async def coro_calculate(self, calc_all: bool): """ Coroutine to calculate all results. """ self.is_calculating_all = calc_all self.mp_handler = MPHandler() self.mp_handler.stop() params = self.get_params(all_signals=calc_all) if params.transform == _wft: if self.view.get_fmin() is None: raise Exception("Minimum frequency must be defined for WFT.") self.is_plotted = False self.view.main_plot().clear() self.view.main_plot().set_in_progress(True) self.invalidate_data() log: bool = (params.transform == _wt) self.view.main_plot().set_log_scale(logarithmic=log) self.view.amplitude_plot().set_log_scale(logarithmic=log) self.view.on_calculate_started() all_data = await self.mp_handler.coro_transform( params, self.on_progress_updated) for d in all_data: self.on_transform_completed(*d)
async def coro_preprocess_selected_signal(self) -> List[ndarray]: sig = self.get_selected_signal() if not self.preproc_mp_handler: self.preproc_mp_handler = MPHandler() return await self.preproc_mp_handler.coro_preprocess(sig, None, None)
async def coro_calculate(self) -> None: self.view.enable_save_data(False) self.view.groupbox_stats.setEnabled( self.should_stats_be_enabled(calculating=True)) if self.mp_handler: self.mp_handler.stop() self.is_plotted = False self.invalidate_data() self.view.main_plot().clear() self.view.main_plot().set_in_progress(True) self.view.amplitude_plot().clear() self.view.amplitude_plot().set_in_progress(True) params = self.get_params() self.params = params self.mp_handler = MPHandler() self.view.on_calculate_started() if "PYMODALIB_CACHE" not in os.environ: cache = Settings().get_pymodalib_cache() if cache and cache is not "None": os.environ["PYMODALIB_CACHE"] = cache sig1a, sig1b, sig2a, sig2b = self.signals.get_all() if sig2a is None: self.results = (await self.mp_handler.coro_group_coherence( sig1a, sig1b, fs=self.signals.frequency, on_progress=self.on_progress_updated, **params, ))[0] else: self.results = (await self.mp_handler.coro_dual_group_coherence( sig1a, sig1b, sig2a, sig2b, fs=self.signals.frequency, on_progress=self.on_progress_updated, **params, ))[0] self.view.groupbox_stats.setEnabled( self.should_stats_be_enabled(calculating=False)) self.enable_save_data(True) self.update_plots() self.view.on_calculate_stopped() self.on_all_tasks_completed()
async def coro_calculate(self): """Coroutine which calculates the bispectra.""" if self.mp_handler: self.mp_handler.stop() self.is_plotted = False self.invalidate_data() # We need to use the same params for biphase later; save now because the UI could change. self.params = self.get_params() self.mp_handler = MPHandler() data = await self.mp_handler.coro_bispectrum_analysis( self.signals, self.params, self.on_progress_updated ) for d in data: self.on_bispectrum_completed(*d) self.view.on_calculate_stopped() self.update_plots()
async def coro_preprocess_selected_signal(self) -> List[ndarray]: """ Coroutine to preprocess the currently selected signal. :return: the preprocessed signal as a 1D array """ sig = self.get_selected_signal() fmin = self.view.get_fmin() fmax = self.view.get_fmax() if not self.preproc_mp_handler: self.preproc_mp_handler = MPHandler() return await self.preproc_mp_handler.coro_preprocess(sig, fmin, fmax)
async def coro_plot_preprocessed_signal(self) -> None: """ Coroutine to preprocess the signal and plot the result. """ sig = self.get_selected_signal() fmin = self.view.get_fmin() fmax = self.view.get_fmax() if not self.preproc_mp_handler: self.preproc_mp_handler = MPHandler() result = await self.preproc_mp_handler.coro_preprocess(sig, fmin, fmax) if result and result[0] is not None: self.view.plot_preprocessed_signal(sig.times, sig.signal, result[0])
async def coro_preprocess_all_signals(self) -> List[ndarray]: """ Coroutine to preprocess all signals. :return: a list containing the preprocessed signals as a 1D array each """ signals = self.signals try: fmin = self.view.get_fmin() fmax = self.view.get_fmax() except AttributeError: fmin, fmax = None, None if not self.preproc_mp_handler: self.preproc_mp_handler = MPHandler() return await self.preproc_mp_handler.coro_preprocess(signals, fmin, fmax)
async def coro_calculate(self, calculate_all: bool) -> None: self.view.enable_save_data(False) self.is_calculating_all = calculate_all if self.mp_handler: self.mp_handler.stop() self.is_plotted = False self.invalidate_data() self.view.main_plot().clear() self.view.main_plot().set_in_progress(True) self.view.amplitude_plot().clear() self.view.amplitude_plot().set_in_progress(True) params = self.get_params(all_signals=calculate_all) self.params = params self.surrogate_count = self.view.get_surr_count() self.surrogates_enabled = self.view.get_surr_enabled() self.mp_handler = MPHandler() self.view.main_plot().set_log_scale(logarithmic=True) self.view.amplitude_plot().set_log_scale(logarithmic=True) self.view.on_calculate_started() data = await self.mp_handler.coro_transform( params=params, on_progress=self.on_progress_updated) for d in data: self.on_transform_completed(*d) all_data = await self.coro_phase_coherence(self.signals_calc, params, self.on_progress_updated) for d in all_data: self.on_phase_coherence_completed(*d) self.plot_phase_coherence() self.view.on_calculate_stopped() self.on_all_tasks_completed() print("Finished calculating phase coherence.")
