コード例 #1
def _mul(instr, ram, cpu):
    if cpu.mq == 0:
        cpu.mq += 1
        g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[1]], cpu)  # sets AC to 0
        if ram.data[instr[1]] == 0 or ram.data[instr[2]] == 0:
            g._lda_ac(0, cpu)
        if ram.data[instr[1]] == 1:
            g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[2]], cpu)
        if ram.data[instr[2]] == 1:
            g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[1]], cpu)
    cpu.mq += 1
    if (cpu.mq <= ram.data[instr[2]]):
        old = cpu.ac
        g._lda_ac(cpu.ac + ram.data[instr[1]],
                  cpu)  # adds AC and addr2, stores in AC
        if g.LOG_CONSOLE:
            print('MUL called: ', old, ' + ', ram.data[instr[1]], ' = ',
                  cpu.ac, '. (', cpu.mq, '/', ram.data[instr[2]], ' done)')
        _mul(instr, ram, cpu)
        cpu.mq = 0
コード例 #2
def _div(instr, ram, cpu):
    if cpu.mq == 0:
        g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[1]], cpu)  # sends instr[1] value to AC
        if ram.data[instr[1]] == 0 or ram.data[instr[2]] == 0:
        if ram.data[instr[1]] == 1:
            g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[2]], cpu)
        if ram.data[instr[2]] == 1:
            g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[1]], cpu)
    cpu.mq += 1
    if (cpu.ac >= ram.data[instr[2]]):
        old = cpu.ac
        g._lda_ac(cpu.ac - ram.data[instr[2]],
                  cpu)  # reduces AC by addr2, stores in AC
        if g.LOG_CONSOLE:
            print('DIV called: ', old, ' - ', ram.data[instr[2]], ' = ',
                  cpu.ac, '.', cpu.mq)
        _div(instr, ram, cpu)
        cpu.ac = cpu.mq - 1  # final number is times ran - 1
        if g.LOG_CONSOLE: print('DIV result: ', cpu.ac, '.')
        cpu.mq = 0
コード例 #3
def _pow(instr, ram, cpu):
	if g.LOG_CONSOLE: print('POW called.')
	if ram.data[instr[2]] == 0:
		g._lda_ac(1, cpu) # 0 returns 1
	if ram.data[instr[2]] == 1:
		g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[1]], cpu) # 1 returns itself
	if cpu.mq == 0:
		cpu.ac = ram.data[instr[1]] # load instr1 to AC
	cpu.mq += 1
	if cpu.mq <= ram.data[instr[2]]:
		g._sum_ac(cpu.ac, cpu.ac, cpu)
		_pow(instr, ram, cpu)
		cpu.mq = 0
コード例 #4
def _sqr(instr, ram, cpu):
	if g.LOG_CONSOLE: print('SQRT called.')
	if cpu.mq == 0:
		g._stabuf(128, instr[2] + 1, ram) # \base
		g._stabuf(0, instr[2] + 2, ram) # \y
	cpu.mq += 1
	if cpu.mq <= 8:
		g._sumbuf(ram.data[instr[2] + 1], ram.data[instr[2] + 2], instr[2] + 2, ram) # \store to y
		if ((ram.data[instr[2] + 2] * ram.data[instr[2] + 2]) > ram.data[instr[1]]):
			# we could also use _pow() to do this, but it would require some payload
			# conversion that would be annoying to do, as _pow() takes a different set of instr 
			g._stabuf((ram.data[instr[2] + 2] - ram.data[instr[2] + 1]), instr[2] + 2, ram) # \y -= base
		g._stabuf((ram.data[instr[2] + 1] / 2), instr[2] + 1, ram) # same issue as above
		# we could also use _div() but it would take some annoyance to do
		g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[2] + 2], cpu) # store in AC
		_sqr(instr, ram, cpu)
		cpu.mq = 0
コード例 #5
def _arr(instr, ram, cpu):
	if g.LOG_CONSOLE: print('ARRAY called.')
	if cpu.mq == 0: # using cpu.mq because we don't have access to other registers yet (TP2?)
