コード例 #1
def required_email(request=None, action=None):
    This precondition checks if the "email" parameter matches the regular
    expression in the policy scope=register, action=requiredemail.
    See :ref:`policy_requiredemail`.


    This decorator should wrap POST /register

    :param request: The Request Object
    :param action: An optional Action
    :return: Modifies the request paramters or raises an Exception
    email = getParam(request.all_data, "email")
    email_found = False
    email_pols = g.policy_object.\
        get_action_values(ACTION.REQUIREDEMAIL, scope=SCOPE.REGISTER,
    if email and email_pols:
        for email_pol in email_pols:
            # The policy is only "/regularexpr/".
            search = email_pol.strip("/")
            if re.findall(search, email):
                email_found = True
        if not email_found:
            raise RegistrationError("This email address is not allowed to "

    return True
コード例 #2
def register_post():
    Register a new user in the realm/userresolver. To do so, the user
    resolver must be writeable like an SQLResolver.

    Registering a user in fact creates a new user and also creates the first
    token for the user. The following values are needed to register the user:

    * username (mandatory)
    * givenname (mandatory)
    * surname (mandatory)
    * email address (mandatory)
    * password (mandatory)
    * mobile phone (optional)
    * telephone (optional)

    The user receives a registration token via email to be able to login with
    his self chosen password and the registration token.

    :jsonparam username: The login name of the new user. Check if it already
    :jsonparam givenname: The givenname of the new user
    :jsonparam surname: The surname of the new user
    :jsonparam email: The email address of the new user
    :jsonparam password: The password of the new user. This is the resolver
        password of the new user.
    :jsonparam mobile: The mobile phone number
    :jsonparam phone: The phone number (land line) of the new user

    :return: a json result with a boolean "result": true
    username = getParam(request.all_data, "username", required)
    surname = getParam(request.all_data, "surname", required)
    givenname = getParam(request.all_data, "givenname", required)
    email = getParam(request.all_data, "email", required)
    password = getParam(request.all_data, "password", required)
    mobile = getParam(request.all_data, "mobile")
    phone = getParam(request.all_data, "phone")
    options = {"g": g, "clientip": request.remote_addr}
    g.audit_object.log({"info": username})
    # Add all params to the options
    for key, value in request.all_data.items():
        if value and key not in ["g", "clientip"]:
            options[key] = value

    # 1. determine, in which resolver/realm the user should be created
    realm = g.policy_object.get_action_values(ACTION.REALM,
    if not realm:
        # No policy for realm, so we use the default realm
        realm = get_default_realm
        # we use the first realm in the list
        realm = realm[0]
    resolvername = g.policy_object.get_action_values(ACTION.RESOLVER,
    if not resolvername:
        raise RegistrationError("No resolver specified to register in!")
    resolvername = resolvername[0]
    # Check if the user exists
    user = User(username, realm=realm, resolver=resolvername)
    if user.exist():
        raise RegistrationError("The username is already registered!")
    # Create user
    uid = create_user(
        resolvername, {
            "username": username,
            "email": email,
            "phone": phone,
            "mobile": mobile,
            "surname": surname,
            "givenname": givenname,
            "password": password

    # 3. create a registration token for this user
    user = User(username, realm=realm, resolver=resolvername)
    token = init_token({"type": "registration"}, user=user)
    # 4. send the registration token to the users email
    registration_key = token.init_details.get("otpkey")
    smtpconfig = g.policy_object.get_action_values(ACTION.EMAILCONFIG,
    if not smtpconfig:
        raise RegistrationError("No SMTP server configuration specified!")
    smtpconfig = smtpconfig[0]
    # Send the registration key via email
    r = send_email_identifier(
        smtpconfig, email, "Your privacyIDEA registration",
        "Your registration token is %s" % registration_key)
    log.debug("Registration email sent to %s" % email)

    g.audit_object.log({"success": r})
    return send_result(r)