コード例 #1
from future import print_function
from prestapyt import PrestaShopWebService
from xml.etree import ElementTree

prestashop = PrestaShopWebService('http://localhost:8080/api',
prestashop.debug = True


print((ElementTree.tostring(prestashop.get('addresses', resource_id=1))))
print((ElementTree.tostring(prestashop.get('addresses', options={'limit':


    "addresses", 1, """<prestashop xmlns:ns0="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
	<id_customer />
	<id_manufacturer ns0:href="http://localhost:8080/api/manufacturers/1">1</id_manufacturer>
	<id_supplier />
	<id_country ns0:href="http://localhost:8080/api/countries/21">21</id_country>
	<id_state ns0:href="http://localhost:8080/api/states/5">5</id_state>
コード例 #2
ファイル: dict2xml.py プロジェクト: Shivam-Icreative/odoo10C
                        'value': 'test description english'
                    }, {
                        'attrs': {
                            'id': '2',
                            'href': {
                                'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'
                        'value': 'test description french'

    print dict2xml(x)

    import xml2dict
    from prestapyt import PrestaShopWebService
    prestashop = PrestaShopWebService('http://localhost:8080/api',

    products_xml = prestashop.get('products', 1)

    products_dict = xml2dict.ET2dict(products_xml)
コード例 #3
ファイル: dict2xml.py プロジェクト: Comunitea/prestapyt
                                'id_supplier': None,
                                'lastname': 'JOBS',
                                'other': None,
                                'phone': '(800) 275-2273',
                                'phone_mobile': None,
                                'postcode': '95014',
                                'vat_number': 'XXX',
                                'description': {'language': [{'attrs': {'id': '1',
                                                                        'href': {'value': 'http://localhost:8080/api/languages/1',
                                                                                 'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'},},
                                                             'value': 'test description english'},
                                                             {'attrs': {'id': '2',
                                                                        'href': {'value': 'http://localhost:8080/api/languages/1',
                                                                                 'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink'},},
                                                             'value': 'test description french'}],


    print dict2xml(x)

    import xml2dict
    from prestapyt import PrestaShopWebService
    prestashop = PrestaShopWebService('http://localhost:8080/api',

    products_xml = prestashop.get('products', 1)

    products_dict = xml2dict.ET2dict(products_xml)
コード例 #4
class PrestaHelper(object): 
	"""Helper class to obtain structured information from 
	   prestashop API"""
	__prestashop = None
	__prestashop_api_access = {'url' : None, 'key' : None } 
	def __init__( self, presta_api_url, presta_api_key, debug = __debug__ ):
		""" constructor with connection parameter to PrestaShop API. """ 
		# Keep track of parameters 
		self.__prestashop_api_access['url'] = presta_api_url
		self.__prestashop_api_access['key'] = presta_api_key
		logging.info( 'connecting Presta API @ %s...', (presta_api_url) )	
		self.__prestashop = PrestaShopWebService( presta_api_url, presta_api_key )

		self.__prestashop.debug = debug
	def search( self, pattern, options ):
		""" Giving access to search capability of underlaying PrestaShop WebService """
		# Search are organised as follow 
		#    (Store URL)/api/customers/?display=[firstname,lastname]&filter[id]=[1|5]
		#    (store URL)/api/orders/?display=[id,current_state]&limit=25&sort=id_DESC
		# See source:
		#    http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS14/Chapter+8+-+Advanced+Use
		return self.__prestashop.search( pattern, options = options )
	def get_accessrights( self ):
		""" Return the access rights on API as dictionnary 
		Really convenient to check the prestashop connexion.""" 
		el = self.__prestashop.get( '' )
		item = etree_to_dict( el )
		item = item['prestashop']['api'] #  skip nodes prestashop & api
		# remove attribute nodes 
		_result = {}
		for k,v in item.items():
		  if not k.startswith('@'):
			  _result[k] = v
		return _result
	def get_lastcustomermessage_id( self ):
		""" Retreive the last customer message ID Stored into PrestaShop""" 
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'customer_messages', options={'limit':1, 'sort' : 'id_DESC'} )
		item = etree_to_dict( el )
		return int( item['prestashop']['customer_messages']['customer_message']['@id'] )
	def get_lastcustomermessages( self, fromId, count=1 ):
		""" Retreive the last customer messages stored in PrestaShop 
		fromId - ID from the message message to start from (see get_lastcustomermessage_id)
		count  - (default=1) the number of messages to retreive fromId (counting down)
		A list of CustomerMessageData objects
		_result = [] 
		for i in range( count ): #  range(1)=0 range(2)=0,1
			el = self.__prestashop.get( 'customer_messages', fromId-i )
			customermessage = CustomerMessageData( self )
			customermessage.load_from_xml( el )
			_result.append( customermessage )
		return _result
	def get_customerthread( self, id ):
		""" Retreive the custom thread data from thread id
		id(int) - id_customer_thread which is mentionned into a customer message.
		A CustomerThreadData object
		if not(isinstance( id, int )):
			raise EValueError( 'id must be integer' )
		logging.debug( 'read id_customer_thread: %s ' % id )
		el = self.__prestashop.get( 'customer_threads', id )
		customerthread = CustomerThreadData( self )
		customerthread.load_from_xml( el )
		return customerthread
	def get_carriers( self ):
		""" Retreive a list of Carriers (CarrierData) from prestashop """
		logging.debug( 'read carriers' )
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'carriers', options = {'display':'[id,deleted,active,name]'} )