async def coro_calculate(self): if self.mp_handler: self.mp_handler.stop() self.mp_handler = MPHandler() data = await self.mp_handler.coro_bayesian(self.signals, self.get_paramsets(), self.on_progress_updated) for d in data: self.on_bayesian_inference_completed(*d) if data: self.plot_bayesian() else: print("No data returned; are any parameter sets added?") print("Dynamical Bayesian inference completed.") self.view.on_calculate_stopped()
async def coro_calculate(self, calculate_all: bool) -> None: """ Coroutine to perform the calculation. :param calculate_all: whether to calculate for all signals, or just the current signal """ self.is_calculating_all = calculate_all self.view.enable_save_data(False) for s in self.signals: = None if self.mp_handler: self.mp_handler.stop() self.mp_handler = MPHandler() params = self.get_params(all_signals=calculate_all) self.params = params self.params.preprocess = self.view.get_preprocess() self.is_plotted = False self.view.main_plot().clear() self.invalidate_data() self.view.main_plot().set_log_scale(logarithmic=True) self.view.on_calculate_started() all_data = await self.mp_handler.coro_harmonics( self.signals_calc, params, self.params.preprocess, self.on_progress_updated) if not isinstance(all_data, List): all_data = [all_data] for signal, data in zip(self.signals_calc, all_data): = data self.view.enable_save_data(bool(all_data)) self.view.on_calculate_stopped() self.update_plots()
class BAPresenter(BaseTFPresenter): def __init__(self, view): super().__init__(view) self.params: BAParams = None from import BAWindow self.view: BAWindow = view def init(self): super().init() self.view.switch_to_dual_plot() def calculate(self, calculate_all: bool): """Starts the coroutine which calculates the data.""" asyncio.ensure_future(self.coro_calculate()) self.view.on_calculate_started() async def coro_calculate(self): """Coroutine which calculates the bispectra.""" if self.mp_handler: self.mp_handler.stop() self.is_plotted = False self.invalidate_data() # We need to use the same params for biphase later; save now because the UI could change. self.params = self.get_params() self.mp_handler = MPHandler() data = await self.mp_handler.coro_bispectrum_analysis( self.signals, self.params, self.on_progress_updated ) for d in data: self.on_bispectrum_completed(*d) self.view.on_calculate_stopped() self.update_plots() def add_point(self, x: float, y: float): asyncio.ensure_future(self.coro_biphase(x, y)) self.view.on_calculate_started() async def coro_biphase(self, x: float, y: float): self.mp_handler.stop() fs = self.params.fs f0 = self.params.f0 fr = self.view.get_selected_freq_pair() x, y = fr if x is not None and y is not None: data = await self.mp_handler.coro_biphase( self.signals, fs, f0, fr, self.on_progress_updated ) for d in data: self.on_biphase_completed(*d) self.view.on_calculate_stopped() self.update_side_plots(self.get_selected_signal_pair()[0].output_data) def update_plots(self): """ Updates all plots according to the currently selected plot type and current data. """ data = self.get_selected_signal_pair()[0].output_data self.update_main_plot(data) self.update_side_plots(data) def update_main_plot(self, data): """ Updates the main plot, plotting the wavelet transform or bispectrum depending on the selected plot type. :param data: the data object """ x, y, c, log = self.get_main_plot_data(self.view.get_plot_type(), data) freq_x, freq_y = self.view.get_selected_freq_pair() if self.view.is_wt_selected(): self.view.switch_to_dual_plot() else: self.view.switch_to_triple_plot() if freq_x is not None and freq_y is not None: self.view.plot_main.draw_crosshair(freq_x, freq_y) if c is not None: self.view.plot_main.set_log_scale(log, axis="x") self.view.plot_main.set_log_scale(True, axis="y") self.view.plot_main.update_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") self.view.plot_main.update_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)") self.view.plot_main.plot(x=x, y=y, c=c) def