コード例 #1
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: medavox/Ysgrifen
def parseTags(nope):
    notags = []
    # from %tags, create a global one-to-many associative array (dictionary) of tags to pages
    for f in os.listdir(docsDir):
        if f.endswith(".md"):
            tagList = getTags(docsDir + "/" + f)
            # print "tags found:"+str(len(tagList))
            # print f+":"+str(type(tagList))
            if len(tagList) > 0:
                for tag in tagList:
                    if tag in tagDict:
                        tagDict[tag].append(f)  # add this file's name to listvalue of this tagkey
                    else:  # initialise this tagkey with a new list containing this filename
                        tagDict[tag] = [f]
                print "UNTAGGED: " + f

    allTags = open("../temp/all_tags.md", "w")
    allTags.write("# All Tags\n\ntag | articles\n----|------\n")  # tags as table

    untagged = open("../temp/untagged_articles.md", "w")
    untagged.write("# Untagged Articles\n\n")

    for page in notags:
        untagged.write("* [" + getTitle("../articles/" + page)[0] + "](" + cleanTitle(page)[:-2] + "html)\n")

        # create a page for every tag found in all the articles.
        # on that page, add a link to every article with that tag
    for tag in tagDict.keys():
        # consider sorting tags before printing
        # sorted(tagDict, key=itemgetter(len(tagDict[tag])), reverse=True)
        # articlesPerTag.append((tag, len(tagDict[tag])))
        # allTags.write("* ["+tag+"]("+cleanTitle(tag)+".html): "+str(len(tagDict[tag]))+" articles\n")#as bulleted list

            "[" + tag + "](tags/" + cleanTitle(tag) + ".html) | " + str(len(tagDict[tag])) + "\n"
        )  # tags as table

        tagPage = open("../temp/" + cleanTitle(tag) + ".md", "w")
        tagPage.write(tagPageTitlePrefix + tag + "'\n===\n\n")  # write page title
        padding = "                "[len(tag) :]
        print tag + ":" + padding + str(len(tagDict[tag])) + " articles"
        for page in tagDict[tag]:
            link = "../" + cleanTitle(page)[:-3] + ".html"
            title = getTitle(docsDir + "/" + page)[0]
            tagPage.write("* [" + title + "](" + link + ")\n")

            # print "\t\""+title+"\" at "+link
コード例 #2
ファイル: render.py プロジェクト: medavox/Ysgrifen
        for page in tagDict[tag]:
            link = "../" + cleanTitle(page)[:-3] + ".html"
            title = getTitle(docsDir + "/" + page)[0]
            tagPage.write("* [" + title + "](" + link + ")\n")

            # print "\t\""+title+"\" at "+link

# --------------------begin!
for liveFile in os.listdir(docsDir):
    if liveFile.endswith(".md") or liveFile.endswith(".list"):
        thisFileChanged = False
        cleanedName = cleanTitle(
        )  # replace spaces with underscores in filenames; make the name lowercase as well

        exists = os.path.exists("../lastinput/" + cleanedName)  # and os.path.isfile("../lastinput/"+cleanedName)
        if exists:
            dift = subprocess.call(["diff", "-q", docsDir + "/" + liveFile, "../lastinput/" + cleanedName])
            if dift != 0:
                filesChanged = True
                thisFileChanged = True
        else:  # if there's no copy of this file in ../lastinput, then it has changed by definition
            filesChanged = True
            thisFileChanged = True

        if thisFileChanged:  # if working copy in ../mdfiles/ differs from last rendered version in ../lastinput/
            # print ""+liveFile+" HAS CHANGED!"