		_result = CarrierList( self )
		_result.load_from_xml( el )

		return _result
	def get_products( self ):
		""" retreive a list of products from PrestaShop """
		logging.debug( 'read products' )
		#el = self.__prestashop.search( 'products' )
		#print( ElementTree.tostring( el ) )
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'products', options = {'display': '[id,reference,active,name,price,wholesale_price,id_supplier,id_category_default,advanced_stock_management,available_for_order,ean13]'} )
		_result = BaseProductList( self )
		_result.load_from_xml( el )
		return _result
	def get_suppliers( self ):
		""" retreive the list of suppliers """
		logging.debug('read suppliers')
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'suppliers', options = {'display': '[id,active,name]'} )
		_result = SupplierList( self )
		_result.load_from_xml( el )
		return _result 
	def get_product_suppliers( self ):
		""" retreive the list of all the supplier for all the products """
		logging.debug('read product suppliers')
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'product_suppliers', options = {'display': '[id,id_product,id_supplier,product_supplier_reference]'} )
		_result = ProductSupplierList( self )
		_result.load_from_xml( el )
		return _result
	def get_order_states( self ):
		""" Retreive the list of Order States (OrderStateDate) from prestashop """
		logging.debug( 'read order states' )
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'order_states', options = {'display':'[id,unremovable,send_email,invoice,shipped,paid,deleted,name]'} )
		#print( ElementTree.tostring( el ) )
		_result = OrderStateList( self )
		_result.load_from_xml( el )
		return _result
	def get_lastorder_id( self ):
		""" retreive the last order ID stored in PrestaShop """
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'orders', options={'limit':1, 'sort' : 'id_DESC'} )
		item = etree_to_dict( el )
		return int( item['prestashop']['orders']['order']['@id'] )
	def get_order_ids( self, order_state_filter, limit = 25 ):
		""" Retreive a list of Order ID stored in prestashop for a given
			status. Start from the highest ID in the database with 
			a max of limit rows loaded via the API"""
		# Since PrestaShop 1.6, current_state is no more filterable (returns an Error 400 bad request)
		#   So filter must be applied by code! 
		# el = self.__prestashop.search( 'orders', options={'limit':limit, 'sort' : 'id_DESC', 'display':'[id,current_state]', 'filter[current_state]': '[%i]' % order_state_filter } )
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'orders', options={'limit':limit, 'sort' : 'id_DESC', 'display':'[id,current_state]' } )
		items = etree_to_dict( el )
		# print( items )
		# Si aucune entrée due au filtrage (oui cela arrive)
		if isinstance( items['prestashop']['orders'], str ):
		  return [] 
		# Si une seule entrée --> transformer l'unique dictionnaire en liste
		order_list = items['prestashop']['orders']['order']
		if isinstance( order_list, dict ):
			order_list = [ order_list ]
		# print( order_list )
		_result = []
		for order in order_list:
			if (order_state_filter == None) or (int(order['current_state']['#text']) == order_state_filter): 
				_result.append( int(order['id']) )
		return _result
	def get_last_orders( self, fromId, count=1 ):
		""" Retreive the last orders stored in PrestaShop 
		fromId - ID from the last order  (see get_lastorder_id)
		count  - (default=1) the number of orders to retreive fromId (counting down)
		A list of OrderData objects
		_result = [] 
		for i in range( count ): #  range(1)=0 range(2)=0,1
			el = self.__prestashop.get( 'orders', fromId-i )
			order = OrderData( self )
			order.load_from_xml( el )
			_result.append( order )
		return _result
	def get_outofstock_orderable_ids( self ):
		""" Locate the product IDs where advanced stock management is
			improperly defined. Accepting OutOfStock ordering """
		# out_of_stock = 1 -> Accept "out of stock" order 
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'stock_availables' , options={ 'display':'[id, id_product]', 'filter[out_of_stock]': '[1]' } ) 
		items = etree_to_dict( el )
		# print( items )
		# Si aucune entrée due au filtrage (oui cela arrive)
		if isinstance( items['prestashop']['stock_availables'], str ):
		  return [] 
		# Si une seule entrée --> transformer l'unique dictionnaire en liste
		stock_list = items['prestashop']['stock_availables']['stock_available']
		if isinstance( stock_list, dict ):
			stock_list = [ stock_list ]
		# print( stock_list )
		_result = []
		for stock in stock_list:
			_result.append( int(stock['id_product']['#text']) )
		return _result