update_side_plots(self, data: BAOutputData): """ Updates the side plot(s). For wavelet transforms this will be the average amplitude/power, but for bispectra this will be the biphase and biamplitude. :param data: the data object """ if self.view.is_wt_selected(): # Plot average amplitude or power. amp_not_power = self.view.is_amplitude_selected() x, y = self.get_side_plot_data_wt( self.view.get_plot_type(), data, amp_not_power ) if x is not None and y is not None and len(x) > 0: plot = self.view.plot_right_top plot.set_xlabel("Average amplitude") plot.set_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)") plot.set_log_scale(True, "y") plot.plot(x, y) else: # Plot biphase and biamplitude. biamp, biphase = self.get_side_plot_data_bispec( self.view.get_plot_type(), self.view.get_selected_freq_pair(), data ) times = self.get_selected_signal().times if biamp is not None: self.view.plot_right_middle.update_ylabel("Biamplitude") self.view.plot_right_middle.update_xlabel("Time (s)") self.view.plot_right_middle.plot(times, biamp) if biphase is not None: self.view.plot_right_bottom.update_ylabel("Biphase") self.view.plot_right_bottom.update_xlabel("Time (s)") self.view.plot_right_bottom.plot(times, biphase) @staticmethod def get_side_plot_data_wt( plot_type: str, data: BAOutputData, amp_not_power: bool ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Gets the data required to plot the average amplitude/power on the side plot. Used when a wavelet transform is selected. :param plot_type: the plot type shown in the QComboBox, e.g. "Wavelet transform 1" :param data: the data object :param amp_not_power: whether the data should be amplitude, or power :return: the x-values, the y-values """ _dict = { "Wavelet transform 1": ( data.avg_amp_wt1 if amp_not_power else data.avg_pow_wt1, data.freq, ), "Wavelet transform 2": ( data.avg_amp_wt2 if amp_not_power else data.avg_pow_wt2, data.freq, ), } return _dict.get(plot_type) @staticmethod def get_side_plot_data_bispec( plot_type: str, freq: Tuple[float, float], data: BAOutputData ): """ Gets the data required to plot the biphase and biamplitude on the side plots. Used when bispectrum is selected. :param freq: the selected frequencies (x and y) :param plot_type the plot type shown in the QComboBox, e.g. "b111" :param data the data object :return: biamplitude and biphase """ key = ", ".join([str(f) for f in freq]) try: biamp = data.biamp.get(key) biphase = data.biphase.get(key) except AttributeError: biamp = None biphase = None if "None" in key or biamp is None: return None, None _dict = { "b111": (biamp[0], biphase[0]), "b222": (biamp[1], biphase[1]), "b122": (biamp[2], biphase[2]), "b211": (biamp[3], biphase[3]), } biamp, biphase = _dict.get(plot_type) return biamp, biphase @staticmethod def get_main_plot_data( plot_type: str, data: BAOutputData ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, bool]: """ Gets the relevant arrays to plot in the main plot (WT or bispectrum). :param plot_type: the type of plot, as shown in the QComboBox; e.g. "Wavelet transform 1" :param data: the data object with all data :return: the x-values, the y-values, the c-values, and whether to use a log scale """ if not isinstance(data, BAOutputData): return [None for _ in range(4)] _dict = { "Wavelet transform 1": (data.times, data.freq, data.amp_wt1, False), "Wavelet transform 2": (data.times, data.freq, data.amp_wt2, False), "b111": (data.freq, data.freq, data.bispxxx, True), "b222": (data.freq, data.freq, data.bispppp, True), "b122": (data.freq, data.freq, data.bispxpp, True), "b211": (data.freq, data.freq, data.bisppxx, True), } data = _dict.get(plot_type) if data is None: # All plots. pass # TODO return data def on_bispectrum_completed( self, name: str, freq: ndarray, amp_wt1: ndarray, pow_wt1: ndarray, avg_amp_wt1: ndarray, avg_pow_wt1: ndarray, amp_wt2: ndarray, pow_wt2: ndarray, avg_amp_wt2: ndarray, avg_pow_wt2: ndarray, bispxxx: ndarray, bispppp: ndarray, bispxpp: ndarray, bisppxx: ndarray, surrxxx: ndarray, surrppp: ndarray, surrxpp: ndarray, surrpxx: ndarray, opt: dict, ): # Attach the data to the first signal in the current pair. sig = self.signals.get(name) sig.output_data = BAOutputData( amp_wt1, pow_wt1, avg_amp_wt1, avg_pow_wt1, amp_wt2, pow_wt2, avg_amp_wt2, avg_pow_wt2, sig.times, freq, bispxxx, bispppp, bispxpp, bisppxx, surrxxx, surrppp, surrxpp, surrpxx, opt, {}, {}, ) def on_biphase_completed( self, name: str, freq_x: float, freq_y: float, biamp1: ndarray, biphase1: ndarray, biamp2: ndarray, biphase2: ndarray, biamp3: ndarray, biphase3: ndarray, biamp4: ndarray, biphase4: ndarray, ): sig = self.signals.get(name) key = f"{freq_x}, {freq_y}" data = sig.output_data data.biamp[key] = [[] for _ in range(4)] data.biphase[key] = [[] for _ in range(4)] data.biamp[key][0] = biamp1 data.biphase[key][0] = biphase1 data.biamp[key][1] = biamp2 data.biphase[key][1] = biphase2 data.biamp[key][2] = biamp3 data.biphase[key][2] = biphase3 data.biamp[key][3] = biamp4 data.biphase[key][3] = biphase4 def load_data(self): """ Loads the data from a file, showing a dialog to set the frequency of the signal. """ self.signals = SignalPairs.from_file(self.open_file) if not self.signals.has_frequency(): freq = FrequencyDialog().run_and_get() if freq: self.set_frequency(freq) self.on_data_loaded() else: raise Exception("Frequency was None. Perhaps it was mistyped?") def on_data_loaded(self): self.view.update_signal_listview(self.signals.get_pair_names()) self.plot_signal_pair() def plot_signal_pair(self): self.view.plot_signal_pair(self.get_selected_signal_pair()) def on_signal_selected(self, item: Union[QListWidgetItem, str]): if isinstance(item, QListWidgetItem): name = item.text() else: name = item self.signals.reset() if name != self.selected_signal_name: print(f"Selected '{name}'") self.selected_signal_name = name self.plot_signal_pair() self.view.on_xlim_edited() self.plot_preprocessed_signal() def get_selected_signal_pair(self) -> Tuple[TimeSeries, TimeSeries]: """ Gets the currently selected signal pair as a tuple containing 2 signals. """ return self.signals.get_pair_by_name(self.selected_signal_name) def get_params(self) -> BAParams: """Gets data from the GUI to create the params used by the bispectrum calculation.""" return BAParams( signals=self.signals, preprocess=self.view.get_preprocess(), fmin=self.view.get_fmin(), fmax=self.view.get_fmax(), f0=self.view.get_f0(), nv=self.view.get_nv(), surr_count=self.view.get_surr_count(), opt={}, )
class BAPresenter(BaseTFPresenter): def __init__(self, view): super().__init__(view) self.params: BAParams = None from import BAWindow self.view: BAWindow = view def init(self): super().init() self.view.switch_to_dual_plot() def calculate(self, calculate_all: bool): """Starts the coroutine which calculates the data.""" asyncio.ensure_future(self.coro_calculate()) self.view.on_calculate_started() async def coro_calculate(self): """Coroutine which calculates the bispectra.""" self.enable_save_data(False) if self.mp_handler: self.mp_handler.stop() self.is_plotted = False self.invalidate_data() # We need to use the same params for biphase later; save now because the UI could change. self.params = self.get_params() self.mp_handler = MPHandler() data = await self.mp_handler.coro_bispectrum_analysis( self.signals, self.params, self.on_progress_updated) for d in data: self.on_bispectrum_completed(*d) self.enable_save_data(True) self.view.on_calculate_stopped() self.update_plots() def add_point(self, x: float, y: float): asyncio.ensure_future(self.coro_biphase(x, y)) self.view.on_calculate_started() async def coro_biphase(self, x: float, y: float): self.enable_save_data(False) self.mp_handler.stop() fs = self.params.fs f0 = self.params.f0 fr = self.view.get_selected_freq_pair() x, y = fr if x is not None and y is not None: data = await self.mp_handler.coro_biphase(self.signals, fs, f0, fr, self.on_progress_updated) for d in