def _item_from_post_value(self, key, value, voucher=None): if value.strip() == '' or '_' not in key: return if not key.startswith('item_') and not key.startswith( 'variation_') and not key.startswith('seat_'): return parts = key.split("_") price = self.request.POST.get('price_' + "_".join(parts[1:]), "") if key.startswith('seat_'): try: return { 'item': int(parts[1]), 'variation': int(parts[2]) if len(parts) > 2 else None, 'count': 1, 'seat': value, 'price': price, 'voucher': voucher, 'subevent': self.request.POST.get("subevent") } except ValueError: raise CartError(_('Please enter numbers only.')) try: amount = int(value) except ValueError: raise CartError(_('Please enter numbers only.')) if amount < 0: raise CartError(_('Please enter positive numbers only.')) elif amount == 0: return if key.startswith('item_'): try: return { 'item': int(parts[1]), 'variation': None, 'count': amount, 'price': price, 'voucher': voucher, 'subevent': self.request.POST.get("subevent") } except ValueError: raise CartError(_('Please enter numbers only.')) elif key.startswith('variation_'): try: return { 'item': int(parts[1]), 'variation': int(parts[2]), 'count': amount, 'price': price, 'voucher': voucher, 'subevent': self.request.POST.get("subevent") } except ValueError: raise CartError(_('Please enter numbers only.'))
def validate_cart(sender, positions=None, **kwargs): if not sender.has_subevents or not positions: return if not sender.settings.get('block_multisubevent_checkout', as_type=bool): return subevent = positions[0].subevent for pos in positions[1:]: if subevent != pos.subevent: raise CartError( _("Sorry, you can only choose one event per order. " "Please create multiple orders to participate on multiple dates." ))
def create_cart(self, sc, expires): with transaction.atomic(): with self.request.event.lock(): positions = [] quotas = Counter() for form in self.formset.forms: if '-' in form.cleaned_data['itemvar']: itemid, varid = form.cleaned_data['itemvar'].split('-') else: itemid, varid = form.cleaned_data['itemvar'], None item = Item.objects.get(pk=itemid, event=self.request.event) variation = ItemVariation.objects.get( pk=varid, item=item) if varid else None price = form.cleaned_data['price'] if not price: price = (variation.default_price if variation and variation.default_price is not None else item.default_price) for quota in item.quotas.all(): quotas[quota] += form.cleaned_data['count'] for i in range(form.cleaned_data['count']): positions.append( CartPosition(item=item, variation=variation, event=self.request.event, cart_id=sc.cart_id, expires=expires, price=price)) for quota, diff in quotas.items(): avail = quota.availability() if avail[0] != Quota.AVAILABILITY_OK or ( avail[1] is not None and avail[1] < diff): raise CartError(self.error_messages['quota'].format( sc.expires = expires sc.event = self.request.event = sum([p.price for p in positions]) CartPosition.objects.bulk_create(positions)