	def get_unsynch_stock_qty_ids( self ):
		""" Locate the product IDs where advanced stock management is
			improperly defined. Having theyr qty not in synch with
			the Advanced Stock Management """
		# depends_on_stock = 0 -> gestion manuelle des quantités 
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'stock_availables' , options={ 'display':'[id, id_product]', 'filter[depends_on_stock]': '[0]' } ) 
		items = etree_to_dict( el )
		# print( items )
		# Si aucune entrée due au filtrage (oui cela arrive)
		if isinstance( items['prestashop']['stock_availables'], str ):
		  return [] 
		# Si une seule entrée --> transformer l'unique dictionnaire en liste
		stock_list = items['prestashop']['stock_availables']['stock_available']
		if isinstance( stock_list, dict ):
			stock_list = [ stock_list ]
		# print( stock_list )
		_result = []
		for stock in stock_list:
			_result.append( int(stock['id_product']['#text']) )
		return _result
	def get_stockavailables( self ):
		""" retreive the list of stock availables from PrestaShop """
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'stock_availables' , options={ 'display':'[id, id_product,quantity,depends_on_stock,out_of_stock]' } ) 
		_result = StockAvailableList( self )
		_result.load_from_xml( el )
		return _result
	def get_categories( self ):
		""" Load the product categories """
		el = self.__prestashop.search( 'categories', options={ 'display':'[id,name,active,level_depth,is_root_category]' } )
		_result = CategoryList( self )
		_result.load_from_xml( el )
		return _result 		
コード例 #5
ファイル: prestapyt_xml.py プロジェクト: Comunitea/prestapyt
from prestapyt import PrestaShopWebService
from xml.etree import ElementTree

prestashop = PrestaShopWebService('http://localhost:8080/api',
prestashop.debug = True


print "GET"
print ElementTree.tostring(prestashop.get('addresses'))
print ElementTree.tostring(prestashop.get('addresses', resource_id=1))
print ElementTree.tostring(prestashop.get('addresses/1'))
print ElementTree.tostring(prestashop.get('addresses', options={'limit': 1}))
print ElementTree.tostring(prestashop.get('stock_movement_reasons'))

print "HEAD"
print prestashop.head('addresses')

print "EDIT"
prestashop.edit("addresses", 1, """<prestashop xmlns:ns0="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
	<id_customer />
	<id_manufacturer ns0:href="http://localhost:8080/api/manufacturers/1">1</id_manufacturer>
	<id_supplier />
	<id_country ns0:href="http://localhost:8080/api/countries/21">21</id_country>
	<id_state ns0:href="http://localhost:8080/api/states/5">5</id_state>
	<company />
コード例 #6
ファイル: prestapyt_dict.py プロジェクト: Comunitea/prestapyt
from prestapyt import PrestaShopWebService
from xml.etree import ElementTree

prestashop = PrestaShopWebService('http://localhost:8080/api',
#prestashop.debug = True
from pprint import pprint
pprint(prestashop.get('addresses', 1))
pprint(prestashop.get('products', 1))

address_data = prestashop.get('addresses', 1)
address_data['address']['firstname'] = 'Robert'
prestashop.edit('addresses', 1, address_data)

address_data = prestashop.get('addresses', options={'schema': 'blank'})
address_data['address'].update({'address1': '1 Infinite Loop',
                                'address2': '',
                                'alias': 'manufacturer',
                                'city': 'Cupertino',
                                'company': '',
                                'deleted': '0',
                                'dni': '',
                                'firstname': 'STEVE',
                                'id_country': '21',
                                'id_customer': '',
                                'id_manufacturer': '1',
                                'id_state': '5',
コード例 #7
ファイル: prestapyt_dict.py プロジェクト: zhaohuaw/prestapyt
from prestapyt import PrestaShopWebService
from xml.etree import ElementTree

prestashop = PrestaShopWebService('http://localhost:8080/api',
#prestashop.debug = True
from pprint import pprint
pprint(prestashop.get('addresses', 1))
pprint(prestashop.get('products', 1))

address_data = prestashop.get('addresses', 1)
address_data['address']['firstname'] = 'Robert'
prestashop.edit('addresses', 1, address_data)

address_data = prestashop.get('addresses', options={'schema': 'blank'})
    'address1': '1 Infinite Loop',
    'address2': '',
    'alias': 'manufacturer',
    'city': 'Cupertino',
    'company': '',
    'deleted': '0',
    'dni': '',
    'firstname': 'STEVE',
    'id_country': '21',
    'id_customer': '',
    'id_manufacturer': '1',
    'id_state': '5',