data: self.on_biphase_completed(*d) self.enable_save_data(True) self.view.on_calculate_stopped() self.update_side_plots( self.get_selected_signal_pair()[0].output_data) def update_plots(self): """ Updates all plots according to the currently selected plot type and current data. """ data = self.get_selected_signal_pair()[0].output_data try: self.update_main_plot(data) self.update_side_plots(data) except AttributeError: pass except ValueError as e: msg = "zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity" if msg in str(e): print( f"'{self.view.combo_plot_type.currentText()}' is not available to plot." ) else: raise e def set_plot_type(self, amplitude_selected=True) -> None: """ Set the type of plot to display (power or amplitude). This affects the main plot and the amplitude plot. :param amplitude_selected: whether to set the plot type as amplitude (not power) """ self.plot_ampl = amplitude_selected self.update_plots() def update_main_plot(self, data): """ Updates the main plot, plotting the wavelet transform or bispectrum depending on the selected plot type. :param data: the data object """ x, y, c, log = self.get_main_plot_data(self.view.get_plot_type(), data) freq_x, freq_y = self.view.get_selected_freq_pair() if self.view.is_wt_selected(): self.view.switch_to_dual_plot() else: self.view.switch_to_triple_plot() if freq_x is not None and freq_y is not None: self.view.plot_main.draw_crosshair(freq_x, freq_y) if c is not None: self.view.plot_main.set_log_scale(log, axis="x") self.view.plot_main.set_log_scale(True, axis="y") self.view.plot_main.update_xlabel("Frequency (Hz)") self.view.plot_main.update_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)") self.view.plot_main.plot(x=x, y=y, c=c) def update_side_plots(self, data: BAOutputData): """ Updates the side plot(s). For wavelet transforms this will be the average amplitude/power, but for bispectra this will be the biphase and biamplitude. :param data: the data object """ if self.view.is_wt_selected(): # Plot average amplitude or power. x, y = self.get_side_plot_data_wt(self.view.get_plot_type(), data, self.plot_ampl) if x is not None and y is not None and len(x) > 0: plot = self.view.plot_right_top plot.set_xlabel("Average amplitude") plot.set_ylabel("Frequency (Hz)") plot.set_log_scale(True, "y") plot.plot(x, y) else: # Plot biphase and biamplitude. biamp, biphase = self.get_side_plot_data_bispec( self.view.get_plot_type(), self.view.get_selected_freq_pair(), data) times = self.get_selected_signal().times if biamp is not None: self.view.plot_right_middle.update_ylabel("Biamplitude") self.view.plot_right_middle.update_xlabel("Time (s)") self.view.plot_right_middle.plot(times, biamp) if biphase is not None: self.view.plot_right_bottom.update_ylabel("Biphase") self.view.plot_right_bottom.update_xlabel("Time (s)") self.view.plot_right_bottom.plot(times, biphase) @staticmethod def get_side_plot_data_wt(plot_type: str, data: BAOutputData, amp_not_power: bool) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Gets the data required to plot the average amplitude/power on the side plot. Used when a wavelet transform is selected. :param plot_type: the plot type shown in the QComboBox, e.g. "Wavelet transform 1" :param data: the data object :param amp_not_power: whether the data should be amplitude, or power :return: the x-values, the y-values """ _dict = { "Wavelet transform 1": ( data.avg_amp_wt1 if amp_not_power else data.avg_pow_wt1, data.freq, ), "Wavelet transform 2": ( data.avg_amp_wt2 if amp_not_power else data.avg_pow_wt2, data.freq, ), } return _dict.get(plot_type) @staticmethod def get_side_plot_data_bispec(plot_type: str, freq: Tuple[float, float], data: BAOutputData): """ Gets the data required to plot the biphase and biamplitude on the side plots. Used when bispectrum is selected. :param freq: the selected frequencies (x and y) :param plot_type the plot type shown in the QComboBox, e.g. "b111" :param data the data object :return: