get_dimensions() velocity = config.velocity_in(0) * np.ones(N + 1) velocity_n = config.velocity_in(0) * np.ones(N + 1) pressure = config.p0 * np.ones(N + 1) pressure_n = config.p0 * np.ones(N + 1) crossSectionLength = config.a0 * np.ones(N + 1) crossSectionLength_n = config.a0 * np.ones(N + 1) if plotting_mode == config.PlottingModes.VIDEO: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) if writeVideoToFile: FFMpegWriter = manimation.writers['imagemagick']
output_mode = config.OutputModes.VTK if args.write_vtk else config.OutputModes.OFF writeVideoToFile = True if args.write_video else False print("Starting Fluid Solver...") configFileName = args.configurationFileName N = config.n_elem dx = config.L / N # element length print("N: " + str(N)) solverName = "FLUID" print("Configure preCICE...") interface = precice.Interface(solverName, 0, 1) interface.configure(configFileName) print("preCICE configured...") dimensions = interface.get_dimensions() velocity = config.velocity_in(0) * np.ones(N+1) velocity_n = config.velocity_in(0) * np.ones(N+1) pressure = config.p0 * np.ones(N+1) pressure_n = config.p0 * np.ones(N+1) crossSectionLength = config.a0 * np.ones(N+1) crossSectionLength_n = config.a0 * np.ones(N+1) if plotting_mode == config.PlottingModes.VIDEO: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
import numpy as np import time import precice # preCICE setup participant_name = "Dummy" config_file_name = "precice-config.xml" solver_process_index = 0 solver_process_size = 1 interface = precice.Interface(participant_name, config_file_name, solver_process_index, solver_process_size) mesh_name = "Dummy-Mesh" mesh_id = interface.get_mesh_id(mesh_name) lmbda_id = interface.get_data_id("Lmbda", mesh_id) mu_id = interface.get_data_id("Mu", mesh_id) gc_id = interface.get_data_id("Gc", mesh_id) # define coupling mesh L = 1e-3 # domain size in m N = 100 # number of cells in each direction axis = np.linspace(-L / 2, L / 2, N + 1) # coordinates along one axis positions = np.transpose( [np.tile(axis, len(axis)), np.repeat(axis, len(axis))]) # mesh coordinates vertex_ids = interface.set_mesh_vertices(mesh_id, positions) precice_dt = interface.initialize() # pseudo timestep size handled by preCICE step = 0
def main(inflow: 'inflow velocity' = 10, viscosity: 'kinematic viscosity' = 1.0, density: 'density' = 1.0, theta=0.5, timestepsize=0.01): # mesh and geometry definition grid_x_1 = numpy.linspace(-3, -1, 7) grid_x_1 = grid_x_1[:-1] grid_x_2 = numpy.linspace(-1, -0.3, 8) grid_x_2 = grid_x_2[:-1] grid_x_3 = numpy.linspace(-0.3, 0.3, 13) grid_x_3 = grid_x_3[:-1] grid_x_4 = numpy.linspace(0.3, 1, 8) grid_x_4 = grid_x_4[:-1] grid_x_5 = numpy.linspace(1, 3, 7) grid_x = numpy.concatenate( (grid_x_1, grid_x_2, grid_x_3, grid_x_4, grid_x_5), axis=None) grid_y_1 = numpy.linspace(0, 1.5, 16) grid_y_1 = grid_y_1[:-1] grid_y_2 = numpy.linspace(1.5, 2, 4) grid_y_2 = grid_y_2[:-1] grid_y_3 = numpy.linspace(2, 4, 7) grid_y = numpy.concatenate((grid_y_1, grid_y_2, grid_y_3), axis=None) grid = [grid_x, grid_y] topo, geom = mesh.rectilinear(grid) domain = topo.withboundary(inflow='left', wall='top,bottom', outflow='right') - \ topo[18:20, :10].withboundary(flap='left,right,top') # Nutils namespace ns = function.Namespace() # time approximations # TR interpolation ns._functions['t'] = lambda f: theta * f + (1 - theta) * subs0(f) ns._functions_nargs['t'] = 1 # 1st order FD ns._functions['δt'] = lambda f: (f - subs0(f)) / dt ns._functions_nargs['δt'] = 1 # 2nd order FD ns._functions['tt'] = lambda f: (1.5 * f - 2 * subs0(f) + 0.5 * subs00(f) ) / dt ns._functions_nargs['tt'] = 1 # extrapolation for pressure ns._functions['tp'] = lambda f: (1.5 * f - 0.5 * subs0(f)) ns._functions_nargs['tp'] = 1 = viscosity ns.rho = density ns.uin = inflow ns.x0 = geom # reference geometry ns.dbasis = domain.basis('std', degree=1).vector(2) ns.d_i = 'dbasis_ni ?meshdofs_n' ns.umesh_i = 'dbasis_ni (1.5 ?meshdofs_n - 2 ?oldmeshdofs_n + 0.5 ?oldoldmeshdofs_n ) / ?dt' ns.x_i = 'x0_i + d_i' # moving geometry ns.ubasis, ns.pbasis = function.chain([ domain.basis('std', degree=2).vector(2), domain.basis('std', degree=1), ]) ns.F_i = 'ubasis_ni ?F_n' # stress field ns.urel_i = 'ubasis_ni ?lhs_n' # relative velocity ns.u_i = 'umesh_i + urel_i' # total velocity ns.p = 'pbasis_n ?lhs_n' # pressure # initialization of dofs meshdofs = numpy.zeros(len(ns.dbasis)) oldmeshdofs = meshdofs oldoldmeshdofs = meshdofs oldoldoldmeshdofs = meshdofs lhs0 = numpy.zeros(len(ns.ubasis)) # for visualization bezier = domain.sample('bezier', 2) # preCICE setup configFileName = "../precice-config.xml" participantName = "Fluid" solverProcessIndex = 0 solverProcessSize = 1 interface = precice.Interface(participantName, configFileName, solverProcessIndex, solverProcessSize) # define coupling meshes meshName = "Fluid-Mesh" meshID = interface.get_mesh_id(meshName) couplinginterface = domain.boundary['flap'] couplingsample = couplinginterface.sample( 'gauss', degree=2) # mesh located at Gauss points dataIndices = interface.set_mesh_vertices(meshID, couplingsample.eval(ns.x0)) # coupling data writeData = "Force" readData = "Displacement" writedataID = interface.get_data_id(writeData, meshID) readdataID = interface.get_data_id(readData, meshID) # initialize preCICE precice_dt = interface.initialize() dt = min(precice_dt, timestepsize) # boundary conditions for fluid equations sqr = domain.boundary['wall,flap'].integral('urel_k urel_k d:x0' @ ns, degree=4) cons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15) sqr = domain.boundary['inflow'].integral( '((urel_0 - uin)^2 + urel_1^2) d:x0' @ ns, degree=4) cons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15, constrain=cons) # weak form fluid equations res = domain.integral('t(ubasis_ni,j (u_i,j + u_j,i) rho nu d:x)' @ ns, degree=4) res += domain.integral('(-ubasis_ni,j p δ_ij + pbasis_n u_k,k) d:x' @ ns, degree=4) res += domain.integral('rho ubasis_ni δt(u_i d:x)' @ ns, degree=4) res += domain.integral('rho ubasis_ni t(u_i,j urel_j d:x)' @ ns, degree=4) # weak form for force computation resF = domain.integral('(ubasis_ni,j (u_i,j + u_j,i) rho nu d:x)' @ ns, degree=4) resF += domain.integral('tp(-ubasis_ni,j p δ_ij d:x)' @ ns, degree=4) resF += domain.integral('pbasis_n u_k,k d:x' @ ns, degree=4) resF += domain.integral('rho ubasis_ni tt(u_i d:x)' @ ns, degree=4) resF += domain.integral('rho ubasis_ni (u_i,j urel_j d:x)' @ ns, degree=4) resF += couplinginterface.sample('gauss', 4).integral('ubasis_ni F_i d:x' @ ns) consF = numpy.isnan( solver.optimize('F', couplinginterface.sample('gauss', 4).integral('F_i F_i' @ ns), droptol=1e-10)) # boundary conditions mesh displacements sqr = domain.boundary['inflow,outflow,wall'].integral('d_i d_i' @ ns, degree=2) meshcons0 = solver.optimize('meshdofs', sqr, droptol=1e-15) # weak form mesh displacements meshsqr = domain.integral('d_i,x0_j d_i,x0_j d:x0' @ ns, degree=2) # better initial guess: start from Stokes solution, comment out for comparison with other solvers #res_stokes = domain.integral('(ubasis_ni,j ((u_i,j + u_j,i) rho nu - p δ_ij) + pbasis_n u_k,k) d:x' @ ns, degree=4) #lhs0 = solver.solve_linear('lhs', res_stokes, constrain=cons, arguments=dict(meshdofs=meshdofs, oldmeshdofs=oldmeshdofs, oldoldmeshdofs=oldoldmeshdofs, oldoldoldmeshdofs=oldoldoldmeshdofs, dt=dt)) lhs00 = lhs0 timestep = 0 t = 0 while interface.is_coupling_ongoing(): # read displacements from interface if interface.is_read_data_available(): readdata = interface.read_block_vector_data( readdataID, dataIndices) coupledata = couplingsample.asfunction(readdata) sqr = couplingsample.integral(((ns.d - coupledata)**2).sum(0)) meshcons = solver.optimize('meshdofs', sqr, droptol=1e-15, constrain=meshcons0) meshdofs = solver.optimize('meshdofs', meshsqr, constrain=meshcons) # save checkpoint if interface.is_action_required( precice.action_write_iteration_checkpoint()): lhs_checkpoint = lhs0 lhs00_checkpoint = lhs00 t_checkpoint = t timestep_checkpoint = timestep oldmeshdofs_checkpoint = oldmeshdofs oldoldmeshdofs_checkpoint = oldoldmeshdofs oldoldoldmeshdofs_checkpoint = oldoldoldmeshdofs interface.mark_action_fulfilled( precice.action_write_iteration_checkpoint()) # solve fluid equations lhs1 = solver.newton( 'lhs', res, lhs0=lhs0, constrain=cons, arguments=dict( lhs0=lhs0, dt=dt, meshdofs=meshdofs, oldmeshdofs=oldmeshdofs, oldoldmeshdofs=oldoldmeshdofs, oldoldoldmeshdofs=oldoldoldmeshdofs)).solve(tol=1e-6) # write forces to interface if interface.is_write_data_required(dt): F = solver.solve_linear('F', resF, constrain=consF, arguments=dict( lhs00=lhs00, lhs0=lhs0, lhs=lhs1, dt=dt, meshdofs=meshdofs, oldmeshdofs=oldmeshdofs, oldoldmeshdofs=oldoldmeshdofs, oldoldoldmeshdofs=oldoldoldmeshdofs)) # writedata = couplingsample.eval(ns.F, F=F) # for stresses writedata = couplingsample.eval('F_i d:x' @ ns, F=F, meshdofs=meshdofs) * \ numpy.concatenate([p.weights for p in couplingsample.points])[:, numpy.newaxis] interface.write_block_vector_data(writedataID, dataIndices, writedata) # do the coupling precice_dt = interface.advance(dt) dt = min(precice_dt, timestepsize) # advance variables timestep += 1 t += dt lhs00 = lhs0 lhs0 = lhs1 oldoldoldmeshdofs = oldoldmeshdofs oldoldmeshdofs = oldmeshdofs oldmeshdofs = meshdofs # read checkpoint if required if interface.is_action_required( precice.action_read_iteration_checkpoint()): lhs0 = lhs_checkpoint lhs00 = lhs00_checkpoint t = t_checkpoint timestep = timestep_checkpoint oldmeshdofs = oldmeshdofs_checkpoint oldoldmeshdofs = oldoldmeshdofs_checkpoint oldoldoldmeshdofs = oldoldoldmeshdofs_checkpoint interface.mark_action_fulfilled( precice.action_read_iteration_checkpoint()) if interface.is_time_window_complete(): x, u, p = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'u_i', 'p'] @ ns, lhs=lhs1, meshdofs=meshdofs, oldmeshdofs=oldmeshdofs, oldoldmeshdofs=oldoldmeshdofs, oldoldoldmeshdofs=oldoldoldmeshdofs, dt=dt) with treelog.add(treelog.DataLog()): export.vtk('Fluid_' + str(timestep), bezier.tri, x, u=u, p=p) interface.finalize()
