コード例 #1
def createDir_addtimestamp(path, dirname):
    """Creates a new directory with name = dirname under the provided path, if directory with same name already exists
    adds date+timestamp to the name and creates a new directory with name = dirname+date&timestamp
        1. path     = (string) full path of an existing directory where a new directory need to be created
        2. dirname  = (string) name of the new directory to be created
    if dirExists(path):
        dirpath = os.path.abspath(path) + os.sep + dirname

        if dirExists(dirpath):
            dirpath = addTimeDate(dirpath)

        except Exception as exception:
            # print_exception(exception)
                "Add date time and try to create directory one more time")
            dirpath = addTimeDate(dirpath)

        #print_info("A new '%s' directory  created : '%s'" % (dirname, dirpath))
        return dirpath
            "Directory does not exist in provided path: {0}".format(path))
        return False
コード例 #2
def getChildElementWithSpecificXpath(start, xpath):
    This method takes a xml file or parent element as input and finds the first child
    containing specified xpath

    Returns the child element.

    start = xml file or parent element
    xpath = a valid xml path value as supported by python, refer https://docs.python.org/2/library/xml.etree.elementtree.html
    node = False
    if isinstance(start, (file, str)):
        # check if file exist here
        if file_Utils.fileExists(start):
            node = ElementTree.parse(start).getroot()
            print_warning('The file={0} is not found.'.format(start))
    elif isinstance(start, ElementTree.Element):
        node = start
    if node is not False or node is not None:
        element = node.find(xpath)
        element = False
    return element
コード例 #3
def getNodeText(filename, node):
    """Get the Text of the Node"""
    root = ElementTree.parse(filename).getroot()
    node = root.find(node)
    if node is not None:
        text = node.text
        return text
    else: print_warning("node not found")
コード例 #4
def del_tag_from_element(ele, tag):
        Delete a subelement with specific tag from an xml element object
        return the deleted subelement if pass
        return False if subelement not found
    if ele.find(tag) is not None:
        return ele
        print_warning("cannot found {0} in element".format(str(tag)))
    return False
コード例 #5
    def open_target(self):
        ''' Connects to a NE using telnet protocol with provided
        login credentials'''
        print_info('telnet Target open')
        host = self.target
        port = self.port
        print_info("OPENING TELNET Connection...\n")
        print_info("HOST: {0} PORT: {1}".format(host, port))

            self.tnet.open(host, port)
            self.log = open(self.logfile, 'w')
        except socket.error, err:
            print_warning("Login failed {0}".format(str(err)))
            return False
コード例 #6
def close(fd):
    Close the file. A closed file cannot be read or written any more.
        fd - file descriptor got from open_file
        True/False - based on the success/failure of the operation
        name = fd.name
        status = fd.close()
        print_info("file {} closed successfully".format(name))
    except ValueError:
        print_warning("file is already closed...")
        status = True
    except Exception as e:
        print_error("found exception {} while closing {}".format(str(e), fd))
        status = False

    return status
コード例 #7
ファイル: file_Utils.py プロジェクト: pavithra-gowda/warrior
def check_and_create_dir(dirpath):
    """Checks if dir exists in provided path.
    If dir exists returns True
    Elseif dir does not exists, tries to create a directory
        - If dir created successfully, returns True.
        - If dir creation failed returns false
    status = False
    if pathExists(dirpath):
        print_info("Directory exists in provided path '{0}': ".format(dirpath))
        status = True
    elif not pathExists(dirpath):
        except Exception as exception:
            print_warning("Creating directory at '{0}' failed.".format(dirpath))
            status = False
            status = True
    return status
コード例 #8
def compare_xml_using_xpath(response, list_of_xpath, list_of_expected_api_responses):
        Will get each xpath in list of xpath and get the value of
        that xpath in xml response
        Compares the value with the expected_api_response
        If all values matches returns True else False
    status = True
    if len(list_of_xpath) != len(list_of_expected_api_responses):
        print_error("The number of xpath given is different"
                    "from the number of expected response"
                    "Please check the value"
                    "\nlist_of_xpath: {}"
                    "\nlist_of_expected_response: {}".format(
                        list_of_xpath, list_of_expected_api_responses))
        status = False

    if status:
        for index, xpath_pattern in enumerate(list_of_xpath):
            xpath = xpath_pattern.strip("xpath=")
            value = getValuebyTagFromStringWithXpath(response, xpath, None)
            # Equality_match: Check if the expected response is equal to API response
            match = True if value == list_of_expected_api_responses[index] else False
            # Perform Regex_search if equality match fails
            if match is False:
                    # Regex_search: Check if the expected response pattern is in API response
                    match = re.search(list_of_expected_api_responses[index], value)
                except Exception:
                    print_warning("Python regex search failed, invalid "
                                  "expected_response_pattern '{}' is "
            if not match:
                status = False
                print_error("For the given '{0}' the expected response value is '{1}'. "
                            "It doesn't match or available in the actual response value "
                            "'{2}'".format(xpath_pattern, list_of_expected_api_responses[index],
    return status
コード例 #9
def getElementWithTagAttribValueMatch(start, tag, attrib, value):
    When start is an xml datafile, it finds the root and first element with:
        tag, attrib, value.
    Or when it's an xml element, it finds the first child element with:
        tag, attrib, value.
    If there is not a match, it returns False.
    node = False
    if isinstance(start, (file, str)):
        # check if file exist here
        if file_Utils.fileExists(start):
            node = ElementTree.parse(start).getroot()
            print_warning('The file={0} is not found.'.format(start))
    elif isinstance(start, ElementTree.Element):
        node = start
    if node is not False and node is not None:
        elementName = ".//%s[@%s='%s']" % (tag, attrib, value)
        element = node.find(elementName)
        element = node
    return element
コード例 #10
ファイル: file_Utils.py プロジェクト: pavithra-gowda/warrior
def recursive_findfile(file_name, src_dir):
    Finds the file_name in the given directory.
        1. file_name(string) - name of the file(with extension) to be searched
        2. src_dir(string) - path of the dir where the file will be searched
        1. output_path(string) - Path of the file(from src_dir) with extension
                                 if the file exists else False

    output_path = False
    if dirExists(src_dir):
        for root, _, files in os.walk(src_dir):
            for f in files:
                if f == file_name:
                    output = os.path.join(root, f)
                    return output
        print_warning("Directory does not exist in the provided "
                      "path: {}".format(src_dir))

    return output_path
コード例 #11
        2. dirname  = (string) name of the new directory to be created

    if dirExists(path):
        dirpath = path + os.sep + dirname
        if dirExists(dirpath):

            return dirpath
        except Exception, e:
        #print_info("A new '%s' directory  created : '%s'" % (dirname, dirpath))
        return dirpath
            "Directory does not exist in provided path: {0}".format(path))
        return False

def check_and_create_dir(dirpath):
    """Checks if dir exists in provided path.
    If dir exists returns True
    Elseif dir does not exists, tries to create a directory
        - If dir created successfully, returns True.
        - If dir creation failed returns false
    status = False
    if pathExists(dirpath):
        print_info("Directory exists in provided path '{0}': ".format(dirpath))
        status = True
    elif not pathExists(dirpath):