biamplitude and biphase """ key = ", ".join([str(f) for f in freq]) try: biamp = data.biamp.get(key) biphase = data.biphase.get(key) except AttributeError: biamp = None biphase = None if "None" in key or biamp is None: return None, None _dict = { "b111": (biamp[0], biphase[0]), "b222": (biamp[1], biphase[1]), "b122": (biamp[2], biphase[2]), "b211": (biamp[3], biphase[3]), } biamp, biphase = _dict.get(plot_type) return biamp, biphase def get_main_plot_data( self, plot_type: str, data: BAOutputData) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, bool]: """ Gets the relevant arrays to plot in the main plot (WT or bispectrum). :param plot_type: the type of plot, as shown in the QComboBox; e.g. "Wavelet transform 1" :param data: the data object with all data :return: the x-values, the y-values, the c-values, and whether to use a log scale """ if not isinstance(data, BAOutputData): return [None for _ in range(4)] plot_surr = self.view.get_plot_surrogates_selected() if self.plot_ampl: wt1 = data.amp_wt1 wt2 = data.amp_wt2 else: wt1 = data.pow_wt1 wt2 = data.pow_wt2 _dict = { "Wavelet transform 1": (data.times, data.freq, wt1, False), "Wavelet transform 2": (data.times, data.freq, wt2, False), "b111": (data.freq, data.freq, data.bispxxx, True), "b222": (data.freq, data.freq, data.bispppp, True), "b122": (data.freq, data.freq, data.bispxpp, True), "b211": (data.freq, data.freq, data.bisppxx, True), } tup = _dict.get(plot_type) if tup is None: # All plots. pass # TODO if plot_surr and self.params.surr_count > 0 and "transform" not in plot_type: tup = self.apply_surrogates(plot_type, data, tup) return tup def apply_surrogates( self, plot_type: str, data: BAOutputData, tup: Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, bool], ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray, bool]: fx, fy, bisp, b = tup K = + 1) * self.params.alpha)) surr = { "b111": data.surrxxx, "b222": data.surrppp, "b122": data.surrxpp, "b211": data.surrpxx, }.get(plot_type)[:, :, K] bisp = bisp.copy() bisp -= surr bisp[bisp < 0] = np.NAN return fx, fy, bisp, b def on_bispectrum_completed( self, name: str, freq: ndarray, amp_wt1: ndarray, pow_wt1: ndarray, avg_amp_wt1: ndarray, avg_pow_wt1: ndarray, amp_wt2: ndarray, pow_wt2: ndarray, avg_amp_wt2: ndarray, avg_pow_wt2: ndarray, bispxxx: ndarray, bispppp: ndarray, bispxpp: ndarray, bisppxx: ndarray, surrxxx: ndarray, surrppp: ndarray, surrxpp: ndarray, surrpxx: ndarray, opt: Dict, ) -> None: self.opt: Dict = opt # Attach the data to the first signal in the current pair. sig = self.signals.get(name) sig.output_data = BAOutputData( amp_wt1, pow_wt1, avg_amp_wt1, avg_pow_wt1, amp_wt2, pow_wt2, avg_amp_wt2, avg_pow_wt2, sig.times, freq, bispxxx, bispppp, bispxpp, bisppxx, surrxxx, surrppp, surrxpp, surrpxx, opt, {}, {}, ) def on_biphase_completed( self, name: str, freq_x: float, freq_y: float, biamp1: ndarray, biphase1: ndarray, biamp2: ndarray, biphase2: ndarray, biamp3: ndarray, biphase3: ndarray, biamp4: ndarray, biphase4: ndarray, ) -> None: sig = self.signals.get(name) key = f"{freq_x}, {freq_y}" data = sig.output_data data.biamp[key] = [[] for _ in range(4)] data.biphase[key] = [[] for _ in range(4)] data.biamp[key][0] = biamp1 data.biphase[key][0] = biphase1 data.biamp[key][1] = biamp2 data.biphase[key][1] = biphase2 data.biamp[key][2] = biamp3 data.biphase[key][2] = biphase3 data.biamp[key][3] = biamp4 data.biphase[key][3] = biphase4 @override async def coro_get_data_to_save(self) -> Dict: if not self.opt or not self.params: return output_data: List[BAOutputData] = [ s.output_data for s, _ in self.signals.get_pairs() ] cols = len(output_data) first = output_data[0] amp = np.empty((*first.amp_wt1.shape, cols * 2)) avg_amp = np.empty((first.avg_amp_wt1.shape[0], cols * 2)) b111 = np.empty((*first.bispxxx.shape, cols)) b222 = np.empty(b111.shape) b122 = np.empty(b111.shape) b211 = np.empty(b111.shape) freq = first.freq time = first.times preproc = [] # TODO: Save this