コード例 #1
def decode_byte(b1, server, b_size):

    decoded_byte = 0

    for k in range(0, 256):
        b1[b_size - 1] = k
        c_text = server.aes_128_ecb(str(bytes(b1), 'latin1'))
        if detect_ecb(binascii.hexlify(c_text)):
            decoded_byte = k

    return decoded_byte
コード例 #2
#         if padding_found:
#             for k in range(0, last_byte):
#                 b_array.pop()
#     return bytes(b_array).decode('ascii')

if __name__ == '__main__':

    s = Server()

    # find the block size used by the server
    block_size = find_block_size(s)

    # try to detect ecb mode
    two_blocks = [ord('x')] * block_size * 2
    ecb_detected = detect_ecb(
        binascii.hexlify(s.aes_128_ecb(str(bytes(two_blocks), 'latin1'))))

    # decrypt the unknown string
    if ecb_detected:
        match_block = [ord('x')
                       ] * block_size  # block used to match unknown bytes
        plain_blocks = []

        i = 0
        while True:

            # controls offset so the next unknown byte is always the last in a block
            offset_block = make_offset_block(i % block_size, block_size)

            b = match_block + offset_block
コード例 #3
    b_array = bytearray(my_encode(plaintext))

    # randomly prepend 5-10 bytes
    random_prepend = os.urandom(1)
    num_prepend_bytes = 5 + random_prepend[0] % 6   # noOfPrependBytes
    for i in range(0, num_prepend_bytes):

    # randomly append 5-10 bytes
    random_append = os.urandom(1)
    num_append_bytes = 5 + random_append[0] % 6     # noOfAppendBytes
    for j in range(0, num_append_bytes):
        b_array.insert(0, os.urandom(1)[0])

    # create modified plaintext
    plaintext = bytes(b_array)

    # encrypt
    if mode == 0:
        ciphertext = encrypt_ecb(plaintext, random_key, True)
        random_iv = os.urandom(16)
        ciphertext = bytes(my_encode(encrypt_cbc(plaintext, random_key, random_iv)))
        # ciphertext = bytes(test_encrypt(plaintext, random_key, random_iv))

    # print detected mode
    if detect_ecb(binascii.hexlify(ciphertext)):
        print("ECB mode detected")
        print("CBC mode detected")