def Ainv(self, edit, tup): d = {} inv_no = Filter([0].get()) if str(inv_no).isdigit() == False: return showinfo('Input Error', 'Invoice Number Should Be Numbers', parent=self.t) sd = str(inv_no) in invn.keys() if sd == True: return showinfo('Input Error', 'Invoice Number Already Exists', parent=self.t) inv_date = Filter([1].get()) if len(inv_date.split()) == 0: return showinfo('Input Error', 'Invoioce Date Should Be specified', parent=self.t) Cname = Filter([2].get()).title() if len(Cname.split()) == 0: return showinfo('Input Error', 'Customer Name Should Be specified', parent=self.t) Cadd = Filter([3].get(0.0, END)).title() Cphn = Filter([4].get()).title() if edit == True: s = self.invn.pop(tup[1]) r = self.nam[s.keys()[0]]['Invoice Nos'].split(",") delindex = r.index(str(tup[1])) del r[delindex] self.nam[s.keys()[0]]['Invoice Nos'] = ",".join(r) d['Name'] = Cname d['Address'] = Cadd d['Phone No'] = Cphn gh = Cname in self.nam.keys() if gh == True: d['ID No'] = self.nam[Cname]['ID No'] d['Invoice Nos'] = str( inv_no) + "," + self.nam[Cname]['Invoice Nos'] else: d['ID No'] = len(self.nam.keys()) + 1 d['Invoice Nos'] = str(inv_no) d['Invoice Date'] = str(inv_date) d['Due'] = 0 d['Email'] = "" self.nam[Cname] = d self.invn[str(inv_no)] = {} self.invn[str(inv_no)][Cname] = d self.t.destroy() return self.Refresh()
def Save(self, modify, tup): """Objects of Tup tup[0] -> ID No tup[1] -> Product name tup[2] -> category tup[3] -> description tup[4] -> quantity """ name = Filter(self.entry5.get()).title() category = Filter(self.entry.get()).title() description = Filter(self.text.get(0.0, END)).title() if len(name.split()) == 0: return showinfo(title="Error", message='Product Name Must Be Specified', parent=self.master) if len(category.split()) == 0: return showinfo(title="Error", message='Product Category Must Be Specified', parent=self.master) vre = self.db.sqldb.getproductID(name) if modify == False: if vre != None: return showinfo(title="Error", message='Product Name is Already Listed Change Name To Save As Copy', parent=self.master) PID = self.db.addproduct(name, category, description) elif modify == True: PID = tup[0] previousname = tup[1] previouscategory = tup[2] pdescription = tup[3] if previousname != name: if vre != None: return showinfo(title="Error", message='Product Name is Already Listed', parent=self.master) s = askokcancel("Name Mismatch", "Are You Sure You Want to Change\n\n%s to %s\n\n%s to %s\n\n%s to %s" % ( previousname, name, previouscategory, category, pdescription, description), parent=self.master) if s == False: return False self.db.editproduct(PID, name, category, description) self.master.destroy() return showinfo("ADDED", 'Saved Successfully')
def purchasesave(self): PID = self.tup[0] try: cost = float(Filter(self.purcost.get())) price = float(Filter(self.purprice.get())) qty = float(Filter(self.purqty.get())) date = Filter(self.purdate.get()) date = " ".join(date.split()) except: return showinfo(title="ERROR", message='costs and price must be numbers', parent=self.master) costid = self.db.sqldb.getcostID(PID, cost, price) if costid == None: costid = self.db.sqldb.addnewcost(PID, cost, price) self.db.editpurchase(self.purid, costid, qty, date) self.purgui.destroy() self.Add2Mlb21() return showinfo(title="Successful", message='Changes Saved', parent=self.master)
def Acat(self, edit, tup): Cname = Filter(self.e.get()).title() catid = self.db.sqldb.getcategory_id(Cname) if catid != None: return showinfo('Type Error', 'Category Name Is Already Listed', parent=self.t) if len(Cname.split()) == 0: return showinfo('Type Error', 'Category Name Must Be Specified', parent=self.t) if edit == True: self.db.editcategoryname(tup[0], Cname) else: self.db.addcategory(Cname) self.t.destroy() self.Refresh() return showinfo('Successful', 'Changes Saved', parent=self.master)
def Save(self, modify, tup): """ tup[0] = id no tup[1] = customer name tup[2] = phn no tup[3] = address tup[4] = email """ name = Filter(self.entry5.get()).title() add = Filter(self.text.get(0.0, END)).title() email = Filter(self.entry3.get()).title() if len(name.split()) == 0: return showinfo(title="Error", message='Customer Name Must Be Specified', parent=self.master) ctmid = None if not modify: ctmid = self.db.addcustomer(name, address=add, email=email) else: ctmid = self.tup[0] ask = askokcancel( "Key Error", "Are You Sure You Want To Change The Customer Name From %s To %s ?" % (tup[1], name), parent=self.master) if not ask: return 1 self.db.editcustomer(ctmid, name, add, email) if ctmid is not None: for i in xrange(self.mlb2221.size()): tup = self.mlb2221.get(i) phnid = self.db.sqldb.getphoneID(tup[0]) if phnid is None: self.db.addphone(tup[0], ctmid) self.master.destroy() return showinfo("ADDED", 'Saved Successfully')