and other params for index in range(0, len(output_data) * 2, 2): d = output_data[index] amp[:, :, index] = d.amp_wt1[:] avg_amp[:, index] = d.avg_amp_wt1[:] amp[:, :, index + 1] = d.amp_wt2[:] avg_amp[:, index + 1] = d.avg_amp_wt2[:] b111[:, :, index] = d.bispxxx b222[:, :, index] = d.bispppp b122[:, :, index] = d.bispxpp b211[:, :, index] = d.bisppxx ba_data = { "amplitude": amp, "avg_amplitude": avg_amp, "frequency": freq, "time": time, "preprocessed_signals": preproc, "b111": b111, "b222": b222, "b122": b122, "b211": b211, "fr": self.view.get_f0() or 1, "fmin": self.opt["fmin"], "fmax": self.opt["fmax"], "preprocessing": "on" if self.params.preprocess else "off", "sampling_frequency": self.params.fs, } return {"BAData": sanitise(ba_data)} def load_data(self): """ Loads the data from a file, showing a dialog to set the frequency of the signal. """ self.signals = SignalPairs.from_file(self.open_file) if not self.signals.has_frequency(): freq = FrequencyDialog().run_and_get() if freq: self.set_frequency(freq) self.on_data_loaded() else: raise Exception("Frequency was None. Perhaps it was mistyped?") def on_data_loaded(self): self.view.update_signal_listview(self.signals.get_pair_names()) self.plot_signal_pair() def plot_signal_pair(self): self.view.plot_signal_pair(self.get_selected_signal_pair()) def on_signal_selected(self, item: Union[QListWidgetItem, str]): if isinstance(item, QListWidgetItem): name = item.text() else: name = item self.signals.reset() if name != self.selected_signal_name: print(f"Selected '{name}'") self.selected_signal_name = name self.plot_signal_pair() self.view.on_xlim_edited() self.plot_preprocessed_signal() def get_selected_signal_pair(self) -> Tuple[TimeSeries, TimeSeries]: """ Gets the currently selected signal pair as a tuple containing 2 signals. """ return self.signals.get_pair_by_name(self.selected_signal_name) def get_params(self) -> BAParams: """Gets data from the GUI to create the params used by the bispectrum calculation.""" return BAParams( signals=self.signals, preprocess=self.view.get_preprocess(), fmin=self.view.get_fmin(), fmax=self.view.get_fmax(), f0=self.view.get_f0(), nv=self.view.get_nv(), surr_count=self.view.get_surr_count(), alpha=self.view.get_alpha(), opt={}, )
class TFPresenter(BaseTFPresenter): """ The presenter in control of the time-frequency window. """ def __init__(self, view): super(TFPresenter, self).__init__(view) from import TFWindow self.view: TFWindow = view self.is_calculating_all = True def calculate(self, calculate_all: bool): """ Calculates the desired transform(s), and plots the result. """ # If WFT parameters are incorrect, show error. if not self.view.get_fmin( ) and not self.view.is_wavelet_transform_selected(): return self.view.show_wft_error() asyncio.ensure_future(self.coro_calculate(calculate_all)) print("Started calculation...") async def coro_calculate(self, calc_all: bool): """ Coroutine to calculate all results. """ self.is_calculating_all = calc_all self.mp_handler = MPHandler() self.mp_handler.stop() params = self.get_params(all_signals=calc_all) if params.transform == _wft: if self.view.get_fmin() is None: raise Exception("Minimum frequency must be defined for WFT.") self.is_plotted = False self.view.main_plot().clear() self.view.main_plot().set_in_progress(True) self.invalidate_data() log: bool = (params.transform == _wt) self.view.main_plot().set_log_scale(logarithmic=log) self.view.amplitude_plot().set_log_scale(logarithmic=log) self.view.on_calculate_started() all_data = await self.mp_handler.coro_transform( params, self.on_progress_updated) for d in all_data: self.on_transform_completed(*d) def on_transform_completed(self, name, times, freq, values, ampl, powers, avg_ampl, avg_pow): """Called when the calculation of the desired transform(s) is completed.""" self.view.on_calculate_stopped() t = self.signals.get(name) t.output_data = TFOutputData(times, values, ampl, freq, powers, avg_ampl, avg_pow) print(f"Finished