def main(): print("Running utils") # define the Nutils mesh grid = [ np.linspace(a, b, round((b - a) / size) + 1) for (a, b, size) in [(0, 1, 0.05), (-.25, 0, 0.05)] ] domain, geom = nutils.mesh.rectilinear(grid) # Nutils namespace ns = nutils.function.Namespace() ns.x = geom ns.basis = domain.basis('std', degree=1) # linear finite elements ns.u = 'basis_n ?lhs_n' # solution ns.dudt = 'basis_n (?lhs_n - ?lhs0_n) / ?dt' # time derivative ns.flux = 'basis_n ?fluxdofs_n' # heat flux ns.k = 100 # thermal diffusivity ns.uwall = 310 # wall temperature # define the weak form res = domain.integral('(basis_n dudt + k basis_n,i u_,i) d:x' @ ns, degree=2) # define Dirichlet boundary condition sqr = domain.boundary['bottom'].integral('(u - uwall)^2 d:x' @ ns, degree=2) cons = nutils.solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15) # preCICE setup interface = precice.Interface("Solid", "../precice-config.xml", 0, 1) # define coupling mesh mesh_name = "Solid-Mesh" mesh_id = interface.get_mesh_id(mesh_name) coupling_boundary = domain.boundary['top'] coupling_sample = coupling_boundary.sample( 'gauss', degree=2) # mesh vertices at Gauss points vertices = coupling_sample.eval(ns.x) vertex_ids = interface.set_mesh_vertices(mesh_id, vertices) # coupling data flux_id = interface.get_data_id("Heat-Flux", mesh_id) temperature_id = interface.get_data_id("Temperature", mesh_id) # helper functions to project heat flux to coupling boundary projection_matrix = coupling_boundary.integrate( ns.eval_nm('basis_n basis_m d:x'), degree=2) projection_cons = np.zeros(res.shape) projection_cons[projection_matrix.rowsupp(1e-15)] = np.nan def fluxdofs(v): return projection_matrix.solve(v, constrain=projection_cons) precice_dt = interface.initialize() cons0 = cons # to not lose the Dirichlet BC at the bottom lhs0 = np.zeros(res.shape) # solution from previous timestep timestep = 0 dt = 0.01 # set u = uwall as initial condition and visualize sqr = domain.integral('(u - uwall)^2' @ ns, degree=2) lhs0 = nutils.solver.optimize('lhs', sqr) bezier = domain.sample('bezier', 2) x, u = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'u'] @ ns, lhs=lhs0) with treelog.add(treelog.DataLog()): nutils.export.vtk('Solid_0', bezier.tri, x, T=u) while interface.is_coupling_ongoing(): # read temperature from interface if interface.is_read_data_available(): temperature_values = interface.read_block_scalar_data( temperature_id, vertex_ids) temperature_function = coupling_sample.asfunction( temperature_values) sqr = coupling_sample.integral((ns.u - temperature_function)**2) cons = nutils.solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15, constrain=cons0) # save checkpoint if interface.is_action_required( precice.action_write_iteration_checkpoint()): lhs_checkpoint = lhs0 timestep_checkpoint = timestep interface.mark_action_fulfilled( precice.action_write_iteration_checkpoint()) # potentially adjust non-matching timestep sizes dt = min(dt, precice_dt) # solve nutils timestep lhs = nutils.solver.solve_linear('lhs', res, constrain=cons, arguments=dict(lhs0=lhs0, dt=dt)) # write heat fluxes to interface if interface.is_write_data_required(dt): flux_function = res.eval(lhs0=lhs0, lhs=lhs, dt=dt) flux_values = coupling_sample.eval( '-flux' @ ns, fluxdofs=fluxdofs(flux_function)) interface.write_block_scalar_data(flux_id, vertex_ids, flux_values) # do the coupling precice_dt = interface.advance(dt) # advance variables timestep += 1 lhs0 = lhs # read checkpoint if required if interface.is_action_required( precice.action_read_iteration_checkpoint()): lhs0 = lhs_checkpoint timestep = timestep_checkpoint interface.mark_action_fulfilled( precice.action_read_iteration_checkpoint()) else: # go to next timestep if timestep % 20 == 0: # visualize bezier = domain.sample('bezier', 2) x, u = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'u'] @ ns, lhs=lhs) with treelog.add(treelog.DataLog()): nutils.export.vtk('Solid_' + str(timestep), bezier.tri, x, T=u) interface.finalize()