		instr[3] = ram.data[instr[2]] # trying to fix an undefined behavior bug
		g._stabuf(ram.data[instr[2]], (instr[1] + 1), ram) # sets addr[1] as SIZEOF 
		g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[1] + 2], cpu) # set AC to address[n + 2], after __const and SIZEOF
		_chr(instr, ram, cpu) # store __const to start_addr (addr[0])
	cpu.mq += 1
	if ram.data[instr[2]] != instr[3]:
		ram.data[instr[2]] = instr[3] # I have no idea why this is needed tbh
		# but instr[2] keeps reseting itself to 0
	if cpu.mq <= ram.data[instr[2]]:
		g._stabuf(0, cpu.ac, ram) # store 0 into addr[AC]
		g._sum_ac(cpu.ac, 1, cpu) # adds 1 to AC
		_arr(instr, ram, cpu) # calls itself recursively until it fills the array
		cpu.mq = 0
コード例 #6
def _fib(instr, ram, cpu):
	if g.LOG_CONSOLE: print('FIB called.')
	if (ram.data[instr[1]] == 0 or ram.data[instr[1]] == 1):
		g._lda_ac(ram.data[instr[1]], cpu)
	if ram.data[instr[1]] == -1:
		g._lda_ac(1, cpu)
	if ram.data[instr[2]] == 0:
		g._stabuf(2, instr[2], ram) # make sure we start at 2
		g._stabuf(1, instr[2] + 1, ram) # allocate another byte
		g._stabuf(0, instr[2] + 2, ram) # allocate another byte
		# we could use MQ for this but to be honest idk if that would be legitimate
	if ram.data[instr[2]] <= ram.data[instr[1]]: # count until limit
		g._lda_ac((ram.data[instr[2] + 2] + ram.data[instr[2] + 1]), cpu)
		g._stabuf(ram.data[instr[2] + 1], instr[2] + 2, ram)
		g._stabuf(cpu.ac, (instr[2] + 1), ram)
		g._stabuf((ram.data[instr[2]] + 1), instr[2], ram) 
		_fib(instr, ram, cpu)
コード例 #7
def _qrt(instr, ram, cpu):
	g._lda_ac(1597463007, cpu) # magic number constant 0x5F3759DF
	g._lda_ac((cpu.ac - (cpu.ac / 2)), cpu) # what the f**k?
	g._lda_ac((cpu.ac * 1.5 - ((ram.data[instr[1]] * 0.5) * cpu.ac * cpu.ac)))
コード例 #8
def _xor(instr, ram, cpu):
    if g.LOG_CONSOLE:
        print('OR called: checking if ', ram.data[instr[1]],
              ' is not equal to ', ram.data[instr[2]], '.')
    if (ram.data[instr[1]] != ram.data[instr[2]]):
        g._lda_ac(1, cpu)  # stores 1 (true) to AC
コード例 #9
def _and(instr, ram, cpu):
    if g.LOG_CONSOLE:
        print('AND called: checking if ', ram.data[instr[1]], ' is equal to ',
              ram.data[instr[2]], '.')
    if (ram.data[instr[1]] == ram.data[instr[2]]):
        g._lda_ac(1, cpu)  # stores 1 (true) to AC
コード例 #10
def _smr(instr, ram, cpu):
    if g.LOG_CONSOLE:
        print('SMR called: checking if ', ram.data[instr[1]],
              ' is smaller than ', ram.data[instr[2]], '.')
    if (ram.data[instr[1]] < ram.data[instr[2]]): g._lda_ac(1, cpu)
コード例 #11
def _bgr(instr, ram, cpu):
    if g.LOG_CONSOLE:
        print('BGR called: checking if ', ram.data[instr[1]],
              ' is bigger than ', ram.data[instr[2]], '.')
    if (ram.data[instr[1]] > ram.data[instr[2]]): g._lda_ac(1, cpu)
コード例 #12
def _not(instr, ram, cpu):
    if g.LOG_CONSOLE: print('NOT called: reversing ', ram.data[instr[1]], '.')
    g._lda_ac((int(ram.data[instr[1]])), cpu)  # loads to AC
    g._stabuf((-cpu.ac), instr[2], ram)  # stores inverse to dest