コード例 #1
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: oberlin/pressgang
def begin_action(request):
    """Begins executing the current cached action."""

    action = retrieve_action(request)
    if not action:
        raise AjaxError(_("No action could be found in the session."))

        # Execute the action asynchronously
    except Exception, e:
        raise AjaxError(
            _("Unable to start the action %(action)s: %(error)s") % {"error": e, "action": action.display_name}
コード例 #2
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: oberlin/pressgang
def execute_action(request, **kwargs):
    """A page that executes an action.

	For this view to be called, there must be a cached Action-descended instance
	available as a session variable available through the 'current_action' key.

    action = retrieve_action(request)
    if not action:
        raise Http404

    page = Page(request)
    page.add_render_args({"action": action, "blog": action.blog})
    return page.render(action.execute_template)
コード例 #3
ファイル: views.py プロジェクト: oberlin/pressgang
def action_progress(request):
    """Fetches an update on the progress of an action.

	This is used to display feedback to the user on the action, as this
	view is called in a loop while the action is being performed.

    action = retrieve_action(request)
    if not action:
        raise AjaxError(_("No action could be found in the session"))

        # Refresh the action's record to avoid using a stale record
        record = action.Record.objects.get(pk=action.record.pk)
    except action.Record.DoesNotExist:
        raise AjaxError(_("No action record could be found."))

        # Clear the cached action if it has been completed
    if record.is_ended:

        # Generate the markup and pass its length  to the client so that it can
        # determine if the contents have changed
    log_markup = render_to_string(
            "action": action,
            "blog": action.blog,
            "log": record.log,
            "record": record,
            "succeeded": record.succeeded,
            "user": request.user,
    markup_size = len(log_markup)

    return {"ended": record.is_ended, "failed": record.is_failed, "markup": {"log": log_markup}, "size": markup_size}