コード例 #1
def single_WLH(cmap_file, yrmin, yrmax, lat0, lon0, loc_nm, kmax, kann,
    # Single grid point and single year/climatology
    precip = precipdat.read_cmap(cmap_file, yrmin, yrmax)
    if yrmax > yrmin:
        precip = precip.mean(axis=0)
        titlestr = 'CMAP %d-%d' % (yrmin, yrmax)
        precip = precip[0]
        titlestr = 'CMAP %d' % yrmin

    latval, ilat0 = atm.find_closest(precip.lat, lat0)
    lonval, ilon0 = atm.find_closest(precip.lon, lon0)
    d = 1.25
    latstr = atm.latlon_labels(latval+d, 'lat', '%.1f', deg_symbol=False)
    lonstr = atm.latlon_labels(lonval+d, 'lon', '%.1f', deg_symbol=False)
    titlestr = '%s %s (%s, %s)' % (titlestr, loc_nm, latstr, lonstr)

    pcp = precip[:, ilat0, ilon0]
    pcp_sm, Rsq = atm.fourier_smooth(pcp, kmax)
    pcp_ann, Rsq_ann = atm.fourier_smooth(pcp, kann)
    i_onset, i_retreat, i_peak = onset_WLH_1D(pcp_sm, threshold, onset_min)

    plot_single_WLH(pcp, pcp_sm, pcp_ann, Rsq, Rsq_ann, i_onset, i_retreat, i_peak, kmax, kann, titlestr)

    return pcp, pcp_sm, pcp_ann, Rsq, Rsq_ann, i_onset, i_retreat, i_peak
コード例 #2
def all_WLH(cmap_file, yearmin=None, yearmax=None, climatology=False,
            kmax=12, threshold=5.0, onset_min=20):
    precip = precipdat.read_cmap(cmap_file, yearmin, yearmax)
    lat = atm.get_coord(precip, 'lat')
    lon = atm.get_coord(precip, 'lon')
    years = precip.year
    if climatology:
        precip = precip.mean(dim='year')
        axis = 0
        axis = 1
    wlh = onset_WLH(precip, axis, kmax, threshold, onset_min)
    wlh['precip'] = precip
    wlh['lat'] = lat
    wlh['lon'] = lon
    wlh['years'] = years
    wlh['climatology'] = climatology
    return wlh
コード例 #3
    years = xray.DataArray(years, {'year' : years})
    index['tseries'] = xray.DataArray(pcp_sm, dims=['year', 'day'],
                                      coords={'year' : years, 'day': days})
    index['onset'] = xray.DataArray(d_onset, coords={'year' : years})
    index['retreat'] = xray.DataArray(d_retreat, coords={'year' : years})
    index.attrs['title'] = titlestr
    return index

# Threshold and smoothing parameters
threshold = 5.0
kmax = 12
nroll = {'CMAP' : 3, 'MERRA_MFC' : 7, 'MERRA_PRECIP' : 7}

# Read CMAP pentad precip
cmap = precipdat.read_cmap(cmapfile)
cmapbar = atm.mean_over_geobox(cmap, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2)
cmapdays = [atm.pentad_to_jday(p, pmin=1) for p in cmap.pentad.values]

# MERRA moisture flux convergence
mfc = atm.combine_daily_years('MFC', mfcfiles, years, yearname='year')
mfcbar = atm.mean_over_geobox(mfc, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2)

# MERRA precip
subset_dict = {'lon' : (lon1, lon2), 'lat' : (lat1, lat2)}
precip = atm.combine_daily_years('PRECTOT', precipfiles, years, yearname='year',
precip = atm.precip_convert(precip, precip.attrs['units'], 'mm/day')
precipbar = atm.mean_over_geobox(precip, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2)

# Compute indices for each dataset
コード例 #4
for nm in varnms:
    if nm == 'PSI':
        nm0 = 'V_sector_%dE-%dE' % (lon1, lon2)
    elif nm == 'VFLXLQV':
        nm0 = 'VFLXQV'
    elif nm == dtheta_nm:
        nm0 = theta_nm
        nm0 = nm
    relfiles[nm] = filestr % (nm0, onset_nm, yearstr)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Read data and calculate indices

# Precipitation
precip = precipdat.read_cmap(pcpfile, yearmin=min(years), yearmax=max(years))
pcp_box = atm.mean_over_geobox(precip, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2)
# -- Interpolate to daily resolution
days = np.arange(1, 367)
pcp_i = np.nan * np.ones((len(years), len(days)))
for y, year in enumerate(years):
    pcp_i[y] = np.interp(days, pcp_box['day'], pcp_box[y])
coords = {'day' : days, 'year' : years}
pcp = xray.DataArray(pcp_i, dims=['year', 'day'], coords=coords)

# Monsoon onset, retreat indices
index = utils.get_onset_indices(onset_nm, indfiles, years)
mfc = atm.rolling_mean(index['ts_daily'], nroll, center=True)
onset = index['onset']
コード例 #5
                            pcp_ann[y], label_ann[y])
            plot_single_WLH(pcp[y], pcp_sm[y], label_sm[y], i_onset[y],
                            i_retreat[y], i_peak[y], titlestr + str(years[y]))
        if iplot < 4:
            plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 74, 4), [])
            plt.xticks(np.arange(0, 74, 4))

# Read data and average over box
lon1, lon2 = 60, 100
lat1, lat2 = 10, 30
titlestr = 'CMAP %d-%dE, %d-%dN ' % (lon1, lon2, lat1, lat2)
precip = precipdat.read_cmap(cmap_file)
precipbar = atm.mean_over_geobox(precip, lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2)
nyears, npentad = precipbar.shape
years = precipbar.year.values
nyears = len(years)
pentads = precipbar.pentad
onset = {}

# Threshold for onset criteria
threshold = 5.0

# Smooth with truncated Fourier series
kmax = 12
kann = 4
pcp_sm, Rsq = atm.fourier_smooth(precipbar, kmax)
pcp_ann, Rsq_ann = atm.fourier_smooth(precipbar, kann)