def main(side='Dirichlet'): print("Running nutils") # domain size y_bottom, y_top = 0, 1 x_left, x_right = 0, 2 x_coupling = 1 # x coordinate of coupling interface n = 10 # number of mesh vertices per dimension if side == 'Dirichlet': x_grid = np.linspace(x_left, x_coupling, n) elif side == 'Neumann': x_grid = np.linspace(x_coupling, x_right, n) else: raise Exception('invalid side {!r}'.format(side)) y_grid = np.linspace(y_bottom, y_top, n) # define the Nutils mesh domain, geom = nutils.mesh.rectilinear([x_grid, y_grid]) # Nutils namespace ns = nutils.function.Namespace() ns.x = geom degree = 1 # linear finite elements ns.basis = domain.basis('std', degree=degree) ns.alpha = 3 # parameter of problem ns.beta = 1.3 # parameter of problem ns.u = 'basis_n ?lhs_n' # solution ns.dudt = 'basis_n (?lhs_n - ?lhs0_n) / ?dt' # time derivative ns.flux = 'basis_n ?fluxdofs_n' # heat flux ns.f = 'beta - 2 - 2 alpha' # rhs ns.uexact = '1 + x_0 x_0 + alpha x_1 x_1 + beta ?t' # analytical solution # define the weak form res0 = domain.integral( '(basis_n dudt - basis_n f + basis_n,i u_,i) d:x' @ ns, degree=degree * 2) # set boundary conditions at non-coupling boundaries # top and bottom boundary are non-coupling for both sides sqr0 = domain.boundary['top'].integral( '(u - 1 - x_0 x_0 - alpha - beta ?t)^2 d:x' @ ns, degree=degree * 2) sqr0 += domain.boundary['bottom'].integral( '(u - 1 - x_0 x_0 - beta ?t)^2 d:x' @ ns, degree=degree * 2) if side == 'Dirichlet': # left boundary is non-coupling sqr0 += domain.boundary['left'].integral( '(u - 1 - alpha x_1 x_1 - beta ?t)^2 d:x' @ ns, degree=degree * 2) elif side == 'Neumann': # right boundary is non-coupling sqr0 += domain.boundary['right'].integral( '(u - 1 - x_0 x_0 - alpha x_1 x_1 - beta ?t)^2 d:x' @ ns, degree=degree * 2) # preCICE setup interface = precice.Interface(side, "../precice-config.xml", 0, 1) # define coupling mesh mesh_name = side + "-Mesh" mesh_id = interface.get_mesh_id(mesh_name) coupling_boundary = domain.boundary['right' if side == 'Dirichlet' else 'left'] coupling_sample = coupling_boundary.sample('gauss', degree=degree * 2) vertices = coupling_sample.eval(ns.x) vertex_ids = interface.set_mesh_vertices(mesh_id, vertices) # coupling data write_data = "Temperature" if side == "Neumann" else "Heat-Flux" read_data = "Heat-Flux" if side == "Neumann" else "Temperature" write_data_id = interface.get_data_id(write_data, mesh_id) read_data_id = interface.get_data_id(read_data, mesh_id) # helper functions to project heat flux to coupling boundary projection_matrix = coupling_boundary.integrate( ns.eval_nm('basis_n basis_m d:x'), degree=degree * 2) projection_cons = np.zeros(res0.shape) projection_cons[projection_matrix.rowsupp(1e-15)] = np.nan def fluxdofs(v): return projection_matrix.solve(v, constrain=projection_cons) # helper data structure to apply heat flux correctly dx_function = 'd:x' @ ns precice_dt = interface.initialize() # write initial data if interface.is_action_required(precice.action_write_initial_data()): write_data = np.zeros(len(vertex_ids)) interface.write_block_scalar_data(write_data_id, vertex_ids, write_data) interface.mark_action_fulfilled(precice.action_write_initial_data()) interface.initialize_data() t = 0 # initial condition sqr = domain.integral('(u - uexact)^2' @ ns, degree=degree * 2) lhs0 = nutils.solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15, arguments=dict(t=t)) bezier = domain.sample('bezier', degree * 2) x, u, uexact = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'u', 'uexact'] @ ns, lhs=lhs0, t=t) with treelog.add(treelog.DataLog()): nutils.export.vtk(side + '-0', bezier.tri, x, Temperature=u, reference=uexact) t += precice_dt timestep = 0 dt = 0.1 while interface.is_coupling_ongoing(): # update (time-dependent) boundary condition cons0 = nutils.solver.optimize('lhs', sqr0, droptol=1e-15, arguments=dict(t=t)) # read data from interface if interface.is_read_data_available(): read_data = interface.read_block_scalar_data( read_data_id, vertex_ids) read_function = coupling_sample.asfunction(read_data) if side == 'Dirichlet': sqr = coupling_sample.integral((ns.u - read_function)**2) cons = nutils.solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15, constrain=cons0, arguments=dict(t=t)) res = res0 else: cons = cons0 res = res0 + coupling_sample.integral( ns.basis * read_function * dx_function) # save checkpoint if interface.is_action_required( precice.action_write_iteration_checkpoint()): lhs_checkpoint = lhs0 t_checkpoint = t timestep_checkpoint = timestep interface.mark_action_fulfilled( precice.action_write_iteration_checkpoint()) # potentially adjust non-matching timestep sizes dt = min(dt, precice_dt) # solve nutils timestep lhs = nutils.solver.solve_linear('lhs', res, constrain=cons, arguments=dict(lhs0=lhs0, dt=dt, t=t)) # write data to interface if interface.is_write_data_required(dt): if side == 'Dirichlet': flux_function = res.eval(lhs0=lhs0, lhs=lhs, dt=dt, t=t) write_data = coupling_sample.eval( 'flux' @ ns, fluxdofs=fluxdofs(flux_function)) else: write_data = coupling_sample.eval('u' @ ns, lhs=lhs) interface.write_block_scalar_data(write_data_id, vertex_ids, write_data) # do the coupling precice_dt = interface.advance(dt) # advance variables t += dt timestep += 1 lhs0 = lhs # read checkpoint if required if interface.is_action_required( precice.action_read_iteration_checkpoint()): lhs0 = lhs_checkpoint t = t_checkpoint timestep = timestep_checkpoint interface.mark_action_fulfilled( precice.action_read_iteration_checkpoint()) else: # go to next timestep bezier = domain.sample('bezier', degree * 2) x, u, uexact = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'u', 'uexact'] @ ns, lhs=lhs, t=t) with treelog.add(treelog.DataLog()): nutils.export.vtk(side + "-" + str(timestep), bezier.tri, x, Temperature=u, reference=uexact) interface.finalize()
type=str, default="precice-config.xml") try: args = parser.parse_args() except SystemExit: print("") print( "Did you forget adding the precice configuration file as an argument?") print("Try '$ python precice-config.xml'") quit() print("N: " + str(N)) print("Configure preCICE...") interface = precice.Interface("Solid", args.configurationFileName, 0, 1) print("preCICE configured...") dimensions = interface.get_dimensions() pressure = p0 * np.ones(N + 1) crossSectionLength = a0 * np.ones(N + 1) meshID = interface.get_mesh_id("Solid-Nodes-Mesh") crossSectionLengthID = interface.get_data_id("CrossSectionLength", meshID) pressureID = interface.get_data_id("Pressure", meshID) vertexIDs = np.zeros(N + 1) grid = np.zeros([N + 1, dimensions]) grid[:, 0] = np.linspace(0, L, N + 1) # x component