コード例 #1
ファイル: test_artifacts.py プロジェクト: tank0226/prefect
def test_create_link_artifact(client, running_with_backend):
    with context(task_run_id="trid"):
        artifact_id = artifacts.create_link_artifact(link="link_here")
        assert artifact_id == "id"
        assert client.create_task_run_artifact.called
        assert client.create_task_run_artifact.call_args[1] == {
            "data": {
                "link": "link_here"
            "kind": "link",
            "task_run_id": "trid",
コード例 #2
ファイル: flow_run.py プロジェクト: limx0/prefect
    def run(
        flow_name: str = None,
        project_name: str = None,
        parameters: dict = None,
        run_config: RunConfig = None,
        new_flow_context: dict = None,
        run_name: str = None,
        idempotency_key: str = None,
        scheduled_start_time: datetime.datetime = None,
    ) -> str:
        Run method for the task; responsible for scheduling the specified flow run.

            - flow_name (str, optional): the name of the flow to schedule; if not provided,
                this method will use the flow name provided at initialization
            - project_name (str, optional): the project in which the flow is located; if
                not provided, this method will use the project provided at initialization.
            - parameters (dict, optional): the parameters to pass to the flow run being
                scheduled; if not provided, this method will use the parameters provided at
            - run_config (RunConfig, optional): a run-config to use for this flow
                run, overriding any existing flow settings.
            - new_flow_context (dict, optional): the optional run context for the new flow run
            - run_name (str, optional): name to be set for the flow run
            - idempotency_key (str, optional): a unique idempotency key for scheduling the
                flow run. Duplicate flow runs with the same idempotency key will only create
                a single flow run. This is useful for ensuring that only one run is created
                if this task is retried. If not provided, defaults to the active `task_run_id`.
            - scheduled_start_time (datetime, optional): the time to schedule the execution
                for; if not provided, defaults to now

            - str: the ID of the newly-scheduled flow run

            - ValueError: if flow was not provided, cannot be found, or if a project name was
                not provided while using Cloud as a backend

            from prefect.tasks.prefect.flow_run import StartFlowRun

            kickoff_task = StartFlowRun(project_name="Hello, World!", flow_name="My Cloud Flow")


        # verify that flow and project names were passed where necessary
        if flow_name is None:
            raise ValueError("Must provide a flow name.")
        if project_name is None:
            raise ValueError("Must provide a project name.")

        where_clause = {
            "name": {
                "_eq": flow_name
            "archived": {
                "_eq": False
            "project": {
                "name": {
                    "_eq": project_name

        # find the flow ID to schedule
        query = {
            "query": {
                        "where": where_clause,
                        "order_by": {
                            "version": EnumValue("desc")
                        "limit": 1,
                ): {"id"}

        client = Client()
        flow = client.graphql(query).data.flow

        # verify that a flow has been returned
        if not flow:
            raise ValueError("Flow '{}' not found.".format(flow_name))

        # grab the ID for the most recent version
        flow_id = flow[0].id

        if idempotency_key is None:
            idempotency_key = prefect.context.get("task_run_id", None)

        # providing an idempotency key ensures that retries for this task
        # will not create additional flow runs
        flow_run_id = client.create_flow_run(

        self.logger.debug(f"Flow Run {flow_run_id} created.")

            f"Creating link artifact for Flow Run {flow_run_id}.")
        run_link = client.get_cloud_url("flow-run", flow_run_id)
        self.logger.info(f"Flow Run: {run_link}")

        if not self.wait:
            return flow_run_id

        while True:
            flow_run_state = client.get_flow_run_info(flow_run_id).state
            if flow_run_state.is_finished():
                exc = signal_from_state(flow_run_state)(
                    f"{flow_run_id} finished in state {flow_run_state}")
                raise exc
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_artifacts.py プロジェクト: tank0226/prefect
def test_create_link_artifact_not_using_backend(client):
    with context(task_run_id="trid"):
        artifact_id = artifacts.create_link_artifact(link="link_here")
        assert artifact_id == None
        assert not client.create_task_run_artifact.called