calculation for '{name}'.") # Plot result if all signals finished. if self.all_transforms_completed(): self.on_all_transforms_completed() def all_transforms_completed(self): """Returns whether all transforms have been completed.""" return all([s.output_data.is_valid() for s in self.signals_calc]) def on_all_transforms_completed(self): """Called when all transforms have been completed.""" self.plot_output() self.on_all_tasks_completed() def get_values_to_plot(self, amplitude=None) -> tuple: """ Returns the data needed to plotting the transform. :param amplitude: overrides the normal value of whether to plotting amplitude instead of power :return: the times, frequencies, amplitudes/powers, and average amplitudes/powers """ amp: bool = self.plot_ampl if amplitude is not None: amp = amplitude tf_data = self.get_selected_signal().output_data if not tf_data.is_valid(): return None, None, None, None if amp: # Plot amplitudes. values = tf_data.ampl avg_values = tf_data.avg_ampl else: # Plot powers. values = tf_data.powers avg_values = tf_data.avg_pow return tf_data.times, tf_data.freq, values, avg_values def set_plot_type(self, amplitude_selected=True): """ Set the type of plotting to display (power or amplitude). This affects the main plotting and the amplitude plotting. :param amplitude_selected: whether to set the plotting type as amplitude (not power) """ self.plot_ampl = amplitude_selected if self.is_plotted: t, f, values, avg_values = self.get_values_to_plot() self.plot(t, f, values, avg_values) def plot(self, times, freq, values, avg_values): self.view.main_plot().plot(times, values, freq) self.view.amplitude_plot().plot(avg_values, freq) def plot_output(self): """ Plots the output of the WT/WFT calculations for the currently selected signal. """ t, f, values, avg_values = self.get_values_to_plot() if t is not None and f is not None: self.plot(t, f, values, avg_values) self.is_plotted = True else: self.view.main_plot().clear() self.view.amplitude_plot().clear() def get_params(self, all_signals=True) -> TFParams: """ Creates the parameters to use when performing the calculations. """ if all_signals: self.signals_calc = self.signals else: self.signals_calc = self.signals.only(self.selected_signal_name) return create( params_type=TFParams, signals=self.signals_calc, fmin=self.view.get_fmin(), fmax=self.view.get_fmax(), f0=self.view.get_f0(), # Only one of these two will be used, depending on the selected transform. window=self.view.get_wt_wft_type(), wavelet=self.view.get_wt_wft_type(), cut_edges=self.view.get_cut_edges(), preprocess=self.view.get_preprocess(), transform=self.view.get_transform_type(), ) def load_data(self): self.signals = Signals.from_file(self.open_file) if not self.signals.has_frequency(): freq = FrequencyDialog().run_and_get() if freq: self.set_frequency(freq) self.on_data_loaded() def plot_signal(self): """Plots the signal on the SignalPlot.""" self.view.plot_signal(self.get_selected_signal()) def on_data_loaded(self): """Called when the time-series data has been loaded.""" self.view.update_signal_listview(self.signals.names()) self.plot_signal() def on_signal_zoomed(self, rect: Rect) -> None: """ Override callback to also plot the preprocessed version of the x-limited signal instead of the whole signal. :param rect: the rectangle which has been zoomed to """ super().on_signal_zoomed(rect) self.plot_preprocessed_signal() def on_signal_selected(self, item: Union[QListWidgetItem, str]): """ Called when a signal is selected in the QListWidget. Plots the new signal in the top-left plotting and, if transform data is available, plots the transform and amplitude/power in the main plots. """ if isinstance(item, QListWidgetItem): name = item.text() else: name = item self.signals.reset() if name != self.selected_signal_name: print(f"Selected signal: '{name}'") self.selected_signal_name = name self.plot_signal() self.view.on_xlim_edited() self.plot_output() self.plot_preprocessed_signal()