コード例 #1
def train_and_validate_viterbi2(_inputFile, _outputFile, _devFile,
                                _devOutputFile, _validateFile):
    Create the Preprocessor object
    Train using the SG, EN, CN, FR datasets
    Generate the representer, vocabulary and states and feed it into an Emission object
    preprocessor = Preprocessor(_inputFile)
    representer = preprocessor.get_representer()
    vocabulary = preprocessor.get_vocabulary()
    states = preprocessor.get_states()

    listOfWords = getAllTokens(_devFile)
    Create the Emission and Transition objects
    Validate using the dev datasets
    Label the input sequence and output the file as dev.p3.out
    emission = Emission(representer, vocabulary, states, listOfWords)
    transition = Transition2()

    label_viterbi(_devFile, _devOutputFile, emission, transition)
    Calculate Validation Error
    evaluate(_validateFile, _devOutputFile)
コード例 #2
def train_and_validate_emission(_inputFile, _outputFile, _devFile,
                                _devOutputFile, _validateFile):
    Create the Preprocessor object
    Train using the SG, EN, CN, FR datasets
    Generate the representer, vocabulary and states and feed it into an Emission object 
    preprocessor = Preprocessor(_inputFile)
    representer = preprocessor.get_representer()
    vocabulary = preprocessor.get_vocabulary()
    states = preprocessor.get_states()
    Create the Emission Object
    Validate using the dev datasets
    Label the input sequence and output the file as dev.p2.out
    emission = Emission(representer, vocabulary, states)
    emission.labelSequence(_devFile, _devOutputFile)
    Calculate Validation Error
    evaluate(_validateFile, _devOutputFile)